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posted on July 1, 2004 07:05:14 PM new
Linda, are there really people here you don't like? Seriously?

posted on July 1, 2004 07:07:28 PM new
I went back and reread everything and I think what you were trying to say was that Kraft had to confer with someone else to compose her reply to me. I'm sorry but I didn't see it that way at all, so I don't know where you get that from.

Hey, what can I say, I don't always get it either.

posted on July 1, 2004 07:14:16 PM new
I can't believe I just found this thread! LMAO!

Great post, twelve...and linda, neroter, bear!

"But what it boils down to, imo, is we still will pick a side that most represents our values, etc. and support them."

Linda, you hit the nail on the head.

"The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work." - Richard Bach
posted on July 1, 2004 07:15:26 PM new
Yes, KD, seriously. And I know I'm not the only one who feels that way.
You can't possibly read the threads her and think everybody loves each other. It's very clear that's not the case.

I enjoying kidding around here myself....reading others kidding around with each other here. Like I judge you and twelve do with one another. I take it as playing around sometimes.

But no, I don't like those who treat me badly for no reason other than that I hold a different political view. The one's who only seem to pop out of the wordwork to insult me. Why would I enjoy that type of treatment? One would need counseling to enjoy that type of treatment from a stranger.

I put up [or sometimes work to ignore those statements] with it because there is enough here that I do enjoy - and people that I do respect.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 1, 2004 07:32:27 PM new
Linda, I know not everyone loves each other, but I really didn't realize there are people here that don't like each other. It's funny, but the ones that I argue with the most are the ones I respect for sticking to their views. Besides, wasn't it you who told Libra she had to be more thick-skinned?

posted on July 1, 2004 07:45:56 PM new
KD [thick-skinned]

Yes, so that every person who posts here doesn't get ran off by the rudeness of some to others when first beginning to post here in the RT.

Read the EO once-in-a-while and you'll hear how many see our RT = meanness/rudeness all around. We're just more used to it....we've been here longer....and we've developed 'tougher skins'.

That doesn't mean, as you suggested, that I like those who turn political discussions into personal insults and that's what I come here for. It's not. I enjoy political debate/discussion...but would prefer it be kept to the issue being discussed rather than get into all the personal slams, namecalling, etc.

But I also realize I only control my own words and actions and that posters here do not care how I'd like to see it done. So... I take what I want and leave the rest.

Your surprise, surprises me.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 1, 2004 08:10:32 PM new
Well, maybe I'm being too blind, but I think you have more people respecting your side of the picture than you think, Linda. The only one you fight with is Helen, so I would think if you really didn't like her, you would have put her on ignore years ago. And if it's not Helen you're referring to, who are you talking about? Who are the ones that wreck this board with their rudeness and meanness?

posted on July 1, 2004 08:40:45 PM new
Speaking of the EO, they actually have a warm fuzzy post your picture thread going on over there. I could never see any of the regular posters here in the RT starting a thread like that in here.

It's kinda interesting though that very few of the regulars here have posted in that thread there with their pics.

I think the reason why most of the RT regs. have not posted there is that because of the conflicts in here, it would or might only add fuel to some of the heated discussions here by posting ones pic.

Seriously though, I have to applaud the regulars in the EO for being so trusting of each other and for being able to get along so well.

posted on July 1, 2004 09:08:37 PM new

Yellowstone, we've had Roll calls here twice in the last few years and most here posted their pictures. Don't you remember my beautiful photos
I've also posted my daughter's photos. Nearthesea considered another photo thread but we decided that there are too few posters here to make it worthwhile.

Is your photo over there?

posted on July 1, 2004 09:24:46 PM new
KD - but I really didn't realize there are people here that don't like each other.

Well...then, I'll have to agree....you must have a *big* blind spot.

As to your other questions....I don't wish to go there. I've been pretty clear on how I feel and why already.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 1, 2004 09:26:59 PM new
Yellow - some of us, like Cheryl, Krafty, Kiara, Nero, Libra and myself are regular posters there. Twelve used to be but I have not seen much of his ascerbic wit in there lately. Twelve and I used to have a grand ole time joking about how much we agreed with each others business philosophies in EO while we would disagree with each other on everything else over here. Prof, EAG and I often find ourselves teaming up together to spread the word of true salvation by means of the Mac when other bemoan still another attack of the 14 year old hackers. While Prof and I frequently agree on RT topics, I don't think either of us has ever found that we have much in common with EAG here. And while Libra and I have had more than our share of disagreements in these forums, they all fall by the wayside in EO,

If you read EO it's kind of funny how many that think we are all cruel and vicious people in the Round Table are oblivious to just how many us interact in a friendly and generous with them and each other when we walk away from political topics. The funniest thing though is that as much as they accuse us of blood thirsty interactions, two of the most acidic threads I have seen were political threads in EO among their regulars that amusingly, most of the RT regs stayed out of.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Jul 1, 2004 09:30 PM ]
posted on July 1, 2004 09:32:53 PM new
LOL, that's funny cheryl, especially after seeing some of the threads the left has started here lately...

posted on July 1, 2004 09:44:04 PM new
we decided that there are too few posters here to make it worthwhile.

