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posted on March 2, 2001 03:54:28 AM new
I changed my mind. Having thought about the new fee structure, and reading a lot of sane posts..............

I'm leaving

I know what I said in my last post - and I still believe that AW has a right and possibly a corporate duty to add the nickel fee.....

It's the FVF that they have no right to add. AW is not the auction venue, it's a gateway. Charging the nickel "toll" to use the highway is OK, but charging the FVF is paying the toll again when you leave the highway.

I'll continue to use the message board, too many experts here and I hope they stay.

I'll use my ISP for storage (loads a LOT faster than AW anyway), Excel for inventory, and I never used the after sale stuff anyway, too intrusive for my buyers. Then I'll learn HTML (groan) for templates.

Maybe AW will use the Pareto Principle to value the posts here - 80% of the nays come from 20% of the users - when that statistic is reached I'd certainly re-think my decision.

Oh, I continue to maintain that some folks would complain if you were hanging them with a new rope.

posted on March 2, 2001 04:50:39 AM new
I don't see what the big deal is. We all knew that AW would charge someday. For the ones that stay AW will be getting something instead of nothing and for the ones that leave that is less burden on the systems and staff. Doesn't seem to me as so many predict that they will be going out of business. I am not that happy with the fvf of 1% but it is their call.

If I disagree I leave. Actually they need to do what is best for the bottom line, profit and so do I. They did have my loyalty until they decided only to give a 2 week notice. Now they are just a place to use and loyalty has nothing to do with it because if they would have loyalty to the customers they would have given the traditional 30 day business notice.

I will stay with AW for auctions I need to schedule if I am not going to be around on Thursday nights or the weekends. For the rest I will just use auction software that I will have on my computer. It seems a very reasonable choice. The only thing that AW offfers that they don't is the ability to have it launch when you aren't around. I was reading the Ebay message boards and got some good tips there after doing an auction software search on the message boards. I can set them up ahead of time and then just go hook up and send them when I want them to start. No big deal and a one time fee (some are even free) is more effective to the bottom line. The ones I need to schedule I will use AW for it is that simple for now and of they change their fee structure not to allow that I will find another service. That is business always changing to best serve the profit line for YOUR bottom line.

Maybe some of you want to consider combing technolgies also. It might be the best thing if you have to go away from home once and awhile etc. . .

I wish AW and Mark lots of luck and success with the new fee structure, really.

posted on March 2, 2001 05:05:25 AM new

I agree with what "Mr. Jim" says on the prior page. Circumventing AW's third party service is not brain surgury. Also, for those who decide to stay, remember the tools that remain free that purport to help you sell at AW, will eventually cost. Almost every "free" site works on the same principle, build a base of users, and then start charging when they develop a large base that is comfortable using the site. Knowing that some will be too lazy or scared of change, to explore the wide variety of options that take some effort and some minimal learning to make Auctionwatch passe.

posted on March 2, 2001 05:27:58 AM new
Farewell AW, HOWDIE Os, Toodle Lou, Galloping
back to my FTP and good ole HTML. We will survive without you, and all sites that charge drain-me fees. Those added features also have
too many hidden draw backs for me. Good Luck,
you might need it. An intensive search of any
competition that you may have has given me
results that show you will soon be joining them. Good Bye~~~~

posted on March 2, 2001 05:53:48 AM new
Your silence speaks LOUDER than your words!

Just to let you know, I'm clearing out my things and should be out of here before the March 14th deadline.

Thank You,
Linda Curry

posted on March 2, 2001 06:44:08 AM new
I don't get it- do any of you have any idea what it takes to run a web site and company?

Apparently it takes a pool table, company outings and catered dinners 3 nights a week.

I have a web site and I also work for the world's biggest internet company -- and neither provides any of the above.

The online world is only now getting a taste of corporate reality. Unfortunately some of the "we're the new vanguard, changing the world and the rest of you don't know jack" attitude still prevails in some corners.

Take AW's all-or-nothing approach to fees for instance. Either you pay for everything or you leave. Why force potential customers to make such a choice?
Varying levels of service, or an ala cart plan, would work much better... retain more paying customers and better serve the market.

I'm willing to pay for services I use. I'm just not willing to also pay for services I don't need or use.

