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posted on August 22, 2000 07:43:22 AM new

I like your math better I'd LOVE to be 22 again!

posted on August 22, 2000 08:08:54 AM new
I'm very much into geneaology, and I know how much these old newspapers mean to families. I keep searching for pieces to put together the puzzle of my family. My husband bought a big box of old newspapers at an auction and I divided them out into counties and contacted the various web sites under the GenWeb project -- every county has a site -- and offered the newspapers to them. One person was so excited I sent him free (including shipping) a pile of papers from the mid 1800's on. The others never replied and I still have the papers.

Just this last Saturday I bought a huge lot of letters, diaries, and other documents from 1900-1926. They pieced together a fascinating story and I searched the web for information about this family -- have even posted on the surname boards on the geneaology sites. One man contacted me and helped me fill in the pieces of this story -- not a relative, but a man who knew quite a bit about the son of the family, who squandered his inheritance on racing cars and actually won the Indy 500 in 1946! I'm beginning to believe there are no direct descendants of the woman whose letters I have, but if there are, the letters and documents are hers.

Just an aside to your story, Wendy.

posted on August 22, 2000 08:14:39 AM new
NanasClutter Just an aside to your story, Wendy.

And a wonderful one at that!

I may start searching out people for some things I find in my travels, as well. What a wonderful surprise to give someone. Thanks for the great idea!


posted on August 22, 2000 08:42:51 AM new
Wendy..just wait till your 52...32 will look wonderful then! (don't ask how I know!)

posted on August 22, 2000 11:36:31 AM new
The saga continues. There was definitely shill bidding involved (as several of you pointed out, and I hadn't even bothered to look---thank you) So now I'm peeved at that, as well. My bid increased by almost $15.00 because of it. I haven't responded to the email I pasted above because I've read the negatives on the shill account and it certainly sounds as though my seller is not one to accept blame. So now, I'm out my money, the seller is making excuses as to why the item hasn't been sent, is NARU'd and the auction was shilled. This seller obviously isn't incredibly astute (used the same email name on different servers to shill) but somehow did rack up 179 positive on their other account.

Maybe my only choice is to sit and wait. Would you? Would you address the shilling? If so, when? After I receive the item? (If that happens) Do I have any options? If I don't receive the paper, I really don't have any trump card to pursue "charges" on $20.00, do I? Normally I wouldn't make such a big stink over a small dollar item, but I'm really upset about this. The item I have been looking years and years and years for and I have to find a shady seller!

Thanks for letting me rant, guys. Any and all advice on what I should do is greatly appreciated. I really don't expect to see the paper. I hope to report differently down the line but am preparing myself to do whatever I have to to make sure she doesn't just get away with this in the event I don't get it.

God....just re-read this. I sound demented and obsessed. Hmmmmm... that's exactly how I feel. Guess I'll hit "post"!


posted on August 22, 2000 12:58:46 PM new
You might consider contacting Paypal for a refund.


To ADD: I'm sure paypaldamon would love to help you out.
[ edited by lejer on Aug 22, 2000 01:01 PM ]
posted on August 22, 2000 01:38:52 PM new
I so hope u get the newspaper. My dad played for the Boston Braves. There are a few things I found only on ebay. Know how you feel

posted on August 22, 2000 01:49:30 PM new
If it would help any, you can still pull contact info on the seller, even though she's NARU. You just have to do it through Safe Harbor, rather than using the "Request Contact Information" link. Email Safe Harbor with the user ID and transaction number, and inform them that you need the contact information because you haven't received merchandise that you paid for. They'll provide you with the contact information. If you don't get the paper from the original seller, you can do a charge back on your credit card, since you paid by PayPal. Too bad you had the rotten luck to get involved with someone like this one such an important deal!

posted on August 22, 2000 02:21:54 PM new
Wendy - if I were you, I would not confront the seller in any way about the shilling. It might scare her off and make her less likely to send your paper, which is what's important right now. Just "make nice" in any dealings with her, despite any feelings to the contrary. It's really in your best interest to do that.

If you feel you need to bring up the shilling issue, do it after receiving the paper (I'm being optimistic here and figuring she'll send it eventually). I don't think it will do any good, though, since she has already been NARU'ed -- plus she'll probably just deny it.

