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posted on February 28, 2001 08:24:34 PM new
The point that has me in TOTAL SHOCK, is that AuctionWatch.com has not learned from their most valuable resource THE POSTERS.

Such an incredible pool of TALENT and IDEAS - totally ignored IMHO. What got them was the PERCENTAGE, and the timing to some extent.

My focus this year has been to eliminate unnecessary fees from my business, I hope you all consider it as well. SOME OF YOU ARE JUST LAZY [no insult intended, really] AND HAVE BECOME SPOILED. LEARN HTML, MAKE YOUR OWN TEMPLATE, IT'S EASY, FUN, AND REWARDING! USE MR. LISTER WHILE ITS STILL FREE. MAKE YOUR OWN GALLERY, E T C.


posted on February 28, 2001 08:24:39 PM new
Shosh: really! This has been the place that I have learned everything I know about auctions!

These message boards are extremely vibrant and FUN! Even if I do get slapped around because I don't like paying $4.00...(hehehe!)

I love GOTO! But their boards are ANEMIC! to say the least! Here ya got the CANADIANS and the SELLER'S DEFENSE FUND and the sadly departed HCQ -- I may get hot & p***'ed-off sometimes, but I really wouldn't know where to turn for auction help other that AW BOARDS!

posted on February 28, 2001 08:24:46 PM new
I'm sure that is why they are deleting about 90% of the posts today. They want to make like everyone is happy.

If you check, they lock or delete threads saying anything bad about the fees and they tell the posters to post on another forum on AW.

BUT, when someone says something good, or defends them, it is not deleted. That is not right, no matter how you twist it they are selectivly monitoring the boards and avoiding asnwer questions. I don't know about you, but I am editing all my auctions and taking out the "AW FREE LISTING TOOLS" message because that is false advertisments in our listings....

posted on February 28, 2001 08:25:18 PM new
Tomwiiiiiii....Please Email me.
Gosh Shosh!

About Me
posted on February 28, 2001 08:26:59 PM new
By the way, its been fun talking and arguing with you guys... I came to these boards to meet likeminded people and learn more about bidders conerns and it was fun while it lasted!

posted on February 28, 2001 08:27:07 PM new
I do not believe that I will be able to use your services after March 14th,
due to the fact that my resale value is too close to what I already pay for any products that sell on the auction sites.

I have fees from ebay/paypal/billpoint now AW. Although I could deal with .05 per auction, the 1% I can not.

Combine all of the costs and I believe this is a serious loss for AW-Consumer Base and a TERMINAL loss for the "little guys" who only sell 1-5 small items a week.

(I am just a little craft seller with auctions that sell under $5-10-15 bucks!)

too bad!
JUST WHEN!!! I got used to using the services on here,(2 months)and became comfortable, this happens.

I put up with those awfully ANNOYING (is not even the word) advertsing banners!!
Can you put in writing to those who do stay, that you will be removing them completely?

I am afraid to say but I believe I will be moving my service to another auction service dealer.


posted on February 28, 2001 08:30:38 PM new
DIGITAL- Yes, I noticed that they where keeping the positive ones also.
What must THEY think of our intelligence!
Please! We are smart, budding, vibrant, vocal business people!
posted on February 28, 2001 08:32:36 PM new
I guess i won't be staying either. No more hobby sellers like myself i guess? Ebay, Billpoint, Post office, everyone wants a peice! Why bother......im outta here!
posted on February 28, 2001 08:32:57 PM new
"I came to these boards to meet likeminded people"

A shame to leave disapointed, but you must be used to it.

posted on February 28, 2001 08:34:02 PM new
There are alternatives and I don't mind helping anyone.

[email protected]

posted on February 28, 2001 08:35:07 PM new
Hey Ken...What brings you out of your shell...my little shy friend...
Gosh Shosh!

About Me
posted on February 28, 2001 08:35:13 PM new
If you ask me, they are acting like communists deleting and locking all these threads !

posted on February 28, 2001 08:36:20 PM new
Ken...Me think it is time for the garden hose, don't you?
Gosh Shosh!

About Me
posted on February 28, 2001 08:37:18 PM new
Disappointed how? Because I have met a lot of intelligent sellers and bidders on AW?

AuctionCastro might be a good name for a software program...
[ edited by digitalmaster on Feb 28, 2001 08:38 PM ]
posted on February 28, 2001 08:40:44 PM new
Darn, they locked the other thread, but here is my response to digitalmaster:

What are your concerns? I've seen you are unhappy about the FVF and the less than 30 day notice (Which in the on-line world, never happens!) I've also seen you concerned about AW editing posting, which is what my original response addressed.

I've seen very few posts supporting the fees the way they are scheduled to be implemented, but very few people against the idea of a fee. There are a few who expect everything to be free on-line, but most here realize that AW is a business, and without cash flow, will not survive.

It all comes down to the 1%, which as most people have stated, is an unreasonable amount to request. I personally don't use AW services for auction management, but if I did, I would find a different company.


posted on February 28, 2001 08:44:42 PM new
To be honest, I don't mind paying a subscription. I just don't like the way they did it. 30 days notice has to do with business ethics and they did not have any business ethics with this notice they gave us.

The fact is, most people who already scheduled auctions for this weekened for 10-day auctions will have to instantly figure out what they are going to do, including me. There is no choice in that. Many people are being forced to stay here or find a new service. That is not fair to customers, especially if you expect them to pay.

I am left to my own devices without any warning and that is what I don't like. I also don't believe in censoring someone who disagrees with you.

Plus, no one has answered any questions that people have asked. For the most part, they are spending their time locking and deleting posts.

That is not the way you treat customers wheather online or offline!

I am saying, if a company asks you to pay several hundred dollars per year, they should address your concerns.