AW really didn't think this through very thoroughly -- or with a great deal of real business sense.

The "new economy" is changing and not in ways all those 20-somethings who rode go-carts through the halls of internet start-ups ever imagined.

posted on March 2, 2001 06:56:35 AM new
Does anyone at AW even sell on ebay, I bet they do.
But I also bet they will not have to pay the fees, as being that maybe that might be an employee benefit. That might be why, they are not too concern about the rest of us having a little bit of a fit paying the 1% Final Value Fee.

For an Item based at 24.99 with a buy it now price of 25.00 would cost Me:

.55 listing.... Plus the .25 gallery ... Plus the 1.25 Final fees
Would be 2.05 Total for eBay

Then it is .05 AW Listing Fee Plus the .25 AW Ending Value Fee
Would Equal .30 Total for AW

Then it is This includes the shipping so total would be 31.00
.30 Pay Pals Or .35 Bill Point
.40 Pay Pals Or .35 Bill Point
Totals .70 Pay Pals Or .70 Bill Point

All Together it would cost me for my 25.00 item: 3.05 In Fees.

I would get 21.95 Plus the shipping amountwhich the shipping price would go to the USPS) so I really cant count that. I can save that 1.00 on all of these extra things and Just do business the way I used to. Using my own place for images, no online payments and just take the money orders, checks and etc from people.

This would be based on 1000 items:
1000.00 saved from these services, being I have 1000+ items to sell, but it will actually be more than this I save being, I know a lot will go over the 25.00 and I will have to re-list items.

That 1000 will go into My Own Pocket and Not the others pocket.

I would not mind paying AW the 50.00 to list these 1000 auctions, it would be worth it. and maybe tops 100.00 if I had to just re-list them each just once. (yes some will be more than once, some will sell the first time) So, I need to think long and hard, about what I really need or want as a selling point.

Sorry this is another long post.


posted on March 2, 2001 07:13:04 AM new
Will 1% even be enough to keep the Vulture Capitalists happy?

Over 2.6 million auctions launched every month
Businesses sell over $40M of merchandise each month using AuctionWatch.com

Not accounting for those few that will take the gamble with the $200 up-front plan:

.05 and 1% on the above numbers works out to:

130,000.00 in monthly listing revenue
400,000.00 in 1% FVF.

Seems that they would need at least $1 mil in monthly revenue to keep the doors open.

posted on March 2, 2001 09:23:49 AM new
After thinking about all this for a couple of days now, some thoughts (sorry about the length of this, skip it if you prefer):

* The 1% of FV is absurd. Where are YOUR auctions, AW? Capped at $30 -- right?!? In 3 years of full-time selling I still haven't seen a sale higher than $1,500.

* Ok, so I'm high volume, then its $200 a year plus 5 cents every launch. Thats $200 to $400 EVERY year, the $200 paid entirely up front, no refunds for outages, lack of service, or whatever happens if I am not using the service any longer. Pricey, pricey! And does AW bring more traffic to my auctions on OTHER sites -- no, nada, hardly likely.

* So I sell under several ID names on eBay, different kinds of merchandise, or for other reasons. Well, if you have 2 different selling names, then double that annual cost, you have to ante up twice!

* Hey, what's this, AW bulk uploader still has problems if you upload more than 5 auctions per batch. Hmmm, shouldn't they have a more advanced performing system before they try to charge those big bucks? And what about that recent multi-day outage, haven't forgotten about that, either.

* Then there's the issue of ATTITUDE. More than anything -- and certainly reading all the other posts -- the attitude of AW management does not really make someone want to stick around anyway, regardless of the whole fee thing -- the short abrupt notice period, the total lack of consultation it seems with a user base that made AW what it is today (NOT the other way around), the peculiar silence of their management on these message boards, the somewhat mealy-mouth statements in their announcements (come on, we're not stoopid, did you really think we'd buy lines like "we understand sellers typically prefer a FVF" -- after 15 or so pages of "I don't think so", maybe you would like to reconsider your choice of words? Or maybe not, your attitude about this more than anything will drive away your formerly loyal user base. Too bad.