I'll be crossing my fingers for you!

posted on August 22, 2000 02:56:09 PM new
I agree with RainyBear. Also, before giving up completely on the seller, tell her the truth - why the item means so much to you. Just because she acted dishonestly in her auction dealings doesn't mean that that she is without feeling.

posted on August 22, 2000 03:29:56 PM new
I know there is a company that does mail-order Auctions on newspapers. I saw it in a magazine once...

Give me a day to dig it up.

:\\\"Crystalline Sliver cannot be the target of spells or abilities.
posted on August 22, 2000 03:55:10 PM new
Thank you all!

Crystalline Sliver, I will be waiting with my fingers ready to type in the url! (Or dial the phone, whatever the case may be) Thanks so much for looking for it for me.

I agree with the consensus that I should probably not upset the proverbial apple cart with this seller. I'll just keep me fingers crossed that she will follow through for me. However, I did write to her before I bid and mentioned the sentimental value of it to me. She consequently shill bid so I wouldn't say her "soft side" gives a flying petunia about me.


posted on August 22, 2000 06:05:08 PM new

I too had just aquired a LONG sought after family piece due to an eBay auction. As a collector of autographs in junior high school {FAR too many years ago!!}, I began seaching for something from my most famous ancestor: Jonathan Dayton, the youngest signer of the US Constitution from New Jersey. A few weeks back I found an auction for some revolutionary war letters to him AND an indenture document drawn up and signed by him! {How they ended up in someones attic in Oregon is anyones guess!!}

Well somebody upstairs smiled and said "OK" and I was able to work out a deal with the seller {who shipped this 216 year old document BEFORE he received my check even!} ....I am still in awe that i can not only touch a piece of history, but that I also have a new family heirloom to pass on someday!

Thanks to eBay, a 30+ year search produced results that I had almost given up hope on!!

Hope YOUR dream comes true for you!

Same Kawfee-n-Junque as on eBay...I aint afraid of who I am!

edited cause my mind wandered...if you see it please send it home!!!
[ edited by kawfeenjunque on Aug 22, 2000 06:07 PM ]
posted on August 22, 2000 07:25:30 PM new
zemanski -

If you are and the seller are "verified" PayPal users, you may want to look into the Buyer Protection Guarantee offered by PayPal which began on 8/1. It's so new that no one has used it yet (you have to wait at least 30 days before filing a claim) so I don't know exactly what their process is yet, but you may be able to get your money back, or the seller may be "encouraged" to ship the item. Don't know if it'll help, but something to keep in mind if it doesn't arrive in 30 days. You can read more about it on this thread http://www.auctionwatch.com/mesg/read.html?num=41&thread=1686

posted on August 22, 2000 07:30:27 PM new
Sorry for my ignorance, but what does "NARU" stand for? Thanks!
posted on August 22, 2000 08:07:44 PM new
NARU Not a Registered User


posted on August 22, 2000 08:39:14 PM new
zemanski: I know that there is at least one seller on eBay who specializes in old newspapers. Probably more.

Guess I can't name any names here, but it wouldn't be too hard to look these people up on eBay, and let them know what you are looking for. They might be helpful.

* my functionality is currently unavailable *
posted on August 23, 2000 01:57:30 AM new
Ok, how about this for an idea? First, I would give her plenty of time to come through on the deal, and as RainyBear said, "make nice" in the meantime. Then, if she knows your story and appealing to her sentimentality doesn't work, appeal to her greed. Offer her $XX.XX additional if she will just send it - the money either to be sent after you recieve it, or a post dated check (be sure to circle the date in red or something so it won't just be cashed!) with the understanding you will stop payment if the paper is not recieved by a designated date. Maybe even an escrow service. Or perhaps some other way you can come up with. Whatever, I think the important thing is to keep the channels of communication open and not p*** her off.

posted on August 23, 2000 08:58:07 AM new
Bloody Hell, I can't locate the Magazine!!

ARGH!! Guys, help me out!!

I think the company I was talking about is located in the Northeast/New England Area. It's run by an old 65+ yr old.

