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posted on October 1, 2000 07:58:46 PM new

Beth, they can say what they may about your archives, but I LOVE em and you!

Hope the scum that sent the threat goes to jail toot sweet.
posted on October 1, 2000 08:07:36 PM new

And Beth, I didn't need the credit you've bestowed, but what the heck?
If this thing happened all that board folk can do has been done, as witness Beth's post elswhere at 0803 (I think) this morning. It's apropriate to leave the rest to the cops. That's their job.

posted on October 1, 2000 08:11:09 PM new
hellcat-good! the best!

I never thought it a good idea to go on about something that is this serious on a public board. It happened to me. If this is stalking, I was given this, I do believe it lengthy. The law is the only way to go.

Chapter 27, Laws of 1999

Passed the House February 10, 1999.
Passed the Senate April 7, 1999.
Approved by the Governor April 19, 1999.
Filed in Office of Secretary of State April 19, 1999.
Law took effect July 25, 1999

So take that to the cops and see what they can do with it. (that was written to me IN my state, so far, I believe most of the 50 states have this law.)

Here's the full text:

AN ACT Relating to harassment and stalking through the use of
electronic communications; amending RCW 9A.46.020, 9A.46.110, and
10.14.020; and creating a new section.


{+ NEW SECTION. +} Sec. 1. It is the intent of this act to
clarify that electronic communications are included in the types of
conduct and actions that can constitute the crimes of harassment and
stalking. It is not the intent of the legislature, by adoption of this
act, to restrict in any way the types of conduct or actions that can
constitute harassment or stalking.

Sec. 2. RCW 9A.46.020 and 1997 c 105 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of harassment if:
(a) Without lawful authority, the person knowingly threatens:
(i) To cause bodily injury immediately or in the future to the
person threatened or to any other person; or
(ii) To cause physical damage to the property of a person other
than the actor; or
(iii) To subject the person threatened or any other person to
physical confinement or restraint; or
(iv) Maliciously to do any other act which is intended to
substantially harm the person threatened or another with respect to his
or her physical or mental health or safety; and
(b) The person by words or conduct places the person threatened in
reasonable fear that the threat will be carried out. {+ "Words or
conduct" includes, in addition to any other form of communication or
conduct, the sending of an electronic communication. +}
(2) A person who harasses another is guilty of a gross misdemeanor
punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW, except that the person is guilty of
a class C felony if either of the following applies: (a) The person
has previously been convicted in this or any other state of any crime
of harassment, as defined in RCW 9A.46.060, of the same victim or
members of the victim's family or household or any person specifically
named in a no-contact or no-harassment order; or (b) the person
harasses another person under subsection (1)(a)(i) of this section by
threatening to kill the person threatened or any other person.
(3) The penalties provided in this section for harassment do not
preclude the victim from seeking any other remedy otherwise available
under law.

Sec. 3. RCW 9A.46.110 and 1994 c 271 s 801 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A person commits the crime of stalking if, without lawful
authority and under circumstances not amounting to a felony attempt of
another crime:
(a) He or she intentionally and repeatedly harasses or repeatedly
follows another person; and
(b) The person being harassed or followed is placed in fear that
the stalker intends to injure the person, another person, or property
of the person or of another person. The feeling of fear must be one
that a reasonable person in the same situation would experience under
all the circumstances; and
(c) The stalker either:
(i) Intends to frighten, intimidate, or harass the person; or
(ii) Knows or reasonably should know that the person is afraid,
intimidated, or harassed even if the stalker did not intend to place
the person in fear or intimidate or harass the person.
(2)(a) It is not a defense to the crime of stalking under
subsection (1)(c)(i) of this section that the stalker was not given
actual notice that the person did not want the stalker to contact or
follow the person; and
(b) It is not a defense to the crime of stalking under subsection
(1)(c)(ii) of this section that the stalker did not intend to frighten,
intimidate, or harass the person.
(3) It shall be a defense to the crime of stalking that the
defendant is a licensed private (({- detective -})) {+ investigator +}
acting within the capacity of his or her license as provided by chapter
18.165 RCW.
(4) Attempts to contact or follow the person after being given
actual notice that the person does not want to be contacted or followed
constitutes prima facie evidence that the stalker intends to intimidate
or harass the person. {+ "Contact" includes, in addition to any other
form of contact or communication, the sending of an electronic
communication to the person. +}
(5) A person who stalks another person is guilty of a gross
misdemeanor except that the person is guilty of a class C felony if any
of the following applies: (a) The stalker has previously been
convicted in this state or any other state of any crime of harassment,
as defined in RCW 9A.46.060, of the same victim or members of the
victim's family or household or any person specifically named in a
protective order; (b) the stalking violates any protective order
protecting the person being stalked; (c) the stalker has previously
been convicted of a gross misdemeanor or felony stalking offense under
this section for stalking another person; (d) the stalker was armed
with a deadly weapon, as defined in RCW 9.94A.125, while stalking the
person; (e) the stalker's victim is or was a law enforcement officer,
judge, juror, attorney, victim advocate, legislator, or community
correction's officer, and the stalker stalked the victim to retaliate
against the victim for an act the victim performed during the course of
official duties or to influence the victim's performance of official
duties; or (f) the stalker's victim is a current, former, or
prospective witness in an adjudicative proceeding, and the stalker
stalked the victim to retaliate against the victim as a result of the
victim's testimony or potential testimony.
(6) As used in this section:
(a) "Follows" means deliberately maintaining visual or physical
proximity to a specific person over a period of time. A finding that
the alleged stalker repeatedly and deliberately appears at the person's
home, school, place of employment, business, or any other location to
maintain visual or physical proximity to the person is sufficient to
find that the alleged stalker follows the person. It is not necessary
to establish that the alleged stalker follows the person while in
transit from one location to another.
(b) "Harasses" means unlawful harassment as defined in RCW
(c) "Protective order" means any temporary or permanent court order
prohibiting or limiting violence against, harassment of, contact or
communication with, or physical proximity to another person.
(d) "Repeatedly" means on two or more separate occasions.

