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posted on February 28, 2001 02:21:07 PM new
Does the 5 cent fee apply just to new auctions or to relists also?

posted on February 28, 2001 02:21:26 PM new
na na na na... na na na na... hey hey hey....
posted on February 28, 2001 02:21:49 PM new
I don't mind the nickel, As amatter of fact, I probably wouldn't mind paying up to .25 cents, However, I do not think that AW is entitled to a percentage of my sales. Too Bad, I really liked it here

posted on February 28, 2001 02:26:52 PM new
Folks, it wont be enough to not host images or use the services here.Right now ol Mark is snickering away thinking that as long as he keeps the message board free we'll all keep coming here and he'll keep getting whatever advertisers are giving him per hit. I'll simply use my own space for images(or even ebays) and for lurking,(or the occasional post) there's a great many boards available for that. When you say your leaving, LEAVE.
To keep returning, even for the message center, will only continue to support the very person that personally, I'd like to see lose big time from this. Somewhere, right now somene owes AW a big thank-you for opening the door and making room for an image hoster that wont eventually screw over their users.

edited to add: I didnt realize there was a 'pumpkinhead' on AW, this is my only post under this name, I wont be needing it here.
[ edited by punkinhed on Feb 28, 2001 02:29 PM ]
posted on February 28, 2001 02:29:37 PM new
These fee structures seem reasonable to me.

And the Standard Plan appears to be designed to accomodate the occasional lister.

It shouldn't come as any surprise that ALL of these companies that provide auction management tools and services need to make a profit. There are a couple free services still, and a couple free auction management software packages. But by the end of the year, I suspect that they ALL will be charging, or they will be out of business.

Folks who continue in their pursuit of "always free" auction services will be disappointed.

Compare these rates with Andale, or with Auctiva. Or even AuctionWorks. They are very competitive.


posted on February 28, 2001 02:32:03 PM new
Anyone can go to MSN and create space there for their pictures. You just need to know how to upload, and copy and paste the URL. The space needs to be set to Public and not Private to work correctly.

Most of you should have space from your ISP as well. If you don't know how to use FTP programs, there is no time like the present to learn.
posted on February 28, 2001 02:35:13 PM new
The point is, why pay TWICE for the same exact thing? You can have 2 photos on eBay, their dull template and you're listed. I'm not paying just to have a fancy template. Besides, aren't those awful and annoying ads and banners what makes the money for them? Or have those been free along as well? Hardly!
posted on February 28, 2001 02:36:50 PM new
LOVE AuctionWatch.

DON'T MIND the .05 fee.

HATE the 1% fee.

Yes, there are lots of auction management services offered.

But what about us 'little sellers' who use AW to launch auctions only? 5 cents seems fair; not 1% in addition to it!
posted on February 28, 2001 02:37:31 PM new
it makes sense that charging a fee is necessary but 5 cents is too much and any charge on the final sales is too complicated when it comes to applying for credit.

the auctions sites provide traffic, features and tools for a fee. AW does not provide the traffic.

If AW was a major portal bringing significant traffic, 5 cents would be fair because more traffic would increase sales.

AW, bring me more traffic if you want my nickle - forget the final sales fee.

Perry Calton
[email protected]
posted on February 28, 2001 02:38:21 PM new
March 14th....a day that will live in infamy...or not? I'm just a part timer like most of the others. I always wanted to host my own darn images anyway. Peace I'm out
posted on February 28, 2001 02:39:44 PM new
With this have the "yahoo" effect?? Just look how many jumped ship there.

posted on February 28, 2001 02:39:54 PM new
I'll say this again, I believe AW is entitled to charge a fee for their services, They are easy to use and most of all, reliable, I do not feel that they are entitled to a final value fee. I guess I'll go back to using ebay and doing the HTML myself as soon as my current auctions close, I'll be done here unless the final value fee is dropped.

posted on February 28, 2001 02:40:25 PM new
AuctionWatch sellers also experience increased sales using our services. On average, AuctionWatch sellers sell a higher percentage of their listed items than competing sellers using other listing services or listing items directly for sale on individual auction sites.


posted on February 28, 2001 02:42:35 PM new
magazine guy...