* Sure the Pro software has some nice features. Spiffy templates, auction scheduling, da da, but are they worth all that? Using them speeds up my work alot, probably cuts my time loading auctions by 20 to 40 hours a month -- even for someone only selling a few items each month, it's obviously good for them, too -- but is it worth the FEE -- I just don't think so. There are other options, including keeping the money in MY pocket & spending a bit more time to get auctions going -- if that's my "time cost" to do this, at least its mine, and not just giving my profits away.

* So I'll use the free service until March 13th. Then if the photo hosting remains free, I'll consider just using that & either manually entering my auctions on eBay's sell item page as I did before & then adding the additional photos later using AW's cut & paste URL, which works pretty fast if you have 2 web windows open, 1 on AW & 1 on eBay Adding Item page. I'll look into Mr. Lister & other alternatives, including checking out creating my own html templates -- but I won't pay the oversize fee AW is asking, for sure!

posted on March 2, 2001 09:25:36 AM new
Not a bad idea either to just get your own website -- this place looks kind of interesting, with a wwwdot in front and a dotcom right behind: NoMonthlyFees

posted on March 2, 2001 10:05:15 AM new
At last! At least ONE definitive reply from "AnnaAW" in an Auction Manager thread...

Image hosting will NOT be free at AW after 14 March. In order to access any images hosted here you MUST be signed up to a plan. You will not be able to just host the pics and launch the auctions yourself (unless you stump up the $200 first), and the other plan requires you to launch the auction at AW to have access to the hosted image.

see http://www.auctionwatch.com/mesg/read.html?num=15&thread=41907

posted on March 2, 2001 10:13:31 AM new
I think they made that quite clear from the get go? The FREE ride is over.

As upriver has already pointed out, one can get their own web site & domain name for less than what AW wants per year.

posted on March 2, 2001 10:24:59 AM new
Thanks for the correction that image hosting will not only be not free, but not available if you haven't signed up.

posted on March 2, 2001 10:40:19 AM new
There is, at least, one other site that I know of where image hosting is free. You only pay to launch auctions from their site.

Sorry, I can't say who it is. Not allowed here.

posted on March 2, 2001 10:49:15 AM new
to OUTOFTHEBLUE can you email me at [email protected] and tell me what it is? I'm not as computer literate as most of you and am daunted by starting over with another image hosting, but sometimes you just have to stand your ground. I must leave AW (just when I was getting comfortable here) because I can't nor won't pay the %. Thanks, Jackie

posted on March 2, 2001 11:06:22 AM new
from what I understand, the images will no longer be availible to people not paying, will the boards then not be available to the non paying people too?

I really believe you will loose at least 80% of the business, and if some wants to pay the 200 upfront, then I hope you are still here for them to get their money worth.

Being if you go down, are you planning on refunding them the money they paid? I would hope so.

posted on March 2, 2001 11:24:21 AM new
I have seen this comment in other threads and maybe even in this thread but I am not going to go back and wade through 15 pages.

For all those that have already "signed" up: Where is the seller protection? Can you seriously sign up without knowing everything? What happens when - auctions do not launch, auctions launch but not at the time you scheduled them, pictures aren't there, descriptions aren't there, double items listed......etc. The only answer to this I have seen by a moderator is that it would be on a "case to case basis". Which means AW can do anything they want.[p]

I would definitely have to see some guarantees in writing before I would even consider signing up for anything.

I for one will not even consider the 1%. The flat $200 fee turns me off because I only use ampro to launch and for image hosting, I do not want to pay for other services that I do not use. I am still confused why AW only offered 2 packages. We are all different sellers with different needs, couldn't they have made things a little more user friendly. If all I wanted was desert, I sure ain't paying for the whole meal!

posted on March 2, 2001 11:35:08 AM new
Mark...I noticed the outrage from most of your users concerning the new rates. I'm a Gold Powerseller exclusively on eBay and processed 15,193 auctions last year. According to my calculations AW want $200.00 per year PLUS $.05 per listing for (in my case) image hosting and auction uploads. This will cost me $200.00 plus $759.65 for listing fees or a total of $959.65 for your services? Surely there is a better plan for all concerned available? I think AW should have contacted their higher usage customers and asked for their input before this terrible decision was made. AW is user friendly and very reliable but not worth a THOUSAND DOLLARS a year from ONE person. Any feedback you might have would be greatly appreciated.

posted on March 2, 2001 12:39:39 PM new

I wouldn't hold your breath.

