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posted on September 22, 2000 10:46:09 PM new
yorequest CUTE!

I had a co-worker name their son so his initials were "A-O-K"

posted on September 22, 2000 10:55:13 PM new
Thank ya, MaLady.

On another subject, my own name was cobbled together from a very odd Grandfather's ( his name was odd, not him...O.K., he did carve peach pits into tiny little...Oh, never mind) so, my own handle is different. I grew up feeling very much the individual and have always enjoyed having it that way. I honestly do feel that my name (and possibly the fact that I couldn't even spell it correctly myself until well into the 3rd grade) has helped make me the person I am today. For good or ill. Thanks Mom!

posted on September 22, 2000 11:06:25 PM new
Yorequest Were you going to say that your grandfather carved peach pits into tiny little baskets? That's what mine did - I'm trying to imagine what else they could be carved into.

posted on September 23, 2000 04:43:21 AM new
I'd look up the list of the currently-most- popualar baby names and cross off the first 50. Every third girl down here seems to be named Alexis, Tiffany, Crystal, Brooke or Paige.

If you were in this part of the world you'd be worrying more about what to use as a nickname, which if you're to be "anybody" seems a requirement and will be used by friends well into your golden years. My favorite so far is "Butterbean". My poor son was called "Bun" (diminutive of "Bunny" by his thoughtless mother for many, many years. He was patient and I finally outgrew it (about the time he started shaving).

posted on September 23, 2000 05:18:24 AM new
My favourites:

Girl: Hope, Fern, Yvonne, Faith

Boy: Tyler, Thomas, Anthony
posted on September 23, 2000 05:43:04 AM new
Have more than one name picked out and wait until you see the baby. Some names just "fit" when you finally see the little one.

Also, be sure the first name sounds pleasant when pronounced with the last name. It all has to go together.

Our friends have a darling son named Austin. My poor husband cannot remember that name and he always calls him Boston. Close, but no cigar!

What is your heritage? I find it interesting when people draw on their background and choose a name from their history. Even an Anglicized version of an ethnic name can be pretty and a good conversation starter.

I live in a very ethnically diverse old city and some of the common children's names are lovely. We have lots of names like Sophie, Olivia, Madeline, and Regan for girls and Conor, Liam, Garret, and Gannon for boys.

Lots of moms are now using their maiden name as a first name for the child, boy or girl. If your name is pretty, consider that.

Best wishes.

posted on September 23, 2000 08:44:53 AM new
You got it pharlap, Anthony was the number one name on my boys list.

I also like the Brooks and Dunn names for twins.

Edited to add.

Also, be sure the first name sounds pleasant when pronounced with the last name. It all has to go together.

busybiddy, you have to admit, the only name that sounds right with my last name of Jagger is Mick.

6 months and counting

[ edited by tokay99 on Sep 23, 2000 08:48 AM ]
posted on September 23, 2000 03:07:37 PM new
tokay99: I'm very fond of Anthony. It's my dad and brother's first name and my son's middle name. You can't go wrong with it and it sounds great with your last name.

What a cool surname, BTW!

posted on September 23, 2000 03:37:47 PM new
I work with a lady who named her second daughter after her first daughter's doll. The name is supposed to be pronounced "Sha-lyn" but when you say it fast, it comes out "SHLYN". Not a good name. Sounds like a bike.

posted on September 23, 2000 05:19:06 PM new
Congratulations on your upcoming arrivals!

My favorite names would have to be MY kids names.

I like Irish names..hence Eriu, but.

My boy is Kyle and
my girl is Kiera

Both Irish names. Kiera is the feminine form of Kieran. If she had been a boy her name would have been Kieran.

Please keep us posted on what names you DO choose!

posted on September 23, 2000 11:40:38 PM new
My husband's name is Dennis, my daughter's name is Sydney, Sydney means from St. Denis. In a way, she is named after her father. My problem was that I was watching too much Melrose Place while pregnant, that is where I got Sydney. My whole family hated it, and they all vowed to call her Nicole or Nickie, her middle name, but they never did. She is just Syd now, and there is not a more fitting name for her. In 1996 a year after I had her, I had my next, he was supposed to be a girl, and we were going to name her Madison, but we got a Jake instead.

