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posted on July 2, 2004 03:36:53 PM new
"...blacks skin color does not afford them this ease of acceptance."

My Doctor is an Iranian. My mother sees a Doctor from India. I know dozens of college professors who are obviously from Asia or the Middle East. They aren't passing for white, and they sure aren't born Americans. They're all QUITE successful.

The Indian Doctor I mentioned is darker skinned than most people who do qualify as "Black".

I knew some Koreans who couldn't speak a word of English who set up at our local flea market and eventually made enough money to "import" the rest of their families and now their children are in college.

Skin color certainly DOES make a difference in the way people are treated. This is bad, of course. But it's never rally going to go away entirely, at least not for many generations to come. But education and attitude are more important and can have an effort right NOW.

"Survival of the Fittest [...] They have turned their anger and frustration into something unproductive and destructive."

Could be. If that's the case, then they have chosen the evolutionary route of extinction. Maybe Cosby sees that and wants to change it before it's too late.

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on July 2, 2004 03:38:40 PM new
the immigrants who come to this country are not uneducated poor people,many are educated and bring $$ to start a business,a new life.
Unfortunately,they hold jobs way below their credential,i have seen foreign doctors driving cabs,engineers with master degree at home and here as doorman.
Many use their savings to start a business and fail.
Blacks dont have to assimilate with white,they are born here with no language problem,they just dont have good models/mentors.
But i see more and more black holding good jobs ,owning homes and sending their kids to good schools.
Immigrants seldom assimilate into this great society,but their kids do.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on July 2, 2004 04:24:12 PM new
:: it is just natural next in line with their career is be a good pimp,when the girls dont have the money to buy drug,they have to offer their lily white ass.::

Stop - what the hell are you talking about? First - the movie you were speaking of was Traffic, however when I was speaking about the Sneaker Pimps - every girl I have seen with the ones around here only have a "lilly whiite ass" when they are ashy. In other words - they are turning out the girls in their own neighborhoods.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on July 2, 2004 04:52:23 PM new
Well.....has anyone educated themselves yet?


Afraid to know????

posted on July 2, 2004 04:56:23 PM new
A small, unscientific poll on the Chicago Tribune shows that 97% who answered, agreed that what Cosby had said was needed.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 2, 2004 04:58:30 PM new
I wasn't arguing with anything he said. Just addressing the pompous asps who live in their little WASP coccoon and just KNOW how everyone else should behave.

posted on July 2, 2004 05:01:14 PM new
I didn't mean to sound like I was making excuses for the Blacks of today..or painting blame on the Whites for the Black man struggles...not in this day and age..

As I previously stated.. I do believe that this generation of Black men are on a road of self destruction.. which indeed will lead to the evolutionary route of extinction..as you said.

I have lived in several different countries, one of which was Nigeria, Africa.
Blacks in Africa are no strangers to the class/caste system. Unlike the Blacks of America, they don't have the opportunities or social welfare systems afforded to them. The difference is.. the African Blacks are constantly working, begging, borrowing and stealing, to better themselves and to secure the best education possible for their youth..against much harsher conditions and greater obstacles than America's Blacks could ever imagine.

I can understand Mr.Cosby's frustration, as a highly educated and compassionate man, seeing his Race throwing away the opportunities offered to them.... A Giant Step Backward.. and a slap in the face of those who went before them and struggled and fought for these very rights.. I do not know what the solution is.. how do you put the light of hope and dreams back when the flame has gone out.. Maggie

posted on July 2, 2004 05:14:14 PM new
Well said Maggie!


