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posted on July 18, 2004 08:26:11 PM new

posted on July 18, 2004 08:31:11 PM new
Libra, what in the world are you talking about??

Those are not my words and nowhere have I written them. Please explain this to me as I would never talk like that.

posted on July 18, 2004 08:31:12 PM new
How about this for Kerry's Timeline


Cosponsors "Family and Medical Leave Act. Which has burdend employers with losses of revenue and profits since it has become law.

posted on July 18, 2004 08:42:42 PM new
Sheesh, Libra. You are truly losing it.

Bigpeepa said those words and now you're making me responsible for them? I have no control over what others write here so go b!tch to him, not me ........ DUH!

posted on July 18, 2004 09:19:37 PM new
FACT, Robert McNamara knows a hell of a lot more about U.S. foreign policy than twelvetoes does. And twelvetoes asks why his statement is there? Make one wonder about twelvetoes not McNamara. Hey twelvetoes Robert McNamara is pointing out to you and the other dumb guy Geo Bush that the U.S. is heading in the wrong direction.


posted on July 18, 2004 09:21:31 PM new
I know you didn't say it and I didn't say you said it. I just wanted you to see what the liberals call us along with a few other choice words I will not repeat.

Now I don't see you saying anything to Bear because he called you crazy. I guess it is okay for one to say something but when I do it is different. A different set of standards that you have. I am sure you hav every thread that has been posted in here and if you have time just go through them and see who the name callers are. You will be throughly surprised.

I was called Linda's lapdog because I stood up for the way she handles herself. There is a double standard down here and everyone knows it.

posted on July 18, 2004 09:40:25 PM new
He said.... she said..... blah, blah, blah.

Libra, who really cares?

No, I didn't mind when Bear called me crazy because sometimes I am.

posted on July 18, 2004 10:18:32 PM new

I said that because I don't like lying,uninformed,self centered, heartless people like Bush/Cheney. I also believe that kind of person are hurting this country greatly. If after 3 1/2 years of a failed leaders for everyone but the rich. I believe if people still supports Bush/Cheney than that person must be the same type of person they are. I will believe this until John Kerry wins in November. After November and a Kerry win I will welcome everyone to a BETTER AMERICA WITH OPEN ARMS AND NO HARD FEELINGS. Until then I will spend my energy defeating Geo Bush and the people that support him for lying, uninformed, self centered, and heartless reasons. Now once and for all I hope all the people both Democtats and republicans on the board know what I believe in and stand for. As for my posts, you have your style I have mine, if you don't like my style tough because I sure as hell don't like a lot of your posts.

posted on July 18, 2004 11:40:30 PM new
Website version

September 4, 1976

George W Bush is arrested in Kennebunkport, Maine for driving with a blood-alcohol level of .10 percent. A Bush spokesman acknowledges this is Bush's third arrest and his driving privileges are suspended for two years.

Twelvepole's version

September 4, 1976

George W Bush is arrested in Kennebunkport, Maine for driving under the influence. Bush pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor DUI charge, paid a $150 fine, and had his driving privileges briefly revoked in the state of Maine.


Twelvepole says it's biased and negative and wants the actual facts "softened" a bit. So he would prefer no blood alcohol level mentioned and no previous arrests mentioned and the term "two years" should be changed to "briefly".

And Linda_K doesn't think anyone should consider Bush's scamming past as it is "old news" yet she is obsessed with Clinton's past even though he isn't running for the presidency (the Clinton name was mentioned 59 times on the 2nd page of the apology to Bush thread but who's counting?) Kerry's past is very much focused on also.

Very interesting........

[ edited by kiara on Jul 18, 2004 11:49 PM ]
posted on July 19, 2004 04:15:52 AM new

And we are accused of creating a double standard?

I believe a while ago there was a thread where driving while under the influence was briefly discussed. If I'm not mistaken, twelve and everyone ranted about it. Now, because it happened to Bush, it's okay?

posted on July 19, 2004 05:54:58 AM new
Those are still the FACTS as in your biased timeline...

Nothing has changed, it still states the fact he was charged with DUI, it states he paid a fine and it states he had his license revoked.... but oh my it doesn't paint President Bush in a negative picture... thank you for proving my point rather nicely kiara... your link is biased in negative way toward President Bush...

Also your timeline left out the FACT in 1986 President Bush quit drinking and has not touched a drop since....

