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posted on July 21, 2004 09:59:36 PM new
neroter - I'd second that...

ChristianCoffee -

On - And he is very angry at the press right now...

Many of them are, he's not alone. Some here don't realize, or maybe they do and just don't care, what a morale buster they are for those over there fighting....they same ones they say they support.

My 'child' is the Marine and he's 35 years old. But thank you. You're a decent man in my eyes. [should that matter in the least little bit ]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 21, 2004 10:05:32 PM new

Nearthesea, It was just a mildly humorous and innocuous remark ...exaggerated by twelvepole.


[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 21, 2004 10:06 PM ]
posted on July 21, 2004 10:29:29 PM new
Linda, I bet there are a few in here that would disagree with you on this:

"You're a decent man in my eyes. [should that matter in the least little bit ]"

But I thank you anyway.

Though I may not always agree with what you post, I applaud you for standing by your convictions.

In Christ,

Romans 5:8

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I do not accept His claim to be God." That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic....or else he would be the devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
C.S. Lewis: "Mere Christianity"
posted on July 21, 2004 10:30:41 PM new
Here's a purely hypothetical situation for you to consider; (understand that I am not really saying this to you, I wouldn't say this for real) It is obvious that you post here so often because your family hates you and their hatred for you causes you to manifest your posts into the hatred that it seems that you have for others in here.

Sounds pretty low doesn't it?? Or maybe you wouldn't be offended by it, I don't know. Or maybe someone else might take offense with it on your behalf. Does it really sound mildly humorous and innocuous now??

Ed to add; Because I would be dragging your family into the discussion if I were to say this to you.

[ edited by yellowstone on Jul 21, 2004 10:44 PM ]
posted on July 21, 2004 11:46:20 PM new
I'm BAAAck!!!
Twelve says, "His comments to Linda were WAY out of line... """but then again you'd rather sit back let those people speak for you,""" I forgot you don't like Linda, never mind... continue on and let the those two board trolls speak for you."

Did ya notice "Twelve's" rather violent reaction to my post(hours ago) which was about "linda"?

How odd that "twelve"thought to answer for "linda", almost like Twelve was the object of my post..................!

C'mon, people wake up!

Maggie, Libra is NOT David Letterman's mom like I thought...she's really Edith Bunker.

posted on July 22, 2004 12:58:22 AM new
Whoops! Just saw this gem from that CHRISTIAN ,

"Linda, the attack on your child was rancid at best, vile cruel at worst. It is people like that that do make me wonder if they have monkey blood in them. Maybe something a forefather did in the jungle.... "

I just love it when a good "christian" let's his dirty mind show! Ha! What a sick twisted old fart HE must be!
And , you disgusting bible thumper, I never attacked anyone's son....so you're a LYING, sick twisted bible thumper.

posted on July 22, 2004 04:19:44 AM new

Yes, I though Maggies original post was funny because it WAS! I don't know what the deal is here. This went from a thread that could have actually been funny to one that has turned pretty nasty. Maggies post was followed by what???? All that was needed was a comment on her thread, not a whole new thread.


Most of the time I find your posts entertaining and love that you can dig your heels in a give heck to 12, Linda and the rest of the neocons! But, I can't say your comment about Linda's son was in good taste at all. No matter how you feel about Linda, her son has nothing to do with that and as much as we both disagree with this war, he is serving his country for the benefit of us.


You are constantly coming to the aid of Linda, who as far as I can tell, can pretty much take care of herself. Sounds almost like you two are joined at the hip. This thread does not contain your first post hinting at someone's death. You also hinted at Kerry's. (Remember - If Kerry is Elected, Edwards will be president in two years?). I don't find anything the least bit humorous in that at all. Not that you care.

In fact, I think a couple of neocons have made death comments. Wish I had the time, patience and know-how to dig those threads up.

This board has gone from being fun, to being down right nasty and it's no wonder people are leaving it. Me? I'm going nowhere because if need be, I can get just as nasty as anyone else. And, Linda, sorry to say this, but most of Helen's comments to you are about 99.9% justified.