Sec. 4. RCW 10.14.020 and 1995 c 127 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in
this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Unlawful harassment" means a knowing and wil{+ l +}ful course
of conduct directed at a specific person which seriously alarms,
annoys, harasses, or is detrimental to such person, and which serves no
legitimate or lawful purpose. The course of conduct shall be such as
would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional
distress, and shall actually cause substantial emotional distress to
the petitioner, or, when the course of conduct is contact by a person
over age eighteen that would cause a reasonable parent to fear for the
well-being of their child.
(2) "Course of conduct" means a pattern of conduct composed of a
series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a
continuity of purpose. {+ "Course of conduct" includes, in addition to
any other form of communication, contact, or conduct, the sending of an
electronic communication. +} Constitutionally protected activity is
not included within the meaning of "course of conduct."

posted on October 1, 2000 08:16:37 PM new
God I didn't think it was that huge, but if you see, it tells what electronic harrasment/stalking is.

I was threatened, had my instant message thing stolen, and used, and in the 'info' part, he wrote my real email, and phone number, and said call or email for a good time, stuff like that. He, still now, uses one of my old AOL id's, how he did it, I haven't a clue, and AOL is no help at all.
He's good, VERY good.

I have gotten phone calls at all hours. (not anymore)

When this happened I told a select few on the internet. I went to the law.

Unfortunatly the guys still out there running amuck.

edited to add: this person, messed bigtime with my auctions at the time too, and ebay didn't/wouldn't do a thing.

[ edited by ShellyHerr on Oct 1, 2000 08:20 PM ]
posted on October 1, 2000 08:24:26 PM new
Sure got quiet out there.

posted on October 1, 2000 08:33:45 PM new
Hellcat and krs THANK YOU for helping out redhead this had been worrying me a lot

and thank you too Shelley for the info you posted. I didn't even know this law existed.


posted on October 1, 2000 08:42:33 PM new
Im just waiting for Shell to do her "thang" and rant her little heart out over at TOP.

posted on October 1, 2000 08:46:06 PM new
Maui's accent is weird. I have never heard a mixture of Californian with a southern drawl. I like it though..not weird bad just weird different.
Oddish~ The Odd One
posted on October 1, 2000 08:46:44 PM new
Hi maui, glad you're in a better mood today!

must have been that Enya, her music is so beautiful


posted on October 1, 2000 08:52:52 PM new
Oddish..thats what you get for yakking with me on the phone, lol!

enchanted...yes, Enya does it every time

posted on October 1, 2000 08:53:53 PM new
Oddish, Im thinking of dying my hair blue. Whatcha think?

posted on October 1, 2000 08:59:55 PM new
your dying your hair blue?

Well post a pic when you do!

Um getting up the whatever to do a manifesto there......

oh Lord what am I thinking? LOL!
posted on October 1, 2000 09:06:29 PM new
Oh boring. Another manifesto.

posted on October 1, 2000 09:18:21 PM new
Now how can you do a manifesto there when you never posted there before? I like to call it "rejuvenate the energy tanks". Or...saying goodbye to friends when youre leaving for a spell.

posted on October 1, 2000 09:19:42 PM new
Youre not leaving are you shell? You better not! Want me to stalk you, begging you to come play with us?

edited to add that NO, Im not gonna dye my hair blue. Was a tease to Oddish and her purple hair, lol. But I am seriously thinking of getting rid of the gray.

