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posted on August 15, 2005 04:27:12 PM new
NYT Admits Good Iraq News May Be "Crowded Out"

     Safely tucked away on Page 2 of Monday's Business section Monday is Katharine Seelye's "Editors Ponder How to Present a Broad Picture of Iraq," in which editors from the Associated Press admit that they are hamstrung from covering good news in Iraq.

     Seelye describes an email received by Rosemary Goudreau, editorial page editor of The Tampa Tribune: "'Did you know that 47 countries have re-established their embassies in Iraq?' the anonymous polemic asks, in part.

'Did you know that 3,100 schools have been renovated?'….'Of course we didn't know!' the message concludes. 'Our media doesn't tell us!'

     "Ms. Goudreau's newspaper, like most dailies in America, relies largely on The Associated Press for its coverage of the Iraq war.

So she finally forwarded the e-mail message to Mike Silverman, managing editor of The A.P., asking if there was a way to check these assertions and to put them into context. Like many other journalists, Mr. Silverman had also received a copy of the message.

     "Ms. Goudreau's query prompted an unusual discussion last month in New York at a regular meeting of editors whose newspapers are members of The Associated Press. Some editors expressed concern that a kind of bunker mentality was preventing reporters in Iraq from getting out and explaining the bigger picture beyond the daily death tolls."

     Silverman makes an admission the Times and other media organizations have been reluctant to make: That their readership isn't getting the whole story about Iraq because, according to Silverman, "the wire service was covering Iraq 'as accurately as we can' while 'also trying to keep our people out of harm's way.'….The main obstacle we face,' he said, 'is the severe limitation on our movement and our ability to get out and report.

It's very confining for our staff to go into Baghdad and have to spend most of their time on the fifth floor of the Palestine Hotel,' which is home to most of the press corps."

     Such admissions of non-omniscience are rare in media reporting from Iraq.

     The text box reads: "Is a bunker mentality crowding out positive progress reports?"

     Just last week the Times ludicrously faulted the Bush administration for not getting good news stories about war hero troops out into the "culture at large."

For more Seelye on the lack of good news out of Iraq, click here.


Plus this site even points out how the NYT once again has to make corrections on a falsehood it stated about O'Reilly. So many errors that need correcting....shame on them.

So...this is for KD, helen and all those others who are saying they're not hearing any GOOD NEWS coming out of Iraq....except by people like me who use sites that ARE REPORTING the good news coming out of Iraq.

Now you can see why MSM and the liberal NYT that you use as your Bible....isn't mentioning any of the positive things that are occuring there. AND why KD's not getting the pictures she wants. And also why the polls are showing what they are....they're NOT getting both sides of the stories.
"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!

[ edited by Linda_K on Aug 15, 2005 04:36 PM ]
posted on August 15, 2005 04:47:46 PM new

TimesWatch is in the business of documenting and exposing the Liberal Political Agenda of the New York Times.


Linda's article from http://www.timeswatch.org/twarticles/2005/20050815.asp#2

Where in that article does the New York Times Admit Good Iraq News May Be Crowded Out?

posted on August 15, 2005 04:52:04 PM new
LOL helen....I've explained that to everyone at least two times now. Are YOU just now getting it?

If you can't read the link I posted and comprehend it....I am sorry. This is not the first time you've had this difficulty. Does your insulin dosage need adjusting? Sometimes that helps improve the ability to grasp things going on around you a little better.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Aug 15, 2005 04:55 PM ]
posted on August 15, 2005 05:04:46 PM new

So, you post a thread, NYT Admits Good Iraq News May Be Crowded Out...when in fact there is no such admission in the article that you provided.

OK...another duplicitous post.

posted on August 15, 2005 05:09:38 PM new
LOL helen.....don't be so quick to discount it just because YOU can't see what's written.

Others do have their own ability to comprehend what's being said.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on August 15, 2005 05:22:49 PM new

When you use a poster's medical condition as a means to insult, you are slouching to a really low point ...but a point to which to have traveled before when you tried to insult a Vietnam veteran who had to take pain medication.

