posted on January 12, 2004 06:16:27 AM new
Itray, no offense taken and even if I did take offense who the heck cares HA HA. I just wanted people to know that not all PICKERS bought box lots. Funny small world we live in, there is a chance you have handled a piece to two from me. I have for the last few years sent a trailer load of stuff to your area every month or two to be sold at auction. I am trying to talk my wife into moving to the Jacksonville Fla area someday soon. Maybe we will meet face to face until then I will be PICKING AND GRINNING in Pa.
posted on January 12, 2004 08:53:11 AM new
Sometimes I buy from a couple of ladies who run to all the yard sales and amass a selection of things. Their prices are reasonable enough for me to make a profit.
Other pickers have stopped by only once or twice a year on a regular basis as they travel across a certain area. Sometimes I trade goods with them as they may have a market for something that I have trouble selling in my area.
After being in business for awhile I found it fairly easy to distinguish a picker from someone trying to get rid of stolen goods and many times like ltray mentioned, I've seen good items I've had to pass on.
When I was young and naive I didn't buy some goods that I suspected were stolen but I decided to be a good citizen and I called the police and they wanted to do an undercover arrest. I didn't want to be involved but was promised anonymity and the idiot cop screwed up bigtime and endangered my life. Never again, if I suspect anything is stolen I quickly refuse to buy and the person is just as quickly out the door.