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posted on September 8, 2004 08:04:46 AM new
Back on this again......

God didn't create homosexuals. He created hetrosexuals. Homosexuality is a SIN. It is man's (or woman's) choice to become homosexual. There may be external factors, such as abuse and such, but in the end it is a choice.

God didn't create sin, man choose sin when God gave him the choice. That is why He had to send Jesus to die for our sins. We needed a pure, ultimate sacrifice: Christ was that sacrifice. That is how God provided the way for us to be reconciled to Him.

Say whay you will, logansdad, it is still a choice. One any homosexual, who wants to, can turn from.

In Christ,

John 1:1

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I do not accept His claim to be God." That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic....or else he would be the devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
C.S. Lewis: "Mere Christianity"
posted on September 8, 2004 09:51:29 AM new
Say whay you will, logansdad, it is still a choice. One any homosexual, who wants to, can turn from.

Only to live their life as a LIE. Obvioulsy you did not learn a thing when the NJ Governor delivered his speech a few weeks ago.

Homosexuality was around since the ancient Egyptian days and was practiced during Confucious' time. If it is so "easily corrected" as you keep implying, a "cure" or a way of "preventing" people from becoming homosexuals would have been found over the past 3,000 years.

If it is a choice what keeps you from becoming homosexual since at some point you chose to remain straight instead of becoming gay?

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on September 8, 2004 10:29:05 AM new
There is no prescription a doctor can give you to change a lifestyle choice.

Homosexuality is an unnatural act; a sin. Whether or not people believe in sin is irrelevant: the fact that is it unnatural is not. If you wish to continue to live in your dream world about the lifestyle you have chosen for yourself, then there is nothing I could say or do to help you.

It is not a lie when people revert back to their heterosexuality, though you may have deluded yourself into believing that.

The things that prevents me from becoming homosexual is:

1) I know it is an abhorrent lifestyle, condemned by God.

2) I know it is an unnatural act.

3) There is no true value in the homosexual act itself. It is nothing more then a cheap compensation, and a fulfillment of someone's sinful desire.

And I have news for you: since the fall of man, homosexuality has been around. It is a result of a sinful desire. However, when you look to the redeeming work of Christ on the Cross, you find a way to conquer that desire.

The shed Blood by the One who loves you can help to bring you back to a right relationship with God.

That is the long and the short of it.

in Christ,

Philippians 3:1-21

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I do not accept His claim to be God." That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic....or else he would be the devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
C.S. Lewis: "Mere Christianity"
posted on September 8, 2004 11:06:25 AM new
If you wish to continue to live in your dream world about the lifestyle you have chosen for yourself, then there is nothing I could say or do to help you.

I will continue the life Jesus meant for me as I was not taught or nor did I learn how to be gay. As I said before I never asked for your help so quit pushing your religious ways down my throat. Jesus will love me no matter what I do and when the time comes and I asked for my sins (whatever they may be) to be forgiven, I know that they will be forgiven in HIS eyes. I do not care what you or your other Holy rollers think is or is not an acceptable way to live a life.

I am now off to visit with my pedophile priest.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on September 8, 2004 11:19:52 AM new
Great last line, Logan! These religious freaks should clean house before they throw the dirt around!

posted on September 8, 2004 12:32:32 PM new
I believe in a policy of inclusion and tolerance. It takes the participation of all to make America truly great. Prisoners are ostracized from society, yet we have seen films where they are released to fight for 'our' side. That does not mean their behavior is acceptable. Japanese-Americans were treated abysmally during WWII, yet they fought honorably in the ETO. Native Americans ---windtalkers. I can include and tolerate homosexuals without condoning their behavior.

Madison Avenue has been more successful in convincing people that they have to pay to get something 'free', than the united efforts of Homosexuals and their supporters have in convincing people that 'marriage' includes all unions. You guys need better PR.

