Most of the other sellers got theirs removed as well.
There are still a few negs out there and another seller affected by this fiasco has taken it upon herself to help the lower feedback sellers who may not know what to do or how to do it in getting their feedbacks removed.
Now we all have to go through the process of filing for FVF.
Now if this person was truely hacked then they will need to ride the rough waves while 100+ sellers file for FVF and simply delete all the notices.
Maybe in a month or so when the smoke clears they can appeal to Ebay to have their account restored. If this person contacts me then I'd have no problem helping her find out how to have the flash-response negs removed off his/her profile.
I also read on the Ebay boards that one seller called her at home and she was shocked at what had happened. If it is all true then it is a sad thing.
True or not, I wanted those feedbacks removed and my FVF's back regardless.
posted on April 12, 2002 07:34:16 PM new
I agree with kiara and helenjw. It is totally inappropriate to post the user ids of other bidders or sellers here.
Some would probably do it just for spite and it could cause damage the reputation of an innocent party. I know that I would be ticked off if someone posted my user ID on this forum and would ask AW to remove it.
Wether people here are adults or not is totally irrelevant. Posting the user ids of others has the potential to cause problems for that person, for yourself and for auctionwatch.