posted on September 5, 2004 09:19:36 AM new
If on November 2nd the person of your choice isn't elected. I mean either Bush or Kerry.
Will you be able to support that person or will it be another 4 years of the way of the threads in this Round Table?
I happened in on a thread from 2003 and I noticed at that time the same things were being said as they are now. We have to move ahead as to make this a strong place to live.
Being a Bush supporter and if Kerry is elected I will be able to support him because that is what the majority wants. It seems like it was hard for the democrats to support Bush but since he was president than I think everyone should have. JMHO. We have to be united or the terrorists will see the dissension and striking the US will be easier.
United we stand Divided we Fall...
posted on September 5, 2004 09:24:05 AM new
I'm sorry to say that I am to such a point that I could never support Bush. I could and will, however, support the country. There is a difference.
. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on September 5, 2004 09:29:27 AM new
Cheryl I feel the same about Kerry. But we have to move forward and if Kerry is elected I will not come into this round table and bash him. I don't agree with his way of thinking, or his demenor but if the majority wants him than so be it.
This is what the terriroists want a divided country.
posted on September 5, 2004 09:32:49 AM new
Unfortunately "majority" has nothing to do with it. Gore won the popular vote, not Bush. That means the majority of the people wanted Gore. It's the electoral college. So even if Bush does get back in, Kerry could very well win the popular vote. So, we really can't go by that scenerio at all.
. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
[ edited by CBlev65252 on Sep 5, 2004 09:33 AM ]
posted on September 5, 2004 09:33:33 AM new
Blindly supporting the president or any other politician is the sure road to dictatorship, loss of freedoms, corruption unchecked, total power by a small group.
America was not founded on the principles of follow the leader like a herd of sheep although it is so much easier for some.
I consider uncritical loyalty to a position as un-American, un-principled, and just plain lazy.
posted on September 5, 2004 09:35:00 AM new
I have to agree with Cheryl.
"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on September 5, 2004 09:36:46 AM new
To everyone:
It appears Libra is trying to keep a civil thread here. Can we all get along in this one and maybe do a proper debate without heated name calling or accusations? It would be great for a change.
So far, so good.
. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on September 5, 2004 09:37:28 AM new
That's great that is what this thread is about. Not about any certain posters but Reasons why you can or can't support the president, whoever it is.
I guess you can consider this a neutral thread. 
posted on September 5, 2004 09:47:44 AM new
There are different degrees of support that should be taken in to account.
posted on September 5, 2004 10:05:04 AM new
That's a given. Tell me why I should or why I shouldn't blindly follow whoever is elected? In a healthy debate, people would be providing those answers in a calm and rational manner. It would be great to have a debate of that type on this board. I think there are a lot of intelligent posters here.
I can say that to blindly follow anyone, even the president if elected and by popular vote, would never be a good idea. The president is human capable of mistakes in judgement, emotional outbursts and all the other things that go along with it. They are elected to lead the country, but are not elected to do so without being under the close eye of the American people. The same could be said of a friend. If your parents taught you that cheating and stealing were bad and your friend decided it would be great to make a habit of that, would you blindly go along? Or, would you stand back and weigh the situation? What would the consequences of such behavior be? Where might I eventually end up?
You elect a leader - not a ruler. A leader listens to his people, a ruler makes all the rules without consideration of others. A leader is honest with his people as to outcomes and consequences. A ruler doesn't care what the outcome or the consquences may be as long as his end objective is met.
I could, in good faith, follow a leader. I couldn't in good faith, follow a ruler. Therefore, I could never follow President Bush even if he is re-elected.
. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
[ edited by CBlev65252 on Sep 5, 2004 10:12 AM ]
posted on September 5, 2004 10:23:52 AM new
I can support any person who I feel is doing the best possible job for this country. If Bush is re-elected there will definately be times when I simply cannot support him, there hopefully will also be times when I can. that said, I may be voting for Kerry, but I am sure there are times when I am going to yell "go jum in a lake" at something he is proposing (Yes, it's true, I yell at the TV)
Blind loyalty is an action of the blind. you are never going to find someone that is going to please you all the time and there is nothing wrong with expressing dissatisfaction when that is what you feel.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on September 5, 2004 10:27:11 AM new
It's difficult to be able to support Bush when he's goofed up on so many things. If Kerry is elected and goofs up as much as Bush has, he deserves to be called to the mat too.
If Jesus came to earth and started lying, would you still support him?
posted on September 5, 2004 10:28:26 AM new
Well said, Cheryl and Fenix!
"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on September 5, 2004 10:30:14 AM new
"I consider uncritical loyalty to a position as un-American, un-principled, and just plain lazy."
Right!!! And how can you follow a president who has failed to follow through on any promise made four years ago? When you're being led you have to keep watch on the direction in which you're headed. Bush has led the country into a war with the wrong country, reduced by millions the number unemployed and without health care and turned a surplus budget into a 500 billion dollar deficit.
