posted on September 1, 2004 08:11:12 AM new
Libra - I am curious about something. How is it it one post that you can tell Krafty that she cannot comment on something she has not seen and then in your very next post, do EXACTLY that.
You stated that you did not watch the MTV Awards. Considering that those who did have stated that Matt Drudge was incorrect wouldn't the better part of valor be to simply stop talking about it now?
Standing up for the Bush girls after their performance last night is kind of silly. There really was nothing to defend.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on September 1, 2004 08:18:19 AM new
::When couples get married they marry for love::
That's a rather niave statement. People marry for love, they marry for insurance, the marry for money, they marry for appearances, they marry for status (social and immigration)...
And sometimes the do not marry for those same reasoons.
Marriage today is far from the polyanna picture that conservatives have tried to paint of it.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on September 1, 2004 08:19:36 AM newThis sneaky dem imposter may be late getting to his classes.
Linda_K, I don't see on your link where it says he's a democrat? Or is this an assumption? Of course I may have missed it but even if he is a democrat, he must now represent every democrat on the planet, right?
Kind of like when some of us express our views about not agreeing with Bush's policies we must ALL be extremely far left because some of you are so far right. Or we must ALL be anti-American? Or if we never express our views on religion that we must all be heathens. Or if we happen to watch one TV show it means we must watch that same network 24/7.
The neocons here are unable to tolerate any opinion that differs from their own. They whine to the mods, threaten to maim or kill, hide behind religion after hurling cruel insults, express hostility and jealousy, and then repeatedly play victim. I think that's why there is less and less input by others to this forum.
posted on September 1, 2004 08:22:20 AM new
Yeager said;
Bush seems to think that he will garner the female voting block by bringing his wife there. Sorry, I don't think that women are that stupid.
That has to be the most ignorant statement that I have ever read here by you. You MUST have been just waiting for months to post that one. I can just see you at your keyboard with your skinny, boney fingers with filthy, dirty finger nails cackling while typing and thinking this will surely show them my superior intellect.
posted on September 1, 2004 08:28:36 AM new
and yet you continue to post here, must be you're a closet republican and enjoy seeing the libs getting owned.... just like the liar crowfart...
kiara when was the last time you actually had something positive to say about the US?
I can't speak for others, but I am a nationalist, you run down my country, you are wormshit in my book... pure and simple.
Of course you continue to ride the fence and have refused to say who you do support, can you even vote here?
kraft won't answer that either... I asked before exactly how much tax do either of you even pay here?
You're critical of others negativity but seem to relish it as long as it was directed at MY country...
I think the raw honesty is too much you libs after all most of you support a lying traitor...
posted on September 1, 2004 08:31:05 AM newLibra - I am curious about something. How is it it one post that you can tell Krafty that she cannot comment on something she has not seen and then in your very next post, do EXACTLY that.
I asked Libra63 the other night how she could comment so negatively on a show she didn't view and her answer was.
Because I felt like it. How is that for an answer.
BTW, it was never determined which daughters the boos were for and some think there may have been a few boos for all four of them.
posted on September 1, 2004 09:12:06 AM new
Twelvepole, as usual your reading comprehension gets a very low grade. You also have an annoying habit of making untrue assumptions but then you aren't the only one here with that problem, are you?
I have expressed my disapproval of President Bush and I have not agreed with the way the war has played out. I have never said that I agree with all of Kerry's policies or that I support him either. It's an assumption by some of you though that if I don't approve of President Bush I must be a diehard Kerry supporter. DUH!
I don't know where you get your opinion from. Unless you think I should agree totally with your views and if I don't then I'm anti-American and wormshit?
It's on record here time and time again that I love the US and that I travel back and forth weekly. I have friends and relatives in both Canada and the US and have very strong ties to both countries. I just happen to be living in Canada now but I'm uncertain of my future. One thing I do know is that in either country I've been able to freely express my opinion on politics and the economy, etc.
As for the rest of my life, it is NOYB. All I have to do is say I watch a certain show or mention one or two things that I've done in my life and I've been open to the cruelest insults and assumptions from some of you here. Even when I don't divulge my personal life it's open to assumptions.
I will say that I really do have a happy life and with lots of choices of where I can live now and in the future.
posted on September 1, 2004 09:34:36 AM new
BTW, Canada's military is a joke, there are problems with the health care system, the high taxes suck, it's a difficult country to operate a business in and the politicians are all dorks.
posted on September 1, 2004 09:38:44 AM new
Boot - if the only thing I cared about myself, I would be thrilled with the concept of 4 more years of Bush in the White House. Considering that the majority of my income comes from european sales, the depreciated value of the dollar simply means I make more money. Four more years of Bush, in my opinion, will only lead to increased depreciation of the dollar and higher profit margins for me.
Problem is I actually give a damn about this country and so when you look at the larger issues I think that four more years of Bush is potentially disasterous. His economic and foreign policies are non existant. And his like it or lump it attitude to foreign nations is not making us friends any more friends. He has however successfully managed to garner many more enemies for us and lets be frank... our own actions have given al Queda more recruiting assistance than any bastardized teaching of the koran ever could.
