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posted on October 6, 2000 06:42:08 PM new


I haven't missed a class yet.

One is never too old for an education.

posted on October 6, 2000 08:07:22 PM new
There was no death threat reported to any police agency ...

I wasn't aware that an uninvolved person could call a police station and inquire, "Hey, has So and So filed a police report about XXX" and actually get an affirmative or negative answer? When I wanted to check on a report that *I* had filed a few months earlier, I was required to go into the station, fill out a slip of paper, and sign it. I got the impression that they wouldn't have handed the information over to just anybody?

posted on October 6, 2000 08:25:59 PM new
Ever read "The Beans of Egypt," Glenda?

posted on October 6, 2000 08:28:49 PM new

Email me, and I'll give you the number to call. Failing that, it's freely available on........not a chance, Pat.

edited to: Glenda, they won't give information about the content of a report, but they will usually confirm whether or not there has been a report.

[ edited by krs on Oct 6, 2000 08:33 PM ]
posted on October 6, 2000 08:36:18 PM new
I went to a gas station awhile back and I knew the lady working there from a couple years back......she said Hi Kelly! I read about your divorce, so sorry about that. I said you read it????????? Where??????????

She's says to me, well, in the newspaper of course.

Sure enough, not only are divorces public knowledge but so are crimes committed and they post these every week even before the party is proven guilty it shows what they were arrested for.

It seems all police calls are a matter of public record.
http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/[email protected]/
posted on October 6, 2000 08:45:48 PM new
Femme,Are you the one throwing spit balls at my head? I haven't missed a class either. Interesting course.

posted on October 6, 2000 08:47:25 PM new
Pareau: No, I haven't. All of this "stuff" is convoluted enough without having to read even more pages of "stuff."

KRS: You first ... It's been awhile, eh?

Kelly: My ex's brother and father were arrested, but it wasn't newsworthy, apparently. I guess it depends on what else is going on in town at the moment.

posted on October 6, 2000 10:48:43 PM new
After my family went to bed tonight I quickly scanned the threads. Yep I am addicted.

The Bangor Police Department DOES NOT release any information about on-going Police Investigation and certainly not on this one. IT HAS been turned over to another agency that has the capabilities to handle internet crime.

It has been reported that my home address is posted on my Me page. Not! The address on my Me page is an antique mall.

It has been reported that this is the second time I have "cried wolf" that I was threaten on line. That's not true. The first incident was an obcene phone call. And it is BELIEVED now I am being stalked and that this is all interelated.

It has been reported that I am lurking under Pumpkinfly at the GB. NOT TRUE. I changed my name only at the auction diner. I HAVE NOT register anywhere else with that name. I have never posted anon and was upfront about why I changed my name at AD. Don't have any intentions of changing it anywhere else.

It has been reported that it is suspcious that I am still posting. I don't intend to change my life over this anymore then I have to. I don't give a damn what motivations are attributed to my actions by anyone.

It has been reported that I have given suspect's names to the PD. WRONG! I gave email and ISP names to the PD.

Now one can pick this all apart any way once so choses. I am beyond caring. It maybe a long while before this is over and it may or may not be someone known on these boards. It hurts momentarily to see myself spoken about the way I have been on these boards. Just a bit of a sting. I quickly recover though. And none of it will change the truth.

\"It is one of the commonest of mistakes to consider
that the limit of our power of perception is also the
limit of all there is to perceive.\"--C.W.L.

posted on October 6, 2000 11:10:54 PM new
Excuse me, Redhead, but I don't believe that those details have been posted in AW threads.

posted on October 6, 2000 11:29:28 PM new
Krs, There is speculation everywhere it seems regardless of where the details are posted. I posted here initially about the threat. I don't really mind the disbelief, I expected it, but I do mind the lies and gossip. If my detractors want to question my truthfulness, more power to them, but let them do it based on facts. People will believe whatever they believe. I can't change that. Even if I wanted to debate my honor or the lack there of, I'm at a disadvantage considering I can't speak in specifics. There is a lot more going on then what is being considered.


\"It is one of the commonest of mistakes to consider
that the limit of our power of perception is also the
limit of all there is to perceive.\"--C.W.L.

[ edited by redhead1 on Oct 6, 2000 11:32 PM ]
posted on October 7, 2000 08:11:59 AM new
Glenda - how much hits the paper depends a lot on the size of the town you live in. Up here, if you get a speeding ticket, it's in the paper, along with how fast you were going and the speed limit you broke. Bad check? Yep - right there for all to see. Hit a deer? Uh-huh...it's in the paper. In the bigger areas, of course this isn't possible. But in these little towns - you can't pass gas in public without the whole county knowing about it.
[email protected]
posted on October 7, 2000 09:00:42 AM new
There are many, many things about all this that don't sit square that can be addressed without going into specifics. I can cover a number by asking redhead1 some general questions. I wonder:

* Whether the Bangor PD and/or the other "agency that has the capabilities to handle internet crime" to which you say here your case has been given are aware of, and have approved, your reposting of the material that was cited in and appeared to have triggered the death threat.

