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posted on April 4, 2004 04:10:41 PM new


~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Apr 4, 2004 04:11 PM ]
posted on April 4, 2004 04:16:47 PM new
Why get a new ID. What's to hide. My name is different here only because I thought that was the way it was supposed to be but my seller ID is known and I really don't care. If someone wants to look at what I sell it is all right with me. People are basically nosy and I will bet if you get a new ID someone will find out. There are a few posters here that use their eBay user ID but I never look at what they sell. The only auction I was interested in was the "stink fishing lures". I will never go back in and look again as I don't have time and I really don't care what others sell. My opinion.

posted on April 4, 2004 05:33:23 PM new
I can say what I want to Kiara. If truth be known, I actually like her and enjoy her posts but I dont care for all this wagging your finger in somebody's face, which I am not the first one to speak about.

No you aren't, Nero. In fact the house stalker mentioned it quite often when I called him out on things he posted that were incorrect and just as often you jumped to his defense. So be it.

Perhaps you misunderstood my "rare" comment. What I mean is that there are several lamps like that and the way you both display them for pictures may not be that uncommon. The pictures aren't at all similar to me when I study them and were each taken under different lighting conditions.

I don't think its commonplace for two different sellers that have never crossed each other on the wide world of ebay to post such similar pictures down to a water stain on a table.

I went to all the trouble just now to lighten the other seller's pic to see the so called water stain on the table that you keep mentioning. What I see is the cord coming out of the base of the lamp and going over the edge of the table and it leaves a reflection on the table.

If it makes you feel better, I have no interest in your other auctions nor do I much care about looking at other posters auctions here unless they ask for advice.

You come swiping at me and accuse me of sucking down pics of peoples' ebay rooms and now you accuse Trai of being a stalker? Both comments are so far out there that I think it's time you slowly got out of your chair and stepped back from your computer for awhile.

posted on April 5, 2004 06:46:07 AM new
[ edited by classicrock000 on Apr 5, 2004 06:51 AM ]
posted on April 5, 2004 08:02:06 AM new
And in case you didnt know, what you did happens to against ebays rules emailing sellers you've had no transaction with.


If that were true you couldn't ask a question...

Oh and btw it used to be you had to invite the other seller here before discussing them, especially if you posted their auction.

This must be all this professionalism rustygumbo was talking about...

Beside no one can say I am biased... I piss everyone off sooner or later...


posted on April 6, 2004 05:10:05 AM new
Tweleve, so nobody likes you or wants to be around you, eh? Thank God for the Vendio boards and the internet that you somebody talks back to you, huh? Boy, that sure is living well! And there is a policy about emailing other sellers about other sellers auctions.

Kiara, I guess thats what this comes down to. YOU stalked Ace in Amazon and the other auctions threads and I called you on it. He wasnt bothing you. Chating with a whole set of other people, other issues that he was interested in,... that if if makes me feel better,... I am sure you arent even all that interested in.....and you had to go over there and harass him day in day out. To the point those threads are now at a complete halt. I said why are doing that? But you post time again, You dont hold a grudge with anybody. Oh, yes you do. And even worst because you hold them on people you now just align others with.

You post you log the threads 'in case somebody edits it'. That was my point. You log the threads. Almost everybody else reads, them, laughs, whatever and moves on.
You are a valuble and knowledge poster to this board, no denying it. However, I noticed you never post your own auctions or issues/problems with buyers etc., because you wont be a subject to the consternation that you so like to reply to. At least others put it out there, good bad or ugly and take it back the same. To me its disingenuious at best. Everybody's ebay room is messy. That was the point and fun of the thread. I wanted to post too but didnt because of people like you who scrutinize others for weaknesses and your own 'striking' when you're ready. And Ace is not the only one who has said you are judgemental. There were one or two others. However, in reading that you went back and again redited the pictures after it was all said and done, I realize you too, do have you own complusions, just like the rest of us. And I am sorry I made a big deal out of it because I dont think you are a bad person.

