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posted on July 6, 2004 09:45:28 PM new
Name 5 past VP's you think were more competent than Cheney to take over the presidency. Crazy Gore? LBJ? Ford? Only Truman comes to mind (for ending WWII), but he left us militarily unprepared for Korea which cost us dearly. If something happened to Bush, there's no doubt Cheney would be ready to kick some @ss.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on July 6, 2004 09:57:43 PM new
EAG- wow, you sure answered my question. you obviously can't name 5 things that makes Cheney the best VP ever. you can't back up your claims other than give some lame response. typical answer from a typical Republican. I really hoped you would give some legitimate answer, but as usual for a Republican, no answer is your answer.

posted on July 6, 2004 10:06:17 PM new
I'll make this easy on you EAG. Name 3 things that make Cheney the best VP ever. Just 3. I know you can find 3 things. This is just your opinion, so there are really no wrong answers. When you're done answering what those 3 things are, I'll be happy to educate you about 5 Vice Presidents and their accomplishments that would easily exceed Cheney's accomplishments. The best part is that there just might be a Republican VP in my list.
[ edited by rustygumbo on Jul 6, 2004 10:06 PM ]
posted on July 6, 2004 10:09:20 PM new
Hey Democrats aren't you all having fun now watching Bear 1949, Twelvepole, ebayauctionguy, and linda_K all besides themselves. They have all lost it. Every one of them know they are on the losing side. They try so hard to muddy the water but fail because there leaders have failed them and they really don't have a leg to stand. They have no issues to stand on and defend because their leaders have failed on all their issues. So for the next few months we can all have fun watching all the frantic copy and paste from linda and bear plus the added attraction of bear's sexual remarks. Ebayauctionguy is just a light weight with his little flag. Twelvetoes is just plain nasty on every board he post on, another lightweight. Keep up the good work Democrats these republicans need a attitude change.

By the way while these republicans were trying to defend Bush and Cheney the last 2 days 7 more American Soldiers lost their lives in Iraq.

posted on July 6, 2004 10:32:30 PM new
Every one of them know they are on the losing side.

LOL bigpeepa - I don't think so.

What the Republican party has to offer the citizens of this country is what will get Bush/Cheney re-elected - a backbone. Something the dems lack.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 6, 2004 10:42:27 PM new
A backbone??? Wow, I find it funny that someone would claim the current administration has a backbone. A bunch of cowards if you ask me. Bush went in hiding during the latter part of his military service, Cheney went in hiding after being attacked on 9/11(ironically the VP hides in the desert). Cheney hid during his younger years from serving in the military. This administration is always in hiding. They hide everything. When they can't hide it, they become babbling bafoons when they attempt to give explanation. I didn't realize that hiding also meant they have a backbone. Interesting description, I must say.
[ edited by rustygumbo on Jul 6, 2004 10:43 PM ]
posted on July 6, 2004 10:56:58 PM new
Peepa, keep trying yours are the tears of a clown.

"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 6, 2004 11:42:52 PM new
I'd love to see a debate between Cheney and Edwards....
Edwards would "slice and dice" him.

And all Cheney would be able to say is, "Go F#@* yourself".

posted on July 6, 2004 11:45:48 PM new

Grover Norquist's Statement on John Edwards

In six years, John Edwards amassed one of the most anti-taxpayer records in Congress.

Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) president Grover Norquist calls choice "a power transfer among Democrats from the labor unions to the trial lawyers."

WASHINGTON – Today, taxpayer advocate Grover Norquist, who heads Americans for Tax Reform in Washington , DC , issued the following statement on Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's choice of Sen. John Edwards as his running mate:

"One week ago, the United States transferred power to a sovereign government in Iraq . By choosing John Edwards over Dick Gephardt, the Democrats today transferred power in their party from the labor unions to the trial lawyers.

"John Edwards brings no experience, which is especially crucial in the midst of the War on Terror. He brings no regional balance to the ticket, as he would not have been reelected in his home state of North Carolina . He brings no ideological balance to the ticket, as he is every bit as liberal as Kerry. What he brings is truckloads of trial lawyer cash. "And trivial lawsuits cost the nation hundreds of billions each year.

With this choice, John Kerry has declared war on America's manufacturing base, small businesses, and every doctor, nurse and hospital in America .

"Like Kerry, Edwards has a nasty record of voting against taxpayers.

In six short years he has amassed an anti-taxpayer record rivaling both Kerry and the other Massachusetts senator, Kennedy.

Edwards voted against the 2001 and 2003 tax relief plans, voted 12 times against repealing the marriage penalty, 8 times against repealing the Death Tax, against the per-child tax credit, against suspending the gasoline tax, and is an ardent protectionist.

