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posted on August 8, 2003 08:13:49 PM new
Most of us bad mouth Ebay from time to time. So someone asked me to say something good about ebay and they are right. So here I go, My kid is now in his last year of college and Ebay made it all possible. With the money I made selling on ebay my wife and I have gotten him through 3 years of college without him owing one cent for any kind of loans. Thats right our Ebay sales money has paid for his school, books, off campus living, car, spending money ect. THANKS EBAY!
Does anyone else have something good to say about Ebay? Go ahead lets all say a few good things about Ebay it ain't all bad.

posted on August 8, 2003 08:16:12 PM new
Keeps me in Beer money and other fun things.

posted on August 8, 2003 08:18:21 PM new
It provides an incredibly large potential customer base. How else could a small town Indiana girl sell her yard sale finds to people in multiple countries?
posted on August 8, 2003 08:20:19 PM new
Back in '98 my goal was to get a computer. I sat here and figured out how to use one because I didn't even really know what a mouse was. I went to that page..... What is a mouse? or something that I found in my computer.

I got on the internet within days and found a little search box. I typed in antiques and found a place called ebay. Oh, so much fun, everyone selling their stuff.

My very FIRST e-mail was from ebay as I sat there trying to figure out what e-mail and ebay were both all about.

Within days I was buying on ebay. A few months later I was selling on ebay. Through it all I have met the best people in this world, the very same people that walk into my shop each day from all over this world and accept me for me.

LOL I LOVE ebay with all my heart even when I sit here and HATE it!

posted on August 8, 2003 08:25:04 PM new
Ebay helped paid for my cabin rental while in the mountains this years...Thanks Ebay !

posted on August 8, 2003 08:28:48 PM new
Paid for my boat and a few other toys which makes me a happy camper, plus it is still making money for me.

posted on August 8, 2003 08:39:34 PM new
Heck yes! Glad to say something good about eBay! The months I'm selling, I make enough to pay our household utility bills and then some. We aren't needy, but I just love being able to contribute to our retirement income without leaving the house--in my pajamas or worse--hair all wild--needing a shower--chugging down the coffee.

The other great part, as kiara said, is all the wonderful people, buyers and sellers--but mostly the Vendio connection for all my great pals here, whom I can depend on.

Selling on eBay has restored my faith in humanity (after watching the skewed media news all my life); there are mostly good people out there--still.

posted on August 8, 2003 08:50:00 PM new
Were it not for eBay, my late father's collectible beer cans would have been tossed out 2 years ago when my father died. The local BCCA chapter wasn't interested in the cans of the 1970's "fad phase" - just the older cans from the 1930's through 1960's. Latest stats: 86 auctions, 79 sold, 60 had multiple bidders; gross - $1,192, net net after fees - over $1,000. What has made all the effort worthwhile is the happy collectors who've bought them, who are so excited to get their boxes. I've had the world's nicest bidders.
When I get done with this (still a lot of cans to go), I'm going to total up how many collectors in how many states and Canada. It's at least a third of the states by now

posted on August 8, 2003 08:52:06 PM new
My eBay money paid for new appliances (washer, dryer, refrigerators, dishwasher, forced air, water heaters, etc.) and most of the cost of renovating my house. Brickwork, paint, new windows, etc.

It's a '30s Spanish stucco with a duplex in the back and needed a LOT of work - hadn't been touched in decades.

Thanks eBay!!


P.S. The camaraderie and friendship I've found here are a bonus!

Life's too short to drink cheap wine...
posted on August 8, 2003 08:55:22 PM new
And I just want to add that all those people on ebay are all those same customers that I have accepted for who they were all those years in RL.

In RL, people walk in my shop and they can't read friggin' signs right in front of them either and they ask stupid questions. Some buy my stuff and ruin it and then want to return it.

If there were so many of those bad ones I would have fled from that RL store years ago.


The majority of people all over this world are good people and we seem only to focus totally on the bad ones or the ones who can't spell. How stupid is that?

These boards are a perfect example of this. Once in awhile we need a thread like this to convince all of us that. Thanks for starting it, BIGPEEPA.