Maybe we should start referring to a union of a man and a woman as Matrimoniage and abandon the word marriage to any cohabital union, maybe this will shut the whiny freaks up.


Hebrews 13:8
posted on September 8, 2004 01:21:41 PM new
Parklane: Maybe we should start referring to a union of a man and a woman as Matrimoniage and abandon the word marriage to any cohabital union, maybe this will shut the whiny freaks up.

Not matter what you call it people would be against it. Whether you call it marriage or a civil union it is the same thing.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on September 9, 2004 01:43:42 AM new
CC says,

What does homosexuality and slavery have to do with one another?

Slaves have/had no choice.

Homosexual's do.

What a crock!! Have you been drinking too much wine? You have said in other threads that god made you straight. I have asked you if that is so, then didn't god make gay men and lesbians too?

CC, Linda, twelve. The gay civil rights movement and the black civil rights movement are very much related in this way. It has to do with how society thinks about the any particular group. If society wants to treat them with a lesser importance and offer them less as citizens, then the government has an obligation to step in and protect them. This goes for Blacks and Gays.

Now, there might be some hard liners that say Blacks were born black and Gays choose to be gay. This has nothing to do with it. It is only about the amount of rights that society wants to give any group. Here is a perfect example the nobody can counter with any viable argument.

What about American women who weren't allowed to vote prior to 1920? They were born female. They didn't choose to be female, but society thought at the time before 1920 they shouldn't be allowed to vote. Why? Because society didn't want to allow women to vote. Women were thought of as second class citizens and didn't need or deserve such rights. Many people thought that women didn't need such "special" rights. They lobbied and fought for the simplest of American rights.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Now, CC, Linda, or twelve. I will be waiting for your answer on that one. There is nothing that you can say to counter that. That includes you CC and you bible.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 9, 2004 01:49:51 AM new
There will always be groups that try to remove the rights that Americans have won. An example of this.......

On February 27, 1922, a challenge to the 19th Amendment was rebuffed by the Supreme Court of the United States.

I wonder when the Supreme Court ruled on this, did they all take out their bibles and thumb through them to see what god wanted, or did they do what the law required of them.

I think that we all can agree that society was more consecrative as a whole in 1922 also.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 9, 2004 02:01:09 AM new

What is your take on all of the news on the horrible abomination called the pedophile priest? You know, the male members of your scared church who are secretly sodomizing young boys who have been placed into their trust by unsuspecting parents.

You know the ones that have been charged with up to 30 counts of child molestation in some cases. The ones who your church try to HIDE and EVADE the law.

Can these HORRIBLE SINNERS get into that lovely place you call heaven? Can they ask for forgiveness? If so, can they ask for forgiveness 30 times if they need it? If they need to ask 50 times can they? Is there is limit of the number of times they can ask for forgiveness? Where will they end up? Are they going to heaven or to HELL WHERE THEY BELONG!!!!!

You said that logan said and you aren't going to end up in the same place because logan is gay. So, where are these PEDOPHILES going?

I will be waiting for your answer on this one too. Please don't say that you don't know, when you already have made reservations for logan (in your mind) that is.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 9, 2004 02:24:00 AM new

You and your religious right bible thumpers need to clean up yourselves BEFORE you focus your attention on others. It's that simple!

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 9, 2004 06:07:46 AM new
No they are not yeager, ONLY the homosexuals see it that way...

but then your blindness to their wrong choice will not allow you to see that...

Comparing homosexuals to anything other than the deviants they are... is rediculous, compare them to necrophiplia's, compare them to child molestors, compare them to people who practice beastilaity... yes those are equal comparisons...

Nothing to do with any civil rights movement... marriage is not a "right"


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 9, 2004 06:05:05 PM new
Brainstormer twelve,

The comparison and the challenge was to the denial of woman having the right to vote. I asked you to counter that and you have fail to do it. There is NO way that you could counter that in the fact women were born female. So, instead of bringing up something of viability, you bring up more of your rhetoric. This of course has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Nice try though. Most people who realize their position is failing will almost alway change the subject and interject something stupid. Like you did!