Good luck with a response to your "topic".

posted on August 15, 2005 05:44:29 PM new
Oh helen....you're always reading more into things than are actually said.

I mentioned your insulin because you haven't been yourself lately....the way you don't get things....the way you mix things up. A very good warning sign that something could be amiss with your sugar levels. We ALL know that blood levels changing not only one's behavior but also clouds their minds.

That the facts.

And as far as going back what?...5 - 6 years ago and falsely mistating again something I said....how low of you helen. KRS was using oxycontin....a very addictive drug that you have also mention when spewing your dislike of ol' Rush Limbaugh.

So don't go trying to pretend that you take the 'high and mighty' route here. You fool no one.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on August 15, 2005 06:08:30 PM new

Linda, I don't know a single individual that would not be considered "high and mighty" next to you. Now, you are displaying for all to see your total lack of decency. In my opinion, you are pitifully deficient in every quality that describes a good human being.

posted on August 15, 2005 06:25:59 PM new
Seeing how you form other opinions you do.....I'm not surprised at the way you formed this one now.

But it's not truth you speak....it's all in your own little confused mind helen.

And here's 25 cents....call someone who cares what your opinion is anyway. I sure don't.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on August 15, 2005 06:44:48 PM new
Linda_K always gets nasty when caught.

posted on August 16, 2005 04:30:00 AM new
Bigpeepa, You hit the nail on the head. Linda does get nasty when caught. Besides her personal attacks, this thread is typical of her underhanded efforts to smear and twist the truth. There is no apology from the New York Times as her headline would lead the unsuspecting to believe.

The objective of TimeWatch is to control what the New York Times newspaper prints --- to notice that which is not in the interest of Right Wing agenda and try by such tactics as the one that Linda posted to make it appear that the Times is too liberal to print the truth and to pressure the NYT to print news more favorable to the Bush administration.

Americans should be on guard against such Fascist tactics to control the free press.

[ edited by Helenjw on Aug 16, 2005 04:31 AM ]
posted on August 16, 2005 12:14:31 PM new
Linda, I don't see Helen not being herself lately, or mixing things up, or her sugar levels being askew, or her mind cloudy. Are you sure you're not just making that up?

I've also heard "good news" coming from Iraq - many have. We've read about it as well. It's not the lack of articles or discussion on the subject, Linda, it's pictures of these 3,100 renovated schools, etc. You misunderstand when I talk about this subject. We have great satellite technology that can beam real time pictures of the war, the bombings, the dead, etc. If showing pictures of the rebuilding that's taking place in Iraq would help Bush's cause, which it would, why aren't they being shown on tv, the internet, in the newspapers? Is it a worldwide conspiracy? We don't need to see all 3,100, but a few dozon or so. That's why I keep repeating that ANY picures of the rebuilding would show Americans and the world that there's progress being made. Even if those renovated buildings were blown up again, it would only help Bush's cause. That's what I don't get Linda.

posted on August 16, 2005 12:27:41 PM new
...it would only help Bush's cause. That's what I don't get Linda.]

And who wants to help Bush's cause?

Oh, dont tell me. You do, right, kraft?

posted on August 16, 2005 12:33:09 PM new

Thanks KD...Linda has a tendency to prevaricate when she thinks that the end will justify the means...somewhat like her favorite president. And sometimes, like now, she gets caught.

posted on August 16, 2005 01:28:08 PM new
LOL....this cracks me up. helen, going on and on and on about how I'm trying to 'fool' everyone. what a laugh you are helen.

If anyone actually reads the link....clicks on the inside link....your questions will be anwsered. As reported by a NYT writer AND all the editors who met in NY discussing with the Assoc. Press about why the American public is NOT seeing the good work being done over there.

It's all quite easily understood....and their explanation as to why it's not happening is all there too.

So sorry that so many who think they're so intelligent just can't read it themselves.

And helen....it doesn't say 'NYT apologizes' now does it? NO... it doesn't.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Aug 16, 2005 01:30 PM ]
posted on August 16, 2005 01:33:00 PM new
KD - I'm not misunderstanding what your said at LEAST a million times or more.