posted on July 2, 2004 05:17:12 PM new
the scoundrels always start with their own kind,whether pimps or blackmail.
go to chinatown and the restauranteurs wil tell you how much PROTECTION money are they paying to the local gang(s).
Black men pimp their own kind,same with other races,white men pimp white women,asian men pimp asian women,local supply is easier to come by and abundant.
Yes,it is called 'traffic',douglas 's daughter was being fucked by her black dealer.remember??
Then she was turning trick in a motel room when her father busted in,that was a white john.
in both cases,she was offering her lily white ass for drug money.
Another movie-requiem for a dream,in the end the girlfriend went to see a black dealer who only deal with women and what happens??see the movie,i was shocked ,may be i have not seen enough of the underbellies of life.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on July 2, 2004 05:24:00 PM new
the medical profession is one of the most racist profession in the western world.
I know a guy who works as an employment agent trying to place medical professionals and he has heard so much racist remarks you dont hear when you walk into a doctor's office.
I dont want to work with so and so (so and so is latin) or i dont want to ever see so and so in the office or i will quit(so and so is a foreigner)
My gastro doctor is a fine Indian,when i went to see him for the first time,he is more interested in why a white cardiologist would recommened him to me.or keep his name in his office,i can tell from the expression on his face the past discrimination he has received from his peers.
I have 2 brothers who are trained as doctors,believe me ,discrimination is there,plumbers have unions,detroit workers have UAW,the doctors have their ways.
my family doctor is mexican,my dentist is vietnamese,they both offer quality service.
thanks for letting me whine.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on July 2, 2004 06:23:14 PM new
crowfarm, you sound muffled. Do you have a head cold? Or is it, your head is up your ass even farther than normal? Pompous? Go look in the mirror, sucka.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on July 2, 2004 07:42:42 PM new
By Parklane.... ""posted on July 2, 2004 06:23:14 PM
crowfarm, you sound muffled. Do you have a head cold? Or is it, your head is up your ass even farther than normal? Pompous? Go look in the mirror, sucka.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak."""

Don't ya just love that "sucka" thing...isn't that cute? Does that mean he's a tough guy...a gang member, ooooohh scary guy!
Or maybe just a frustrated neocon who's so enraged by logic he just can't think straight.

Another charming post by a conservative intellect.

[ edited by crowfarm on Jul 2, 2004 08:03 PM ]
[ edited by crowfarm on Jul 2, 2004 08:33 PM ]
posted on July 2, 2004 08:01:26 PM new
Here's a thought to ponder. Have you ever noticed that blacks tend to discriminate among themselves over the darkness of ther skin. A light complected black is not thought to be a "real" black person.

"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 2, 2004 08:25:53 PM new
From Crowfarm's Link...Black History Month

What an impressive representation of Black Americans who have distinguished themselves in this country!

I think that it is wrong of this actor and comedian, Bill Cosby, to suddenly decide that black people in particular are failing to achieve due to some inherent lack of interest or poor parenting. That's not fair. Poverty and unemployment, poor schools and teachers in some areas of the country are not the fault of blacks but of our society. Trying to shift blame and call it a black problem is unbelievably insensitive and wrong.

The message that Bill Cosby is sending is appealing to people in this country who want to do nothing to help those less fortunate blacks and others who suffer from poverty in this country.


[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 2, 2004 08:27 PM ]
posted on July 2, 2004 08:29:03 PM new
Crow - What is it about the childhood of Hank Aaron that you think is going to teach me about current issues in black america?
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on July 2, 2004 08:31:59 PM new
Helen, somehow I just knew YOU would actually go to the link to learn something. Some people are so terrified that they may learn something that will not agree with their life long beleifs and would rather just keep mouthing the same old crap because it's just easier than learning. It is a good site and I'm going back.

I think Cosby wanted to shake people up by saying things they maybe haven't heard before...stirring the pot to get results.

A lot of his points are legitimate but can be applied to ALL races.
[ edited by crowfarm on Jul 2, 2004 08:34 PM ]
posted on July 2, 2004 08:36:35 PM new
See the post between yours and mine...see what I mean?

posted on July 2, 2004 08:57:02 PM new
Crow - I asked you the question and Hellen has nothing to do with it. I deal with black america nearly every day. I know the kids, I know the adults, I get involved in all of the debates, listen to the attitudes and the opinions being put forth. The childhood of people 50 and above has nothing to do with the current issues being dealt with by the youth in black communities today. Sorry - if the biography channel website is what you call being in touch with black america then you are just as out of touch with the communitiy as any of the people you have been pointing fingers at.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on July 2, 2004 09:08:47 PM new
fenix, you missed the point.
My aim in encouraging people to view that website was to show them that the subject of this post does not include ALL blacks. The way they were approaching it (from a cocooned WASP point of no view) was that ALL blacks had these problems....and no other race did.
So many of these posters got up on their high horse and started pontificating as if they actually understood the situation. I never did that...I posted only what I know and never tried to "preach" to blacks what they should do.
My basic point is that unless you're black you can't possibly understand the complete situation and maybe should keep your opinions to yourself..

Now, you can be snotty and make dumb remarks about Hank Aaron but that's hardly constructive is it?

posted on July 2, 2004 09:16:49 PM new
Nothing you have posted in this thread has been constructive crowfarm...

