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posted on October 31, 2000 06:07:34 PM new
Fox news reports that an email is circulating about an unprecedented voter turn out. Huge #'s of voters are expected to vote this year.

Due to the heavy turn out they are asking that all Republicans vote on Tuesday, November 07th and that Democrats place their votes on Wednesday, November 08th.

Remember, in order to keep the lines moving smoothly ALL DEMOCRATS must not vote until Wednesday.


Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on October 31, 2000 06:17:43 PM new
Being neither a democrat or a republican when do I get to vote?

I am voting Gore because I think he would make a far superior president, I am not affiliated with any party. Guess I'll just vote on Nov. 7th OK?

posted on October 31, 2000 06:20:42 PM new
No, no, no! Rawbunzel I'm pretty sure that that you should wait until Wednesday. Gotta stick with the rules, ya know.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on October 31, 2000 06:22:04 PM new
I also have some land for sale in Florida that those who are waiting to vote on wednesday might be interested in.
( Okay so it is a tad wet and covered in aligators but really anyone that stupid is not going to notice )

posted on October 31, 2000 06:23:57 PM new
I have to tell you a Halloween story.

Tonight, I was handing out candy and as things slowed down, I walked over to the next door neighbors to chat. Some teen boys came along and were cheering at a Bush sign on another neighbor's lawn. My next door neighbor asked the boys if they wanted Bush to win and they said "Yes." He asked them if they were concerned about having clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. The older boy, getting the drift of the question, replied "If Gore gets in, we won't be able to have guns!"

Out of the mouths of babes.

posted on October 31, 2000 06:27:01 PM new
So the message Gore has put out to the masses is "clean air" and the message Bush has put out is "guns"?
posted on October 31, 2000 06:28:23 PM new
Hmmm....a Republican trying to confuse bidders. Where have I heard that before??

Ah yes, it was the last time the Bush boy opened his mouth.

posted on October 31, 2000 06:29:31 PM new
I don't think he's savvy enought to intentionally confuse anyone.
posted on October 31, 2000 06:36:23 PM new
Busybiddy I just gotta copy/paste:

The Environmental Protection Agency reports show Texas leading the nation in reducing toxic releases. According to annual reports issued by the EPA, Texas leads the nation in reducing the amount of toxic and chemical releases. [Toxic Release Inventory, Environmental Protection Agency, 1995-1998]

Under Governor Bush's leadership, Texas cut industrial pollution by 11 percent. [Texas
Natural Resources Conservation Commission]

In just two years (1995-97), Texas manufacturing facilities reduced their releases and disposal of toxics by 43 million pounds - a 14 percent reduction - more than all the other 49 states’ total reduction combined.

From 1995 to 1997: Sulfur dioxide emissions in Texas fell by 17.1%, while emissions for the nation as a whole increased by 11.2%. Nitrogen oxide emissions in Texas fell by 23.6%, while emissions for the nation as a whole increased by 8.2%. Volatile organic compound emissions in Texas fell by 43.2%,
while emissions for the nation as a whole fell by only 16%. (VOCs are the main precursor of ozone.) Carbon monoxide emissions in Texas fell by 12%, while emissions for the nation as a whole fell by only 5.1%.

More than 96% of Texas public drinking water meets all standards.

Obviously we had a lot to clean up - not just in the air but in the schools. I'll still say I've been impressed with his progress.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on October 31, 2000 06:43:25 PM new

Are you saying that Bush's record on the environment is more important than Gore's inventing the internet and serving (along with Tipper) as the inspiration for "Love Story"?

Surely you jest...

posted on October 31, 2000 06:49:43 PM new
A true enviornmentalist would not be waiting with baited breath to drill for oil in the delicate Alaskan tundra. That is what Bush baby wants to do.

posted on October 31, 2000 06:51:20 PM new
abingdon after reading your info, I remember that I received this news announcement!