There are 440 posts on this thread but no answers from AW to any of them. It's their unique form of customer service. Ignore an issue long enough and the problem will go away.

posted on March 2, 2001 12:47:33 PM new

I thought this was the thread for AW to answer our concern? Guess not.


posted on March 2, 2001 12:56:25 PM new
Maybe some day we can get change slots on the sides of our computers for depositing quarters...

posted on March 2, 2001 01:02:26 PM new
I also will have to leave AW! We have 2 accounts and it is not feasible to stay.The only feature I really like is being able to schedule launches. I am HTML challenged but will have to look into something else. The storefront is nice, but I have alot of repeat customers who bookmark my auctions anyway so I don't know if it really is an asset as the pics are not very good. I would give them the 5 cents to list, but not a FVF.

posted on March 2, 2001 01:04:53 PM new
Hey...I wonder where Mark and Joice (Moderators)will be working this time next month? Looks as though they just received their 2 weeks notice, when everyone leaves AW.

posted on March 2, 2001 01:12:07 PM new
IMO had AW been smart, they would have offered a multi tiered pricing scheme.

Those that want the full meal deal, pay the full meal prices. Those that only wanted to use the pic hosting & auction launching services, would only have to pay for those services.

If they had done that, many of the people leaving [including myself] probably would have stayed.

But, I wanted to thank AW for helping me see the light. The last 48 hrs have helped me realize that I don't need them for hosting my pics, and I never did use any of the other fancy lad gizmos.

At this point, I wouldn't even give them 5 cents to use their services, even if they did decide to wave the 1% FVF.

posted on March 2, 2001 01:20:49 PM new
It's sad to hear Auction Watch has to start charging fees. It's been fun but I won't pay the fees so, I'm out of here. Going back to my own ftp space for pictures and doing things the way I did before Auction Watch.
posted on March 2, 2001 02:29:31 PM new

Still waiting on the techno geek wussies to answer all the questions that have been raised here and aren't covered in the FAQ concerning the upcoming fees.

What kind of a moron would sign up for any of these two plans when there hasn't been the fine print details revealed concerning what EXACTLY we get for our money. What guarantees does Auctionwatch now offer for their pay service? What exactly are the details of getting FVF's refunded when the inevitable deadbeat bidder strikes. Why should a person with multiple Ebay accounts have to pay more than once? What is the exact policy of the liability Auctionwatch assumes when it goes down and directly affects ongoing or closing auctions? The questions go on..

Surely, there isn't one lawyer worth his salt that would enter into a contract or advise a client to enter into a contract when specific details aren't covered. Come On Auctionwatch, if you want to retain some portion of your current clientele come March 14, you owe your potential customers the specifics.

posted on March 2, 2001 02:37:52 PM new
I've loved AW for the past year - even with its glitches. But the bang ain't worth the buck at $0.05 plus fvf.

I gritted my teeth last night, downloaded a free ftp program, and figured out how to upload my pics to the webspace provided by my ISP - so picture hosting is taken care of.

For listing, I'm going to use Mr. Lister (as long as it's free!) and schedule auction launches using a free BOT at vrane.com.

posted on March 2, 2001 02:39:11 PM new
I knew they would follow the lead of GOTO/Auction Rover with fees (and probably others). Since I sell my personal things at realistic prices, I'm not giving away another chunk of change. I'll kick it old school and just go through Ebay. Jeez, Ebay wants some, Paypal wants some....So, in the immortal words of David Lee Roth.... "I WANT SOME TOO"!
posted on March 2, 2001 02:52:31 PM new
Hope CMGI's not holding their breath...

CMGI 3 31/32
52-week Range
3 5/8 - 151 1/2

I knew I did the right thing getting out of CMGI at 125.

Does anyone know Sequoia Capital's symbol or even if they're listed?

posted on March 2, 2001 03:08:45 PM new
Wow,another fee to incur. I won't be continuing with Auction Watch. Basically all I've ever needed was a place to store my pictures. Now I'm off on a new search. It's been great while it lasted but sorry I'll be one of the ones packing my bags

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