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posted on January 3, 2002 07:52:03 PM new

Yep it was ugly. I did what I was supposed to do. Had the tracking number and all but the USPS did not do a final scan on it. They have the item I got the shaft.

8.70 was all it was for. PayPAl makes more money off my transactions in 6 hours than that. But there are no execptions so I have none either.


Yes, this is going into my auction maybe a little different so you can not search and find it hahaha. I know you people, I have been here to long.


Can someone tell me where I can get a NO PAYPAL sign like I have seen for billpoint.

Thank you
[ edited by LaneFamily on Jan 3, 2002 08:23 PM ]
posted on January 4, 2002 09:44:49 AM new
So, how is this a Paypal issue?
Same issue could have risen out
of BillPoint or actual Visa/MC.

posted on January 4, 2002 09:52:33 AM new
LaneFamily: Good for you!

We don't use a No PayPal sign; we don't acknowledge PayPal's existence in any way. Better that way, I think. And since people don't fully read auctions, anyway, a No PayPal indicator won't be as effective as you would like.

If someone attempts to PP us money, we write back immediately and remind them of our terms that were in the auction and the end of auction letter.

sun818: We don't accept Billpoint, Visa or MasterCard, either.

Every seller should use the payment methods they feel comfortable with.

posted on January 4, 2002 10:09:33 AM new
glad to see it that way if we both have similar item up I will probably get the bids due to easier payment arangements

I know persoanlly I have to REALLY want something to bid on a non credit card auction...better hope you have the only one up for sale......
spock here......
Live long and Prosper

posted on January 4, 2002 10:16:32 AM new
LaneFamily -

How do you know 'they' got the item?

posted on January 4, 2002 10:25:57 AM new
Maybe, Just maybe people that use PayPal are crooks?

Ok, everyone get mad but I do not know what else to say about it.

I been doing this for 3 years now, before PayPal ever existed. I took Money orders & checks. Then there was Billpoint and PayPal we started taking them, we now have C2it and Propay we offer and use ProPay for our merchant account to key in credit card numbers for people that want to call it in.

In all that time I have had one bad check for $8.00 that I could not collect on cause they moved and I did not try that hard. I have been taken by sellers and buyers on paypal 3 times.

No, I do not get more paypal than Billpoint, I get much more Billpoint through checkout. I now get a good handful of c2it and still get Checks & money orders. I got 29 on Wednesday & Thursday alone.

As a buyer I have been taken twice, they got my money, disappeared and pay pal says sorry you. Then this one, I did everything right including priority tracked and they said sorry you.

Now if I was 20 years younger and in school again I would probably be able to surmise that there are more crooks using paypal than any other service.

I do not need that. If paypal wants to stay in the game and boast this protection plan they need to protect. By taking that 8.70 back from me they lost twice that much each day for 7 days a week 365 days a year from me in fees I pay.

I have personally never had a charge back but it is my understanding from talking with other people and my banks that there are times when a charge back comes through and it is questionable that the bank will just eat the small charge to keep you as a customer.

PayPal ought to try that.


posted on January 4, 2002 10:27:39 AM new

"Can someone tell me where I can get a NO PAYPAL sign like I have seen for billpoint."

Best not to do that, how many people read a tos anymore? All they see is the "paypal logo" and send $$$ that way.

They will just ignore the NO part. Do let us know how this turns out for you.

Just state in your tos what kind of payments you do accept.

posted on January 4, 2002 10:31:15 AM new
mrspock I was waiting for that reply, so predictable but not from you, I never thought.

I do not know if we even sell the same thing but if a person can not use any of the 5 other ways of mine to take credit cards then I do not need them as a customer and you are welcome to them. I do not go to walmart and tell them I will not shop there cause they do not take paypal even if they have something I want.

I can barly keep up with business right now. I have to goof off at my regular job during lunch just to find time to come here and post.

