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posted on September 28, 2000 10:56:30 AM new
I've always liked the name Zoe or ZoAnne for a girl.
Not having any childred due to a severe lack of maternal instincts, I now have a beautiful english pointer who answers to that name.

posted on September 28, 2000 11:10:54 AM new
I think I've found the latest in contemporary handles for those newly minted citizens.

Periwinkle Luxe

Woodland EDT

They give the little commodities the right upmarket cachet without being toooo ostentatious.

- Pareau

posted on September 28, 2000 06:57:11 PM new
This is such a good thread! Our baby is due on Nov. 3, but the doc wants to induce around Oct. 18. Three more weeks!!!

The sonogram person says this is definitely a girl. But our last baby was "definitely" a boy until the day she was born.

We'll be all right if it's a girl, we both agreed on a name right away. We can't talk about boy names without spitting at each other. Thank GOD our last baby was a girl, I think He was tired of us arguing about boy names. A few last minute changes were made?

We've been married for four years now. The conversation never came up until we had to think of a boy's name. My hubby wanted to name our son "Junior". Being pregnant (and way too blunt) and in no mood to bother with being "Nice" or "tactful", I came right out and said "I hate your name." Surprising how a man doesn't take that very well... hmmm...

And when you don't like a man's name, you shouldnn't tell him all of the bad things it rhymes with.... they don't like that either.

[ edited by Peachy77 on Sep 28, 2000 07:03 PM ]
posted on September 28, 2000 07:00:05 PM new
Oh, by the way, for a girl, we both like "Grayson". I would have liked "Gracie" better, but if you knew my last name, you would agree that it's not an option. I'll use "graysi" for short...like the graysi here...she gave me the idea!

If it's a boy...we're sunk.

posted on September 28, 2000 07:11:14 PM new
How about a good strong "adult" boy's name and just call him Junior as a nickname? That way when he is a CEO of a major company, he won't get up there "and now our CEO, Junior!"

posted on September 28, 2000 07:20:21 PM new
That's what I want, a strong sounding masculine name. That's my problem with my hubby's name.

We did finally agree on a boy's name at the end of the pregnancy last time, now that I think of it. We decided on "Jacob", and told everybody about it. But when his sister had her baby two weeks after our girl (supposed to be a boy) was born, my sister-in-law used "Jacob". Grrr...

Now she's saying that she thought of the name "Grayson". She told her mother she wanted to call that name for her next kid.... funny. ha......ha ...... ha.....

posted on September 28, 2000 07:48:32 PM new
Peachy!! I had no idea you were expecting! Belated congrats!

posted on September 28, 2000 07:52:15 PM new
Someone mentioned strong boy names. I had a friend in high school named Vance Houstin. With a name like that, the guy is either going to be President or a porn star! LOL

I've always liked Deven. A friend named her boy Chason (like Jason, but with a Ch).

posted on September 28, 2000 07:55:07 PM new
thedewey, one of the gals my younger son is smitten with is named Michaela, except the spelling is Mikaela. Actually all of the girls my sons like have beautiful names...My older son has Kiana, Joia, and Reina, and my younger one has Mikaela, Ka'u, and Tabitha.

posted on September 28, 2000 09:05:17 PM new
Lotsafuzz Thanks! My husbnad is looking forward to the kinder, gentler Christie that follows the long nine months of pregnancy. LOL

I can't wait!

posted on September 29, 2000 09:00:08 AM new
Peachy77....congrats!!!! Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?

Don't worry, as soon as your hubby lays his eyes on that bundle of joy he will forget all about crabby Christie
posted on September 29, 2000 09:45:25 AM new
yuper We think it's a girl. My husband really is being a trooper....

The baby is due November 3, but the doc says we'll deliver around the 18th of October. A few more weeks. He's going to induce. Thank goodness! It's like getting out of jail EARLY! LOL

posted on September 29, 2000 11:04:20 AM new
Hi Peachy
I posted that boy/girl question before I finished reading the rest of the emails for this thread.

