Doesn’t CO-OP stand for Co-Operative, as in co-operation?
I hardly think that the path to your stated goalis going to be achieved by labeling your fellow sellers and posters “whiners” and “sheep”, especially when so many are obviously upset over this current turn of events.
It must be a real burden to be the only “enlightened one”.
posted on March 1, 2001 07:38:32 AM new
The introduction of the 1% FVF at this moment of time is risky business and will alienate more than a few clients.
I simply could not justify the added expense to pay for the services provided for here - even if I did list more at AW.
In order to reduce the nickel and dime'ing that everyone feels entitled to -which has driven the average cost of internet auction services to around 20% GPM; I have found alternative mailing services (after the increase in post office costs and reduction in over all services); honed my purchasing methods to reduce product costs (if suppliers won't deal in bulk, they're gone); focused on marketing my products locally and to select international markets; negotiated lower ISP fees; switched banks... learnt html, barter services with computer programmers for web development services and with small computer retailers to upgrade my systems software (so I do not have to be dependant on an online auction service provider).
I refuse to have my customers subsidize unnecessary services when they do not have to. I would rather throw the nickels into a wishing well or even to save Napster!
posted on March 1, 2001 07:39:46 AM new
Think I'll hang out for a while. I can eat the .01-.10 FVF and the nickel for the listing is no problem - add it to my opening bid. Beats going through all the work to move stuff and get used to a new provider. Sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't.
For the big folks - sell over $20,000 and there is no FVF. For the little folks, like me, what's the big deal. Of course it costs money to run a business and it costs money to run a hobby. When the costs of running that business go up, the prices go up. If the hobby costs too much, get another hobby. It's the American way. When my rent goes up in my brick and mortar store I'm not going to pack up and move to a lower rent district just for spite - it don't make any sense.
I'll just keep in mind while I read these posts that some people would complain if you were hanging them with a new rope.
posted on March 1, 2001 07:46:16 AM newsell over $20,000 and there is no FVF
Correct, but you have to pay $200 US up front, for a service that could very well be belly up 6 months from now. You also have to pay 5 cents a listing which will mean $5 per 100 listings. So for 100 listings a month, it would mean $21.66.
posted on March 1, 2001 07:48:42 AM newWhen my rent goes up in my brick and mortar store I'm not going to pack up and move to a lower rent district just for spite - it don't make any sense.
You know, a shopping center in my neighborhood just hiked rents -- and all the businesses moved. It wasn't spite. It was good business sense. They know their market and what it will bear. They know when it's time to move to retain profitability in their particular business.
This isn't cookie-cutter. I really don't know why so many people think that if it works for them, it must work for everyone.
I know my bottomline. Others here know theirs. Each will do what he or she must do to retain profitability.
I'll wager that some of us little guys outlast
posted on March 1, 2001 07:50:36 AM new
I am gone, too. This 1% fvf is just too much. I might check back here in a couple of months to see if AW is still around. Judging by the posts, the only way they'll be here is if they "adjust" their way of thinking.
Good point. It is a VERY good idea to check this out with your ISP. Nothing like having a bunch of auctions running with red “X”s where the pictures should be.
godzillatemple had a post about a web service that provided a domain name and 100MB of storage for $99 per year. That is a lot of storage, plus it includes:
FREE DOMAIN NAME AND registration, (reg. Is $10) - 1 year of hosting - 5 Gb. of Network Transfer - 100 email accounts - Shopping Cart Secure Links (SSL) Your own CGI folder - Website control panel – and more.
Granted, it is a fee, but it is for something that you are in control of. Additionally, it provides plenty of e-mail and you can set up your own website.
Last night I sent their customer service a question:
“If I sign up am I allowed to host images that will be accessed by my (ebay) auctions on the 100 MB of space?”
This morning I had a reply:
“[i]Yes, you can use the space for whatever you'd like.
XXXXXX. G (name removed)
Technical Support[/i]”
I won’t post the name here, but it is an overweight bovine.
posted on March 1, 2001 08:00:55 AM new
I posted this in a thread that got locked almost immediately, so let's wade through these 11 pages if it makes AW happy.
What would your reaction be if AW had announced a flat monthly charge to use their services? Something like 10-20.00 per month? Unlimited usage, no percentage, etc.?
It couldn't possibly be as much hassle to bill credit cards each month as it will be to calculate fvfs and fvf credits.
Although I have been grateful to AW for the use of their free services, I would be willing to pay somthing to continue, but not what they are outlining.
posted on March 1, 2001 08:02:23 AM new
Hi Perry - Besides, they would have a very difficult time proving the images were be used on ebay
My post was just to make some, who may not be aware, that this might be in violation of their ISPs TOS.
When I orginally spoke with our ISP, they told us that they did occasionally check the pictures if the web page was getting an unusally large number of hits on a continual basis. I think if they saw many pictures of a large number of items, rather than pics of family etc., they might just question it.