In the last six years, if a policy was good for taxpayers, Edwards was on the wrong side every time."

oh yea...I can't wait to have my taxes go up.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 7, 2004 12:00:13 AM new
Birds of a feather: Kerry & Edwards;

John Kerry and John Edwards AWOL Senate Record Examined
*NoJohnKerry Exclusive*
The Boston Herald reported on March 1, 2004:

Presidential hopeful John F. Kerry has been a virtual no-show in the U.S. Senate over the past 14 months, but he hasn't missed a paycheck, even though a dusty federal law says some of his $158,000 salary should have been withheld.

During his run for the presidency, Kerry has missed every one of the 22 roll call votes in the Senate this year and was absent for 292, or 64 percent of the roll call votes last year, according to a Herald review of Senate records.

That means the Massachusetts senator has been away from his post in the Senate chamber for at least 128 days over the past 14 months.

Kerry is not the only political truant. U.S. Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.), the runner-up behind Kerry in the hunt for the Democratic nomination, has also missed every roll call this year and skipped 178, or 39 percent of the votes last year.

Kerry, when the assets of his wife are included, is one of the wealthiest members of the Senate with a reported net worth somewhere between $198 million and $838 million. However, he and the other AWOL candidates have been spared the automatic paycuts called for in a long-ignored federal law passed in the 1850s.
Boston Herald - "Kerry not on roll with voting" March 1, 2001

NoJohnKerry has conducted an investigation. As of March 12 (the last date the Senate Vote Record was updated as of the time this report was filed) - John Kerry remains AWOL from his Senate Duties. John Edwards, despite his defeat in his presidential bid, also remains AWOL.

Kerry has voted on 11 of 59 Roll Call votes - 18.6%
Edwards has voted on 12 of 59 Roll Call votes - 20%

John Kerry, as one of two Senators representing 6.4 million Massachusetts residents and John Edwards, as one of two senators representing 8.1 million North Carolina residents did not feel compelled to do their elected duty and represent their constituents, resign and allow a replacement to serve as the voice for their 14 million combined constituents, or forgo their salary despite their status. The following issues were not worthy of their attention, despite cashing their pay checks to address them:

* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on Judge Confirmation all 3 times it has come before the senate this session.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on the Final Budget Appropriations - FY2005 resolution.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to increase health funding.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to lower oil prices and fund Homeland Security.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on Bill to increase Indian Health Funding.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to reduce the President's tax breaks for taxpayers with incomes in excess of $1 million a year.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to ensure legislation is not enacted to increase number of tax payers affected by the alternative minimum tax.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to provide adequate resources on education, homeland security, and other priorities.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to provide health security for working Americans and cut health care costs.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to increase medical research funding.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to require environmental cleanup by reinstating superfund.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill for tax breaks and to increase law enforcement grants.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to express regards to Spain over the recent terrorist attacks.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to discourage shipping of jobs overseas.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill fully fund NCLB.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to increase Veterans Medical Care.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to protect the rights of law enforcement officers - twice.
* Kerry and Edwards Did Not Vote on a bill to provide cloture of Healthy Mothers and Babies Act

Kerry and Edwards were only Senators to not cast a vote on two different occasions.


"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
[ edited by Bear1949 on Jul 7, 2004 12:03 AM ]
posted on July 7, 2004 12:09:14 AM new
taken from the WSJ - 7-6

The choice of Edwards also shows the phoniness of the Democratic attacks on President Bush for serving in the Air National Guard and on Dick Cheney for not serving in the military.

Unlike Kerry, who by the way served in Vietnam , Edwards, who by the way is the son of a millworker, has no military experience.

The New York Times notes that in January debate Kerry made fun of Edwards's lack of military experience: "When I came back from Vietnam in 1969, I don't know if John Edwards was out of diapers then."

As we noted in May, Kerry's wife went so far as to call Cheney "unpatriotic." Will she level the same charge against Edwards?

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 7, 2004 12:17:01 AM new
Edwards was a full time student when the Vietnam War ended so he wasn't called up.

HE didn't spend the time hiding in a bottle like george bush.

posted on July 7, 2004 04:44:01 AM new
[I]Edwards would "slice and dice" him. [/]

Crow, as it stands now that is an unrealistic statement.

Edwards is smart - no doubt about it. And he is afterall a lawyer so he can mince words. But he's had no experince, zip, zero, none - in foreign policy. He better not get too buoyed by his own confidence or that of the press and think he doesnt need to spent some hard time with his nose in some foreign policy if he does have to go up against Cheney in debate.