My son was born a month early, and was induced, also. I had a sonogram at the end of my 7th month and he was already over 10 lbs. I had toximia and was ready to stroke out, so my doc decided to induce him a month early to eliminate anymore risk to my blood pressure getting worse. He was a whopping 10 lbs 13 oz...and a month early at that! I was supposed to get an epidural, but I dilated so fast that they didn't end up giving me one. I threw one big fit when they told me it was too late for the epidural, but it ended up being a blessing in disguise. The cord was wrapped around
Max's neck and the doctor said that had I had the epidural I would have never pushed him out so fast. I would have been much more relaxed and taking my time and there may not have been time to get that cord unwrapped. I'm a real firm believer that everything happens for a reason
posted on September 29, 2000 11:28:00 AM new
yuper HOLY COW! 10 pounds, no epidural? OMG! You are super-woman!!!

My water broke and I went into labor instantly. In exactly three hours and three minutes, my daughter was born.

I was begging the cleaning lady for an epidural, "I don't care if you're not QUALIFIED!!!" and the nurses had me counting contractions off, saying the doc would be there in five contractions....he was two contractions late, and I was MAD!

Her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck three times. Her heart beat dropped down to 20!!!!!!! It's a miracle that she lived. The doctor was FANTASTIC! He made a cut (episiotomy) and she came flying out (ok, so she didn't FLY out), and he swooped in there and loosened the cord with his fingers. It was gross how long that cord was...everyone at the hospital was talking about it.

She had failed her stress test at the last doctor's visit, so I'm not sure why they didn't induce me last time. I guess it was that cord, and they couldn't pick up on that from the sonogram. But I have to say-- it wasn't a bad experience. I mean I don't shudder when I think about going into labor again. The doc just wants to be with me when labor starts this time around since the last labor progressed so quickly.

Was your toxemia tied in with gestational diabetes? That's an awfully big baby, especially if he came early and STILL weighed in over 10 pounds!

Did you climb any fences while you were pregnant? I climbed three. I'm not superstitious though...just wondered...

[ edited by Peachy77 on Sep 29, 2000 11:33 AM ]
[ edited by Peachy77 on Sep 29, 2000 11:46 AM ]
posted on September 29, 2000 12:21:35 PM new
Yes, I had gestational diabetes with both of my kids. I was in maternity clothing in the 4th month of pregnancy with both of them also. I gained 98 lbs with my first and she was 8 lbs 9 oz....24 1/4" long. I weighed 103 lbs when I got pregnant with her and looked like a barn when I delivered. I brought my size 3 jeans with me to the hospital thinking I was going to where them home. NOT! I left in the same clothes I went in (maternity) and they didn't fit any looser.

With Max, the doctor broke my water at 2:58 pm and he was born at 3:15 pm. Almost instantly I started telling the nurses that I had to push. They all rolled their eyes and blew me off like I didn't know what I was talking about. I will never get the image of hubby standing in the hallway yelling, "SHE'S GOTTA PUSH!!" They finally took me seriously and called the doc in. By this time I was making up my own swear words and it got even worse when they informed me that I wouldn't be getting an epidural.

Even though he was so much bigger than my daughter, I honestly have to say that labor was much easier with him. I don't know if it was because I was induced the second time around or not, but I was in labor for 3.5 days the with my first and could not imagine going through that again!

Hubby and I have been talking about having another baby since this thread started, and now that I'm reliving labor and delivery I'm reconsidering
posted on September 29, 2000 12:30:11 PM new
Hi again Peachy
Your daughter certainly is a miracle baby! With all of our technology in this day and age it still amazes me that things like this are missed during pregnancy. I guess that doctors are human too. Afterall, I had 3 of them tell me that I couldn't have any more kids because I've had cervical cancer twice.....then came Max! He's my miracle baby
posted on September 29, 2000 12:49:56 PM new
1) do NOT name all your children starting with the same letter. it is too confusing.

2) do NOT name your baby something "cute" because a 90 year old woman named bambi is not cute.

3) do NOT name your child something they have to spell repeatedly over the phone. we thought we had that covered with our daughter, but we weren't thinking far enough ahead. we get about four varieties of 'kelly' when people try to spell it.

4) watch out for what initials spell.

5) do NOT pick out a trendy name or your child will go through life never having pencils or stickers with their name on them.
i like the name truen (troo'-ehn)for a boy, but that would be a violation of this rule. having gone through life with my name (which rhymes with michelle), i wouldn't do that to another human being. my cousin named his daughter malle, which is pronounced molly. just too cruel!