> > Good day. I'm Al Gore, and I'd like to tell you about myself. I know a
> > about hardship, because I came into this world as a poor black child in
> > tiny town in the backwoods of Tennessee.
> > I was born in a log cabin that I built with my own hands. I taught
> > to read by candlelight and helped support my 16 brothers and sisters by
> > working summers as a deck hand on a Mississippi River steamboat.
> > My mother taught me the value of education, so every day; I would walk 5
> > miles to a one-room schoolhouse. I was a mischievous, fun-loving scamp,
> > thought I never dreamed that one-day, my youthful escapades would serve
> > the inspiration for "Huckleberry Finn."
> > Back then, black folks in the South were second-class citizens. One day,
> > traveling minister came through town, and I asked him if anyone was ever
> > going to do something to guarantee civil rights for all Americans. Well,
> > guess I made an impression. You see, the minister's name was Martin
> > King, Jr.
> > My father was a United States Senator. He once perched me on his knee
> > said, "Son, if you work hard and listen to your mama, someday you can
> > in a hotel in Washington, D.C., and go to an exclusive prep school."
> > But life of privilege was not for me. After getting my high school
> > diploma, I took a job in a hot, dirty textile mill. I was so appalled at
> > the treatment of the workers there that I organized a union. Later, that
> > experience inspired a movie - which is why, to this day, my close
> > at the AFL-CIO call me "Norma Rae."
> > When word got out what an 18 year old factory worker had done, Harvard
> > called and offered me a scholarship. I captained the hockey team to four
> > consecutive national championships, but I also played football and was
> > good enough to win the Heisman Trophy.
> > During my college years, I lived in a housing project and moonlighted
> > playing lead guitar for a little rock band. You may have heard of it --
> > the Rolling Stones.
> > But there was a war going on, and I felt I had to serve my country. So I
> > enlisted in the U. S. Army and went to Vietnam. I was deeply opposed to
> > the war, but I did my duty as a soldier and came back home with the
> > of Honor and the Croix de Guerre.
> > When I got back, I took a long journey across this great land of ours.
> > I've crossed the deserts bare, man, I've breathed the mountain air, man,
> > I've traveled, I've done my share, man, I've been everywhere.
> > And the people I met at truckstops and campgrounds and homeless shelters
> > on that journey all said the same thing: "Al, we need you in
> > I knew they were right, but first I had to take care of some other
> > business---building the World Trade Center, founding the Audubon
> > doing the clinical research that proved smoking caused cancer, and
> > up with the recipe for Mrs. Field's chocolate chip cookies.
> > Finally, I deferred to the demands of the people of Tennessee and
> > them to elect me to the House of Representatives and the Senate, where I
> > established the US Strategic Oil Reserve.
> > And then one winter day nearly nine years ago, for no particular reason,
> > answered the call of the people once again and took the oath of office
> > Vice President of the United States.
> > Since then, I've been part of the most successful administration in
> > American history. And, in my spare time, I invented the Internet. Many
> > times Bill Clinton has been pondering some grave decision and has asked
> > what to do. And when I would give him my thoughts, he would invariable
> > say, "Of course. That's brilliant. Why didn't I think of that?"
> > During the darkest days of the impeachment battle, the president told me
> > he only wished he had listened when I told him to stay away from that
> > dark-haired intern.
> > So after I decided to run for president, I sat down with him and asked
> > he had any suggestions about how to conduct my campaign. And Bill
> > gave me a few simple words of advice -- words I'll never forget. He
> > me in the eye and he said, "Al, just tell the truth, it's always worked
> > for me."
> >

posted on October 31, 2000 07:00:23 PM new

What a story!!! That's almost enough to sway my vote. I'll think about it long and hard...

posted on October 31, 2000 07:01:45 PM new
"A true enviornmentalist would not be waiting with baited breath to drill for oil in the delicate Alaskan tundra. That is what Bush baby wants to do."

Rawbunzel I haven't heard about that - do you know the source of the info?

I'm pro-Bush because I see first hand what he's done for Texas - especially our school system. Texas has a long way to go but we've also made tremendous progress with Bush as the Governor. Having said that, I'm not inflexible and would seriously like to research these kinds of reports.

[B]Labbie1[/B I hadn't seen that email yet - who thinks up these things?

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on October 31, 2000 07:04:39 PM new
He mentioned that as a possibility on one of the debates.
posted on October 31, 2000 07:05:40 PM new
A true enviornmentalist would not be waiting with baited breath to drill for oil in the delicate Alaskan tundra.

I say go for it. Alaska has an abundance of oil that can go a long way toward reducing our dependence on OPEC.

posted on October 31, 2000 07:12:36 PM new
Living in the Great Pacific NW we hear a lot more about the drilling in Alaska than most.That would be an enviornmental disaster that would leave our children a huge mess to clean up. We do not need oil THAT bad. You could probably go to seattletimes.com and read in the archives. I am sure it must be on the net somewhere. I am not very net savy so don't know where to find it.According to some of the reports around here the major oil companies are lined up at the border just waiting to see who wins the election.[quite sure part of that is an exaggeration, I doubt they are literally lined up--] Gore-no drilling, Bush-go for it.

posted on October 31, 2000 07:18:43 PM new
I remember him saying something about exploring all the possibilities. I don't remember ever hearing him suggest that it should be done - just investigated. I can live with that.

