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posted on March 3, 2001 08:15:56 AM new
"This is our property, our inventory and does NOT belong to AW. Before or after the sale."

Just out of curiosity, what does eBay tell their members when they use this argument with them? Or do their members have enough balls to challenge eBay with this kind of attitude?

[ edited by RB on Mar 3, 2001 08:38 AM ]
posted on March 3, 2001 08:20:53 AM new
It seems the erasers are out in full force this morning, this thread just dropped by 10 posts.


posted on March 3, 2001 08:25:46 AM new

I deleted your post last evening without explanation and I apologize. I was busy and forgot to leave you a note!

Your post on listing from your computer was promoting the use of a competitor's product. It was deleted for that reason.


posted on March 3, 2001 08:27:41 AM new
To RB I see the difference this way: Picture eBay like a huge do-it-yourself auction house. All auction houses get a percentage, of course. We are the auctioneers and owners of the property being sold, so naturally we get the lion's share of the profit. AW is just a facilitator (such as a taxi cab to the auction house). While the taxi should get paid for its services to get us there, there is absolutely no reason for the taxi to take a share of the profit of the auction to which it drove us. I hope this doesn't sound silly, but that's how I see it. Jackie

posted on March 3, 2001 08:28:03 AM new
Mark for heavens sake come talk to us.
You certainly can see that people need to discuss this situation. We are all adults ( I hope) Joyce

posted on March 3, 2001 08:30:40 AM new

surely it is just a defective counter......

posted on March 3, 2001 08:31:22 AM new
TO RB I don't understand, my prior message was a response to your question, but when I went back to the board, your comment was deleted! What's going on? Now my post doesn't make any sense without yours! Jackie

posted on March 3, 2001 08:35:30 AM new

Very Good explaination!!!

RB's post is still there, on mine???

I'm willing to make mistakes if someone is willing to learn from them.

posted on March 3, 2001 08:35:57 AM new

Very Good explaination!!!

RB's post is still there, on mine???

I'm willing to make mistakes if someone is willing to learn from them.

posted on March 3, 2001 08:36:45 AM new
jwinch ... who knows what evil lurks in the mind of the AW Moderators! They may have perceived my post as a direct shot at another poster, which was my error. I should have edited it to make it a little more generic.

Sorry AW

Now, the point I was trying to make is this. I understand eBay et al "deserving" a fee for their service. What I don't understand is eBay's policy that if your item doesn't sell, you are not allowed to sell it via any other means, ever unless you give them a cut. Once you list on their "venue", they claim ownership of a percentage of the selling price regardless of where you sold it.

D'Oh!!!!! It's still there! I will edit it now to satisfy ...

[ edited by RB on Mar 3, 2001 08:37 AM ]
posted on March 3, 2001 09:15:20 AM new
It looks like AW may be re-thinking the image hosting situation; at least that's the way I interpreted mivona's reply to her question in the Services Forum. It really makes sense to have another pricing structure for those who only want to use the image hosting feature since so many folks don't have another place to store their images.

"Is image hosting also going to be subjected to fees, now or in the near future?

Image hosting is currently only available if you sign up under one of the two plans (for straight image hosting, without Auction Manager, you would need to sign up under the Power Plan.) However, we are in the process of re-evaluating this and will post an update as soon as possible."


posted on March 3, 2001 10:52:09 AM new
I have always liked AW's services and I would like to stay with them. I never expected it to stay free forever and I am used to paying for services.

Hopefully they will reconsider after all the feedback that they have received and charge us according to the level of service we use.

I just wish they would have asked for our input first. They should have given us a poll and we would have been able to vote and give our ideas. Maybe a lot of this hostility would have been avoided?

posted on March 3, 2001 10:55:26 AM new

I have deleted your post offering up alternatives to AuctionWatch.com. Please do not post it again.

Thanks for your cooperation,


posted on March 3, 2001 11:03:51 AM new
AW, you can delete all the posts you want but must have expected that we would ALL be looking into alternatives. It seems a majority of people would have been glad to pay a fair price, but did you really think we would give AW a FVF? If AW is rethinking a fee schedule they should do it fast as there are alternatives. People like me who only use a limited amount of the services that are available, should have a fee appropriate to our use.

posted on March 3, 2001 11:12:11 AM new
Took less than 5 seconds after I posted for them to delete my post. New record??