How many makes a worthwhile thread??

Is your photo over there?

I thought about getting this question before my previous posting and this may seem like a lame answer or excuse but it's all I got. I can't and won't post my pic because of my viewpoints in a previous thread on immigration issues. In that discussion I let it slip what city I live in and at that time I used to include my email addy when you click on my name. Because of my views I got several threatening hate emails from people that said that they were from the city where I live. In 2 of the emails they said that they wanted to find me and permenently shut me up. I don't know how serious they were but why take any chances.

I'm not normally the sort of person that has to fear anyone and if pushed to it I will fight to defend myself with my fists, knives, guns or what-have-you. I tried talking to these people through emails and even offered to meet in person with them but they turned out to be nothing but cowards. So therefore I have to conclude that if they were serious in their threats then they would probably come at me when I'm not looking. I'm not paranoid either, just cautious.

There are several people here that I would like to see their pic and I wouldn't mind if they saw mine but sorry I just can't post my pic here.

Ed to add; You have to understand that where I live it's a small city and by posting a pic of myself it would be easy to find me, furthermore, there are lots more lurkers here than posters and the threats I recieved were undoubtedly from some of these lurkers.
[ edited by yellowstone on Jul 1, 2004 10:05 PM ]
posted on July 1, 2004 10:04:37 PM new

Yellowstone, I understand that and I think its a wise decision for everyone.

Fenix, that's so true. Sometimes I take a break and go to Ebay Outlook to relax. But I've noticed that even there, some threads can become very heated.
I visit several boards and find that it takes a good mix of personalities to create an interesting chat board. If everybody is exceedingly gracious and topics are limited to fluff and weather, extreme boredom sets in and interest drops below zero. Just recently, a board's owner stepped aside and let a possee of heavy handed moderators run the board. They banned troublesome posters, removed controversial topics,cleaned up language, and now, it's dead as a doornail.

posted on July 1, 2004 10:13:44 PM new
ok, kraft I came back for a moment. Your post got me thinking.

Should we focus on why or what we like about each other? Alright then. I'll post out a few for good measure:

I like to read you because you are very amicable, even when someone hurls insults at you, or you do the same to them, you remain pretty friendly. I often wonder if you're totally oblivious to it, or you're just that easy-going?

I like to read Linda, because she believes in something rather than nothing and she pretty well does back it up and even if and when she cant, or chooses not to. I admire that she does what she damn well pleases whether anybody likes it or not. She is VERY thicked skinned imo, to stick round here from what I've seen.

I like to read bunni because she's smart and well read. The whole librarian thing going on there. I also like she doesnt get so fully emotionally vested (from what I've seen)in what's posted here.

I will even say I like to read Helen most times as she also seems well read and can be stunningly accurately on point to 'her' side. But I wont understand her loathing, despising, etc, etc.

I like to read fenix because she is eclectic in so many areas and not afraid to even laugh at herself occassionaly.

I like to read redmond because whether is bs'ing us or not, he sure sounds like he's got the legalize down and I find it interesting commentary. (Ditto on park and bear sans the legal part.)

I like logansdad because he sounds like a kind and thinking man. And I could be wrong, but I dont think he is the sterotypical gay guy straights only see in movies or bizarre antics.

Id even say I like to read twelve because he is fearless in what he believes and even who he offends for it.

Well, I could go on, and I know I am leaving out some very important posters but anybody not mentioned above, could hitch a ride in a paragraph with any of the other posters mentioned.

And I forgot to say I like to read me, because I am a pretty decent person (so is NTS, btw, imo - who I did not mention cause we already did they why we like you thing Besides, I can write and when I win my oscar - hahaha - I will thank each and every one of you - lol -just like in this speech here!! lol...

ps: Linda you said maybe its a full moon? I think its the dern scientist's probing and messing around with saturn these days. Certainly has me chattier than usual.
(But then again, it was June 6th that Regan died and I have always had marker's as to when the winds change.)

Yellowstone, feel free to check my spelling and grammer. I dont usually care much about those things long as the thoughts are understood.

i guess thats alls i gots to say about that.

posted on July 1, 2004 10:24:29 PM new
Oh my, Nero, I am so glad you took it upon yourself to clear that up for me. Lets see now, hmmmmmm spelling and grammer, ok I think I got it, do carry on, ok.

