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posted on November 21, 2001 10:43:07 AM new

[ edited by trai on Nov 21, 2001 10:52 AM ]
posted on November 21, 2001 11:32:28 AM new
Still waiting to hear from either UPS or Asenasop on the declared value of the original shipment. Seems to be some toe draging on this issue.

Re your concerns about American IQ levels, unfortunately most nations all over the world have found to their dismay that the vocal minority, but not all Americans, have an IQ of 3, including many members of the Bush family. They cringe to see them coming and laugh to bank their dollars. What I find particularly insulting are American youth that sew Canadian flags on their backpacks so they won't get hassled "overseas"

I think it is CNN, survivor shows, wrestling shows, daytime talk shows and the like, that saps any remaining intelligence from the American public. Now don't get me wrong, there are some extremely brilliant people in the US and thank God for them, they are the silent majority and they manage to keep most things in check! For that the rest of the world is reluctantly grateful.

Funny that a country that VALUES free speach and freedom of the press has so many people who have added their two cents to this forum that I was wrong to speak out about a company like eBay that has so many fraud and corruption investigations on them.

It seems it is the land of the double standard. If you really want to make America a great country, stop wasting money on bombs for innocent people, take the 500 BILLION for new fighter jets and spend it on food, education and health care, and stop reading and watching USA Today and CNN.

How much has the US spent on their lastest war and to what end. Did you hear about the Afghan that woke up one morning and said to his buddy. Gee I thought that pile of rocks was over there last night!

posted on November 21, 2001 11:47:53 AM new
bdgates you should stick to writting about your PROBLEM instead of spending the time it took to write that last post about us PROUD AMERICANS!! I'm just glad you live there instead of here. Now you just STAY there. I also hope Canada never has the trouble we have had here but if they do guess who will be there FIRST to help??

I'm SURE your IQ is not represenative of ALL Canadians!!!!

posted on November 21, 2001 11:57:02 AM new
Re your concerns about American IQ levels

Whose concerns???

posted on November 21, 2001 12:24:10 PM new
You guestion as to "whos concerns" about IQ was from Trai who left the comment and then deleted it.

Here it is

posted by: trai


"I just loved the geography lesson " LOL

Most of us do know where canada is, So when I said my "overseas" bidders are great, I would assume most people with an IQ higher than 3 would understand this to mean out of country. My mistake, {biggrin)

I sure hope it won't be the Americans, they have a record of never leaving! Besides I can't think of any nation that has a problem with Canada except the US.

Meanwhile while you guys wave your flags and foam at the mouth with nationalism I am still waiting for Asenashop to produce the declaration!

If you take the time to read anything but the American Press with exception of the New York times you would see that my comments are widely held world wide.

posted on November 21, 2001 12:27:55 PM new
Ahh, I see. This is turning into another one of those International "my dick is bigger than yours" threads eh.

posted on November 21, 2001 12:47:06 PM new
Do you know what a 'tongue in cheek' comment is?? It's meant to be taken with a grain of humor.

But I forgot that some people have none, that's why I took it out.


lol, Yeah, a pi$$ing contest. I love it.

posted on November 21, 2001 12:50:36 PM new
trai ... me too

Some people don't have any sense of ha ha ...

posted on November 21, 2001 12:50:54 PM new
It takes two to tango and you name, RB, seems do be on my dance card the most often and on many other threads as well. While many has some usefull suggestions you just seem to like to antagonize and show off your stupidity!

That and tomwii with his childish smilies! Now if there were some intelligent people on her like wowwow this would be far more productive

I love inflamming rabid Americans, you guys are so zenophobic and pompous! Fortunately as I said before you are only the vocal minority

The issue here is simple. There is a seller out there that is burning customers and by the huge number of investigations into eBay there are hundreds of sellers burning thousands of buyers. And there have been many convictions!

Baby auctions, nazi artifacts, money laundering, shilling, pirated software, luxery goods. The list is endless.

posted on November 21, 2001 01:17:06 PM new
This be just for you bdgates ...