Is a final value fee standard practice for an auction service provider? How can that be justified? A fee makes sense...a piece of the sellers action seems unfair.

posted on February 28, 2001 02:42:44 PM new
Thank you Thank you Thank you.

I started selling on EBay approx. 3 years ago. I am a S/W engineer so I wrote my own S/W to support by business and sales. This provides all the functions of AW and much more.

My S/W gave me a competitive edge, (I don't sell S/W on ebay, I sell a regular non-technical consumer product) As ebay grew my competitors stumbled with errors due to their manual systems, and inability to list and react as quickly as I could.

Then along came AW (and other similar services) offering decent Auction management S/W for FREE. This was unfair! But no more!

Now I again have the edge. My OWN S/W is complete, and costs me nothing to operate. My competitors will have to pay.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.

p.s. And NO, my S/W is NOT for sale, I am not a whore.

posted on February 28, 2001 02:43:30 PM new
I too would pay the nickel, but that 1% just drove me away... Too many fees to be profitable. This really stinks, now where can we go?

posted on February 28, 2001 02:43:47 PM new
I don't begrudge AW for charging. I had hoped there would be some type of monthly fee based on volume. Considering that my sell through dropped from 70%, to about 25% in the last quarter, I just can't afford another fee. And yes I'm sad to leave the post sale management has really helped me, as has the schedulling of auctions in advance. However I just can't justify it financially so I guess it's back to my manual method until I build my own, at least no one can take it away from me when it finally starts doing what I need it do to.

posted on February 28, 2001 02:43:51 PM new

I wondered about that comment, too. I don't use AW, and typically sell 90-95% of my items first time around. I'd have a hard time believing that using AW would increase this figure.
posted on February 28, 2001 02:44:31 PM new
Hey moderators, you saw fit to close down the other thread so we will post in your thread, the least you can do is join in the discussion.

posted on February 28, 2001 02:45:58 PM new
Guess there is no getting around it. Last year I purchased Auction Assistant software and Auction Ticker for $100.00 I loved it, then last month got a notice they are now charging for listing on ebay.
I switched to Auction Watch and now they are going to charge for listing. At least AW didn't sock me for the program.
Yes, it does seem us "hobby" sellers are taking it in the long run, but that has been the way of life for centuries!
True, I can post pictures on my own web pages and list the old fashioned way with ebay.
don't know yet.
No matter which way you go just selling a item for $10.00 without a photo is going to cost .75 just to list.
Like the rest of you, I am ok with a flat fee, but do not agree with the percentage part.
Still, it's cheaper than rent. I buy more than I sell, but I am sure that is going to start costing more also in one form or the other.

posted on February 28, 2001 02:46:24 PM new
Well folks I'm not surprised, and this isn't all bad as I see it. Yes it would cost folks cash but in the long run wouldn't it also allow the expansion of services? It does take some money to make money and a business no matter where you are needs to keep it's door open!

Yes, it's a shock to some, but I personally have been expecting it. I would expect that Mark et. al. had to think long and hard about this and that the time has come to make the hard decisions. Many of us have used the services of AW for free for some time and I would imagine that there are a lot of us out there.

Is there an easier way? I don't know. Does it cost money to be in business, Yup, we all know that, and does it cost to expand services? You bet!

I am not defending AW, I am trying to look at the issue with a clear head and without emotion and see that you can't operate any business and expand for future services without the cash.

Bill (elecdata1 here and everywhere else)
posted on February 28, 2001 02:53:48 PM new

Of the web-based services that charge, taking a % of the Final Value seems to be the norm.

Andale charges 2.95% of FV to $25, +1.95% FV $25 to $1,000, and + .95% of FV above $1,000. AuctionWorks charges a flat 2% of FV, with a max of 75 cents. AW's pricing compares favorably with these-- and the others will be charging similarly within a few months, no doubt.

GoTo charges a flat $19.95 a month.

[ edited by magazine_guy on Feb 28, 2001 02:57 PM ]
posted on February 28, 2001 02:54:25 PM new
it was only 5 cents...no problem. I love AW and they (dont shoot me) should be charging.

bad timing after the Post Office and eBay.

one percent is crazy.