I'll see if I can dig up a url.
:\\\"Crystalline Sliver cannot be the target of spells or abilities.
posted on August 23, 2000 10:05:59 AM new
Crystalline Sliver - You doll! Don't put yourself out for this... I appreciate your looking THIS long and I'll keep searching myself for the company you're thinking of. I'd also like to thank the many people who have written me with ideas and places to look as well as Diana who actually wrote to the editor of the paper on my behalf asking them to look in their archives for me. I have been very touched by everyone's kindness and wishes and the successful stories that have been shared. While I really really want that paper, even if I don't get it I will have gotten something really wonderful out the whole thing: "strangers" reaching out to help another person in need. I don't think I have ever been on the receiving end of such anonymous care/sympathy/empathy and it has been an eye opener for me.

As I told one person who wrote to me --- I WILL be passing this good karma along!


posted on August 23, 2000 11:50:19 AM new

Have you considered posting a want on ewanted.com? I have had pretty good luck finding out of the ordinary items on there.

posted on August 26, 2000 10:46:19 PM new

I emailed the seller once again yesterday in the hopes that I could appeal to her "soft" side in getting the paper to me. No response.

It's getting very difficult to not get angry now. She has my money, she shill bid and now won't respond to emails. I have been very careful, as advised, to not be at all aggressive or confrontational with her. I still feel like I want to remain docile and hope she comes around but I get the feeling she won't and really really want to start pursuing this for the fraud that it is. How do I do that?

I am amazed that someone who built up over 179 positive on another account would be so irresponsible. Maybe that's the only reason I have a semblance of hope she might follow through.



posted on August 26, 2000 11:43:18 PM new
Hi Wen

Please email me the item no, and the user Id for the shill bidding. [email protected] and any other ebay IDs envolved. They might be on this thread, but due to time, I just read 6 of the posts and jumped here. Ed
posted on September 1, 2000 12:58:31 PM new
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIE! It arrived today! Never a response to my emails, no note in the package... no way to leave feedback since she is NARU. But, I don't care! Thought ya'll might like to see a pic of the coveted item in my hands finally! Please excuse the big grin on my face with such a mournful paper.. it just means a TON to me!

Hope that is right----James tried to help me understand how to do it.

Thanks to everyone who was so great about trying to help with this and especially those who emailed me, emailed the paper and also offered to keep an eye out for me at some of the Indiana yard sales. A truly incredible group of people here. If anyone wants/needs me to keep an eye out for anything in the Baltimore area...just say the word!


PS... Now...should I do anything about the $14.25 the buyer owes me because she shill bid (i.e. PayPal credit etc)or should I just be grateful I got my paper and shut the heck up?

edited to be the first to point out I am a moron and can't get the darned image to show.
[ edited by zemanski on Sep 1, 2000 12:59 PM ]
[ edited by zemanski on Sep 1, 2000 01:01 PM ]
[ edited by zemanski on Sep 1, 2000 01:05 PM ]
posted on September 1, 2000 01:00:10 PM new
Hooray! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!

Not Kerryann on eBay

posted on September 1, 2000 01:13:26 PM new

Thanks!!! Now I have to get the nerve to take the paper and the UPI wire to an art store to have it matted and framed---- I'm scared to death they will have one of those one-in-a-million things happen and my most prized possessions will get burned in a fire or get coffee spilled all over them.

Of course, I'll risk it!

posted on September 1, 2000 01:28:45 PM new
Hey Wen.

Glad you got the paper! Find some one to remove the acid before framming. Enjoy! Send a nice thank you to the seller. You paid below book, your paper is not in the book, but according to a freind, any paper in that condition for that date is over $25.00, and I bet you would have paid $100.00

posted on September 1, 2000 01:30:11 PM new
Wendy, that's wonderful!!

Thanks for letting us know the resolution.

As for the shill bidding, since she's already NARU I'd probably just drop it and be happy she came through with the paper. If she didn't answer email when you were being nice, just imagine how responsive she'd be if you were asking for money. Might be a lot of hassle for nothing.

posted on September 1, 2000 01:32:23 PM new

You are absolutely right that I would have paid much much more for this item... but I'm just NOT a big enough person to THANK a seller for shill bidding the auction. However, I don't think I'll pursue it. I got what I paid for and am thrilled to have it. No need for me to continue the saga with a less than responsible seller. It's a happy thing! I don't want to fudge it up by making it a frustrating thing.

posted on September 1, 2000 01:35:51 PM new
Hi Wendy,

I've been following your story...and I'm so delighted that it worked out so well!

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