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!

[ edited by yeager on Sep 9, 2004 06:07 PM ]
posted on September 9, 2004 06:16:07 PM new
twelve says,

No they are not yeager, ONLY the homosexuals see it that way...

You say the right of women to vote, and Gay Americans to marry aren't based on society's wanting to limit and control a segment of society. You seem to think that women weren't being controlled by society. Then why weren't women allowed to vote prior to 1920?

Can you answer that question without using the words necrophiplia's, child molestors, beastilaity? I doubt it, but give it a try anyway.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 9, 2004 08:19:42 PM new
Comparing homosexuals to anything other than the deviants they are... is rediculous, compare them to necrophiplia's, compare them to child molestors, compare them to people who practice beastilaity... yes those are equal comparisons...

I don't take orders from you pal, I will answer as I see fit...

This has nothing to do with the women's right to vote, this is about homosexuals period...

You are the one who is trying to interject things that do not apply...


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 9, 2004 09:00:16 PM new
I guess you can't answer it without using your "pet" words. Are you loosing control. You seem to be when your tone becomes angry. Would this be natural for a person who is loosing an debate? You only keep repeating yourself without and real meaning. OK, you have chimed in on this. Now I am waiting for CC. Let's see how he does, or doesn't do.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 9, 2004 09:02:01 PM new

Please don't call me your pal either. Some might think that you are hitting on me.


Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 9, 2004 09:06:20 PM new

You are slipping so pathetically. The Gay Marriage issue and women voting are different. However, you didn't still answer why women weren't allowed the right to vote prior to 1920. That is a different issue than Gay Marriage.

So, I ask you again. Why weren't women allowed to vote prior to 1920?

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 9, 2004 09:14:15 PM new
CC, the jesus freak says,"Show me any of the positives of homosexuality"

Here's a few contributors, CC. APARTIAL list:

Alexander the Great
*Macedonian Ruler, 300 B.C.
*Greek Philosopher, 400 B.C.
*Greek Woman Poet, 600 B.C.
*Roman Emperor, 1st-2nd c.
Richard the Lionhearted
*English King, 12th c.
*Sultan of Egypt and Syria
Desiderius Erasmus
*Dutch Monk, Philosopher
Francis Bacon
*English statesman, author
Frederick the Great
*King of Prussia
Lord Byron
*English poet, 18th c.
Walt Whitman
*U.S. poet, author, 19th c.
Oscar Wilde
*Irish author, 19th c.
Marcel Proust
*French author, 20th c.
*French author, 20th c.
Gertrude Stein
*U.S. poet, author, 20th c.
Alice B. Toklas
*U.S. author, 20th c.
Federico Garcia Lorca
*Spanish author, 20th c.
Cole Porter
*U.S. composer, 20th c.
Virginia Woolf
*English author, 20th c.
Leonard Bernstein
*U.S. composer, 20th c.
Pope Julius III
T.E. Lawrence
*English soldier, author, 20th c.
Jean Cocteau
*French writer, director, 20th c.
Charles Laughton
*English actor, 20th c.
Marguerite Yourcenar
*Belgian author, 20th c.
Tennessee Williams
*U.S. Playwright, 20th c.
James Baldwin
*U.S. author, 20th c.
Andy Warhol
*U.S. artist, 20th c.
*Italian artist, 15th c.
Leonardo Da Vinci
*Ital. Artist, scientist, 15th c.
Christopher Marlowe
*Eng. Playwright, 16th c.
Herman Melville
*U.S. author, 19th c.
Horatio Alger, Jr.
*U.S. author, 19th c.
*Russian composer, 19th c.
Willa Cather
*U.S. author, 19th c.
Amy Lowell
*U.S. author, 19th & 20th c.
E.M. Forster
*English author, 20th c.
John M. Keynes
*English economist, 20th c.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
*Australian mathematician, 20th c.
Bessie Smith
*U.S. singer, 20th c.
Noel Coward
*English playwright, 20th c.
Christopher Isherwood
*English author, 20th c.
Pier Paolo Pasolini
*Italian film director, 20th c.
Yukio Mishima
*Japanese author, 20th c.
Eleanor Roosevelt
*U.S. stateswoman, 20th c.
Julius Caesar
*Roman Emperor, 100-44 B.C.
Augustus Caesar
*Roman Emperor
Harvey Milk
*U.S. politician, 20th c.
Bayard Rustin
*U.S. Civil Rights activist, 20th c.
James I
*English King, 16th-17th c.
Queen Anne
*English Queen, 18th c.
Marie Antoinette
*French Empress, 18th c.
Melissa Etheridge
*U.S. Rock Star, 20th c.
Pope Benedict IX
Mary Sarton
*U.S. author, 20th c.
Edna Ferber
*U.S. author, 20th c.
Elton John
*English Rock Star, 20th c.
Margaret Fuller
*U.S. writer, educator, 20th c.
Montezuma II
*Aztec ruler, 16th c.
Peter the Great
*Russian Czar, 17th-18th c.
Langston Hughes
*U.S. author, 20th c.
Pope John XII
Madame de Stael
*French writer, 17th-18th c.
Martina Navratilova
*U.S. tennis star, 20th c.
Greg Louganis
*U.S. Olympic swimmer, 20th c.
Billie Jean King
*U.S. tennis star, 20th c.
Roberta Achtenburg
*U.S. politician, 20th c.
Barney Frank
*U.S. Congressman, 20th c.
Gerry Studds
*U.S. Congressman, 20th c.
Hans Christian Andersen
*Danish author, 19th c.