Helen you don't have a clue do you... considering where you live... pretty easy to understand why you think that way... try going down to 14th street in DC...

posted on July 2, 2004 09:21:18 PM new
Oh Helen, Neanderthal #3 rears it's head.....don't let him grab you by the hair and drag you into his cave!!!!!!

Ok, now twelvesy, please say something constructive...I'll give you a week to try and think up something besides insults since that's a YOUR constructive posts consist of!

Then I want you to grunt twice and go back to the cave.
Thank you

posted on July 2, 2004 09:38:21 PM new
OK - first of all - reading your posts for the past week or so, I think you are the last person that should be pointing fingers at someone else about being snotty. I find it very doubtful that anyone would use the term "constructive" when describing your style so lets not go down that road.

You have in three separate posts told people that if they really want to know what is going on they need to go to this site. I went, thinking that it was something that had some type of social or economical relevance to black america today and instead I found the biographies of famous blacks. None of whom have anything to do with the problems in black america today. If those were the people that were being looked to then maybe there would be fewer problems but unfortunately the thug lifestyle has become the one to emulate and people being looked up to are guys like Suge Knight and 50cent. Hell even Puffy is considered passe and a sell out now, why? Because he took his life from street level and started moving into more legit society.

Puffy, to some extent Shaq and others like them are another of example of a huge problem in the black community. They go out of their way to bring down people who try to rise up and out. No group of people was as negative and critical of Sean Combs producing Raisin in the Sun on Broadway than the black community. It was a joke to most people. Here he is bringing a classic black play with an all black cast back to the forefront and the street word was that he had lost his mind. Not only do large parts of the black community not want be part of the general society, they will do their damnedest to tear down or flat out shun anyone among them that does.

A couple weeks ago we had a great debate at the shop about reparations. Two 20 somethings, that knew nothing about the concept other than someone thought the government should be giving them money and a couple 40 and 50 somethings telling them basically to shut up and get their asses to work. They were not slaves, their parents were not slaves and that only thing the world owed them was enough oxygen to breath throughout the day as they worked to make their own life as each of the generations before them had managed to do.

(I'm telling you - the movie Barber Shop has NOTHING on the reality of an actual black salon - talk about interesting, informative and all the while funny as hell - that is the place be)

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Jul 2, 2004 09:41 PM ]
posted on July 2, 2004 09:47:25 PM new
fenix says, "You have in three separate posts told people that if they really want to know what is going on they need to go to this site. I went, thinking that it was something that had some type of social or economical relevance to black america today and instead I found the biographies of famous blacks. None of whom have anything to do with the problems in black america today. If those were the people that were being looked to then maybe there would be fewer problems but unfortunately the thug lifestyle has become the one to emulate and people being looked up to are guys like Suge Knight and 50cent. Hell even Puffy is considered passe and a sell out now, why? Because he took his life from street level and started moving into more legit society. "

EDUCATION IS GOOD, FENIX. Maybe,just maybe if black kids even KNEW about the GOOD, successful, black people on that website it might spark an interest.
But, no, don't show them anything positive especially from OLD (useless) people. Don't teach them to respect what their predecessors did for themselves. Or teach them HOW they did it...just keep them in the dark so you can keep them down and under control

posted on July 2, 2004 09:54:15 PM new
Education? When was the last time you even spoke to a black person crowfarm? Worked along side a black person? Ate a meal?

Considering you your penchant for lying... never mind...

posted on July 2, 2004 10:02:24 PM new
You can pplay the sarcasm card all you want here Crow but there seems to be a problem with your logic.

One minute you are are telling the people on these boards (whom you have labeled as WASPS) that they have no idea what is really going on and that they need to go to your site of choice for an education .

Then when I call you on the fact that the site has nothing to do with current attitudes in black america, which coincidentally is the topic of this thread, you take the off ramp to god only knows where and state that saying that these biographies have nothing to do with the topic at hand is the equivalent of denying black youth an education about their history.

You want to play sarcastic and condscending. I think there are more than a couple that will attest that I can play that game too.

How much of the black america that you are implying you are so in tune with are you dealing with on a regular basis? I have seen absolutely nothing in your posting that actually deals with the day to day issues at hand.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Jul 2, 2004 11:08 PM ]
posted on July 3, 2004 03:09:28 AM new
Well said, fenix.

And, for the record, I don't have many 'black' friends. I know many Mexicans, Chinese, Sikhs, and Viet Namese. None of them like 'blacks' and their 'attitude'. I'm just the messenger, don't blame me. I am acquainted with several that I am jealous of, because of their talent.

You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
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