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posted on April 7, 2003 11:23:10 AM new
mlecher, hibbertst -

Yes, war is hell. And having served in the USMC in the 60's (and currently having my USMC son & daughter in harms way) I well know that.

But you would run from it for the pain that it might cause, and totally forget the pain that it is relieving. Yes, there will be some innocent casualties, but it is not the US that has placed those in harms way, it is an evil despote that must be eliminated.

Saddam has caused more pain and suffering among his 'own' people (as well as the rest of the world) in one minute of his rule, than the US will cause in the whole time they are there.

Why don't you put up a picture of Saddam's palaces and the opulence he (and the Baath party) was living in, while he let 60% of 'his' citizens starve! Put up a picture of the hidden chemical factory, out in the middle of nowhere, with the electric fence around it. Put up a picture of the children that will happily grow up without Saddam in their life. Put up a picture of the gas storage tanks, that have just been found, that are rusting, and slowly leaking their deadly contents. Put up a picture of the missiles, and the rest of the WMD, that he swore that he did not have.

AND LASTLY, please oh please, put up a picture of the decaying body of Chemical Ali; as well as a picture of Baghdad Bob spouting off, as our troops take his *ss down.........

**** Meanwhile, I am doing the happy dance, as I believe I caught a glimse of one of my babies, during one of the Fox News Oliver North segments ****
posted on April 7, 2003 11:25:35 AM new

As I said before, the liberals use emotional shock to sway people to their side and to make the emotionless feel something so they think they must join the ranks if this makes them feel.

There are far more children who have been maimed and killed by Saddam's regime than will ever be injured in this war. And you can bet any coilition forces come across will receive full medical care. Did the ones Saddam use mustard gas and sarin gas on receive medical treatment from his regime?

Think of how many parents, both male and female who were taken away from their families by Saddam's regular practices of torture, rape and indiscriminent killing.

Many protesters talk the talk, but won't walk the walk. Seldom does a liberal die for what they believe in. ...except those too stupid to move from in front of a bulldozer with an operator who couldn't see the fallen human in front of it.


posted on April 7, 2003 11:34:47 AM new
::**** Meanwhile, I am doing the happy dance, as I believe I caught a glimse of one of my babies, during one of the Fox News Oliver North segments ****::

Congrats! I can only imagine that feeling to be able to have that opportunty to see for yourself that at least one of yours is alive and well.

posted on April 7, 2003 11:41:28 AM new
[ edited by kiara on Apr 8, 2003 04:57 PM ]
posted on April 7, 2003 11:58:28 AM new
Its always nice to put an altered picture up of an injured child. Just happens to have a fist full of cash..... Yeah, right!

Would be nice to get a clear picture off how this child got hurt. I will blame Saddam and his croonies for putting ammo, guns, troops in child daycare centers and schools etc.

Yes, war is a bad thing, but no one is going to stop because the head azzhole saddam makes a clear choice to put his people in harms way. He cares nothing for any of them.

The sooner this wannabe stalin is gone, the better for everyone.

posted on April 7, 2003 12:25:36 PM new
Yes, liberals are a shame to the President aren't they? They just simply refuse to roll over and lick his boots. They only want him to be honest in his dealings, big shock.

If we didn't want Saddam to tortue his people, why did we train him in torture techniques?

If we didn't want him to to use chemical weapons, why did we sell them to him for use against the Iranians?

If we didn't want him to gas the Kurds, why did we cover it up and congratulate him on putting down an "uprising"

If we didn't want him to invade the Kuwait, why did we tell him he could when he asked us?

If we didn't want him to continue as Leader, why did we rebuild his country after the first Gulf War>

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both boldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."
- Julius Caesar
posted on April 7, 2003 06:41:46 PM new

Opulent Palace
posted on April 7, 2003 07:20:35 PM new
You know there is no right or wrong answer for a post ...Thats why it's called freedom ! You can agree or disagree and you are right ! Support your troops ! Fight against the war ! You are both right because it's how you feel about the subject !! God Bless America The Land Of The Free !!

posted on April 8, 2003 12:54:50 AM new
mlecher -

With that much mis-information in your little old punkin head, I'm surprised it just does not explode.

The answer to all your questions is, we didn't!

All in all, I'm just soooooo happy that a bug has crawled so far up your *ss, and that our duly elected President has got you in a tizzy! Kick back and enjoy it, for many more years to come.
[ edited by nanntique on Apr 8, 2003 12:56 AM ]
posted on April 8, 2003 08:19:05 AM new

Hidden Chemical Plant
Cancer Alley, Louisiana
posted on April 8, 2003 08:24:48 AM new
What mis-information?

This was the same "mis-information" put out even by your own gods.

haven't you been paying attention over the last decade? Or are you wrapped too tight in the flag?