You want pictures. So, email the Associated Press and ask them why they are making a picture book just for you....since just READING articles isn't good enough for you.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on August 16, 2005 02:28:03 PM new
This is the same New York Times (a liberals best friend) and former employeer of star reporter Jason Blair (who was exposed as a fraud} that wanted access to the adoption records of Judge Roberts.

"Why, it appears that we appointed all of our worst generals to command the armies and we appointed all of our best generals to edit the newspapers. I mean, I found by reading a newspaper that these editor generals saw all of the defects plainly from the start but didn't tell me until it was too late. I'm willing to yield my place to these best generals and I'll do my best for the cause by editing a newspaper." --Robert E. Lee
posted on August 16, 2005 02:50:17 PM new
So, are you saying that pictures of the "good things" happening in Iraq wouldn't boost Bush's image, Linda? That showing pictures of the carnage wouldn't be more balanced out if the other side of the coin was shown?

Why did the Iraqi people want to see pictures of Hussein's dead sons? Why didn't they just take everyone's word for it?

posted on August 17, 2005 02:05:34 AM new
Another article, this time from the WSJ Editorial Section

The Good News Is, the Good News May Get Reported

A heartening piece of metajournalism appeared in yesterday's New York Times.

It seems the Associated Press has come under pressure from American editors about the negativity of its coverage from Iraq.

[then they go on to give the SAME story that TimeWatch.com did]:
Rosemary Goudreau, editorial page editor of the Tampa Tribune, received numerous copies of a mass e-mail listing accomplishments in Iraq, and this prompted her to contact the AP:
Ms. Goudreau's newspaper, like most dailies in America, relies largely on The Associated Press for its coverage of the Iraq war. So she finally forwarded the e-mail message to Mike Silverman, managing editor of The A.P., asking if there was a way to check these assertions and to put them into context. Like many other journalists, Mr. Silverman had also received a copy of the message.

Ms. Goudreau's query prompted an unusual discussion last month in New York at a regular meeting of editors whose newspapers are members of The Associated Press. Some editors expressed concern that a kind of bunker mentality was preventing reporters in Iraq from getting out and explaining the bigger picture beyond the daily death tolls.
"The bottom-line question was, people wanted to know if we're making progress in Iraq," Ms. Goudreau said, and the A.P. articles were not helping to answer that question.
"It was uncomfortable questioning The A.P., knowing that Iraq is such a dangerous place," she said. "But there's a perception that we're not telling the whole story."
The fault here, though, does not lie entirely with the AP. Silverman says he researched the e-mail and found that in the Times' words, "most of the information in the anonymous e-mail message had been reported by The A.P., but the details had been buried in articles or the articles had been overlooked."

The Times piece concludes by noting that Goudreau conceded that by the end of the meeting, "editors were acknowledging that even in their own hometowns, 'we're more likely to focus on people who are killed than on the positive news out of a school.' "

And indeed, here's an AP Baghdad dispatch that moved yesterday on the AP wire:

[And IF American's were getting MORE stories like this one being reported - noting the SUCCESSES we are enjoying.....they would see the war as it really is.....with both good and bad....not just the body counts the liberals so love to use for their anti-war agenda.]

"The capital's Sadr City section was once a hotbed of Shiite Muslim unrest, but it has become one of the brightest successes for the U.S. security effort."

"So far this year, there has been only one car bombing in the neighborhood, and only one American soldier has been killed."
"A year ago, militiamen garbed in black and armed with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades roamed the streets in open revolt against the American presence. But U.S. troops quelled the uprising, and today calmly patrol the district, aided by loyalists of the radical cleric who spurred the violence."

A Google News search--which is wide-ranging but not comprehensive--turned up only two newspapers that have published the Sadr City story: the Chicago Sun-Times and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The story is not terribly time-sensitive, so let us hope that other papers will pick it up.