One of the reasons that he's so popular with the Democrats in Texas is that he honestly doesn't seem to care which party brings him the solution to a problem. He wants to look at all of the options before making a decision.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on October 31, 2000 07:19:29 PM new
mybiddness I am not sure, but they sure have a LOT of time on their hands! LOL

Enjoyable though....

posted on October 31, 2000 07:21:02 PM new
Labbie1 I suspect that there's one floating around about Bush too - I'd love to read it.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on October 31, 2000 07:28:14 PM new
They have already "investigated "it-don't kid yourself! Those of us living in this area that care about the enviornment [and believe me we have lots that don't too] The oil companies have been trying for years to get their mitts on the national parks in Alaska. Just waiting for a pliable republican president. When Bush was here he spoke of it and how it would be "harmless",wouldn't even leave " a mark on the landscape".DUH. Not possible to drill there with out ruining the entire landscape. Bet your bottom dollar he will let them go in.

Think what you like. I could never be swayed to the Bush camp.

posted on October 31, 2000 07:29:41 PM new
mybiddness Me too! I am an equal opportunity jokester!

posted on October 31, 2000 07:33:16 PM new

(I think we have both parties covered here! LOL)

> > > > > >> Fords says: "What do we do?"
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >> Bush says: "Man the Lifeboats"
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >> Reagan says: "What Lifeboats"
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >> Carter says: "Women first"
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >> Nixon says: "Screw the women"
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >> Clinton says: "You think we have time?"
> > > >

posted on October 31, 2000 07:34:31 PM new
Disclaimer: My opinion on the Presidential election in no way alters my opinion of any poster here! I still like and respect most of you! [just disagree is all! ]

[ edited by rawbunzel on Oct 31, 2000 07:35 PM ]
posted on October 31, 2000 07:48:36 PM new
Rawbunzel I think different views are a good thing. I don't have anything against either candidate that makes me feel they would be a lousy president. I think they both have their strong points. Both get a lot of flak - some deserved and some not. I do wish someone would point out really specific information about the claims of Bush being a coke addict. The media never talks about it and I can't find it on the web - except for on a couple of sites that were created just for bashing purposes. Even they weren't specific?

O.K. Labbie1 This one doesn't beat yours but here's a Gore joke from my emails.

A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted,

"Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

The woman below replied, "You are in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You are between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude.

"You must be an engineer," said the balloonist. "I am," replied the woman, "How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is, I am still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help so far."

The woman below responded, "You must be Al Gore! "I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you are going. You have risen to where you are due to a
large quantity of hot air. You made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem.

The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault."

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on October 31, 2000 07:52:10 PM new
mybiddness LOL I guess you know what my e-mails will contain tomorrow!

posted on October 31, 2000 08:07:44 PM new

That's a good disclaimer. To quote Bush (who I don't tend to quote): "it's just a difference of opinion among good people". As divergant as everyone's views are (all of ours -- not necessarily the politicians who often have a whole 'nuther agenda), we at least all have the same goal -- America's (and our) best interests at heart, even if we have different perspectives on what that is.
posted on October 31, 2000 08:10:08 PM new

Living in the Great Pacific NW we hear a lot more about the drilling in Alaska than most.That would be an enviornmental disaster that would leave our children a huge mess to clean up. We do not need oil THAT bad.

This is your opinion, and it is certainly shared by a great many others. I have my opinion as well and it is also shared with a great many others. This is the beauty of a democracy. We can have differing opinions on issues such as this and take stands where we feel it neccessary. I respect your opinion very much, but I do not share it.

My opinion on the Presidential election in no way alters my opinion of any poster here! I still like and respect most of you! (just disagree is all!)

Well said.

posted on October 31, 2000 09:15:26 PM new
The Bush boy most certainly wants to damage Alaska by drilling there. He has spoken about many times. But, because he won't make a clear statement out and out saying it, many people have just not payed attention to it. Of course that is exactly what he wants.

If Texas air is so clean why is it everytime I go to El Paso I get very ill? Last year was the worse and my doctor wanted me in the hospitol. The first thing I do when I get home is go to the emergency room. Now, my doctor has told me the next time I go I might die. My mom is elderly and not able to travel here, and what if she dies? How will I be able to go and take care of things? I know this is off the subject but it's a very big concern to me.

She is very close with her neighbors that have school age children and they are not happy with the education system there. They voted Bush in as governor but won't be voting for him as president.

posted on October 31, 2000 09:18:01 PM new
For anyone interested I found information on the Alaskan Oil Drilling -


That's the Fairbanks Alaska,Daily News Miner

"Bush says tap Alaska oil deposit" is the name of the article. You'll have to go to search archives - key words Bush & Oil to get to it. There are plenty to choose from, but I think this one presents both sides without bias. It's from September 30, 2000 written by Mike Allen - Washington Post.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
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