God grant that not only the love of liberty but a thorough knowledge of the rights of man may pervade all the nations of the earth, so that a philosopher may set his foot anywhere on its surface and say: This is my country. - Benjamin Franklin
posted on July 22, 2004 04:24:52 AM new
Cheryl, go back, read the post....I never disparaged her son or his service AT ALL....don't jump on the bandwagon so fast.

posted on July 22, 2004 06:08:47 AM new
well cheryl thanks for proving that civility is dead here, your posts were directed at posters themselves...

You prove my point people here do not want or like being civil to one another, they just come back as other names so if they get suspended they can keep on posting...

crowfarm is yeager and maggiemuggins is plsmith

Nothing new it won't change because those screaming for change the most will not...

posted on July 22, 2004 06:29:54 AM new
Oh and cheryl gravid made an actual death threat against me.... that make him a neocon? LOL

But it took less than 4 hours for the civility to be broken... thanks for proving my point cheryl...

posted on July 22, 2004 06:31:01 AM new

Yellowstone, I live in the east so missed your question last night.

With this example, you are indirectly protesting the comment made by crowfarm to linda which mentioned her son. It was a comment that If I had been in Linda's position I would not have taken as an attack on my son or the military. Some of the people here can twist a tale so well that they should start to work for the RNC. That comment pales in comparison to comments that have been delivered by Linda, Bear and Twelvepole. Should they be able to say ANYTHING and expect no one to respond?

About your "hypothetical question"...."It is obvious that you post here so often because your family hates you and their hatred for you causes you to manifest your posts into the hatred that it seems that you have for others in here."

This remark would not bother me. In fact, it does sound mildly humorous and innocuous because it presumes that you know my family and how they feel about me and that you are practicing amateur psychology. I would recognize your anger, justified or not and I would consider the source and understand your motive just as most everyone here would. In order to take such a remark seriously, you would have to know my family and how they feel about me.

It appears that the neocon element here can deliver egregious insults and then feel so abused when someone responds with an innocuous remark. Such overreaction by our most incompassionate neocons is amusing.


[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 22, 2004 06:34 AM ]
posted on July 22, 2004 07:38:00 AM new
I am curious helen why when liberals post insults you consider them "innocous" but when someone of differing politcal views posts it is an egregious insult?

How can you decide what is egregious to one person and not to another?

Some of here take insults toward the brave men and women of military very seriously... not some offhanded slight.

posted on July 22, 2004 07:42:03 AM new
Thank you, crowfarm, for exposing yourself as the lying, egotistical person you are. If this isn't an attack on someone, I am not sure what is. However, it does not matter to me, as I stated in my post: I knew someone as uncivil as yourself would post something like that.

You did attack her child when you said:

"is that why your alleged son is in Iraq or wherever because you were boring him to death?"

In trying to be glib (if a person like yourself can be glib) you not only insulted Linda, but her son as well. A son who is willing to place his words into action by defending our country. You know, the place where you are free, withen the limits of the law, to do as you wish. But that doesn't matter to someone like yourself, does it?

As for the attack on myself:

" just love it when a good "christian" let's his dirty mind show! Ha! What a sick twisted old fart HE must be!
And , you disgusting bible thumper, I never attacked anyone's son....so you're a LYING, sick twisted bible thumper."

I have no "dirty mind" to begin with. Second, I do not thump my Bible, unlike yourself who appears to enjoy thumping your chest. And third, it is a historical fact that when the early explorers were in the jungles for long periods of time they had relations with animals when human females were not available.

Now 12, I hope that this isn't breaking the petition I signed for not insulting anyone and addressing the post. I feel I addressed crowfarm's post very well.

In Christ,

1John 5:11-12

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I do not accept His claim to be God." That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic....or else he would be the devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
C.S. Lewis: "Mere Christianity"
posted on July 22, 2004 07:59:26 AM new
Actually CC it did break it

Just place crowfarm on ignore...

posted on July 22, 2004 08:31:47 AM new
"I am curious helen why when liberals post insults you consider them "innocuous" but when someone of differing political views posts it is an egregious insult?"

I called this particular comment that crowfarm made to linda innocuous and I explained why I feel that way in my comment above yours. I have never called ALL insults by liberals innocuous.

Examples of egregious insults from my viewpoint are posts which are deliberate lies or careless name calling without any basis...or attributing opinions or statements to a poster that were never stated. That applies both to people who have never been in the military and people who have. Wishing another poster dead is a recent example in your case.