Dont forget we're in a mess with the middle east and its not going away. People are worried about that in this country.

posted on July 7, 2004 05:44:38 AM new
Edwards is a better choice over Gephardt,Gephardt is shopworn.
Rice would not be a good choice ,her role in this Iraq issue is too controversial.
Bush needs to playdown this Iraq issue,how i dont know,but putting Rice on the ticket is not going to help.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
[ edited by stopwhining on Jul 7, 2004 05:45 AM ]
posted on July 7, 2004 06:24:37 AM new
Unlike Kerry, who by the way served in Vietnam , Edwards, who by the way is the son of a millworker, has no military experience

Now the right wants to bring up military service. I proposed a question several months back on whether or not the president should have a military background. For the most part the right side no. It is ironic now the right is picking on Edwards.

One more flip flop by the right.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 7, 2004 06:54:01 AM new
neroter says, "Dont forget we're in a mess with the middle east and its not going away. People are worried about that in this country. "

Well, I think more people are worried about the mess in this country and prefer to have someone in office who KNOWS about it.

Edwards can handle foreign policy just fine .... anybody can do it better than BUSH!

Everyone agrees that Edwards is smart....ok, that just made him better than Bush a thousand times over.

posted on July 7, 2004 07:46:21 AM new
I am curious peepa... you run out of depends or just wasting time waiting for your new teeth?

Nasty on everyboard? LOL you are quite the paranoid... but then youse people are everywhere...

Will be interesting debates, when they occur, I think Edwards is too young of a choice for Kerry and it will backfire on him.

posted on July 7, 2004 07:52:55 AM new
The bottom of the barrel is familiar territory for Bear and the neocons.

Only when we come to visit you and yours helen...

otwa... moron board... great meeting of the internet morons...

posted on July 7, 2004 08:42:08 AM new

Twelvepole, I just visit there occasionally to avoid pissing contests such as you and your friends prefer. My reply to your comment could curl your toes but then I would just be joining another pissing contest, right?

The truth is that there are some very intelligent posters there just as there are very intelligent people here. Only problem here is that the piddle is too widespread right now.


posted on July 7, 2004 08:55:25 AM new
Edwards is smart - no doubt about it.And he is afterall a lawyer so he can mince words. But he's had no experince, zip, zero, none - in foreign policy.

And Bush's foreign policy experience was ?

He better not get too buoyed by his own confidence or that of the press and think he doesnt need to spent some hard time with his nose in some foreign policy if he does have to go up against Cheney in debate.

And Cheney's foreign policy experience was ?

Bush and Cheney have been foreign policy disasters.

So what issue will Bush and Cheney run on or run from this election ?

[ edited by Reamond on Jul 7, 2004 11:45 AM ]
posted on July 7, 2004 10:35:19 AM new
Edwards was a full time student when the Vietnam War ended so he wasn't called up

Which mean he had a deferment like VP Cheney.

But you don't have to feel sorry for the poor little rich boy.


Edwards' wealth makes him one of the privileged
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON -- John Edwards rose to political prominence criticizing President Bush for creating "two Americas," one for the privileged and one for everyone else. A look at his finances shows he's one of the privileged.

Edwards, tapped today by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., to be his vice presidential running mate, is a multimillionaire former trial lawyer with wide-ranging investments in mutual funds, stocks of major American corporations and bonds of North Carolina educational and governmental organizations.

The North Carolina senator's financial disclosure statement shows that he made more than 200 trades of stocks, bonds and mutual funds last year, while he was challenging Kerry and other Democrats for the party's presidential nomination.

For instance, Edwards made more than $50,000 in profit on sales of IBM stock last year. He reported capital gains of $15,000 to $50,000 each on sales of stock in 3M Co., Caterpillar, Cisco Systems, Clear Channel Communications, and Merck & Co.

Edwards' financial holdings were in a blind trust until he decided to run for president and had to dissolve the trust because of executive branch disclosure rules, said Michael Briggs, his Senate press secretary. Briggs said Edwards has given his investment adviser, the same one who handled the blind trust, the authority to make all his investment decisions.

Edwards sold his Washington, D.C., home last year for $3 million, $800,000 more than he paid for it in 1999. Before the sale, to the government of Hungary, Edwards entertained an offer of $3.52 million from a public relations specialist hired by Saudi Arabia to influence Congress and the public after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Edwards, who at the time was a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee that was investigating Saudi and U.S. terrorism lapses, said he learned months after the offer was made, but before the deal fell apart, that registered foreign agent Michael Petruzzello worked for Saudi Arabia. He said he never talked to Petruzzello about the Saudis.

Petruzzello made a $100,000 deposit into an escrow account when he made the offer on Edwards' home. The deal fell through when Petruzzello couldn't sell his existing home, and his deposit was never returned. Edwards said last year he would formally disclose the $100,000 deposit if and when he took control of it.