This issue probably wouldn't be a problem for the occasional seller, but for any one who lists a ton of auctions it may create problems.
posted on March 1, 2001 08:06:49 AM new
One assumes that for the new charges the service will improve? Like at least bothering to reply to an email to customer service. Or, making it so I dont have to go in and revise all my auctions because they dont show up on my page. And of course,the problem with auctions that apparently havent been listed, but actually are,will be taken care of.
It seems they got us all image hosting....add a lot of time saving options over time, and then change the rules half way through. Five cents is not unreasonable I suppose but a percentage of my very hard earned profits???
If I park my car in a garage for a fee every month, should the attendant get a percentage of all profits that arise from using my car to buy stock?
posted on March 1, 2001 08:19:13 AM new
Sorry to hear about this When AuctionRover started charging, I left. I figured AW would do the five cents, which I could live with, but final value way! There are other ways to host pictures...all of the other bells and whistles you offered, I didn't need...just someone to host my pictures. So good bye from this small time seller...I know when I'm not wanted!
posted on March 1, 2001 08:27:29 AM newIt couldn't possibly be as much hassle to bill credit cards each month as it will be to calculate fvfs and fvf credits.
I asked this same question last night and still no answer. They lock all the threads and say come here but we haven't heard from anyone yet.
Does anyone know at what point would actually be cheaper than AuctionWatch's new service fee?
posted on March 1, 2001 08:32:42 AM new
I see other services mentioned in the 2 threads above, why can't I mention auction submit without getting deleted.
posted on March 1, 2001 08:37:19 AM new
I will be deleting my pictures here as of March 13th, and hosting the pictures on my own computer (which is now hooked up to a network), and hosting my pictures myself. This should allow me to continue to have nice sized pictures with no extra costs.
I'm dealing with a profit margin of less than $1.00 on some items. Each new fee whittles that away and if it goes much further, I'm going to be in the position of saving money will mean quitting the auction business. My bigger ticket items are occasionally doing very well, but I don't have the time to scour the countryside for merchandise - I have a very specific sector that I serve, and have regular supply sources to provide it for me. If I had to do more hunting and scouring, that'd eat up what little "me" time I have now, and for profit margins that just don't make it cost effective to continue.
I've really enjoyed using Auctionwatch's systems, especially being able to stagger my auctions over several minutes - however mass listing with Mister Lister gets all my auctions UP without having to ask Ebay to reset my auctions because Auctionwatch's upload has buried some of my items.
I was just getting ready to start using more of the Auction pro features, like inventory and so on - instead I will be deleting the software off my system to make room for more pictures.
posted on March 1, 2001 08:41:11 AM new
I can't wade through 11 pages so sorry if this was brought up before... but that 1% FVF, if the buyer doesn't pay will AW refund it? Will AW send the buyer a nasty note like Egreed does?
posted on March 1, 2001 08:48:29 AM new
When your rent goes up and you like the location, it is a necessity you pay it. AW services are a convenience, not a necessity. Ebay's fee you have to bear, but not AW.
posted on March 1, 2001 08:53:32 AM new
The .05 per auction, I can grumble about but I would pay that for this service.
My auction sales were great until, Janurary, when Yahoo started charging people, Now those sellers moved to ebay and my sales are down big time.
I must now list things 3 to 5 times to sell even one item, mainly being alot of those other sellers are listing items for anywhere from 1.00 to 10.00 when I can not go that low on alot of items, I am loosing big money already with the amounts I am listing items for now.
I was one of the rare ones who had a 21% for the fees and etc for ebay last year, most others were at the 8%
So I had the 21% for Ebay
The 1.9% on Pay Pals plus the .25
The 1.9% on Bill Point plus the .35
(or something like that)
Now you want 1% Final Value Fees?? And I will have to prove to you if I did not actually sell that item to a Non Paying Bidder???
So hmm, Let me see, I would be paying out 25.8% of my sales Oh, Yes plus the .05 per auction I list, and I bet my 21% of sales will go up being this year, I am doing so bad it is not funny, and i am loosing so much on this, but I have over 1000 items to still sell.
If you had 50,000 People each list just one auction per month, that would give you 2,500.00
Now say even those auction ended at 10.00 at the 1% charge would be .10 so that would give you 5,000.00 per month.
Now if everyone did Just 10 auctions that would give you 50,000.00 Just for the 1% Fee
And 25,000.00 for the auction Listings, so that would give you all 75,000.00 Per Month which would be 900,000.00 Per Year.
But we all know people will be leaving being this is too much, and that the powersellers will put on more than just 100 auctions per month.
And for The 100 auctions, That would be 750,000.00 Per Month..... and 9,000,000.00 Per Year.
Now Lets see, for the server it may run you all about 2500 per month, give or take.