PPS: Before you start calling down the intelligence of others, learn how to spell eh

PPPS: Just before you do that, learn how to put a thought together ...

[ edited by RB on Nov 21, 2001 01:18 PM ]
[ edited by RB on Nov 21, 2001 01:20 PM ]
posted on November 21, 2001 01:22:50 PM new

Looks like you were suspended for auction interference.

You should have read the rules about how ebay works. You should have read the auction terms before bidding.

Too late to cry now.

It may be best for you to just shop in a brick and mortar store. Better luck with future buys.

posted on November 21, 2001 03:34:13 PM new
bdgates - For someone who appears to be pretty educated, it seems amazing that you were not aware of Ebay's rules of auction interference...

posted on November 21, 2001 06:01:37 PM new
Yeah, you're so brilliant you got yourself kicked off ebay. What a magnificient display of intelligence.


posted on November 21, 2001 06:43:30 PM new
it is true money can be better spent on helping the afghan people,but there is no way to reach the afghan people as its governemnt is so insensitive to its own people and it harbors terrorists.
this terrorist network is worldwide,no country is immune from its attack.
no one on this planet would tolerate anyone brewing camelpox,anthrax,smallpox etc,i dont know if you have children or not,but many parents are upset as smallpox vacination has ceased since 1970s.

posted on November 21, 2001 06:53:51 PM new
I wouldn't waste my time any more responding to you either if I was the seller. You have shown all of us what kind of person you really are so If I were the seller I'd be inclined to say screws to you hoser. eh !! and oh yea I almost forgot No offense to all the Great Canadians that may also read this post but I am sure glad this one is north of the border. And god forbid if a tragedy ever strikes your country like it did ours you can bet the good ole USA will be the first to help. and I kinda think those rocks did need to be rearranged over in afghanastan . I wonder what kind of brokarge fees we had to pay to deliver them . maybe it was about $78.00 and I bid farewell with ::

posted on November 21, 2001 09:00:50 PM new
You think that because you have access to the seller's customer list, you can #*!@ with his business. You got what you deserve.

posted on November 22, 2001 09:02:15 AM new
Dear Wowwow,

You still seem to be the only sane voice on here but,

Your quote

"no one on this planet would tolerate anyone brewing camelpox,anthrax,smallpox etc,i dont know if you have children or not,but many parents are upset as smallpox vacination has ceased since 1970s."

The US has stockpiles of all of the above and has one of only two know sources of SmallPox. The other is Russia. They refused to destroy it at the request of the UN. It is on US soil.

Dear twinsoft YUP!

Dear TheLoneHaranguer, Ever hear of civil dissobedience. If freed South Africa and India, got US women the vote, allowed black children to attend schools in the southern US, brought Unions to the auto and steel industry, the Boston Tea party which started a revolution that created the US.

eBay's rules need changing and I urge everyone that reads this to take your business elsewhere and spread the word. There are many auction other sites on the Internet.

Dear Tomyou, Please don't bother, we have an entire globe of friends and nations, stay south of the 49th!

posted on November 22, 2001 09:17:07 AM new
bdgates ...

Don't know what wowowowowowowow said that was so intelligent - I have that one on ignore.

But, you're not really a Canadian are you?

posted on November 22, 2001 09:17:22 AM new
eBay's rules need changing

What rules are you talking about? Hopefully you don't mean that you think it is okay to have auction interference with no consequences? Please explain.

posted on November 22, 2001 09:42:42 AM new
Dear bdgates, Ever hear of stupidity? If not, take a look at your first post here. Excellent example of stupidity in action.

Ever hear of civil dissobedience

No, but I've heard of civil disobedience. Love how anytime people who would think themselves intelligent want to justify their actions, they run to tell everyone what great martyrs they are in the cause of (insert whatever here).

You don't have a clue what civil disobedience is all about & it shows in your ramblings. You think yourself some kind of freedom fighter..from what? And brilliant strategy on your part..this supposedly "bad" seller is still selling away on ebay. While the supposedly "good" freedom fighter is suspended. Yep, brilliant plan.