[ edited by Helenjw on Sep 5, 2004 10:32 AM ]
posted on September 5, 2004 10:40:15 AM new
The final turning point for my parents was the SSI business. You can mess with a lot of things, but don't mess with a person's means of survival. That includes jobs. I the SSI issue and Medicare will change the mind of a lot of senior citizens in this country.
. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on September 5, 2004 11:09:02 AM new
Heck No, Libra!
He has more money than I have... he can darn well support himself!
Like when he invited me to have dinner with him and then had the nerve to charge me 1500.00 for my meal... NO.. MORE.. HANDOUTS FROM ME... I'd just tell him to go ask his Daddy for support.. Doc
posted on September 5, 2004 11:16:29 AM new

posted on September 5, 2004 11:46:36 AM new
LOL..'re not just a
Girlie-Man, you're a Smilie Thief too!!LOL
Here are a few more for your

[ edited by drdolittle on Sep 5, 2004 11:47 AM ]
posted on September 5, 2004 01:30:17 PM new
if by some miracle kerry were to get into office, I would just bide my time until all the BS he's been spouting comes out... but if he makes me out to be a liar, well that would be a weclomed change... however I do not think that would be the case...
cheryl if kerry gets in office, you can bet there will be a draft...hope your son enjoys the army...
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 5, 2004 03:08:38 PM new
If Kerry would become president and if he pulled some of Bush's stunts, I'd be just as angry with him.
. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on September 5, 2004 03:18:20 PM new
Libra, maybe I misunderstood your original post - do you think just because the majority of people elect someone to be President, that the rest of the people should also support him because of that?
posted on September 5, 2004 04:57:59 PM new
I didn't support Clinton and I would support Kerry even less,I figure if he gets in he'll do more damage than Clinton did.
posted on September 5, 2004 05:30:17 PM new
Oh, let's keep history straight here. Clinton wasn't the one that did the "damage." No, that was courtesy of the Republicans, who made a three-ring circus of the matter & wastedmillions of the taxpayer's money in the process. The wonder of it all was that during the same time period there were one or two Republican politicians also caught having affairs, but the Republicans didn't go after them at all...
edited for UBB
"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
[ edited by bunnicula on Sep 5, 2004 05:31 PM ]
posted on September 5, 2004 05:42:43 PM new
yes Kraft I do. I know it will be difficult to do for some and harder to do for others but I feel the terriorists are sitting back to see how divided our country is and if we can show unity we will destroy them.
Remember one party is going to lose the election as that is a given, whether the party of your choice doesn't win you shouldn't hold that anamosity for 4 years. You can only hope that the congress can help. It is a difficult challange, one I hope that if Kerry is elected I can over come.
The world would be different now if 9/11 hadn't happen. That turned everything upside down and the thought process had to change. Instead of a peacful nation we turned into a nation of defending ourselves.
posted on September 5, 2004 06:55:49 PM new
I appreciate your honesty Libra but I can't agree. I don't think the terrorists give two hoots about who's in power. Do you really think they care that much?
posted on September 5, 2004 06:56:17 PM new
No, I could never support kerry....ever.
He's a fraud, a liar and a farce.
But I would support any decisions voted on, and passed, by both our House of Representatives and our Senate.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Those are only two reasons why we need to:
Re-elect President Bush!!!
posted on September 5, 2004 07:04:55 PM new
KD I don't think they care either but what I was trying to say is if we are divided it will be easier for the terrorists to attack as we will not be focused.
How can a president be focused on a plan for America when just after 9 months he took office the US changed dramatically. Now it becomes a different set of ideas that needs to be attended. One that is more series than before. Everyone knew we had enemies but we didn't think they would strike that way.
posted on September 5, 2004 07:23:56 PM new
No, I could never support kerry....ever. He's a fraud, a liar and a farce.
ROTFL. You just described Bush.
So much for civilized debate. It's hopeless in here. Nice try though, Libra. It worked for a short while.
. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
[ edited by CBlev65252 on Sep 5, 2004 07:24 PM ]
posted on September 5, 2004 07:24:12 PM new
No, I could never support kerry....ever.
He's a fraud, a liar and a farce.
Linda_K, how is this any different than the way that some view President Bush? Weren't they told by you that they should believe everything he says and support him totally and not question anything just because he is the leader?
I believe a nation of unquestioning people totally devoted to their leader and government would make everyone so complacent that they would be ripe for another attack such as 9/11. If I was a terrorist that may not worry me as it would be easier to plot and take control of all. I'd be more worried if there were those "wild cards" that question everything and are unpredictable........ the rebels in each society.
posted on September 5, 2004 07:26:57 PM new
ROTFL. You just described Bush.
Cheryl beat me to it.