[ edited by mauimoods on Oct 1, 2000 09:20 PM ]
posted on October 1, 2000 09:22:19 PM new
no no no I'm here....

LOL about the hair NOT being blue!

just thinking on what to say....

pondering then, not manifesto'ing


posted on October 1, 2000 09:27:44 PM new
Ah! A dreaded ponderment! I can dig that. Ok...soon as youre ready to ponder, then be assured it will be read, lol.

posted on October 1, 2000 10:32:42 PM new
Ok its done, go to the TOP.
posted on October 1, 2000 10:55:54 PM new
ohh here is where you were talking about the blue hair Maui.

My vote is yes. Then if we find someone with white hair we could be the flag for halloween hehehe
Oddish~ The Odd One
posted on October 2, 2000 08:37:26 AM new
"It's interesting that it is no longer acceptable to mention other boards here. I'm reminded of Mark allowing us to discuss the unexpected closure of AU, and several threads relating to AD. None of those were moderated or unceremoniously locked."

You know all this is quite silly,not being able to mention other boards...in the long run Im sure it will hurt AW more than help.

edit to take out sigline:buff~

[ edited by Buffaloguy on Oct 2, 2000 10:08 AM ]
posted on October 2, 2000 08:48:11 AM new

Tacky, Buffaloguy.

It was also tacky the way you used any excuse to post to bring the "Train Wreck" thread and other threads to the top just so you could advertise your site.

posted on October 2, 2000 08:54:57 AM new
Buffaloguy said..."..not being able to mention other boards...in the long run Im sure it will hurt AW more than help."

I doubt it. Actually, it seems to keep most of the adolescence melodrama that originates on those "other boards" confined to those places that welcome them...leaving AW out of the "eye of the storm".

Much more pleasant here at AW without the histrionics that swirl at "the other places".

On another note..HI Buff, how ya been? Nice to see you!

posted on October 2, 2000 08:56:56 AM new
Hey Buffalo, good to se you here. I lost my d### cookies again.

Hey Oddish. How ya been haven't seen you for awhile. Purple hair?????? In school many many years ago we had an older librarian with pink hair. Being the well raised kids we were, we called her Pinky Paxton.

I vote for a new ponderment from Maui. Maui, you had better not go blue. You know that there are many older ladies out there with blue hair!!! We are old yet, are we?

Shelly, I'm sorry to read that you were stalked on here. That really stinks.


posted on October 2, 2000 08:59:12 AM new
I don't want to read what's happening on other boards here at the RT. If I'm curious they are only a couple of clicks away.

posted on October 2, 2000 09:12:03 AM new
AW has nothing to fear of other boards being mentioned, because most everyone still posts here anyway. I like to call it "the core board", lol, because this is where most everyone is, congregates here, visits and fights and shares here, then they move off to other places and still wind up coming back here again. Why else make up more names to be able to post once booted? Why bother, if one didnt want to come back?

Need more coffee...that sounds like a blather, to me

No ponderments for now...YOU folks do one if you want one. You know the drill by now, eh?

edited to fix stuff and to say, nah, no blue hair. Will get that naturally in a few years.

[ edited by mauimoods on Oct 2, 2000 09:13 AM ]
posted on October 2, 2000 09:19:27 AM new
I agree with you Chococake. I must say I can't understand the need to carry arguments or problems from one board to another. I rarely read other boards--each time I do I find that the majority of the posts are either filled with angst & bitter arguing or dripping exclamations about how much they like each other (hard to believe when seen next to the other sort). On one site, the person in charge has thread after thread about what is going on *here*--what's up with that?

This recent blow-up got me a bit curious so I went to AD to see what was up. I find that this "problem" started on yet another board, was carried to AD and thence on to AW. As I do not read this third board or even know where it is, I am still in the dark on just what all the sound & fury is really about. I do question, though, just why it was brought to AW.

posted on October 2, 2000 09:38:57 AM new

I'm sorry, I had to delete your post. Offering tech assistance for another site is considered promotional, which isn't allowed under the Community Guidelines.

[email protected]
posted on October 2, 2000 09:40:55 AM new

Tacky indeed, Irene.

As the originator of that thread, that was why I requested it to be locked. Advertising for the train was not my intention.

posted on October 2, 2000 10:00:50 AM new
No problem pat

Hi amy~your probably right LOL.... good to see you !!

Hi calamity49~ thanks for the welcome ! please email me we can help help you with your problem
posted on October 2, 2000 11:44:12 AM new
HI Calamity

It's actually red now. I'm trying to talk Maui into going Blue...or hey how about Green? hehe
Oddish~ The Odd One
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