One additional bit of context: It was in Sadr City that Casey Sheehan was killed in action in April 2004. America's success there is further evidence that he did not die in vain.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on August 17, 2005 02:37:19 AM new
The Terrorists and the Media'

A roundup of the past two weeks' good news from Iraq.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT

Conservative activist and commentator L. Brent Bozell III recently wrote about an encounter with a veteran:

My son's friend Todd Jones just returned from a tour of duty in Iraq.
At a celebratory gathering at his parents' home, we chatted a while, and I asked him what he thought were the biggest problems facing the military. Without hesitating, he shot back: "The terrorists and the media."

For Bozell, this pretty much confirmed what many others, on both side of the camera, have been saying lately:

In a rare moment of balance on CBS, Army Capt. Christopher Vick echoed that sentiment:

"I think it's hard for Americans to get up every day and turn on the news and see the horrible things that are going on here, because there's no focus on the good things that go on. What they see is another car bomb went off."

This kind of coverage is exactly what the terrorists are seeking to achieve, believes Vick.

Mark Yost, who served in the Navy during the Reagan years, caused a stir in media circles for stating the obvious in an editorial in the St. Paul Pioneer Press: "to judge by the dispatches, all the Iraqis do is stand outside markets and government buildings waiting to be blown up."

On CNN's "Reliable Sources," host Howard Kurtz asked Frank Sesno, a former Washington bureau chief for CNN, about the Yost column. Sesno acknowledged you get more depth from print coverage, but suggested "even then, the bias is towards that which is going wrong, that which is blowing up and that which is not working." He said Americans ask: "Is anything getting rebuilt? Are they really democrats over there? How engaged are the Sunnis? Could I see an interview with any of these founding fathers and founding mothers of this new emerging country? Can you find that? You'll have a hard time doing it."

The question is not whether bad things happening in Iraq should be reported back home--they should, and there are clearly many of them, a fact that no one is denying--but whether positive developments should also receive the media's attention. Judging by the coverage, the media's answer seems to be, not very often.

Here are the past two weeks' worth of underreported and often overlooked good news from Iraq.


"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Aug 17, 2005 02:42 AM ]
posted on August 17, 2005 08:38:05 AM new
An Australian Chrenkoff/Chernoff blogger who churns out info of promises of what can be done and deals that are to be made and other tidbits of meandering BS does not cloud the reality of the true situation in Iraq today which is reported worldwide. Money for reconstruction has "disappeared" and the rest is mostly going towards security.

Guess what? When the media shows pics of destruction and car bombs in Iraq it has really happened, it is the reality. When soldiers die, it is the reality. As long as there is war there will be death and destruction. That's not negativity, it's reality.

posted on August 17, 2005 12:05:40 PM new
Kiara, I think it's obvious that Linda doesn't need to see pictures of any of the good things happening because she believes what's written if it supports what Bush tells everyone. It's weird because if liberals said anything like that, Linda would demand to see proof. Why is it when we all (the world) want to see pictures of the rebuilding and some of reported 3,100 renovated schools, there's no proof to be had? Wouldn't it help Bush if the good stuff was shown Linda? Or are you going to not answer?

posted on August 17, 2005 12:16:48 PM new
KD - You just can't be as dense as you pretend to be....now kiara, I can understand, but you're beginning to not deal in reality either, imo.

You refuse to accept the Associated Press' statement for the reason why they can't report on [or take the pictures you keep harping about].

READ THEIR REASONS.....and if you don't believe THEM...then there's never going to be any hope from either of you two Canadians.

Will either of you pledge YOUR alligance to America? I seriously doubt it. Just more anti-war BS from two liberal Canadians.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on August 17, 2005 12:20:13 PM new
John Pike, the director of GlobalSecurity.org, a defense information Web site, has spent a great deal of time trying to tease out the difference between facts and Pentagon spin. He said it is odd that the Pentagon hasn't done a good job of explaining the late-night flights. "It is puzzling because there are perfectly sensible explanations for this, but those are not the explanations being offered," Pike said. "And the explanation being offered makes no sense. It makes no sense."

Pike and veterans' advocate Rieckhoff both said the Pentagon has employed a raft of techniques to manage domestic perceptions of the war. The Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms defines "perception management" as "actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators" to influence "emotions, motives, and objective reasoning." Although the dictionary describes such techniques only as they apply to foreign audiences, the Pentagon has come under fire for employing some pretty aggressive techniques at home, too.