6) try not to pick very popular names. i once taught a class of 15 and there were four christophers in it.

if (oh, please don't let it happen!) i were to become pregnant again, i'd name a boy thomas noble. noble is my great grandfather's middle name and my great great great grandmother's maiden name. for a girl, i'd pick elizabeth louise and call her libby.

posted on September 29, 2000 12:54:28 PM new
yuper You had a baby in 17 minutes flat. No epidural. Holy COW, again! Have you ever thought about teaching some method of childbirth?

I thought my labor was quick-- but 17 MINUTES?!!!

I am going to march in to the hospital, ask for my epidural, and then say "OK, do whatever ya' gotta do. Let's get this over with!"

One question for anybody who's had the umbilical cord problem...did your sonogram show it? I just wonder why they didn't catch that. With it being wrapped THREE times, you would think it would have been visible, wouldn't you?

And Yuper, you should have another one. The labor is so worth the angel you get to take home! I would love to have a house full, except my house is already full. Maybe if I got rid of the dogs, and the fish.... and Dallas....

posted on September 29, 2000 02:22:53 PM new
I saw that Jagger comment a ways back & had to chime in---my oldest boy is Mickey & my 19 month old is Jagger. (My husband wants to name our next one Stone, but that is where I draw the line!)

He liked Sarah for a girl, but IMO it is too popular. (Pretty name, tho.) I liked Olivia, but he was afraid everyone would call her Olivia Newton John Lennon...
posted on September 29, 2000 02:26:36 PM new
Peachy, my sonogram did not detect any umbilical cord problems. I had the last sonogram 3 days before I was induced.

I think that eventually I would like to have at least one more, but I've got a couple of issues that need to be dealt with before I could seriously consider it. First off, I had a car accident a year and a half ago. Because of that accident I am on a couple of different medications that I have to take for the rest of my life, and they can't be taken during pregnancy. So, I have to figure out if I can deal with what will happen to my body should I go off of those medications for 9 months. Secondly, I already went through a "mourning" period when I was first told that I couldn't have more children. Max was a miracle and I don't know if I would want to set myself up for the pain and dissapointment all over again if I wasn't able to conceive. Chances are that since I was able to conceive with Max, then I can do it again, but I'm not totally sure I can go through it again if it doesn't happen.

Earlier I said that Mr. Yuper and I were talking about having another little one. Let me correct that to say that I've been talking about it....Mr. Yuper is pretending he doesn't hear me
posted on October 4, 2000 06:37:29 AM new
peachy and tokay congratulations

did you guys ever make a final decision on baby names?

update PLEASE...


posted on October 4, 2000 11:57:05 AM new
enchanted I think we've finally settled on the name "Julianna Grayson" for a girl, and "What's-His-face" for boy. The sonograms all seem to indicate that we're having a girl...and I am hoping and PRAYING that will be the case!

The doc says we may induce as soon as next week (moved up another week for some reason???)-- my husband is SO ready to get this pregnancy over with! He's been reduced to a quivering mass in the corner flinching every time he hears my voice. I need to do something nice for him, I guess. LOL

I'm getting a little bit nervous about having a labor too short and missing the chance to get my epidural.... especially after Yuper went from a 3 day labor with her first baby to a 17 minute labor with her last.

I had a three hour labor the first time...I Hope this baby doesn't shoot out and ping off of the wall....

posted on October 4, 2000 04:48:36 PM new
Peachy, great girl name! Please do let us know when "she" makes her appearance, once you've recouperated from labor that is. Good luck, we'll keep you in our prayers

posted on October 5, 2000 12:47:08 PM new
You know, I just found out a few years ago that I was born with the cord around my neck. Guess it was rather touch and go there for awhile (don't know why I never heard that story until I was in my 20's). I just learned a few WEEKS ago that my little brother was born with a HUGE head.....he couldn't even lift it when he was suposed to be able to!!

All the years I could have USED that information and no one told me!! I could have shrunk all this hats, slipped in smaller and smaller pillows....you know, just drive him mad and no one told me! Sheesh! I had to drive him nuts with stuff I had made up!

posted on October 5, 2000 08:57:46 PM new
Lotsafuzz ROFL All those wasted years!

posted on October 6, 2000 12:50:00 PM new
If I don't think of something better this is what the names will be;

Anthony Stephen

Nichole Renee

Thanks for the ideas.

5 months and counting
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