[email protected]

posted on March 3, 2001 12:53:05 PM new
I had signed up,but after they screwed up some of my auctions, I changed my mind.They ain't worth 2 cents total fees.I don't need this crap,I should have took the advise of the rest of ya.But I guess they can't charge for what won't be there can they.

posted on March 3, 2001 12:55:27 PM new
...you mean that there are new fees? When did this happen?????

posted on March 3, 2001 12:57:47 PM new
Hello Everyone,

You may want to have a look at this announcement in the Services forum:



posted on March 3, 2001 01:13:02 PM new
anonoymous coward.
please email me! Thanks! Lisa
[email protected]

posted on March 3, 2001 01:15:40 PM new
Thank You
[ edited by MrJim on Mar 3, 2001 01:25 PM ]
posted on March 3, 2001 01:18:45 PM new
500 posts. Wow!

That's 499 questions and one answer!!!

This thread is dominating the message board.

posted on March 3, 2001 01:34:17 PM new
More like 575 posts with all the deletions!

And that doesn't even begin to count all the deleted and locked threads!
[ edited by jadejim on Mar 3, 2001 01:37 PM ]
posted on March 3, 2001 01:50:17 PM new
I've fallen in and can't get out!!

I'm trying to shut off the email announcements of responses to this thread and it ain't working.

'Nuff said, everything that had to be said was said in the first couple of hundred messages. AW is wrong in charging a FVF and that's that. If they don't listen, and you don't like it, leave, like I'm doing. (Small seller) so my nickels and dimes probably won't be missed.

Worse part fo AW is, I'm shifting everything over to a new ISP and building a new web page this weekend and I'm not going to do any extra work to move everything back to AW so it don't matter if AW listens or not -- I'm gone.

I will still lurk here, too many good and knowledgeable(sp) people to just cut out.

posted on March 3, 2001 01:51:13 PM new
I was on a plane since 10 pm last night and got home at 7 am this morning. Been gone for over a week. I've had very little sleep and am still in the twilight zone. Logged on to check my e-mail and saw the announcement about the new AW fees. Welcome home.....NOT! I'm a small seller who only uses the IMAGE HOSTING, TEMPLATES, and AUCTION SCHEDULING services. I don't need or want inventories, storefronts, customer lists, or bulk listers. But it looks like I'll be paying for them anyway. I'd love to stay with AW. I've been very happy with their services. But I just can't afford to pay fees to support all the bells and whistles that I don't use. Perhaps they might consider a fee structure based on only what a person uses, instead of lumping it all together? I would really appreciate that. Really wish AW would rethink the fee thing and give us small sellers a chance. I don't mind paying a fee as long as it reflects what I actually use. And the FVF is pushing it WAAAAY over the top. I'm going to bed now. Hope when I wake up I will find that this has all been a bad dream.
posted on March 3, 2001 01:57:40 PM new

Hi AW,

By putting the above thread in another forum is a diservice to the traffic on AW.

The fact of the matter is that for whatever reason this forum sees the most traffic which is probably why you listed it here?

I mean, what does ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEW FEES FOR AW SERVICES have to do with Ebay??

Maybe someone should move your threads to the appropriate forum as you have done to others??

Just a thought.

The saddest change I've seen in AW is not the charging of fees or even how, but of this radical censorship and propagandizing of the message boards.

That's a shame.

[email protected]

Let's build a co-op!

posted on March 3, 2001 02:07:06 PM new

We are trying to keep all conversation regarding AW fees to one thread in the Ebay Outlook because like a Co-0p thread, it really is not about Ebay.

I guess you knew that already.


posted on March 3, 2001 03:04:46 PM new
Ok Joice. I hear ya! About these fees though, the banner at the top of my page is for www.godaddy.com and for $9.95 per month they will host my website and all the photos I can handle??

Why would I pay AW all these fees instead of going this route, that is of course if I used these services??


posted on March 3, 2001 03:08:11 PM new

We are not holding you hostage


posted on March 3, 2001 03:09:53 PM new
I know Joice and of course I don't mean anything personal to you or any of the other moderators.

By your last post does this mean that you want me to leave?? Was my query not related to the thread?

[email protected]

posted on March 3, 2001 03:13:41 PM new
If you are just using them for picture hosting, then you are much better off learning ftp (it's really very easy) and getting some server space. There are still free options for that. If you use them for their other features, then you can decide to stay or go. I think they are going to lose a lot more business with their 1% fee than anything else, I bet the loss would have been small at 5 cents per auction. Anyway, that's their choice, and everyone's choice here is to stay or go, just like anything else. I used to use Ebay's 10 day auctions a lot, because posting on Thursday is more convenient for me. For items that justify the extra fee, I will continue to do so. Otherwise, I will make other plans. I would use the same approach for AW, they do have a pay as you use plan. My guess is that most people will be gone, although a lot of them would have never stayed at any fee, so those people AW should not really care about. After reading this thread, it looks like they alienated a LOT of people who would have stayed with a more reasonable approach to fees. Most of us understand the need to charge! It's just that a % of the auction is way out of line!


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