Paying employees lets say you have 25 and pay them 10 per hour for 40 hours per week
10,000.00 per month up to say 20,000.00 per month of paying people being some will make more than the 10 based price I said.
so the 20,000 for employees
and the 2,500 for the server
and the 200,000.00 For the Parties you will have
Will still only be 222,500 of the 750,000 more or less of what you are or want to take from us, will still give you 527,500 to play around with for those trips to Greenland, and Iceland.
So, what if you only charge us the .05 per auction, (grumble) and wave the 1% charge on the auctions final value. You will still be getting money, maybe not as much as you wanted but I my self believe you can make it on just the .05 per listing. (grumble)
Sorry this is so long, I rattle on at times, some of you know me from the threads on ebay.
posted on March 1, 2001 08:57:03 AM new
Just to change the direction for a second (Mark - please don't 'X' me for saying this), how come this thread was posted in the eBay forum and not the others? Seems to me we get spanked for posting incorrectly.
Also seems to me that this discussion is NOT EBAY RELATED.
posted on March 1, 2001 09:04:06 AM new
My thoughts after milling through the near unanimous sentiment: First, certainly AW expected such a tidal wave of anger and questions, why isn't someone in a position of authority addressing all the pertinent good questions and points that have been posted here? They certainly must have anticipated such discontent.
As many have said, and I agree, Auctionwatch's service is a slight convenience. It's primary function for me is launching auctions in bulk at predetermined times that I created prior. Their service is not unique and anyone who takes some time to learn some HTML and search around can duplicate their service for less than they want to charge.
In addition, as some smarter than I have pointed out, you would have to be a fool to pay AW $200.00 up front when their financial stability is unknown to the laymen. With the economy in flux, tech companies in general in the crapper, it's a suckers bet.
In closing, AW is weathering the storm they knew would come with this announcement. Two weeks notice is a cheap move,and I wonder if they have all the software and technology in place to make a smooth seamless shift without screw ups for those who decide to stay? I doubt it. It will be interesting to see if those threatening to leave, will really do so. And if a mass exodus or the threat of one, will make AW reconsider their fee structure?
Organizations like AW must PAY EBAY to use the API (Application program interface)
From EBAY Unfortunately, we are unable to give you specific information about the API pricing structure at this time. This information is considered confidential and is discussed only with licensed developers. We can tell you that there is a one-time enrollment fee, a monthly maintenance fee, and a usage fee based on the number of API transactions and the time of day. If your application is approved, a Business Development manager will contact you to discuss your stated plans and program pricing.
The info is CONFIDENTAIL, and most likley they are also obligated to not even disclose the fact that they have to pay fee's. Hence, this post will likely be deleted.
posted on March 1, 2001 09:09:41 AM new
Personally I too will be leaving on March 13th, I am a little seller from my house. My profit margin is low, because I don't see high volume stuff. I can't afford another 1% fee on top of ebays increase etc. I would pay the .5 per listing. So unless you change the new policy I can see that alot of people will be leaving. I am a regular on the Ebay Cafe, and I know for a fact that everyone of them that uses AW will be leaving on the 13th.....
posted on March 1, 2001 09:19:53 AM new
"Please add me to the list of people looking for a new listing/image hosting service that is free."
...a lot of us are very willing to pay a listing fee. I am more than willing to pay a nickle or even a dime for the listings for all the reasons you stated:
"I chose AW over another service because it allowed me to set my auctions to list at a later time automatically, so that when I was up at some strange time and felt like doing a lot of auctions, I could create my auctions and set them to launch for the next 10 days or just later in the day. I really liked that service!"
That is exactly why I would be willing to pay for this service; BUT no way will I pay a 1% final value fee. This is NOT an auction site; AW is not hosting my auctions. IF I pay them a fvf, then they can pay me for their advertising on MY auction.
posted on March 1, 2001 09:32:09 AM new
I notice many people here complaining that AW wants to take a piece of their profits.
No. AW is planning to take 1% of your gross. One percent of the selling percent before eBay takes it's chunk out...eBay's FVF, listing fees, etc.
posted on March 1, 2001 09:41:36 AM new
Actually, I don't think AW will be able to know on March 14th who will stay, and who goes.
I am still dealing with inventory and income tax (can't afford a CPA for my small number of sales) and I will not be ready to move on before that date. I question the 2 week notice period...can I chalk it up to computer geeks without customer service skills, that AW has finished their taxes and may be in big trouble, or AW knowing people may not have time to look around for other services?
I am also concerned with AW's services whenever something new is added. You always have major goof-ups. You hadn't thought something through, there are bugs in the system, it worked on your end but not on the sellers, etc. I wonder about paying for that kind of service, in the amounts you are asking.
I did consider AW a class act....not so sure
now between the questionable 2 wk notice and not answering any questions here... the thread you started and ask to have used exclusively!
posted on March 1, 2001 09:45:21 AM newToke and excellent point...
The moment a [percentage] fee is levied, it serves as a "testing" tool...Increases always follow....Then what?
******** Gosh Shosh!