"You say, "Some of here take insults toward the brave men and women of military very seriously... not some offhanded slight."

I haven't been here as long as you, twelvepole but during that time I have never seen a poster insult the men and women of the military whether they were brave or not. I tried to find out in another thread why you are so sensitive about the military. You have said that you did not fight in the Vietnam War. Why don't you tell us more about your military experience?

I'll answer any other questions later...have to go to an estate sale right now.

[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 22, 2004 08:33 AM ]
posted on July 22, 2004 09:33:11 AM new
Helen, I have on several occasions told about my military experiences...

1983 I helped pull bodies from the barracks in Beruit...

I was in the first gulf war... now your turn helen...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Jul 22, 2004 09:39 AM ]
posted on July 22, 2004 09:36:59 AM new
Twelve.. I have been in a couple of golf wars myself.. won a few...lost a few.. lol

posted on July 22, 2004 09:52:33 AM new
Hey Crow.. welcome back! How are you doing?

posted on July 22, 2004 10:10:37 AM new
Hey Maggie, I'm fine..just my old uncivil insulting self and happy as a tick!

Love your posts.....great(and funny) slam dunks!

But, gee, do ya think we're a tad under-appreciated here? I think it's just Bush's education system.....totally lacking in reading comprehension....or in Bush's case, no reading ability at all.

Can ya believe who started a "civility" thread???????Ain't that rich!
HelI, I bet I get some uncivil answers to this post which is to you but you know the big BUTT-ins here.

posted on July 22, 2004 03:53:53 PM new
CrackedChristian said,""Linda, the attack on your child was rancid at best, vile cruel at worst. It is people like that that do make me wonder if they have monkey blood in them. Maybe something a forefather did in the jungle.... "

And calls me uncivil.

Like all religious freaks he can do no wrong but everybody else does.

posted on July 22, 2004 05:56:16 PM new
Hey Maggie, I'm getting reeaaallly bored with linda...who wouldn't.

What's new with you? Any good fights in your neck of the woods?

posted on July 22, 2004 06:45:35 PM new
Hey Crow!
I have my hands full right now Crow... fighting the bible thumping hypocrites and that slimy little snake that keeps poking his head out from under his rock.. he doesn't have enough sense to stay under that rock so I have appointed myself as his own personal watchdog.. he sneaks out and I boot him back under..

I kind of feel bad about old Libra pulling up stakes .. I really didn't have a problem with her .. except I didn't understand a word she said.. but she was convinced that I was some evil spirit sent to the RT just to torment her.. and she was convinced that she knew me in a previous life or identity.... scary ... LOL..

By the way... I only attack when someone has attacked me or is just plain ignorant.. and needs a good smack upside the head.. otherwise, I am a pussycat..

posted on July 22, 2004 06:55:41 PM new
You sure did a number on a couple of them....your posts are hilarious but I still say you're wasted here...should try a little freelance or volunteer at your nearest campaign headquarters.
Don't worry, Libra will be back....I love when she really gets worked up and tries so hard to be insulting.
It does come a lot easier to SOME but having two ID's helps them...kinda good cop, bad cop thing. And at least she's not a pompous ass like others.

I hit lotsa garage sales today but no treasures...think I'll go into baby clothes sales..that's all there is!
Worked in the garden a little but after a nearby bear sighting I jump everytime a twig snaps. I think it's the squirrels breaking branches just to see me jump...it IS...I KNOW it is...the squirrels are all against me....hhhheelllppppp!
Can ya tell I'm borrrrrred ?

posted on July 22, 2004 08:32:37 PM new
Wow two morons holding a conversation... who'd of thunkit they were that smart...

plsmith...er magginuthins... you and yeager make a great team...

you two together make a whole ass... and that wonderful... with helen as the hole...

posted on July 22, 2004 10:03:36 PM new
I see you have fortified yourself with liquid courage... and have slithered out from under your rock again..

You tried to make a funny.. didn't you..I get it like humor... but different

Actually you did make a funny earlier today when you posted that you were in the Golf war.... I pictured you on several life threatening missions trying to get the little white balls into the holes...LOL glad you edited your spelling...

Okay.. have I spanked you enough..? Will you crawl back under your rock again? LOL

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