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posted on May 10, 2004 02:40:44 PM new
Got this wrapped around a payment:

"My friend,

"I am asking you the most important question of life. Your joy or your sorrow for all eternity depends upon your answer. The question is: Are you saved?"

The payer is a good customer who has been with me for three years.

So, what do you think? Should I go along with it, offer up my sole for internal slavation and hope this prompts her to bid more on my auctions? Or should I just pretend I thought she was out of Post-It notes that day?

My joy or sorrow could depend on your answer.

posted on May 10, 2004 02:59:39 PM new
Tell her No BUT:
The more she buys the more you will be able to SAVE!

posted on May 10, 2004 03:10:27 PM new
Which foot will you offer up? Is the "sole" of that shoe in need of repair?

Could it be you were looking for "soul?"


Never explain -- Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.
~ Elbert Hubbard
posted on May 10, 2004 03:51:49 PM new
Ah! Me loves fillet of soul with creme de la cosmos & a fine aged Camus on the side.

posted on May 10, 2004 04:54:22 PM new
Ah come on..... quit being so damn cinical..
This poor sole want's to help....

If you are a woman remember that big guy with a wart as big as a pickle on his nose who wanted to date you..
Or is you are a man remember that little mushroom who wanted to grow spoor in your room... at night...

Lighten up just ignore the outbreak just answer e-mails after that one, and offer stuff and more stuff.


posted on May 10, 2004 05:05:32 PM new
Glad I didn't get this. My answer would have flipped her. I am an agnostic, & don't believe in religion of any kind. Karl Marx said it best "Religion is the opiate of the masses" Sorry, this is my belief & as long is this is the US of A, I have that right. I don't condem anyone's belief, That is everyones right, & I have fought to defend that right.

posted on May 10, 2004 05:27:38 PM new
Just ignore it, the way some of us ignore political messages here.

Some wise person said, about annoying people, that if it's a one-shot annoyance and the person isn't in your life to stay, ignore it. If it comes from someone you see a lot, who is in your life more or less all the time in one venue or another, then you need to speak up. I think that's good advice.

Often you are not the target, and it's not your fault that the other person has poor judgment.
posted on May 10, 2004 05:33:45 PM new
Should I go along with it, offer up my sole for internal slavation

Did you mean "offer up my soul for eternal salvation"?

Seriously, I hate getting those. I've gotten notes like that posted to my car windshield. I generally ignore them and toss them in the trash. It's when they start coming to the front door that I really get annoyed! I suppose you should be thankful they haven't shown up at your door.

posted on May 10, 2004 05:44:27 PM new
I do not think your customer is waiting on an answer.

Read the short book of Romans in the Bible and then you will understand where they are coming from.

Afterwards you might not be so annoyed, when you see they were just trying to be friendly.

posted on May 10, 2004 06:18:11 PM new
I surely would not go along with anything concerning God if I was not serious about it. I think you answered the question when you said how you felt about the situation. I do have to say that there is very few people out there anymore that would even bother asking and that is sad.

posted on May 10, 2004 06:22:19 PM new
my mother always told me: "never talk about politics or religion"

otoh I used to do a VERY early morning paper route and once the mormans built a church down the street they felt it was their obilgation to come calling on me once a week. I finally asked them the address of their preacher/minister/whatever because I wanted to go knocking on THEIR door at 4 am in the morning and wake them up like they did when they knocked on my door at 10 am.

They quit coming.

honest, I don't have anything against anyone of ANY religious background or not of any religious background! Just don't wake me up when I want to sleep to share your fevor.

I am non-demoninational as is my husband. Our relatives think we are going to h*ll because they are the chosen ones.....
posted on May 10, 2004 06:43:32 PM new
glassgrl; sounds like your re4latives are J.H.W

posted on May 10, 2004 06:58:26 PM new
You would have to be catholic to appreiate this.Back in 1963 I used to go to CYO and met my high school sweetheart there.CYO is run by priests.At the same time I was in public school taking 'religious instruction"
once a week..and by this next statement you know I wasnt paying attention.One night we were at CYO dancing quite closely and the priest comes over and says "could you two seperate a little and make room for the holy ghost" I stood there stunned and said to her ..the holy ghost?? who the hell is that??

Today,I as you probably can tell,Im not much into religion.I only to to church when my wife makes me, which is Christmas and Easter..like the half of the Catholic religion. Last August I retired from the St Police after 36 years of working nights,holidays and weekends and Im really looking forward to having a normal life.I wasnt retired 2 days and the damn doorbell rings at 10:00am on a Tuesday morning.Im really annoyed as Im watching an Untouchables episode and thinking who the hell could this be ringing my doorbell at 10am in the morning...Dont these people have jobs???? I opened the door and its two women and by the looks of them, I wasnt about to get lucky,nor did I want to.The first thing out of their mouths was "were from the Watchtower" and then I thought,sh.t not these As.holes,why did I open the door? I know from expierence these people DO NOT take no for answer.Before they could get another word out as I didnt want to be lectured I ran this off the top of my head."Look ladies,Im not very religious,I have no interest in it-I only go to church twice a year-when Santa Claus comes and when the Easter bunny comes-I dont believe in all that hocus pocus about some dude walking on water and the wholly moses parting of the red sea,to me these 2 dudes where the biggest scam artists of the last 2,000 years.
I cannot be saved and I know Im going to hell,but quite frankly Im going to enjoy it-have a nice days ladies..as I closed the door.Those were my exact words-maybe a little harsh,but that was last August and not surprising they havent been back since.

posted on May 10, 2004 07:06:35 PM new
"I do have to say that there is very few people out there anymore that would even bother asking and that is sad."