What's next..setting yourself on fire in protest? Duh!

posted on November 22, 2001 10:02:11 AM new
What's next..setting yourself on fire in protest?

Just don't do it one of my buildings ... I have enough trouble with the sane ones

posted on November 22, 2001 10:42:58 AM new
Finally eBay did the right thing. Now if they kick out more of these deadbeat buyers it would make our jobs more pleasant. I quit shipping to Canada because they would whine if I did not mark the package "gift". It IS illegal to lie on customs forms. USA only MEANS USA only!

posted on November 22, 2001 11:56:56 AM new

This, was re-printed in a Canadian newspaper, is worth sharing. America: The Good Neighbor.

Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television Commentator. What follows is the full text of his trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional Record:

"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth. Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts.

None of these countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States. When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.

When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped. The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.

I'd like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplane. Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC10?

If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the International lines except Russia fly American Planes? Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy,
and you find men on the moon - not once, but several times - and safely home again.

You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everybody to look at. Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here on our streets, and most of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to spend here.

When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke.

I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake.

Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not one of those."

Stand proud, America! Wear it proudly!!

posted on November 22, 2001 12:02:36 PM new
What does all of this garbage have to do with the topic of discussion?

[ edited by outoftheblue on Nov 22, 2001 12:03 PM ]
posted on November 22, 2001 12:13:56 PM new
It doesn't.

Although I think this isn't the place for mediation and really this is a fairly ridiculous thread, I do have to pause and wonder WHY anyone would use UPS. I find their prices to be outrageous (now add this grafting deal) and the USPS to be MUCH more convenient.

So why does anyone use UPS? That's just strange.

Chalk it up to experience, bdgates. You did a bad thing, you spammed, auction interfered, went a little overboard in trying to resolve your problem. Ask for a refund or pay the graft fee, then move on. This is not the place for mediation, especially when you choose to turn the thread into an 'us vs. them' argument.

posted on November 22, 2001 12:24:39 PM new
I agree that all the political ranting isn't going to help bdgates' cause at all and it seems like he is using it as an excuse to cover the fact that he screwed up.

Perhaps if he went to the 'site map' at the top of any ebay page and read about buying on ebay and continued to read the rules and regulations he would see how the site operates. He may not like it but that is the way it is.

He says he has never lost a battle. Well, we all make mistakes and sometimes we just have to face the consequences whether we like it or not. That's life.

posted on November 22, 2001 01:15:06 PM new

How's everybodies Thanksgiving going???
posted on November 22, 2001 01:46:12 PM new
He says he has never lost a battle

(assuming it's a he) ...

He hasn't learned how to pick his battles yet. This was a bad choice and he has lost the war as a result.

How's everybodies Thanksgiving going???

It went just peachy thanks way back in October

On a serious note, not all Canadians are as stubborn or anti-American as bdgates ... please don't judge us all on his behaviour and rants when deciding whether or not you want to become a member of the International Trading Community. Most of my countryfolk do not share these attitudes, nor do we ask for false declarations on the customs form.

And, all of us (with the exception of one it seems) are smart enough to say "No to UPS" before the item leaves the seller's place.

posted on November 22, 2001 01:54:40 PM new
On a serious note, not all Canadians are as stubborn or anti-American as bdgates

Unfortunately, neither America nor Canada has a the exclusive lock on stupidity.

Whatever valid points bdgates might have had with this seller was quickly overshadowed by letting his/her/it's anger get out of hand by spamming the seller's customers. Regardless of how bdgates chooses to define spam, the only thing that matters is how ebay defines it, something bdgates apparently chose not to take into consideration.

They got themselves suspended..not exactly the sign of a genius IQ. Had they used more traditional means to take action w/the seller, they might have prevailed and this whole situation turned out differently.

posted on November 22, 2001 02:03:41 PM new
Happy Thanksgiving Lone Haranguer!

And just for you bdgates...

Hmmm I wonder how bdgates would classify people who live on the Canadian-US border? what if they live in one country and work in the other? His classification system would break down.

Great thread BTW. High entertainment value for the holidays. Thanks!

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