"What is good for the many may not always be as good for the one"


posted on January 4, 2002 10:31:33 AM new
Reminds me of my favorite bumpersticker -

KEEP HONKING (in this case talking), WE'RE RELOADING...........

posted on January 4, 2002 10:36:34 AM new

posted on January 4, 2002 10:39:48 AM new
With an eBay id like "paypalhater" one has to wonder.

posted on January 4, 2002 10:43:15 AM new
nanntique Good question, I have stated my experience in a previous message and in all that time I have never lost a priority item. This may be the first I suppose but the claim was filed before I even sent the item just a few days after payment was made.

This started cause of one of those nasty e-mails that started "Where is my item or I want my money back"

"I reply when You pay for it I will send it"

"I paid for it last week by PayPal"

"I am sorry we did not get notice of your payment we will ship it right out"

"I want my money back I do not want your item any more"

"It is not my fault you picked an un reliable service like paypal to send payment. I see your payment in my history file and will send your product asap by priority mail" (they paid for 1st class)

"No, I am telling all my friends to e-mail you to give my money back and am filing with paypal."

Well they did right away, I got e-mail from all her friends to send the item back. Those did stop rather quickly cause I turned each one in to their ISP and a few got the boot. I even had one send it through ebay ask question, can you say suspend.

Here is the next question I will answer now cause you all are so good. Why did you not just refund her money?

I have had this happen before actually and with all 3 payment services. I do offer to refund normally right away and a few ask for it and I politely do it. I even refund people that do not ask and ship the item if I think I screwed up. But the initial e-mail just set me off to prove a point. I guess it did, seller beware.


posted on January 4, 2002 10:46:34 AM new
sun818 Hahahaha, now I expected that one from you. So predictable.

That is a buying and posting ID. Many people know who I ma here, I have been around but some like you do not. Keep looking you can connect me to my Selling ID.

You never know, you may have even purchased from me before. I have like 6-8 thousand transactions on eBay alone


posted on January 4, 2002 11:03:48 AM new

1) So what! Who Cares if you no longer accept PayPal, I certainly don't...thanks for the public service announcement though.. are you so important and influential that you need to post this and think people will follow your lead?

2) I've been in the Ebay business longer than you have and been with PayPal since the beginning. Never had ONE problem. I have to wonder about all these people who claim to have SO MANY problems with PayPal.

3) I've researched all the facts, PayPal vs. NO PayPal...even tested some of my theories...your decision is not a wise one no matter what you say...your customer want PayPal and IMHO you can't win without them. Your customers or potential ones are your most important asset to your selling success, or lack of it.


posted on January 4, 2002 11:12:37 AM new
Your right Billy, I probably should have not did it this way. I am a frequent user here and followed what others have done sharing my expierences. I was frustrated as a PayPal customer for such a long time, I acted on feelings.

They call that a limming I think when you do what others have done without thinking.

Thanks for letting me know and I will watch further for your posts as my examples.

I am glad you took the time to post that here for me.



Forgot to address the last one, I was a success before PayPal and I plan on being one after them.

posted on January 4, 2002 11:20:36 AM new
<I>"And since people don't fully read auctions, anyway..."</I>

I have found the reverse to be true. Our customers hold us to every word we utter.

As a newbie seller, I've monitored every little thing carefully for weeks hoping to get it right the first time (a futile goal, I admit, but a worthwhile one). We processed quite a few orders in that time and I'm far from having all the answers, but one thing is clear by inspection: We get more PayPal payments than all other methods conbined. No matter whose figures you believe, PayPal's market share of eBay and Yahoo transactions is huge.

I can't speak for others, but a "No PayPal" policy on eBay sounds like a suicide pact. If you're soliciting advice, mine is to die a quick death rather than a slow, lingering one.

posted on January 4, 2002 11:39:28 AM new
since i stopped accepting paypal made no difference whatsoever on my sales

also i think i stopped 2 people trying to defraud me also

so guess i actually SAVE alot

posted on January 4, 2002 11:49:18 AM new
I see why AW revoked LaneFamily's posting priviledge in the past. But to answer your original question, here are some images:

[ edited by sun818 on Jan 4, 2002 12:00 PM ]
posted on January 4, 2002 11:53:48 AM new
bdunique I know what you are saying and mostly agree with what your saying but could it be category specific?