And a teapot that everyone overlooked at $50 in my shop sold for $1600 on ebay. YEAH, I LUV EBAY!

posted on August 8, 2003 09:06:13 PM new
Those are some good points. We all tend to over look the big picture once in awhile, human nature being what it is. Ebay was and still is a god send for a lot of people even now.

posted on August 8, 2003 09:13:10 PM new
I went from Hotdogs to Surf and Turf, Tweedy LOVES fresh schrimp! My spelling got much better, my typing has improved. My bank account certainly has improved. Talk to people all over the world and sold them LOTS of Good Junque. The land lord is VERY Happy!

OH! and I DON'T sell my stuff for peanuts at the swapmeet anymore! 3 years now. Now I rent my Cargo trucks to other Swapmeeters. Just bought another one last month 17 footer X Ryder.

Thanks e bay!

Now back to getting these enhancements in place! To make this Work even Better!

Lead or be left in the Dust....

posted on August 8, 2003 09:22:13 PM new
And while I'm rambling, think about this.

On a couple of occasions I've accepted a check marked with an X because that person didn't even know how to write his very own name.

And those checks cleared...... never bounced.

posted on August 8, 2003 09:25:17 PM new
Ebay has given me the freedom to stop pondering what I want to be WHEN I grow up and just lets me BE! Kiara, I had a shop too for 10 years...after paying rent, utilities ,insurance, etc, etc and then being shop lifted from...that was it, I bailed.
In 4 1/2 years, yes I've had a few non-payers, but I still have the merchandise.
I can't believe what I can make here in a months time....all in the comfort of my own home! Oh yeah, I moved this year......from a house in the ghetto to a home in the burbs, Thanks again Ebay!

posted on August 8, 2003 09:34:15 PM new
I love ebay. I have complaints about some of the users but never the site itself. Thanks to ebay I have been able to survive the past two years when I was unable to find reasonable employment. Ebay has allowed me the freedom to explore other options, inspired me to expand into fields of curiosity I would not once have thought of and will allow me to make a long desired move next year while guaranteeing me an income as soon as I have my computer hooked up.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 8, 2003 09:40:59 PM new
This is a good thread, because overall ebay has been good to me. It allows me to supplement my income so I can work a home business. It allows me to travels about 8 weeks a year. I just purchased a new house, and move in at the end of the month.

posted on August 8, 2003 10:13:35 PM new

posted on August 8, 2003 10:47:21 PM new
something good

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on August 8, 2003 11:01:41 PM new
Ebay hasn't done a whole hell of a lot for me. All they've done is pay for my daughter's trip to Europe when she graduated from high school, made the difference between hamburger and New York steaks, fattened my wallet and bank account, and allowed my wife and I a few of life's luxuries we wouldn't have had otherwise. They also made it possible for me to retire at age 53. Come to think of it, maybe they HAVE helped me a little along the way Like many others, I've encountered some super people along the way, and it's renewed my faith somewhat in the basic goodness of mankind.Probably one of the things that touches me most is when a winning bidder actually THANKS me for offering an item for sale, and allowing them to fill a missing hole in a collection. That's almost as good as the money. Not quite, but almost.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on August 9, 2003 03:18:05 AM new
ebay allows me to get through Christmas without using plastic and pays for a nice vacation every year. I use it for the extras only so I can stop when I want without worry. Plus, it allows me to bid without guilt since I typically only spend within my earnings. Love it!

posted on August 9, 2003 05:27:22 AM new
I can take my collectables and place them on eBay for $1.00 and get the market value on them every time many times over $1,000.00. I can do the same thing on another site and I'd end up selling it for $1.00.

Sellers can whine and moan about how eBay charges a listing fee and a FVF compared to other sites that are cheaper, but the bottom line is EBAY HAS THE BUYERS.

posted on August 9, 2003 05:36:56 AM new
I've had the opportunity to deal with some great people from all over the world because of Ebay. I don't make a lot of money, but it sure is fun. I consider more a hobby than anything else. If I make a lot in one week I'm doing the happy dance. If not, that's okay, too.