I noticed you didn't comment on my restructuring of kerry's timeline... what's the matter changing it from a positive fact to a negative does seem to bother you... Biased as I pointed out in my very first post.... trash, nothing more...

posted on July 19, 2004 09:26:53 AM new
Libra - There SURE is.

And Linda_K doesn't think anyone should consider Bush's scamming past as it is "old news"

Wrong again - your crystal ball must be malfunctioning. You don't know what I think.

What I do think is that your topic is so petty and irrelevant to his election. His DUI didn't hurt him in 2000 and it's not going to hurt him in 2004. It's old news....for shock value that's all used up.

yet she is obsessed with Clinton's past even though he isn't running for the presidency (the Clinton name was mentioned 59 times on the 2nd page of the apology to Bush thread but who's counting?)

Obviously a person who finds it such an important issue they'd waste their time counting. Childish.

And my mention of it being old news...was to point out their double standard to those who are always belly-aching about clinton's name being brought up.....while he is still CURRENT news. What he did during his term is being discussed by millions and it will continue to be discussed for many, many years.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 19, 2004 11:08:22 AM new
He's established a HomeLandSecurity Dept. He's tightening rules on immigration. His administration passed the Patriot Act which allows our agencies to better fight terrorism.

Passed the Patriot Act. At what cost to the American citizens. The Patriot Act cheapens the civil liberties of the American people.

He's gained the efforts and support of many countries in his war on terrorism.

Linda what is your support for this claim? Other than England which other major countries have given support or are you counting the few countries that have sent a dozen troops to Iraq?

He's passed many social programs and given more funding to the established ones.

Here is what the Iraq War will cost other social programs:

Social Costs

U.S. Budget and Social Programs: The Bush administration's combination of massive spending on the war and tax cuts for the wealthy means less money for social spending. The $151.1 billion expenditure for the war through this year could have paid for: close to 23 million housing vouchers; health care for over 27 million uninsured Americans; salaries for nearly 3 million elementary school teachers; 678,200 new fire engines; over 20 million Head Start slots for children; or health care coverage for 82 million children. Instead, the administration's FY 2005 budget request proposes deep cuts in critical domestic programs and virtually freezes funding for domestic discretionary programs other than homeland security. Federal spending cuts will deepen the budget crises for local and state governments, which are expected to suffer a $6 billion shortfall in 2005.

Social Costs to the Military: Thus far, the Army has extended the tours of duty of 20,000 soldiers. These extensions have been particularly difficult for reservists, many of whom never expected to face such long separations from their jobs and families. According to military policy, reservists are not supposed to be on assignment for more than 12 months every 5-6 years. To date, the average tour of duty for all soldiers in Iraq has been 320 days. A recent Army survey revealed that more than half of soldiers said they would not re-enlist.

Costs to Veteran Health Care: About 64 percent of the more than 5,000 U.S. soldiers injured in Iraq received wounds that prevented them from returning to duty. One trend has been an increase in amputees, the result of improved body armor that protects vital organs but not extremities. As in previous wars, many soldiers are likely to have received ailments that will not be detected for years to come. The Veterans Administration healthcare system is not prepared for the swelling number of claims. In May, the House of Representatives approved funding for FY 2005 that is $2.6 billion less than needed, according to veterans' groups.

Mental Health Costs: A December 2003 Army report was sharply critical of the military's handling of mental health issues. It found that more than 15 percent of soldiers in Iraq screened positive for traumatic stress, 7.3 percent for anxiety, and 6.9 percent for depression. The suicide rate among soldiers increased from an eight-year average of 11.9 per 100,000 to 15.6 per 100,000 in 2003. Almost half of soldiers surveyed reported not knowing how to obtain mental health services.


Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 19, 2004 11:15:07 AM new
How about this for Kerry's Timeline


Cosponsors "Family and Medical Leave Act. Which has burdend employers with losses of revenue and profits since it has become law.

This from the one that favors civil rights for all. I suppose it would be ok for military personnel to leave their jobs and go off and fight only to have their jobs protected while they are gone. Talk about double standards.

I bet the only company the FMLA is a burden to is your company twelve.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 19, 2004 11:19:38 AM new
Linda_K, the DUI info was only used as an example to twelvepole when he mentioned that the info on the timeline was negative. Nowhere did I say the drinking was a current issue.