I do not know what most of you sell, I do not try to figure it out or keep track of it but as stated I take all of them and Paypal is currently a well back second.

For sun818 sake I am not going to say here where I sell cause that would make their job of finding me too easy .

You made me think why it is different for me and I have thought of another reason I sell to mostly business. I know business use paypal but I wonder if they are more open to payment method. Just last night I was concluding a transaction with a person in Australia and he was going to PayPal me. When I told him the account had changed cause we were no long going to offer it he was quite happy to wire transfer me the money. This was a very large business with offices in the US. Otherwise I deal al ot with small businesses. Probably half and half I would have to say.

Do you believe that could be a difference?


I know Billy I am getting off subject, but in both for and againsed comments both polite and not I am getting good information, opinions and things to think about. That is all I ever really wanted.

posted on January 4, 2002 11:59:30 AM new

Thank you for the image, I have never seen that one before that I can remember. There was one like the parking sign like is so common with billpoint or actually maybe I was thinking about the checkout one.

You will have to refresh my memory about when I was suspended cause I do not remember that one at all. The mods talked about it once or twice but we worked it out. I won't say I was not but do not remember it. you must have found a post about it?



posted on January 4, 2002 12:20:35 PM new
"bdunique I know what you are saying and mostly agree with what your saying but could it be category specific?"

Jim, you're probably right, it surely makes a difference. As an antique and collectible seller, I'd say our audience to date consists of an even mix of dealers, collectors, resellers, and Mom/Pop auction types. To date, they've all shown a marked preference for PayPal, I don't know why. I haven't found any information on-line about which payment venues are preferred by different buyer groups, but such figures surely exist (if anyone knows where such information can be found, I'd love to read it).

That said, I just signed up to accept C2It payments because (a) I am seeing it more frequently in auctions and (b) I couldn't say No to the transaction fee (0.00%, not promotional according to their site). If they keep that up for long, you can bet things are going to start hurting at PayPal -- and it will be time for "another meeting."

Onward and Upward,
posted on January 4, 2002 12:21:02 PM new
are these antipaypal logos endorsed by paypal?can i copy the one with the pig??

posted on January 4, 2002 12:21:08 PM new
You're welcome LaneFamily. 3972... that's very respectable. Very low neutral/negative ratio.

posted on January 4, 2002 12:43:27 PM new
I'm still not clear abour exactly what part PayPal played in this drama. What did it do (or not do) that has made you so mad? It sounds like you had a cranky buyer who did lots of things to you (like having her friends spam you with nasty emails), but I haven't quite figured out what PP did. Can you explain it a bit more clearly? Thanks.

posted on January 4, 2002 12:59:10 PM new
Hi lanefamily,

Did your BUYER file a complaint, or did they file a chargeback? I can't make sense of your post. It also sounds like the USPS had an issue scanning the package, which is an item that we have no control over.

posted on January 4, 2002 01:12:52 PM new
sun818 Very good. You have found me. Let me know if you get any requests from anyone else, I like to know who is after me

Yes, except for that one wacko that got me for 4 and most of the neutral are converted good ones from the old old days (that tells you how long I have been around) I think I do pretty darn good. I hope you looked at the feedback too so you understand I do try to do things right. I am not someone with 15 sales complaining someone got 15 cents for using a credit card.

So what do you think, I do not sell collectables, antiques, sex toys, etc. What do you think, is it because of what I sell and who I sell to that PayPal is not #1 with my customers when all is offered?

bdunique "I just signed up to accept C2It payments because (a) I am seeing it more frequently in auctions and (b) I couldn't say No to the transaction fee (0.00%, not promotional according to their site). "

Yes, I am pushing it and am getting good rates of acceptance for it. I must admit I have had probably more than my fair share of transactions through them since I push it. They have a ways to go on their web site and customer service. They are always there day and night when ever I call but if any little problem comes up more then I forgot my password they can do nothing about it. That is another whole thread, my dealings with them.