IMHO, AW stands to make a lot of money if they charge the 5 cents and forget about the percentage. Smart business. Most of us would pay and stay ~ we like it here, right?

IMHO, AW stand to lose amount of money from it's advertisers if this goes through and the members drop like flies. Once the hits are down, adv revenue will be too.
BIG RISK to let this happen come March 14. It's too late to lock the door when the horses have run away...

I'd love to see the proposal on this...
care to share the financial specs?
got any input on the "double whammy" approach rather than "let's break it to them gently and see what happens" approach?

it's not rocket science, but it is a bit irrational. Is the Big Boss holding Ivy League paper or was that TV degrees?
(just a joke)
(okay, just a bad joke)

posted on February 28, 2001 02:54:31 PM new
does a posting service justify taking a piece of your action? They have nothing to do with the quality or value of your merchandise, nor are they hosting the auction. >>

Actually I think they have a lot to do with the quality of the auction. I am willing to pay a nickel so I can schedule an auction. I like not having to be tied to the computer. I will be hanging around for awhile yet to see how it goes.

200 auctions * .05 = 10.00 bucks plus the 1 %. I think the 1% is really stupid and don't like that and may go to a flat fee service in the future. The 1% does make me think there is something shady in the background a bit and I hope someone explains it or why they chose it. That would make me feel better about staying for the long run.

They run a good service and I don't mind paying a reasonable price. .05 ins reasonable I would have thought about anything over that like .10. And I do not like the 1% fee. That makes no sense.

I do hate that if an auction pic isn't looked at in 90 days it is deleted. Over the summer things are slow I don't list all that much. One reason why I would prefer this type of payment over a monthly fee. However the the auctions I have set up that I run about ever 2 months in the busy season are deleted are things that I get doubles of a few times a year are also deleted. That 90 days picture deletion may be the reason I leave in the long run. When the service was free I didn't grip but now that I am paying. . .

They want a justifiable fee for providing a good service.

There are many dot coms going bomb bam and many auction sellers will go that way also. Darwin theory of survival of the fittest I guess would apply. Time will see if I am, AW and all the rest are one of the fittest.

AW pretty professional and they should make it. Although it is usually standard to give a 30 day notice in the business world. 2 weeks isn't a lot of time if some people need time.

I don't get an increast of sales by using the service here BTW but it does make it a lot easier and I know how to write HTML and all that. .05 it worth the time the service saves but please explain the 1% thanks

posted on February 28, 2001 02:57:56 PM new

Auctions have wonderful things to see...
and now to show them there'll be a fee!
If I pay my nickel will it then be a dime?

Why is it I've never charged for MY time?
From now to forever- when AW speaks to me
My accountant suggested to charge them a fee!


posted on February 28, 2001 02:58:01 PM new
I'll be gone! Between the Post Office, PayPal and eBay, I've had enough hands in my pie! AW, you're making a BIG mistake!

posted on February 28, 2001 02:58:31 PM new
That thing you like about being able to schedule auctions in advance?
IMHO, that's what crashes eBay every Sunday night.
That might be a Catch-22.
posted on February 28, 2001 03:02:07 PM new
magazine guy...

Wow. That's news to me. I have a feeling these folks are pricing themselves right out of the market...since none of these services are essential...just convenient.

It isn't hard at all to do all of these things yourself...a template...a little cut and paste.

The only thing I'm addicted to is the cha-ching of eBud...lol! But, hey...I quit smoking.......

posted on February 28, 2001 03:03:02 PM new
To the thorougly disgusted and the ones who entrusted........

Remember- when a service like AW changes and charges------it is a THERMOMETER - of the industry. It is TELLING us something~

WATCH for BIG TIME change....
They are trying to head off the tides of tech......something's brewing.....in the

posted on February 28, 2001 03:04:54 PM new
Who was the genius who came up with the 1% idea? You guys are blowing it, AW! If you'd have gone with the flat 5 cents charge per auction, I think we *all* would have stayed. And that still would have been a lot of money for you! (The nickels add up fast, as we all know...)

No way I can give you 1% of my measly profits. This is so disappointing!
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