Remember...Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels-Samuel Adams (not the brewer, the founding father)

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both boldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."
- Julius Caesar
posted on April 8, 2003 09:09:14 AM new
mlecher - Please cite your sources for all the allegations you posted here. It's amazing how much gets said without any basis in truth. Just because you've heard it does not make it true.

Sometimes administations make moves that you can look back on and while they might seem good at the time, they come back to bite you. That's the nature of the world. Review the 1994 Nuclear treaty with North Korea, where we were supposed to provide them with materials for a nuclear power plant if they agreed not to make weapons. Well, they made weapons! This was on Clinton's watch, but in 1994 it seemed to make sense. We'll deal with it now, but in 1979 (which was on Jimmy Carter's watch by the way, not that it means anything) but when we did arm Iraq it made sense in the context, which saw a hostile revolution in Iran on one side, and a Soviet invasion or Afghanistan on the other. Basically, you should always judge decisions made in the context, not by today's standards. In 1845, it made sense for doctors to use leaches to bleed people. That seems unbelievable today, but at the time it was the prescribed and accepted treatment for several ailments...

posted on April 8, 2003 11:58:25 AM new
to all pro war persons
here is a story told to me by a ex- veitnam soldier
" when war or invasion in this case exists, you will see and feel a lot of people gung-ho to support their local soldiers, and yes support them, to defend your country, but not to defend greedy corperate america. THIS WAR IS ABOUT GREED, just like veitnam was, and i asked him how he could say this, and his answer was, because i was there, i fought, i killed, i saw friends blown up by mines and booby traps, i saw friends wounded and i saw the locals suffer, and for what,for coperate america. If a soldier survives a war and is wounded, comes back, then is treated like #*!@ by his own country administration, case in point his time during the early 70's, and it was bad for a lot of vets in those days in the U.S. V A hosipitals. Remember this present government administration just slashed the budget for the V.A administration
He said that he was gung-ho back then with the war fever, but now he sees the light, that most gung-ho arm chair war mongers are cowards, that they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk, where are these gung-ho war mongers, why haven't they enlisted, why haven't they given up their first born, and why are they not supporting this invasion with their own money ? They like to convince others to fight but you won't see too many war mongers being the example.
He also said that many will tell you that they have given up their first born,their husbands and wives, but when the survivors return, then hell comes also with their son's and daughters, case in point, a lot of after effects from war, like emotional problems, not to mention how a lot of wounded vets from the 60's and 70's committed sucicde, family break-ups, wife beatings, drug addiction, acholism, and slow depression that isolates one from society, because of war and it's effects.
It's easy to yap he said, but until you are there in person and see what war brings,and what it does to your family, then most will think twice before they will be so gung-ho for war.And war usually hits home real hard with the poor and middle income people, who do most of the fighting.

posted on April 8, 2003 12:47:03 PM new
As for the links...screw that. They have been posted numerous times throughout these boards and they have been summarily denied existence by those who called for them and then refused to read them...

Instead, I'll use the war monger's methods...I must be right because you cannot prove me wrong....

You got yopur flag wrapped a little to tight around the head...

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both boldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."
- Julius Caesar
posted on April 8, 2003 01:16:37 PM new
Sorry folks, but much of what mlecher says happens to be da truth!

The USA GOV (Snoozey & the Lip-Reader) DID pump billions into Saddam's regime during the 80's, as a "counter" to the mulish-mullahs of Iran! Sadly, the scumbag they backed turned out to be worse than the scumbags they opposed

The US GOV's record on Iraq was one of DISHONOR & DECEIT -- ask any Shia Moslem SLAUGHTERED in southern Iraq after heeding the Lip-Reader's call to rebellion!

And we wonder why they are slow to throw flowers??

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"

[ edited by tomwiii on Apr 8, 2003 01:17 PM ]
posted on April 8, 2003 02:52:58 PM new
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah -

Sometimes you have to pick the lesser of two evils, and some times you bet (or back) the wrong scum. But I'll take a good plan any old day, than wait for a perfect plan in the future.

Better to do something now, as indecission is a killer, for sure.

Oh, and a not so private note to all the poor little peace niks that got 'stung' out on the coast........... y'all deserve concrete overshoes, or extra cranial ventilation.

posted on April 8, 2003 04:23:34 PM new
"Put up a picture of the children that will happily grow up without Saddam in their life." nanntique

posted on April 8, 2003 04:33:48 PM new
"Put up a picture of the gas storage tanks, that have just been found, that are rusting, and slowly leaking their deadly contents."

posted on April 8, 2003 07:36:00 PM new
hibbertst -

GEEEEEEEEEEE, what skill! What daring! What selective inteligence!

Just bet, you've never put yourself in harms way, for anything, let along your beliefs.

That's OK, the real patriots will defend you as you hide quivering underneath your bed, when our shorelines or cities need to be defended. We would not want you to have to bleed, or even break a sweat, to defend our Liberty.