Power to the people. Power to the people, right on. - John Lennon
posted on August 9, 2003 07:04:36 AM new
I started Ebay about 2 yrs and have learned from the Pro my Mother. She started Ebaying after my Dad died in 1998. I don't make alot of money unless I find the hot stuff which I am looking for. My mother put her ex-husband world War 2 handcuffs and sold them for $2700.00. That is my dream to find something like that.She started the bid at a $100.00.He had been in the Army in 1944 and picked them up in a Japanese jail.I listed a book about 1 1/2 yrs ago and started it at $3.00 and ended at $103.00. That was exciting to watch.

posted on August 9, 2003 07:08:58 AM new
Since I don't get along well with bosses... ebay has made me realize that for once ...


I haven't had anyone tell me to get to work or to quit flapping my jaws for over 3 yrs. I miss the company car but now, I can get whatever cool car I want and not a stinky mini-van!

I love being able to sit at home in my shorts and t-shirts and have Oprah and reruns of American Justice on while I work.

I love the many categories ebay allows us to list in... I love ebay for their timely support (yes, I am one of the few who have great success getting ahold of someone).
Basically I just love ebay. Just like all the relationships I have ever had, there are times I want to strangle their neck, but nowhere else can I make this much money in such a short time with no experience and work such few hours.

My hats off to ebay!!!

posted on August 9, 2003 07:09:41 AM new
I love eBay. I am in my 60's, disabled, and very limited for activity. So eBay not only provides a great interest for me, but added income. I have also met some wonderful people, several of whom have become real friends, and we correspond regularly. I have a lot of repeat buyers, and I love to see the familiar names come up.

posted on August 9, 2003 08:28:50 AM new
eBay has been great for me. Started out when I was layed up with a bad knee 5 years ago. Gave me a way to keep money coming in when I couldn't get out to work. Now that prices have dropped off on eBay I buy on eBay and resell at the shows and flea markets.

posted on August 9, 2003 08:41:44 AM new
Well, eBay, for me has been a wonderful experience. I started it as a hobby and now am a very consistent seller. I was a teacher for many years and took time off to raise my family. I have three young ones. I love being able to work from home. I may even consider not going back to teaching...this is so much less stress. Thanks, eBay....and thanks for this thread. I often come here to vent or ask questions, but blessings? not ususally...how fun to read everyones good experiences.

posted on August 10, 2003 08:17:43 AM new
I love eBay and the people I have 'met' both on this board and buyers. I started in 1998 when Beanie Babies were the craze, cheap computer, no camera. Now I am on my 4th computer (MORE POWER!) and 2nd camera. I was laid off from my job of 23 years in November and eBay has made it possible to work from home and stay comfortable. Yes, I rant about some of the non-readers and such, but it is so much better than working in a crowded office. I have a coffee pot and a T.V. in my home office so I don't have to leave it if I don't want to. On the other hand, if I want to take a week off I don't have to ask anyone's permission. I have always loved auctions and yard sales and can finally justify going to them all! It is work, don't you know, have to go now! I could never have opened a shop so this venue is the best!

posted on August 10, 2003 10:03:42 AM new
I love Ebay, and have since the start. I rarely say anything negative about it.

It has allowed me to keep my sanity through deaths in the family and my grown children moving out and one leaving town. They left home when they were 18 and I was happy to have my time back. Then, in their mid 20's both moved back and I helped raise my grandson for 5 years. Now, one has moved to another city and the other has been married for two years. My grandson has a whole new family and he is growing up and we don't see them much anymore.

Believe me, that empty nest syndrom is twice as bad the second time around. I felt lost.

Now, if I feel lonely I just go to the computer and list another dozen things! It is great therapy. And, I make money instead of giving it to someone else.

Too bad I don't have the energy anymore to list enough to buy the house, boat, cars etc others are making on Ebay My little $150 to $250 a week does give me play money though

posted on August 10, 2003 03:57:42 PM new
eBay is #1 no doubt about that. We have been stocking the store with eBay, and without it we could not have the variety and selection we have. It keeps getting better and better.

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