* Whether they know of, and have approved, your continuing to post here.

* Whether they know of, and have approved, your continual public posting to the same broader community from which the threatener may have come, as you're indicating you're doing in the posts above.

* Whether they know of, and have approved, your changing your name on one of your posting sites, and doing multi-board publicity about that name change.

* Whether they know of, and have approved, your posting of any facts whatsoever, anywhere, about "family."

You have said "...I'm at a disadvantage considering I can't speak in specifics, and the "can't" suggests that you're posting under an involuntary directive with respect to what you may discuss. You also say that "There is a lot more going on then what is being considered." (sic) There's been a lot of sunspot activity of late, and I've been meaning to say something about it myself.

Given the questions being raised about this incident, the seriousness of the charges, the fact that you've involved us here at AW in it and you ARE TALKING ABOUT IT, I feel you owe us a much better accounting of what has happened and is going on. It'd be sick-making in the extreme if "I have a letter" turned out to be an ugly echo of "I have a list."

- Pareau

posted on October 9, 2000 10:40:48 AM new
Hi Glenda,

Just so you know, police incident reports are public record under most state's access laws. Police logs (called blotters in olden days) also are public record.

What police do not have to disclose is information they consider to be an investigatory tool used in an ongoing investigation. In Indiana, those records are referred to as DHC's, or "Detective's Hard Copy." Those reports are easy enough to get, however.


posted on October 9, 2000 11:40:13 AM new
That's interesting, Baduizm. I wonder whether Maine is one of those states. I've seen Redhead out and about today, so maybe she'll work her way over here and let us know.

posted on October 9, 2000 01:32:45 PM new

I don't know if Maine has similar access laws, but have no reason to think that the statutes would be any more stringent than what is made available here in Indiana.

posted on October 10, 2000 09:41:56 AM new
Following are some facts taken from the deleted post and the "angel" thread that's going to be scrolling off the MC at some point soon. All times PT.

Timestamp of deleted post about other site:
redhead1 posted on September 30, 2000 09:56:36 PM new
Edit time in that post:
[ edited by redhead1 on Sep 30, 2000 09:58 PM ]

My own recollection of the deletion of the thread: about 10:04 PM.

Redhead1's launching post to the "angel" thread:
redhead1 posted on September 30, 2000 10:16:19 PM new
I posted a rather lengthy new post entitled Bomb Shelter which contained commentary on Parrot. I went in to edit it, checked back and it was there and now it is gone. The entire thread! Why?
Redhead1 receives a reply from the moderator at 10:22 PM. Redhead1 responds to that post at 10:28, with no mention of the death threat. Another user posts to the thread at 10:35 PM, saying she'd seen the original deleted post and had tried to reply to it. The next post on that thread:
redhead1 posted on September 30, 2000 10:46:46 PM new


My life has been threatened over that thread. They stated my address to me. I hope whoever Michelle G is she saved the post. The Police are on their way here now, but what can they do?
\"It is one of the commonest of mistakes to consider
that the limit of our power of perception is also the
limit of all there is to perceive.\"--C.W.L.

In the post made at 10:55 PM on this thread, Redhead1 says "I am still waiting on the Police."

At 11:02, in her next post on the "angel" thread, Redhead1 says:
"The police are on their way but I am sure an internet threat is not high on their priorities. I don't deserve to be messed with like this at all. I want people to see what I said and how censorship goes here. I also want them to see how innocent that thread was really."

At 11:17, in her next post on that thread, Redhead1 says:
"I told you guys Parrot would strike again. The Police STILL aren't here but now Steve is up."

On the same thread, at 11:47, over an hour after Redhead1 said the police were on their way, she says:
"I am still waiting on them. Sigh. Lots of people have my address from the Oddish Auction but I don't think it is any of those folks. I have the email the person sent me tonight minutes after I posted it. My husband got the headers and printed it.

I think the person who wrote the threat is the same person who created the Parrot persona.

Thank you guys for waiting with me tonight. My better half is raging though so I have to go. I think leaving the chat world is in my future. I do want to publish that letter somehere though. It was really all about nothing."

At 12:00 (midnight), after receiving the copy of the deleted post that I'd saved and emailed to her, Redhead1 says:
"I am now wondering if my adversary is working for AW. I just think it is interesting that this happened within minutes of me posting.

I will make this letter public. I don't want people speculating on what I said. If the police say it is okay I will post the email I got also."