Yes, our Freedom gives everyone the opportunity to express their beliefs.................. no matter how ignorant they are !
posted on April 8, 2003 09:34:07 PM new
"please oh please, put up a picture of the decaying body of Chemical Ali;" nanntique

posted on April 8, 2003 11:14:28 PM new

You have elevated (or I should say lowered) yourself to complete flash with NO substance.

Typical lefty retorts; no reason or logic, just meaningless dribble.

Sleep tight, we'll protect you (or maybe not)!
posted on April 9, 2003 12:36:58 AM new
We agree nanntique.
As a father and mother of a daughter in harms way, my wife and I have now got to the point where we waist less and less energy trying to reason with the "left". There ignorance is surpassed only by there inability to comprehend reality. My wife and I spend our time and energy supporting our daughter. God Bless America!! God Bless Our Troops!!

posted on April 9, 2003 05:19:05 AM new
"Put up a picture of the missiles": nanntique

posted on April 9, 2003 11:59:27 AM new
Can someone out there post the picture with the American Flag stuck to Saddams face like a U.S. Postage Stamp? (Bravo Marine! Bravo!) Red,White and Blue Berry Pie, Sssssspppplat!!! Egg on his face.

In Spirit We All hung that flag right on his face. Eat this Saddam. Bravo Marine! Semper Fi.

posted on April 9, 2003 03:39:50 PM new
TOMWIII-----If you wish to voice your vulgarities (IE: non support of yet another war) then why not go over to Iraq, and live with and like them, see how far the freedom that I paid for, my Father Paid for, and the thousands of other persons who fought without grumbling to preserve freedom for ingratful sob's like yourself!!?? At least you didnt run off to Canada, like I figured you were going to say-----Freedom of speach is just that, so if you cant agree with the masses, and dont want to go along with the people who have a brain, then please dont post where an ex-Navt SEAL can read it!! Good thing you didnt list your wussy address, might have to pay your coast guard, war dodging tail a visit!! I dont want to listen to your mamby pamby garbage about a wrong war at the wrong time, get a life!!!
posted on April 9, 2003 04:10:04 PM new

posted on April 9, 2003 04:16:28 PM new
cjcoins: you sound like you really dislike the US Constitution, not to mention the Bill of Rights!

Just like Minister Magoo!

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on April 10, 2003 12:40:49 AM new
Uh, might be off topic here, but isn't North Korea the one we have to be careful of? they keep taunting us, threatning to blow up Japan every week, they have a nut as a leader whom the people and the soldier WILL support to the end, (he walked the moon adnd invented the toaster and TV!) and instead we go attack a country with a evil dictator whos people DO NOT support him. Is it because he is a easier target? Or does controlling the oil has something to do with it?

By the way, I was in vietnam, remember, billions of dollars are being cut from American war veterans' benefits in order to pay for the war.

As for not seeing Martin Sheen films, he is no longer aleading man, so you will avoid anything he has small roles in? Too bad, the new Speilberg/DeCaprio/Hanks film is actually pretty good.

And yes, I support the troops, and pray for their safety, but look at Afganistan. It will be tough to impose democracy to the Iraq people. They might want us out for overstaying our welcome. It has happened before.

posted on April 10, 2003 01:00:59 AM new
No TomIII, just folks like you who havent the foggiest damn idea of why we are over there. I fought for and support the constitution, and th bill of rights. When someone like Saddam can torture innocent people, and jail them in sqwaller for years, for doing things like praying too much, I take offense on a humanitarin level, unlike you who wish to sit here on you arse telling the masses why we shouldnt do this and that. Freedom is not, nor will never be free, and while we are certainly not the worlds police, how can anyone turn a blind eye to situations that involve basic human rights violations, living in filth, torture, disease, and although Iraq has fully over half of the worlds wealth from oil, the average per capita income for the last 5 years has been $1.98 I just wish that people like you (and I take the word "people" very literally in your case) sit back and say stupid things like "its a fight for oil, or wrong war wrong time" would open those two small round orbs on the front of your faith, put your damn mouth in neutral, and LOOK,LISTEN,ABSORB, And ACT!!!
posted on April 10, 2003 03:29:11 AM new
What worries me the most is how this war is dividing the country, seems like US gets divided every century. In the 19th century, it was slavely. In the 20th century it was vietnam, which resulted in youth vs elder. Now in 21 century, its pro war versus antiwar. The way everyone wants to see anti-war Americans suffer (make them lose their jobs, arrest them for wearing anti war t-shirts) I swear next thing you know, any seller posting here that is against the war will be kicked off auction watch. The country is already dived 50/50, who knows maybe McCarthy era witchhunt will begin once again.

That would be interesting, seeing neighbors and faimiles turn in each other when being anti-war becomes a crime! I am sure Fox News people would love that. Better zip up tomwill, or else you will lose your posting priviledge on this board! (: Aint life grand.

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