As far as Trai semblence of a human being and the auctions go, I posted the PICTURES of the auctions for the REASON that somebody like Stone or photosensitive might be able to do some real editing with them and see what they came up with. After you and fenix said it wasnt, and I already knew it wasnt -- I took them out. I posted that for the board, not for myself or to humilate the other seller but for the coincidentialness of the PICTURES, not any other reason. So after its said its not the same pictures, what other reason is there to leave it there EXCEPT to further expose my ID to others as they come along and read? That was my right to do that with my ID, regardless of whether it is public or not' and shows what kind of person he is because he thinks it was an act to humilate me and that somehow he is granted the supreme authority in life or it is his position to do so. ok, yea, I as embarrassed I went off the deep end about it (another part of my thread, nobody seemed to notice. I questioned my own alarm about it. Cheryl noticed I came here to vent about it, as so many others do when something bothers them about ebay or their auctions.)

As far as the seller, what are the chances she posts here or reads here? But one fact for sure; SHE benefited from my error. But you all are crying "apology, apology". I took my auction down. But I guess nobody read THAT part of the thread either. (And in case somebody wants to throw some possibilities around, I had two bids on my auction when I took it down.) So call me stupid for overreacting. But dont call me a lier. Just because YOU cant see the water stain. The seller knew what I was talking about.
Libra, thanks for your comments and opinions. I will post back to you about things another day. I have some feelings about nosyness myself, but in perspective with a public board it is a thin line to walk. Those who have made their ID's known here have seen trouble from it when they get in a snit with somebody else. Take Jacks, Tom, or Fluffy or anybody who posts a strong opinion about something that anybody else opposes. Lots of snivieling immatture people reading and posting to these boards. So thats why I am taking the ID down. But youre right. If someone wants to find it because it will bother them that much, then they will. Thats the way it is.

Elvis has left the building.

posted on April 6, 2004 05:58:52 AM new
I thought that guy was dead

posted on April 6, 2004 06:06:45 AM new
LOL that was hoot to read... is that an exit manifesto?

oh and I didn't email her about your auctions... I emailed her about this thread... I said their auction is being discussed and they might want to comment on it...

So once again show me where I can't do that?


posted on April 6, 2004 08:25:58 AM new
YOU stalked Ace in Amazon

Nero, you must have me mixed up with someone else. I haven't read the Amazon threads in years and I've never ever posted there. I've been here since '98. Do a search of the boards, I stand by my words.

However, I noticed you never post your own auctions or issues/problems with buyers etc.

I've been selling for about 6 years and have seldom had a problem I couldn't handle myself. There are others here that have their reasons for not posting their auctions.

What's all the nonsense about the ebay room and why are you focusing on that? No, I admit I wasn't on that thread. Just so you know, I've been busy selling as well as doing other things in my life and haven't been paying attention to all the threads here.

Look Nero, you thought the other seller was "shadowing" you to drop ship from you ID, you've accused me of "sucking down" pics of ebay rooms and desks as well as a few other things that are totally untrue and you've accused me and Trai of being stalkers. Your comments are way out of line here because you can't deal with your own problems and admit that you made a mistake.

If I had done anything that you accuse me of I would be the first one to step up and admit I had done it. I have nothing to hide.

I have nothing against you and have enjoyed some of your posts here and at the RT in the past.

But now you're grasping at straws. Please get some help.

posted on April 6, 2004 11:44:13 AM new
I am glad you enjoyed my hoot of a post. Suppose thats why the caboose of the audience stays with me. (Which is not the people who post here.) And No, it wasnt an exit manifesto, but it was for your benefit to let you I wouldnt be on the computer after my post - least you think I am running away from you.

Kiara, I dont want to fight you. I guess you dont remember the post that I thought was very funny when Ace called you a cigeratte smoking woman in THOSE OTHER threads (I dont remember whether it was exactly Amazon or bidville or one of those others) - and I laughed at the picture you posted in reply to his post to you.