President Bush himself has garnered some criticism for deciding not to attend the funerals of fallen soldiers, opting for private meetings with their families instead.

Some critics, including the American Legion, have blamed the Pentagon for tinkering with even the most basic data on the war. Pentagon "casualty reports," for example, only reflect troops hurt by the bullets and bombs of the enemy -- excluding over 20,432 troops evacuated from Iraq and Afghanistan for injuries or illnesses the Pentagon deems not caused directly by combat, like Humvee accidents or mental trauma.

The Pentagon in 2002 closed its Office of Strategic Influence after harsh criticism followed reports that the office intended to plant fake news stories in the foreign press. Some press reports, however, assert that the mission of the Office of Strategic Influence lives on somewhere else in the Pentagon.

Last fall, military commanders in Iraq combined the public affairs and psychological warfare offices there, according to the Los Angeles Times. One office is supposed to get accurate information to the public, the other to bedevil the enemy by using information as a weapon. The decision to combine them prompted Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to warn the joint chiefs in a memo that "such organizational constructs have the potential to compromise the commander's credibility with the media and the public." And in an obvious effort to control some of the news, the Pentagon now has its own news channel. The Dish Network will soon carry the Pentagon Channel, beaming its version of the truth to 11 million viewers worldwide.

But the Pentagon's critics say it is not doing the American public any favors by restricting and controlling images of war as it has. Begleiter, the University of Delaware journalism professor, said the American people deserve to get a clear picture of war, even when that picture might be disturbing. "The American people have a right to see what the military is doing in their name," he said.

The above was taken from:

The military is partially to blame for what the right keeps calling biased reporting in Iraq but insteads to keeping blaming the MSM itself.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
The duty of a patriot in this time and place is to ask questions, to demand answers, to understand where our nation is headed and why. If the answers you get do not suit you, or if they frighten you, or if they anger you, it is your duty as a patriot to dissent. Freedom does not begin with blind acceptance and with a flag. Freedom begins when you say 'No.'
posted on August 17, 2005 12:31:57 PM new
Come on Linda. Are you saying you're the only one here that deals in reality? Can't we all have our views on the way we see things, or don't see things in this case? I told you when I see pictures of the good stuff happening, I'll shut up. I said if anyone can show pictures of the good stuff, I'll shut up. I'll admit that I might be the only one on the planet who hasn't seen the pictures, so that's why I ask. If you want to believe there's a good reason why they're not shown, that's up to you. I just don't buy it - especially since it would help Bush so much. I hope you see what I mean.

This is a question to everyone else... am I blind here? Am I reading the wrong newspapers? Am I watching the wrong news channels? Have you all seen pictures and I'm the only one here who hasn't? I don't want to make a fool of myself by droning on, so I hope some of you will enlighten me here.

posted on August 17, 2005 12:32:47 PM new
Well...logan....I'll take the word of our own returning VETS over what some liberal or international site says.

We're talking about how the soldiers are so suprised and also how disappointed they are in the MSM media for NOT reporting the accomplishments they are making.

And logan....I asked a question about the lefties here and their willingness to put your hand on your heart, and say and mean the Pledge of Alligance to our American Flag and our Country. Are you willing to do that? A simple yes or no is all that's being asked for.

[And, as it is written. NOT making up one of your own that American's don't use.]

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on August 17, 2005 12:42:08 PM new
"Pledge of Alligance"

Do you mean Pledge of Allegiance, Linda?

posted on August 17, 2005 12:50:56 PM new

posted on August 17, 2005 12:52:05 PM new
Yes, KD, that's the proper spelling. NOW you going to any the question about whether or not you'd mak the pledge to our flag and country?

And on this 'difference of opinion'. That's not what you're doing. You're asking a question, repeatedly, and when given the reasons from the AP, you ignore them. That's not 'a difference' of opinion....that's 'head in the sand time'.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on August 17, 2005 12:52:59 PM new

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