After that, as best as I can tell, Redhead1's next post at AW is the one on page 4 of this thread, made October 6, at 10:48 PM.

Based on the posts made in this and the "angel" threads, it appears that Redhead's suppositions about the identity of the author of the threat ("I told you guys Parrot would strike again"; then "I think the person who wrote the threat is the same person who created the Parrot persona" ) led another poster to send her the "RL identity, user ids, IP addresses and 'freemail' addresses" of a third party, whose identity has not been publicly disclosed to my knowledge. On the issue of disclosure, Redhead1 says on page 4 of this thread:
"It has been reported that I have given suspect's names to the PD. WRONG! I gave email and ISP names to the PD."

Well, it ain't artless. Wonder how the faux-Van Gogh-busters would handle this one?

- Pareau

posted on October 10, 2000 10:02:21 AM new
Oh, they'd probably just conclude that Red's suspicion of an AW employee was born in having received whatever she received, if she received anything, from a person who used auctionwatch.com email.

Doubt it would take long to whittle the number of posters who saw her post AND use AW email down to a pretty managable number. Maybe half a thread page, if they weren't interrupted by loud protests of "It was never Meeee!!!"

posted on October 10, 2000 10:11:40 AM new

That's silly, Ken. How in the world could you determine how many posters saw the post. You only know of the posters who said they saw it. That doesn't mean there weren't others.

posted on October 10, 2000 10:38:08 AM new

posted on October 10, 2000 11:16:31 AM new
krs said:
Oh, they'd probably just conclude that Red's suspicion of an AW employee was born in having received whatever she received, if she received anything, from a person who used auctionwatch.com email.

Doubt it would take long to whittle the number of posters who saw her post AND use AW email down to a pretty managable number. Maybe half a thread page, if they weren't interrupted by loud protests of "It was never Meeee!!!"

This is better than my ultra-editing powers: krs says auctionwatch.com or myauctionwatch.com is the source of email that he asserts never existed. Isn't that cute? Welcome to Fantasy Cyberthreats! What fun! Guess it's just too bad for the the implicatee and all the bewildered, frightened bystanders, isn't it? Guess the person whose information was sent to Redhead1 is just a cipher in the game, right?

- Pareau

[ edited by pareau on Oct 10, 2000 11:17 AM ]
posted on October 10, 2000 11:33:45 AM new

posted on October 10, 2000 12:01:35 PM new
"Guess it's just too bad for the the implicatee and all the bewildered, frightened bystanders,isn't it? Guess the person whose information was sent to Redhead1 is just a cipher in the game"

And whom, pareau, might that implicatee be?

Is it the same person who's information was sent to redhead1, if anyone's really was? Do you know these things, pareau?

Pray tell us all, so that all the bewildered, frightened bystanders can have some peace.

Or,..could it be? You really don't know anything at all?

posted on October 10, 2000 12:14:31 PM new
And whom, pareau, might that implicatee be?
You need more coffee, krs. This is Pareau, not MadDogDeals.

Is it the same person who's information was sent to redhead1, if anyone's really was?
The person who said in this thread that the information was sent to Redhead1, and Redhead1 herself, are the people to whom you should address that question, as well you know.

Pray tell us all, so that all the bewildered, frightened bystanders can have some peace.
See above.

If you're not trolling, you're doing a good imitation of it, krs. This seems a very poor choice of topics/issues for that approach, IMO.

- Pareau

posted on October 10, 2000 12:37:37 PM new
But you see, that's just it. A lack of response to questions about long ago posts is as good as a refutation of claims made in those posts, yet you, pareau, keep asking questions that are already answered in the manner I've mentioned. So who is trolling? Unless you have new information to offer,why post to the non-issue?

posted on October 10, 2000 12:39:31 PM new

Pareau and krs, it is abundantly clear that you two are not bosom buddies. I strongly suggest the use of our ignore button if someone else's posts bother you in any way.

Please stop with the verbal sparring. It is unproductive.

[email protected]
posted on October 10, 2000 12:44:12 PM new
Oh, ahem yourself.
Are you going to follow MichelleGee's lead, Pat, and change your title from moderator to killjoy?

posted on October 10, 2000 12:48:45 PM new

Not sure what MichelleG has to do with this thread, but are you saying you're deriving so much joy from these posts that I could kill it?

[email protected]
posted on October 10, 2000 12:57:25 PM new
Michelle changed her signature to read "killjoy" in another thread, Pat, in a spirit of fun which was apparent by her laughing smilie.
You must have missed it.


[ edited by krs on Oct 10, 2000 01:00 PM ]
posted on October 10, 2000 02:57:29 PM new

You said "bosom." I'm telling.

- Pareau

posted on October 10, 2000 04:17:33 PM new

What?? Now our chatting has to be productive?

I don't think we're up to it, Pat

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