I dont really care what you post or dont post, thats surely your perogitive. Im sure you are a terrific ebay seller with a great business going.

edited to add to classicrock: Thanks for the smile. You must be one of those people who have the ability to say something funny to break up a tense situation. (Thats a great gift!)
[ edited by neroter12 on Apr 6, 2004 11:47 AM ]
posted on April 6, 2004 12:45:40 PM new
Nero, I'm not sure what you mean about the "fight" comment because I have no intention of fighting with anyone here. BUT, when someone comes out on a public board and accuses me of doing things I haven't done and also accuses me of being a stalker, damn right I'll jump to my own defense.

For the record, I have never interfered with anyone's auctions here or the way they choose to do business. I state my opinion on the board and that's as far as it goes for me and that's always the way it's been for me since I arrived here years ago.

As for the "smoking woman" thread you refer to, that was all in fun as I don't smoke and I'm sure others reading the thread got the drift of it. Sheesh!

No, you don't see me here pizzing and moaning about my sales because I adapt and survive and move on. I pride myself on being a good seller. Things aren't as easy as they used to be on eBay but I've learned some new ways of doing things (thanks to reading the boards) and I'm happy with the results.

I've been around Auctionwatch/Vendio long enough that I've seen many issues come and go on these boards and most are forgotten in due time.

posted on April 6, 2004 02:14:12 PM new
Hey Kiara - I think the "amazon stalking" incident is when you and I "stalked Ace into the "Other Auctions" board because he was avoiding this one and then posting under different IDs here after he made a perfect ass of himself with the Feedback changes issue. I believe that our "stalking" consisted of telling him not to feel bad, just admit the mistake and we would welcome him home

And Nero - Ace is the all time champion auction stalker and wisher of ill will. Is this really someone you want to align yourself with?

This whole thing has gone so far around the bend it's comical. You asked for opinions, you got them. Kiaras opinion did not include an indictment, an insult or otherwise, just a simple statement of the obvious, if you had indeed accused this person of stealing your images, they deserved an appology. Rather than accepting that you decide to turn this into thrash central. You are the only person in this thread I have seen insulting and indicting people and none of it was deserved.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Apr 6, 2004 04:34 PM ]
posted on April 6, 2004 02:41:23 PM new
Beside no one can say I am biased... I piss everyone off sooner or later...

Well, twelve, that's putting it mildly.

posted on April 6, 2004 02:46:13 PM new
As far as Trai semblence of a human being

Thank you very much, Im happy that you think that you know me or my personal life when you know squat! Get over it! You posted those links and no one else. That makes it fair game and no board rules have been broken.

You did it to smear that other seller and when you got called on it you took your marbles and run out.

shows what kind of person he is because he thinks it was an act to humilate me and that somehow he is granted the supreme authority in life or it is his position to do so. ok, yea, I as embarrassed I went off the deep end about it.

just why do you think that you are that important to me that I need to go out of my way to "humilate" you or anyone else? Far from it!
I posted those links after you took them down and started to slam everybody that did not agree with you because you where dead wrong!
The only reason was so that other people could compare the two pictures and no other reason. That was my only intent and nothing else.
Glad that you are a mind reader now and can "read" what other peoples intent may be.

As far as your accusations that me and other posters are nothing but a bunch of stalkers I hope you have proof to back that up. In other words, put up or shut up. I have never stalked anyone here or anywhere else. It makes your statements look totally assinine to make such outlandish claims.

Nobody made this personal but you when you started to attack on a personal level. You would have been better off leaving this to die but I won't sit still when you accuse me and slander me.

The future has taken root in the present.
posted on April 6, 2004 03:36:56 PM new
Fenix, I remember that "stalking". LOL

The "cheerleader" and "devil woman" in Other Online Auctions ....... none of it done with any malicious intent and the other person in question seemed to be enjoying it as much as we were. In fact he spent days in there calling for more monkeys. Hahahaha

This whole thing has gone so far around the bend it's comical.

I agree.

posted on April 7, 2004 02:05:30 AM new
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