I am with HCQ 100% stay away from the top 50 names. Jake is not popular here, but it is way overused elsewhere. When I was in the hospital the nurses were telling me that they get a run on certain names and every other child has the same first name. In 1995 Sydney was not popular at all for a little girl, but I have been hearing it a lot lately. Heather

posted on September 24, 2000 12:17:04 AM new
Whatever you decide to name your child and if you give two names please do yourself a favor. Use the name you intend to call the baby by first.
We made a big mistake when we named our son and called him by his second given name. Now that he is older everything is sent to and he is called by the first name.

We have a friend whose daughter named her child Harlan. All I can think of when I'm around him is KFC.


posted on September 24, 2000 12:29:10 AM new
Hi tokay!
Long time, crazy times here...
Glad you like Anthony... that's my older son's name!
My kids are:
Anthony Louis
Nicholas Benjamin
Both middle names are the first names of their grandfathers.
The older one prefers being called Tony and the younger likes the full Nicholas, although I still like calling him Nicky.
The girl names I had picked out were:
Jacqueline Elinor
Catherine Leigh
(Jackie and Katie)

posted on September 24, 2000 08:42:13 AM new
This is a cute thread. Congrats to those of you who are expecting...it's such an exciting time!

My 8 yr olds name is Kayleigh Jo after my 2 best friends, Sarah "Kaylene" and Lisa "Jo". I had many names picked out for her, but after 3 1/2 days of labor I was so delerious that I forgot 'em all, but was happy with my decision. My middle name is Leigh, so I changed Kaylene a little. There were no Kayleigh's 8 years ago and now there are a ton of them. My daughter has had at least one other in her class every year since Pre-K...none with her unique spelling though.

Before child #2 came along last year, hubby and I spent many hours arguing. He was insistent on Max William after his Father and Grandfather. I hated it! I know too many people that own dogs named Max! Well, after giving birth to a 10 lb 13 oz baby that came a month early, with nothing for the pain, (I wasn't meant to bear children) I was so happy to have it over that I just gave in...and Max it was. Now I think it's rather fitting and I adore it. If he had been a girl, his name would have been Riley Marie or Sydney Nicole.
posted on September 24, 2000 12:21:10 PM new
lol yuper, I had my second son named Christopher all throughout my pregnancy up until the week before. Then I was in one of those moods one day and got to thinking about kids on the playground teasing him and calling him Chrissy and Nicholas just popped in there... I've always loved the name... so I went out to the garage where my husband (now ex, sigh) was shooting pool and yelled "The baby's name is Nicholas!!!" and slammed the door. He was all "Um, ok..."

posted on September 24, 2000 12:54:58 PM new
kiheicat, LOL! I had many, many of those moods during both of my pregnancies. The running joke in our house during the last one was that the only resemblence of a pregnant glow that I had was when my eyes turned neon green...right before my head spun around. I was not exactly what you would call a, "Happy Mommy to be."

I love the name Nicholas. It was one of my choices for a boy name with baby....er...monster #2.
posted on September 24, 2000 01:50:49 PM new
yuper592: My daughter's name is Sydney Nicole. I don't watch a lot of television, but some in my family insisted that I was watching and reading too much about the OJ Simpson trial, which was not true. I love those two names together. Heather

posted on September 24, 2000 02:06:52 PM new
hcross, it's funny you should say that. I did follow the OJ fiasco, probably a little too closely...all I can say is that I had a little too much time on my hands in those days. But I never put Sydney Nicole together because of it, in fact the thought hadn't even crossed my mind until I started telling people my favorite girl names. It seemed like everyone I told had some OJ crack to throw out, but I still LOVE that name.

Another name I like for a boy or girl is Logan. Both hubby and have ancestors with that last name (don't worry, hubby is adopted) and I've started thinking that it would be a really cool name to give to our next. Did I just say our next??!!?! It's time for me to get out of this thread when I start saying things like that!

edited because I'm all flabergasted with the thought of "our next" and made lotsa typos!
[ edited by yuper592 on Sep 24, 2000 02:10 PM ]
posted on September 24, 2000 08:06:24 PM new
I remember reading an article (when I was expecting) about how people with regular (i.e. traditional) names tended to do better in life. Better in school, better jobs, etc. (I know it's not fair but tall people tend to do better also.)

My sons are 'Christopher Michael' and 'Jonathan Blake' (called JB or JayBird for short).