That said, the thought of four more years of Bush does not frighten me half as much as the fact that there is a potential that the majority of our citizens actually see this as a good thing.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on September 1, 2004 09:57:11 AM new
A 21-year-old Yale student, posing as a volunteer
then began shouting anti-Bush administration slogans.
all the while masquerading as a Republican supporter of the president."
Well, I think from the above we can be pretty sure he wasn't a republican. But you're correct, he could have been a socialist or even further left than that like some here are, imo.
You going to defend the other 700 lefties that have been arrested at the convention site too? Maybe they weren't all dems either.
posted on September 1, 2004 10:02:07 AM new
Lol, Linda. Nothing like starting your day with a quote from the original JFK!!
Isnt it funny how that one line, defined a president and a generation? Here was a democratic politician saying, dont ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for it?
It astounds me some days to see after all these years how the tides of that sentiment has changed so much.
Libra, you are right. The Bush daughters are much younger than the Kerry daughters. And have been more sheltered, too, I think.
edited to add also to Libra: I think you had everyright to post because you felt like it . I loved that comeback!! That what everyone else does anyway! If you dont watch such shows and see a report that specifies one thing, that is well within your rights to believe the credibility of it. Why people want to pounce on what source YOU want or choose to believe is beyond me!
[ edited by neroter12 on Sep 1, 2004 10:13 AM ]
posted on September 1, 2004 10:02:12 AM new
Economically it will be much better for Canada if Bush gets in again because he's in favor of outsourcing so many jobs that Canada benefits from and Kerry wants to stop that.
But if Bush gets back in it may be more difficult for Canada to export their lumber because Bush wants to put roads through and rape many of the national parks in the US for timber.
Four more years of Bush will ensure war with most of the world so the majority of taxes will go towards that no matter what country anyone lives in.
As usual my comments have struck a nerve with Linda_K because she's reached into her smilie box for overkill. My point is that all the protesters will not be democrats and that all democrats will not approve of the actions of some of the protesters. I think most rational people can see that. But the neocons will blame ALL democrats.
posted on September 1, 2004 10:04:56 AM new
bootclan - I agree...and think you've hit the nail on the head.
kerry's in trouble right now and they know it. And they've even hired new campaign people to get them back on track. Bringing in the BIG guns...
This morning Fox News showed kerry giving his speech to some veterans.....he must have said 20 times, "We have a PLAN!!! [on how to handle this and that]
But he never did mention what the PLAN involves. Typical kerry speech.
And if you kerry supporters would check...our economy is pretty much where it was at this point in the clinton administration....and so are the unemployement numbers.
posted on September 1, 2004 10:18:20 AM new
Libra said, and I agree:
When couples get married they marry for love::
fenix said: That's a rather niave statement. People marry for love [and all the other things you mentioned]
I don't think it's niave...and I believe it's the *main* reason people marry. Those who don't want to make committments just live together. Those who want a 'life' mate marry. I do agree people also marry for the other reasons you've stated....but if most were bet would be on the 'love' aspect of marriage being the main reason for committing to one another.
Marriage today is far from the polyanna picture that conservatives have tried to paint of it.
I don't think we try to 'paint' it just appears to be more important a value to us than to others.
kiara - You need to check your facts. Outsourcing is a very SMALL part of jobs that have been lost. It's not as you try to project. Never has been.
And on the issue of 700 protestors being many were arrested at the DNC for protesting? That's the point being're the one adding your 'take' on what I've said.
posted on September 1, 2004 10:27:16 AM new
neroter - On my laughing this was because of your second paragraph mostly. Reminded me of someone who posts here.
I loved JFK's quote, always have [not this new, wanna-be jfk] ... and feel that's what our Armed Forces are doing with their own lives right now as we chat.
posted on September 1, 2004 10:30:40 AM new
Hey boot - read my post again - I don't think I said, or even implied, Woe is me. I think I pretty clearly stated that it's good for me. The more Bush screws with our economy, there higher my profit margins.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on September 1, 2004 10:35:44 AM new
Linda, oh,, yeah....
I was thinking that myself as I posted The JFK quote about the military. The vets and the servicemen and women - THEY know what that is; to put yourself out collectively, sacrifice...without any real benefit to yourself. The only gain is some humility in giving, that you've made something, somebody, the world maybe, a better thing or place. Thats why in my book, they really are the true heros!
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on September 1, 2004 10:40:11 AM new kiara - You need to check your facts. Outsourcing is a very SMALL part of jobs that have been lost. It's not as you try to project. Never has been.
Linda_K, you need to read my post again. It's a fact that US jobs have been outsourced to Canada and that Kerry doesn't agree with outsourcing more of them.
posted on September 1, 2004 10:41:32 AM new
sorry fenix, I thought I was the same point in time when clinton was in office - at his administrations 3 1/2 year point - first administration. Not where we were in his *second* administration.
We'll be able to compare clinton's economy at the end of his eight years....when we're at the end of President Bush's eight years in office.