I am happy to say I have got about $200.00 in finders fees from them so far. Just got a e-mail that I have 60.00 waiting now from them last night or this morning.

They will not stay free. There is no way then can. If they do they do they will go down probably. Look at PayPal, after all the promises they did not stay free. Well if you do no more than 100.00 per month, do not take credit cards and signed up on a Tuesday or something like that I think it is still free.

It is so funny the amount of e-mail I get with people telling me I sent an echeck or used available funds so it would not cost you. I take the time to reply to them why the are wrong and e-mail the transaction details to them and show them how much it costs. Most are amazed, like .42 on a $7.00 transaction.


posted on January 4, 2002 01:29:08 PM new

I thought I was clear but let me go over it again.

They filed a complaint before I shipped the product. I did not receive the e-mail from PayPal for some reason they made payment. I try to keep track of that cause it happens with all of them but missed this one. If you want to look at my account you will see how many paypal transactions I take through you guys. No figure I get twice taht in a day including billpoint, c2it and mail you will see we are handeling a lot right now. I have deleted all my emails from PayPal so no one can send me money except for one I left attached, all though I see I am still geting money from you on the deleted ones which will be an issue shortly when I put my foot down but not now since I have so many auctions running with paypal accepted in them.

So I shipped and upped it to Priority Tracked to be nice cause we missed the payment, they paid for first class shipping.

Yes, USPS missed the scan on this and I will be talking with them locally about what to do since a paid service caused a loss to me.

Now if your customer service was any good you would contact the person and ask if they got it befor you reversed it. I am a damn good seller and customer of yours. If they got it then it should not matter if the tracking number said they did not. If they said they did not then nothing would change. But you people need to work on my behalf also. People are what they are, this person is a )&*^&*%^*$(^*()&_ and if they got their money back then someone called them to see if they had received it you think they would tell the truth. I will leave that one open.

So thanks for posting but I already said that the sellers protection was followed by me cause I have a tracking number and receipt just not by the post office. I guess my real issue with paypal is like I said, if this happened at my bank for as much money as I give you guys they would have just turned the other way. Not you, you took 8.70 from me which cost PayPal on average $15.00 a day for the rest of your short existance.

Side note, there is nothing personal in my response to Damon, I have nothing againsed him just his company. Don't read more into this than there is. I even got a free shirt from him one time


posted on January 4, 2002 01:36:43 PM new
Hi lanefamily,

Have you contacted the buyer to ask them to retract the complaint? This would be the easiest way for this to be handled (if they received the package).

We can only use the online tracking records to check to see if a package has been delivered. If we can't see it, then the risk of reversal is there.

posted on January 4, 2002 02:21:00 PM new
Frankly, I would not let a single transaction change how I do business. However, I do find that all of the auction and auction-related services seem to suffer from periodic lapses in common sense to maintain a policy. PayPal is more in this frame than others, but you don't stop using eBay do you?

posted on January 4, 2002 02:24:39 PM new

In two prior cases where I was a buyer I was taken and no product received. I filed the claims just like they did againsed me but in both my cases they came back and said sorry, there is not enough money in their account we can not refund you.

Now as a seller, an honest seller as sun818 has stated casue they know my feedback , it happens to me and hell I clean out my paypal account every day sometimes twice but in a day it can build up $500.00 so it was there for paypal to take back.

If I was a thief and I knew this was coming I would have closed my account long ago. I am not a theif and I did not know it was coming so they got the money back.

So I guess fair is not always fair. I play fair and it costs me. There is my feelings showing again, sorry Billy.

So that is why I am so pissed. It may be no ones fault or theirs but 3rd time is a charm. There is some reason in this world why I have gotten taken 3 times and PayPal was involved 3 times. As I said before in all my other transactions even taking checks I have never been taken so many times.


Got to run, boss left early so I am out of here too.

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