If you have an unusual last name, go for a traditional first name. If you have a common last name, go for an unusual first name - but stay away from cutesy spellings.

posted on September 24, 2000 09:28:20 PM new
I remember the OJ fiasco... my Nicholas was still commandeering his walker while OJ was leading the car chase up the same freeway that we lived off of at the time... scary times. You couldn't avoid the story so I had to create a version of the event's calm enough for little ears to explain to my Tony who that man was and why I kept changing the channel when he came on.

This weekend I bought a print at a garage sale just for the frame and hit that 'they're getting older' wall as I popped the Disney picture out of it and gave it to the neighbors for their baby... sigh...

hcross, I love the name Sydney!

edited for a typo ...grrr

[ edited by kiheicat on Sep 24, 2000 09:30 PM ]
posted on September 24, 2000 10:37:30 PM new
Both my first and last names are open to various (and sometimes hilarious) pronounciation mistakes by new pronouncers. I've gotten a kick out of teasing people for their mistake (especially eggheads). They may not remember what they had for lunch, but they seldom forget me afterwards!

Been a real boon where business is concerned!

Mybiddness: Baskets, yes. Buttons, puzzles, jewelry, most especially 'toe' rings. We called them that because my sister liked wearing them on her big toes (they were too big for her fingers). He also carved huge, wooden lures for Pike and Muskie fishing. Folk Art delux! What a guy.

posted on September 25, 2000 01:55:39 AM new
I'm having my third grandchild in a couple months. A girl this time!!! We already have Alexander and Jonathan.

She will be Annalise Claire, Anna for short.

But just in case, she might be Joel instead.

Grandma Lucy

posted on September 25, 2000 03:32:17 PM new
I love the English names for girls - Hannah, Abigail, Sarah. Boys names, I just don't like 'em so I never imagine myself having a boy baby to name. Then again, I never imagine myself having a girl baby to name. Oh, nevermind.

(edited to add...EMMA...I can't believe I forgot Emma. It's always been one of my favorite names.)

[ edited by sjl1017 on Sep 26, 2000 06:55 AM ]
posted on September 26, 2000 12:43:11 AM new
I've always liked "last names" for girls. Madison, Morgan, Jordan, etc.

I also like the name Michaela (pronounced mik-KAY-la) for a girl. Also Zarabeth (after a character in Star Trek, my favorite TV show).

Boys' names are a little more difficult for me. I've always liked Austin. I went to high school with a guy whose name was Charles Austin, and I've always thought how "manly" sounding it was. I don't care for wimpy-sounding boys' names, and no III's, IV's, and V's (boring IMO).

And no weird spellings either way!

posted on September 26, 2000 12:56:46 AM new
I still like Barry99 named after tokay99...

Barry (there are not enough Barry's in the world) Barris

posted on September 26, 2000 09:18:52 AM new
Welp, add me to the list of pregasauruses.. we're having a boy and Liam Niall is taken.. (sorry about the weird spelling of 'Neil' but hubby's from the UK and we like the irish names). Girls: Charlotte Elena or Jocelyn Elaine
posted on September 26, 2000 09:50:51 AM new
We have a Daniel Robert...Daniel being my favorite boy's name and Robert after my brother. Since our last name is very difficult and requires spelling each time, I thought he would appreciate a simple first name. When he becomes a famous baseball player, his nickname will be DR. T!

My favorite girl's name is Desiree.

I agree with saying the full name outloud several times before making it stick.

That's Flunky Gerbiltush to you!
posted on September 27, 2000 01:05:38 PM new
There is a great 'baby name' thread on Ebays's town square discussion board* I do however have to add my own for you while i'm here. My name is quite unique..it is Modena Maree. Have only met one other person with that name*Here are a few more off the tip of my head...
Cynda Arianna
Ashland Carease
Kelsey Nikole
Morgan Christine
Good luck and congrats on the new upcomming baby*

posted on September 28, 2000 09:46:19 AM new

Fun thread.


The last 2 are family names. My mother was called Lib or Libby, for short. My grandmother was always referred to as Elizabeth.




I really like people to be called by their given names, e.g. James, Robert, Angela, etc.

And, so our Barry doesn't feel left out... Barrie for a girl. I've only known of one other...Barrie Chase, dancer.

posted on September 28, 2000 10:35:39 AM new
LOL Barry

BTW there are lots of Barry's in this world:


5 months and counting

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