[ edited by yellowstone on Jul 1, 2004 10:25 PM ]
posted on July 1, 2004 10:41:46 PM new
Hey yellow, dont dismay! at least you got an honorable mention.
and I forgot to mention theprof, whose name pretty well sez it. (can whip out history facts almost better than anybody here.)

posted on July 2, 2004 06:00:33 AM new
ahem...neroter, yellowstone..it's grammar
Belief? What do I believe in? I believe in sun. In rock. In the dogma of the sun and the doctrine of the rock. I believe in blood, fire, woman, rivers, eagles, storms, drums, flutes, banjos, and broom-tailed horses....
Edward Abbey
posted on July 2, 2004 07:12:15 AM new
lol professor!! Quick post, monumental points! (did I forget to mention I think yer pretty cute too?-In words, anyway?!)

My checker yellowstone missed it!? Cant believe it! See, cant depend on anybody here to do their job right! I should have run a spell check but was just too uncaring~gasp~..one can never let the slack jaw down...

(But tell me, why is it entirely acceptable to stand corrected by a professor, verses someone who only professes to be a professor?)

posted on July 2, 2004 07:48:07 AM new
Professing to be a professional professor would probably put one in a precarious predicament, when found to be a phony.
Belief? What do I believe in? I believe in sun. In rock. In the dogma of the sun and the doctrine of the rock. I believe in blood, fire, woman, rivers, eagles, storms, drums, flutes, banjos, and broom-tailed horses....
Edward Abbey
posted on July 2, 2004 11:17:55 AM new
Nero! That was a really nice post you made about us and I agree with most of what you wrote. Because we all tend to look like we're always really angry at each other, it's nice to see someone take the time to write some positive things.

And I know you think I'm a Helen groupie, so I'll tell you something - more than anyone here, she has helped me through some very difficult times with her humour and bluntness. She has always stuck to her guns the same way Linda does, so I have the utmost respect for both of them.

I even respect Twelve, even though I disagree with everything he stands for. I missed him when he was in detox, and would hate to see him ever leave. I guess I just have a thing for mental guys.

Nero, personally, I think it's OK if we all disagree. It's kind of like Gestalt therapy.

posted on July 2, 2004 11:50:28 AM new

[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 2, 2004 04:46 PM ]
posted on July 2, 2004 12:37:17 PM new
Neroter12: I like logansdad because he sounds like a kind and thinking man. And I could be wrong, but I dont think he is the sterotypical gay guy straights only see in movies or bizarre antics

Thanks for the compliment. I don't consider myself the typical gay man. I am your regular jean and t-shirt kind of guy and I don't like Barbara Streisand.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 2, 2004 01:09:09 PM new
I'm getting all misty over here
Belief? What do I believe in? I believe in sun. In rock. In the dogma of the sun and the doctrine of the rock. I believe in blood, fire, woman, rivers, eagles, storms, drums, flutes, banjos, and broom-tailed horses....
Edward Abbey
posted on July 2, 2004 01:25:03 PM new

Such misty feelings vanish like wildfire. Just wait a few minutes.

posted on July 2, 2004 08:12:49 PM new
Such misty feelings vanish like wildfire. Just wait a few minutes.

Checking the time stamp it's been a few hours.

I've been out of town and missed this one but want to comment anyhow because this is all too funny. Especially when I read the whine about being treated badly and about "respect".

I love America but I don't agree with the war in Iraq and I do not like Bush and I’m not afraid to say it. Even though a good part of the world feels as I do and says those same words, here I have been called anti-American, a "leftie" and a socialist and it's been insinuated that I am a commie as well as many other allegations.

Who would want respect so bad from those people (the same ones so ready to hurl the insults and accusations) that they would have to hide undercover and suppress their real beliefs? I would never do that in real life and especially not on a message board where I am fairly anonymous. I’d rather be honest and say what I believe than play silly little games just so a few could so call "like" or "respect" me.


posted on July 3, 2004 05:34:18 PM new

perr..perr...perfect plaaay on words!!

(Man, I must be reading the comics too much lately!! Bizarro did a cute one about when cats take over the world. When asked by the chairman to continue business or take a nap, they all voted for a nap! )

posted on July 3, 2004 05:52:55 PM new
Checking the time stamp it's been a few hours

Amazing, Isn't it?


posted on July 4, 2004 06:22:07 AM new
It is funny how those on the left refuse to admit the insults they hurl and names they call as in response to many questions...

Is it because deep down they know that they are wrong?

posted on July 4, 2004 06:26:07 AM new
Is it because deep down they know that they are wrong?

What is sad tweleve is the fact that you cant accept anyone that has different beliefs than you and you know deep down in side you are wrong.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
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