Plus clinton didn't have the expense of dealing with 9-11, two wars, and all the government changes that we've had to make since war was declared on our Nation. Plus have to spend more money on our intelligence know...the one's kerry was always voting against funding/increasing.
He voted against increases for our he's screaming they need more money. A day late and a dollar short, imo.
bootclan - Plus maybe you notice now the kerry supporters also play this "I care more about others than I do myself - I care more about others than I do my own countries economy" routine. They're hoping to use guilt to make it appear the republicans/righties have absolutely no compassion for others...and are very selfish. Doesn't work on me.
posted on September 1, 2004 10:48:43 AM new
kiara - You are incorrect in that the numbers of jobs that have been outsourced is VERY SMALL. Isn't the major problem you have tried to make it appear....only a tiny part of the problem. Check your facts.
And, by-the-way....those weren't just smilies...they were *laughing* smilies. I find much that is posted here funny and use them to display that emotion.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Those are only two reasons why we need to:
posted on September 1, 2004 10:55:05 AM newkiara - You are incorrect in that the numbers of jobs that have been outsourced is VERY SMALL. Isn't the major problem you have tried to make it appear....only a tiny part of the problem. Check your facts.
Linda_K, I never said it was VERY SMALL. ??
I said:
Economically it will be much better for Canada if Bush gets in again because he's in favor of outsourcing so many jobs that Canada benefits from and Kerry wants to stop that.
I was talking about jobs being outsourced to Canada and that Kerry doesn't agree with that policy.
posted on September 1, 2004 11:11:42 AM new
Oh dear oh dear, now fenix is posting for Krafty. She seems to beable to stick up for herself. I think she is old enough.
I guess you are playing follow the poster.
If you read farthur down the The Miami Herald also made a statement, and I posted that. So you see that Drudge report that you don't like was right.....
I did not stick up for the Bush girls-please note miss fenix.
Direct quote: "I didn't care for the Bush girls either but they are young and their speech writer was horrible". Did you do anything silly when you were young. Opps forgot how silly you never were young.
posted on September 1, 2004 11:35:59 AM new
kiara - he's in favor of many jobs....
A Kerry ad released July 20 returns to a theme he and his Democratic allies have been pushing for months: a claim that tax incentives to locate jobs overseas is a big problem that is Bush's fault and that Kerry promises to fix.
Kerry's latest ad -- all positive -- paints his tax fix as the centerpiece of a plan to create jobs -- the "lifeline for America's families." The negative side, blaming Bush, has been seen earlier in ads such as a Media Fund spot first aired last March saying "Bush's policies have encouraged the loss of nearly 3 million jobs" and "he supported tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas."
But recent Labor Department data underscore what even Democratic economists have said for some time -- outsourcing jobs overseas, or "offshoring," accounts for just a *small fraction* of the many millions of jobs that are lost each year *even in a good economy*.
There is indeed a tax break for US-based multinational corporations to locate operations overseas.
Bush isn't to blame for it--it's been there for decades.
It's also true that Bush doesn't support Kerry's proposed remedy, which is controversial.
But even backers of the Kerry plan concede that eliminating the tax break won't end the offshoring of some US jobs. Multinational businesses build plants in other countries to take advantage of lower wages and to be near their global customers, too, not just for tax reasons.
posted on September 1, 2004 11:36:00 AM new
Oh I missed this one for our dear sweet fenix.
I guess she was referring to a post I made and which I believe. But then I don't have that right.
"When couples get married they marry for love"
Well it had to be for them because she had wealth, fame and looks. She had health care, a great job but gave it all up so he could become govenor of California. She could have left him as many of the Kennedy wives did she but didn't.
Evidently you must have grown up in a different world than I did. I do believe marriage is more for love than "health Care" Now that was a statement. I can hear it now. Male: Will you Marry Me? Female: Well I will if you have health care.
posted on September 1, 2004 11:37:41 AM new
ok Linda - lets go back farther
USD exchange rate
First term of Clinton Admin
1992-08-31 August 31, Monday 0.502689 GBP
1996-08-30 August 30, Friday 0.640532 GBP
First term of Bush Admin
2000-08-31 August 31, Thursday 0.688942 GBP
2004-08-31 August 31, Tuesday 0.5546 GBP
National Debt
National debt increase was actually the same between the two first term admins - I'll give you that much
Unemployment rates
Clinton fFirst Term
Dropped from 7.5 to about 5.3%
Bush First term
Rose from just below 4 to about 5.5%
::Plus maybe you notice now the kerry supporters also play this "I care more about others than I do myself - I care more about others than I do my own countries economy" routine. They're hoping to use guilt to make it appear the republicans/righties have absolutely no compassion for others...and are very selfish. Doesn't work on me. ::
Oh please - do you honestly believe that is why I made say what I say? The amusing thing is that apparently only conservatives are genuinly patriotic in your eyes. When a liberal (or even a moderate ) expresses patriotism you label it as disengenuous and manipulative.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Sep 1, 2004 11:39 AM ]