Would'nt you agree?
[ edited by digitalmaster on Feb 28, 2001 08:49 PM ]
posted on February 28, 2001 08:49:09 PM new

Shipping will now be $4.15 since we'll have to add AW's 1% graft fee plus the 5 cent SCAM listing fee to our
ripoff handling fee.

Just kidding....But seriously:

Next thing we know our shipping supply vendors will be charging 30 cents per bubble envelope plus 1% of the value of the contents if used to ship auction goods.

Stamps.com already gets 10%, USPS gets between 10% & 40% of our gross, Ebay gets their cut, Grandma want's a raise and our local Goodwill is opening a SUPERSTORE with super prices to go along with it.

I would pay a listing fee but I'm sorry dot.coms there just isn't enough left to pay someone else a cut.

Maybe if sales were better but I can't be the only seller seeing a downward spiral.

I make a profit but it's just not that much.
Overall gross is running 45-50%. I'd be better off opening a B&M dollar store.

I recently aquired a number of art glass collectables at a good price. These items retail for $150 when you can find them.
1 went for $60, the next for $40 and the last three barely broke $30. Costs $10 to mail them and 30 minutes to double-box pack it correctly with $3.00 worth of packing materials.

Do the math...it's not hard to see the swinging noose.
[ edited by tapatti on Feb 28, 2001 08:52 PM ]
posted on February 28, 2001 08:50:59 PM new
I also will be using my own FTP site and saving my nickles and %. HTML isn't hard, it just takes a little more time,plus it's FREE!
See Ya!

posted on February 28, 2001 08:55:07 PM new
I enjoyed using Auction Watch and would have paid a listing fee, but can't find anyway to justify paying the 1% final value fee. I really think they should reconsider this, or in about six months we will be reading about auctionwatch failing just like E-toys or the legendary Pets.com, this is really a poor decision on their part, kind of reminds me of New Coke, the Edsel, or maybe the Titanic. It was fun while it lasted, I guess I need to put a "CLOSED" sign on my Auction Watch store front.It seems everyone's killing the goose that laid the golden egg with a baseball bat!!!(e-bay, paypal, the Post Office, Auction Watch) Good Bye!!! I'm not a small time seller either....

posted on February 28, 2001 08:56:00 PM new
The really SHOCKING aspect of this whole thing is that AW totally BLEW A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!

GOTO offended a huge number of their members with their HEAVY-HANDED FEE SCHEDULE foisted with little time for people to prepare!

This was a PERFECT TIME for AW to act the part of KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR!

Instead, they just end up being another DOT.BOMB GIMMIE!


posted on February 28, 2001 08:56:13 PM new
AW - Why not EARN those FV fees? The timing is right. The world needs a viable alternative to Ebay. You are so close already. Why charge the FV fee without delivering the venue?

Think about it ... You already have the ear of the sellers. If the sellers were to all list on a new venue the buyers would come. Sooner or later some company will become a major competitior to Ebay and they will reap the shareholder benefits that go with being # 2 in this milti billion dollar industry. It's only a question of when ..not if.

As I am reading this thread I am amazed at how many writers say they like or love AW (at least until the 14th). Why not go all the way?

NO TAXATION WITHOUGHT REPRESENTATION!! Want the FVF? Give us an FV (Full Venue). If you do, just please, please, please, stay tuned into the needs and wants of the sellers that make the Ebay venue viable in the first place.

Maybe this idea should be a new thread. What do you think?


posted on February 28, 2001 09:02:37 PM new
I had 3 friends e-mail me tonight about this and all 3 of them said they will not post thru AW anymore and that includes me as well once the fees kick in. If I have to go back to my old slower method, then so be it but at least what little I make will remain in MY pocket.

posted on February 28, 2001 09:32:13 PM new
I'm gone as well.
I could live with the 5 cents a listing, but to pay Auctionwatch yet another 1% on top of everybody else wanting a piece- FORGET IT!

This was a convenience not a neccesity. Congrats AW you pulled a Yahoo anmd priced yourself right out of existence.

I'll pay the nickel but there ain't no way you're getting 1% of my FVF- there's too many percents going to too many other people.

posted on February 28, 2001 09:32:51 PM new
Let's see...$200.00 breaks down to $16.66 a month plus 5 cents per listing. Five Hundred auctions per month would cost another $25.00. Not bad for a big time user, however, most of AW's users fall into the class of 5 cents plus 1% FVF. HELP the people that made AW what it is today, do away with the 1% FVF. I happen to be in the group where the package deal makes sense. I didn't charge YOU 5 cents to place YOUR ad on my 6000 plus auctions last year. Maybe you owe me a $300.00 credit? I'll give you until March 14, 2001 to pay it.


posted on February 28, 2001 09:34:22 PM new
BTW...I'm really...



posted on February 28, 2001 09:34:32 PM new
I could deal with AW charging a per-photo hosting fee, and I could deal with AW charging a reasonable price for their nifty auction-lauching software. But 1% of the total sales price?? Perhaps, if it were the *one and only* way of launching an auction. But it's not.

I've launched my last auction here. I have plenty of space on my ISP for photos, so I'll just move on.

posted on February 28, 2001 09:36:35 PM new
hahaha tomwiii. Don't go there again...

posted on February 28, 2001 09:40:07 PM new

posted on February 28, 2001 09:41:19 PM new

Is there a charge for the post auction manager? I hope not...


"If your mind can concieve it, and you believe it, then you probably can achieve it."

posted on February 28, 2001 09:42:57 PM new
Tomwiiiiiiiii...You dirty rat.... (...Was that James Cagney?)

You big tease...

Well ninite, folks...This old lady has had it...

Gosh Shosh!

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