The timeline is up until now, 2004 so I used it as an example for current issues too that can be checked as some of them determine why voters won't be choosing Bush this time around.

Perhaps you don't have a sense of humor and didn't notice the after the 59 Clinton count because I think the obsession with him is a bit of an overkill. And if Clinton's blow job can be such a recurring topic here I think Bush's last four years of screw-ups should be taken into account as that's probably more important. Unless one of the main reasons some vote for Bush is because Clinton got a blow job.

Linda_K, your list on the last page is truly laughable..... check the facts on immigration, world support for the war in Iraq and the state of the economy. Who will pay for this war?

posted on July 19, 2004 02:48:41 PM new
Military personnel do have their jobs protected , long before that act was passed...

Actually you'd be wrong logansdad... last major company I worked for, I my office was next to HR and they hated FMLA... too much time off and people had to pick up the slack when someone was gone...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Jul 19, 2004 03:01 PM ]
posted on July 19, 2004 03:03:14 PM new
peepa, I am betting you didn't like McNamara until he decided to change his tune, you notice before he died, that you believed him...

McNamara didn't know squat... obvious you don't know either.

He sure fooled you old libs though... LOL

posted on July 19, 2004 03:41:36 PM new
A Bush spokesman acknowledges this is Bush's third arrest...

Twelve, I can see your arguement here>
On this sentence alone it is (intentionally) provoking the reader to agree because the *fact* has been "acknowledged" (i.e. supported) by someone in the Bush Camp themselves. It's almost like you read this and nod your head to yourself ::um-hmmm...yes, even the Bush people concur he is a big f/u!!::

posted on July 19, 2004 04:09:14 PM new
Hey twelve....McNamara isn't dead...

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on July 19, 2004 05:47:59 PM new
Ok... so he isn't dead... but still doesn't know squat....

posted on July 19, 2004 07:00:40 PM new
my office was next to HR and they hated FMLA... too much time off and people had to pick up the slack when someone was gone...

And the same would have to be done for anybody serving in the military that was called to duty.

I take it you just are lazy and hate doing other people's work.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 19, 2004 09:16:01 PM new
I take it you just are lazy and hate doing other people's work.

Do I mind picking up the slack for a military man? no... do I mind picking up the slack for some homosexual that had to take time off because they caught aids... you bet...

You seem to have a problem with jobs being saved for the military there logansdad, why is that?

It is because of your chosen lifestyle doesn't allow you to serve...therefore your lacking in self respect because you know what a loser a homosexual actually is?

posted on July 20, 2004 06:52:36 AM new
Do I mind picking up the slack for a military man? no... do I mind picking up the slack for some homosexual that had to take time off because they caught aids... you bet...

Wake up girlfriend, AIDS is world wide disease and is not just contained to the homosexual community. Have you been asleep for the past 20 years or has it just been your brain?

You seem to have a problem with jobs being saved for the military there logansdad, why is that?

I do not, but you have a problem keeping up with employment law. You seem to be against every minority group. You dislike women, gays, the disabled...Is there any other group I am missing?

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 20, 2004 07:02:22 AM new
Where have I posted against the disabled?

Unless of course you're talking about the brain dead liberals that post to this board... then yeah...

posted on July 20, 2004 08:18:47 AM new
Where have I posted against the disabled?

Your words : do I mind picking up the slack for some ... that had to take time off because they caught aids... you bet..

Last time I checked, people that have AIDS are considered disabled.


Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 20, 2004 09:16:16 AM new

This was a good reply by miscreant

"Well Linda since you ask. I am permanently disabled from training for service to my country. I do not hear to well from the accident but I sure can listen. By the way, I do not get nor have ever applied for disability."

"You neo-cons do make me and others of the left who have sacrificed sick. You present the right as the only ones who have served and sacrificed. Bush deserted, PERIOD. Gore served and saw combat which is much more then your heroes GW Bush, John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, Bill O'Rielly, Tom Delay or Paul Wolfowitz did. They did everything they could to dodge service. Yet you worship and support them."

"I have many, many friends and family I will never see again and you neo-con (supply your own terrible insult here) try to wrap yourselves in the flag and claim you are the only ones who served. You live a lie."

twelvepole's reply, to miscreant's statement that he was permanently diabled...

That is an understatement....

Pretty easy to guess you had Brain damage at some time...

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