posted on September 9, 2004 09:23:40 PM new
Montezuma II
*Aztec ruler, 16th c.

.....and because of this one we now have what is commonly know as Montezuma's revenge.

posted on September 9, 2004 09:30:25 PM new
by Nom D. Plume
GREEN BAY, WI - Green Bay Packers' defensive lineman Reggie White says homosexuals have no place in professional football. White, who will appear in national anti-gay television commercials, claims that homosexual players on the field would take away from the "manliness" of the game.
White, who is also a preacher, said he doesn't approve of a homosexual lifestyle and wouldn't want to have to play alongside gays. "Football is all about big sweaty men dressing up in tight pants trying to grab each other until someone falls down. Then we all pile on top of each other and roll around in the dirt. This is not the right environment for homosexual behavior," White said during a post-practice press conference.
According to White, the rough and tumble nature of professional football demands players with extremely masculine qualities. For example, the center position requires very large men who can bend over and stick their butts out while a quarterback puts both his hands between their buns. "Football players are the closest thing to being a Roman gladiator," said White.
Immediately after the press conference ended, White joined dozens of his naked team mates in the locker room where they all took showers together. White congratulated the players for a good practice by gingerly slapping them on their buttocks.

posted on September 10, 2004 06:15:56 AM new
Reggie White...what a cheesehead.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on September 10, 2004 06:28:44 AM new
I repeat yeager because it seems that you and logansdad are understanding that homosexuality is wrong...

Why did women need to vote? Prior to WWII most women stayed at home and took care of the house, nothing political there.

However after WWII it was different and with women coming on stong to the workforce, then yes I can see them being allowed to vote.

Women are born women, they do not make that choice, homosexuals make the choice to be that way...

Why do you fail to understand that? are you saying you support NAMBLA? even kerry does not support gay marriage, because if he did he knows that he will definately lose the election.


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 10, 2004 10:12:30 AM new
I repeat yeager because it seems that you and logansdad are understanding that homosexuality is wrong...