Edwards built his personal fortune as a trial lawyer, winning $150 million worth of verdicts or settlements in 60 cases in the 1990s. During his presidential campaign, he raised at least $9 million from lawyers before withdrawing from the race in March. He took in about $22 million in all.

Once Edwards dropped out of the race, he urged his top fund-raisers to support Kerry. In subsequent months, lawyers gave at least $7 million to the Kerry campaign. In March and April, almost $1 of every $10 Kerry raised came from lawyers.

On the personal financial side, Edwards actively traded in stocks, bonds and mutual funds last year, with individual purchases and sales at times topping $1 million. In August, for example, he invested more than $1 million in a municipal bond mutual fund, then sold his shares a month later.

Edwards also invested heavily in his home state. He purchased bonds totaling between $1.8 million and $4.1 million in 14 different North Carolina educational and governmental units last year.

During the buildup and aftermath of the Iraq war, Edwards bought and sold stock in several defense contractors, including Lockheed Martin, United Technologies, General Electric, British Petroleum, Cardinal Health Inc., and General Dynamics.

Edwards' largest asset at the end of last year was an outstanding loan of more than $5 million to his Senate campaign fund. He also reported four separate holdings of $1 million each, including a money market portfolio, an American Europacific growth mutual fund and two Atlantic Trust mutual funds.


"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 7, 2004 12:10:40 PM new
Since the majority on this board feel the commander in chief does not need prior military experience then Edwards' military background is a non issue - the same goes for Bush and Cheney.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 7, 2004 12:16:13 PM new
double post
[ edited by logansdad on Jul 7, 2004 12:18 PM ]
posted on July 7, 2004 12:21:14 PM new
So it's okey-dokey for Bush, born to somebody else's wealth, to make money not finding oil when he was an "oil man" in Texas, and busy profiting from a failing sports franchise at the public's expense, but it's not ok for a lower middle class southerner to rise to wealth by actually working for it....that makes him a poor little rich boy!!

To quote linda, LOL!

I don't think the majority of the voting public cares a whit about how rich Kerry, Edwards, Bush or Cheney are. The article quoted makes Kerry's stock trades sound somehow underhanded or suspect. Anybody who's fairly active in their own investment management might make 200 trades in a year. That just tells me that the man might have at least a clue what all those zeros mean at the end of big numbers. I like that just fine.
If the world made sense, men would ride sidesaddle.
posted on July 7, 2004 12:34:57 PM new
but it's not ok for a lower middle class southerner to rise to wealth by actually working for it....

Chasing ambulances pays!

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on July 7, 2004 12:39:53 PM new
Edwards did not even become eligible for the draft until June of 71 - within a few months tropp levels were cut by 70% - how many opportunities were there for him to have been drafted anyway?

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on July 7, 2004 01:51:03 PM new
This is so funny.

Here's the dems who made such a BIG deal out of kerry's VN service, smeared this President who was given an HONORABLE discharge for serving his country, smear Cheney for going to college and not serving.....NOW defending Edwards when the hypocrisy of the left is pointed out..

ONCE AGAIN....it's okay when they do it....but absolutely SHAMEFUL when a Republican does the same thing. oh brother.....

The soldiers didn't pull out of VN until March of '73, fenix. Edwards turned 18 in 1971....he TOO could have served if he hadn't done exactly like Cheney did.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 7, 2004 02:04:34 PM new
Linda, I see the right trying their best to smear Kerry's VN service only to take the spotlight away from Bush being AWOL. Rusty asked what good things Cheney has done as VP. Instead of answering, Edwards is smeared.

posted on July 7, 2004 02:13:25 PM new
This is some info I found on John Edwards and his age for military service in Vietnam.

He wasn’t 18 till June 1971 he wasn’t eligible to be drafted into military service until 7 months before it ended, (to be eligible to be drafted in the Vietnam era you needed to be 19 at the start of the year your number came up, turning 19 in June 1972 the first year he could have been drafted was 1973. there were only 646 people drafted in 1973 before it officially ended that year on the first of July, and according to the selective service even though a lottery was drawn for people born in 1953 but no new draft orders were made that year so he was born a year to late to be drafted) and his desire to be the first person in his family to go to college, he like many Americans chose to pursue an opportunity to get an education and work his way through college. He didn’t run from the draft or try to avoid military service, he was simply born on the cusp of a generation that came of age in this era of the volunteer Army. By the time he graduated college (in 1974) the conflict was winding down and he continued to work towards his goal of becoming a lawyer.


posted on July 7, 2004 02:30:02 PM new
Oh my my, so Edwards didn't even use a student deferment ? I believe that chicken hawk Cheney used student deferments 9 times.

If it weren't for the Vietnam war, Cheney probably wouldn't even have attended college.

So even Edwards, who has never served in the military, has a more honorable record than Bush the deserter or Cheney the fraft dodger.

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