In case you don't know so is divorce and abortion. THOSE ARE BOTH AGAINST THE TEACHINGS OF THE BIBLE AS WELL. So until those are banned we can all do what we want.

I know you will not be able to understand this since it takes more knowledge than your 1st grade education provided you.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on September 10, 2004 10:26:32 AM new
So until those are banned we can all do what we want.

Dream on....

posted on September 10, 2004 12:52:44 PM new
twelve says,

Why did women need to vote? Prior to WWII most women stayed at home and took care of the house, nothing political there.

In case you don't know, WWII in the US was from 1941 to 1945. The question was not about WWII, or that time frame, or whether they stayed home and took care of the house. It was not about Gay Marriage either. It was about why they weren't allowed to vote prior to 1920.

However after WWII it was different and with women coming on strong to the workforce, then yes I can see them being allowed to vote.

In case you don't know it, women were the strongest in the work force in the WWII years. I am sure that you might of heard of Rosie the Riveter, the average American woman who worked in the factories making the arms to win the war. After the war, women returned into their traditional roles in the home. How does that have anything to do with the fact women weren't allowed to vote prior to 1920?

Women are born women, they do not make that choice, homosexuals make the choice to be that way...

Actually twelve, women are born as females, and not women. A female developes into a woman. When a mother gives birth to a female child, the doctor doesn't say, Oh!, you are the proud mother of a bouncing baby woman. I fully understand that females are born without a choice. What does have to do with the fact that women in America not having the right to vote prior to 1920?

So again, I ask you. Why didn't women have the right to vote in the US prior to 1920?


Since you are here, the same question to you.

To all readers,

Have you noticed how CC and clammed up so far on the pedophile priest question, and that 12 is sidestepping the women's voting issue?

Twelve don't present yourself as A LOOSING SIDE STEPPER.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!

[ edited by yeager on Sep 10, 2004 12:59 PM ]
posted on September 10, 2004 01:02:02 PM new
twelve says,

then yes I can see them being allowed to vote.

I bet that the women of America are so glad that you allow them to do this.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 10, 2004 01:30:04 PM new

One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.


n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot! Yeager is a bigot!

Did I mention that Yeager is a bigot? Bigots are miserable people, but that can be aided through education. Too bad Yeager refuses to learn.


Hebrews 13:8
posted on September 10, 2004 01:39:32 PM new
I wonder when the Supreme Court ruled on this, did they all take out their bibles and thumb through them to see what god wanted, or did they do what the law required of them.

I'm not sure...but maybe they looked to the depiction of Moses holding the 10 commandments on the USSC building. Maybe they prayed about it in the prayer that always opens each of their sessions.

Then you ask questions but totally discourage any answer when you say things like: Now, CC, Linda, or twelve. I will be waiting for your answer on that one. There is nothing that you can say to counter that. So if there's nothing we can say....why bother?


As far as Priest who have molested children go...I seriously doubt there's a Catholic that supports this type of behavior. The Catholic's I know were as appalled by their actions, as I was. Then there were some who felt some had been falsely accused and totally backed their Priests against these charges. JUST like in real life.

Because a religious person sins [a sin, according to their own belief systems teachings] doesn't mean approval is given to either that mistaken action nor others that are also wrong. Because one chooses to justify their own misguided actions....doesn't mean that same 'sin' will be forgiven come judgement day. We won't know until that day comes. It may be too late then to change our past actions.
posted on September 10, 2004 02:08:45 PM new

strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Or are you siding on the same issues that I am, or are you strongly partial to your own issues?

Are you calling me a bigot because you are upset that my statements make sense to you and you can't respond without being emotionally uncontrolled?

Are you aware that the spirit of debate is to disagree and discuss. I didn't call anyone a bigot in my sig line. They identify themselves so easily.

Now, for your outburst, go stand in the corner for 10 minutes!

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!

[ edited by yeager on Sep 10, 2004 02:15 PM ]
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