Yep. And just look at the responses here to see why. The lady in the O.P. probably thought she was doing a good thing and look at the ridicule.

What's the harm in dropping a note in with the payment? Most people will toss it- but if one or two people DON'T toss it, and actually THINK about it...

However, I have to agree about the obnoxious door-to-door people. My best line is "Sorry, I can't talk right now- I'm busy in the basement sacrificing a goat!"

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on May 10, 2004 07:09:39 PM new
"Sorry, I can't talk right now- I'm busy in the basement sacrificing a goat!"

LOL !!

posted on May 10, 2004 07:10:11 PM new
sanmar: JHW - nope. Southern Baptists.

My neighbor said if you tell them you are a member of NRA "they" won't bother you anymore.
posted on May 10, 2004 07:12:29 PM new
There was no need to disparage your buyer because he or she wanted to share their views with you. You could have tossed the slip in the trash.

posted on May 10, 2004 07:16:54 PM new

What's the harm in dropping a note in with the payment?

There is no harm at all in it, But!!

You should Neverimpose your beliefs on others.
It can be offensive!

posted on May 10, 2004 07:36:02 PM new
Huck Finn prayed & prayed for dat new fishing pole...when it donna come, he abandoned religion


[ edited by tomwiii on May 10, 2004 07:36 PM ]
posted on May 10, 2004 08:15:35 PM new
The last time they came to my door was 2 years ago. Our previous puppie (135 lb Rottweiler) went to the door with me to greet them. I have no idea what they were saying. He was barking too loud and they were running too fast for me to hear them.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on May 10, 2004 10:15:32 PM new
Actually, the quote from Marx is this:

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." - Karl Marx

He was really more of a poet than most would believe..

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them."- John Wayne/The Shootist"(from the novel by Glendon Swarthout)
posted on May 10, 2004 10:37:41 PM new
was he one of the Marx brothers?

posted on May 11, 2004 08:52:39 AM new
MAH645 I agree with you..... most folks could care less about others, or their eternal soul.

glassgrl You said: “"never talk about politics or religion"

Many folks feel that way, perhaps this buyer is merely following what the Bible tells us to do in Matthew 28, when it says:

Matthew: 19 "(19) Go therefore and (20) make disciples of (21) all the nations, (22) baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, (23) I am with you always, even to (24) the end of the age."

Personally, I have never enclosed such a note, nor would I, it isn’t my style. BUT, I do sign ALL OF MY LETTERS business and otherwise with: Go With God, I also use a comment prior to the close of the letter which says: Thanks, and wishes for a Blessed Week.

It is amazing how many folks respond in the positive, write merely to comment on my above comments and closing, and are so pleased to find another believer.

I have only had a problem one time, and the buyer refused to purchase the item they won because of my “Go With God” closing. It wasn’t a major loss, after having used this closing on thousands of e-mails. Personally, I feel responsible to do what the Bible and my Lord told me to do, and if others don’t like it, sorry.

And NO I am definitely not a JW or a Mormon, I’m just one who takes the Lord at His word, and He instructed to me share the gospel.

Personally, I don’t see any major issue about such a note, I’d consider it, as another person mentioned, just as you would a political enclosure. All the buyer is telling you is she/he cares, there is no reason to take offense.

My Boss Is A Jewish Carpenter! [ edited by jwpc on May 11, 2004 08:54 AM ]
posted on May 11, 2004 08:57:02 AM new
And all this time I thought you were Jewish JWPC!

OP - Personally, I don't think you need to respond at all - it seems to be a rhetorical question.
Sig files are too much trouble!
posted on May 11, 2004 09:15:38 AM new
My problem with religion is what it creates "In the Name of God"
All of the Holy Wars
Death and hatred in Ireland
Death and hatred in the Middle East
Death and hatred in the United States
Albania, Yugoslavia, Tibet, Soviet Union, etc. etc.

Oh, and all those devoutly religious figures who came to save us all the while sinning...

Or those that teach us virtues...all the while gambling.

Or my neighbors who keep telling me that I will burn in Hell if I don't get saved because no other religion will secure me a place in heaven except their religion.

I am just so tired of people who claim to have Christian values and yet are racist, intolerant and judgemental.

Whatever happened to - Judge not, lest ye be judged and Your relationship with God is private one??

posted on May 11, 2004 10:00:11 AM new
Dat's one smart Penguin!

I've always believed that the greatest FREEDOM is NOT FREEDOM of RELIGION, but rather, FREEDOM from RELIGION...

If one wants to believe that an Angel with an Italian name dropped in upon a 14yo boy in upstate NY, depositing some golden tablets with translating rocks, that's fine by me -- just KEEP IT TO YERSELF!

posted on May 11, 2004 01:01:21 PM new
It's not religion that creates all those wars, Mr. Penguin, it's people who pervert religion. Christianity teaches love, forgiveness, forbearance, and peace, all things totally antithetical to war and the other things you mentioned.

It's amusing but sad to hear people trot out that old line about religion being a bad influence on the planet. How about all the wonderful things created in the name of religion, such as hospitals, universities, charities, art, music, etc.

Would the world be better off with more Mother Teresas or more Donald Trumps? More Jean Pauls or more Dick Cheneys?

posted on May 12, 2004 08:01:27 AM new
Christianity is a relationship NOT a religion

"People who don't want to go to Hell are religious. Christians have probably been there and know who showed them the way back."

Being religious and being a Christian are not necessarily one and the same. And certainly, being religious and being Heaven-bound are not necessarily the same. I've heard it said that religion is man's effort to reach out to God. Jesus is God's way of reaching out to man.

Did you know that technically speaking, Christianity is not a religion? Religion says that if you live according to a certain standard of righteousness and goodness you will please God and earn your way to heaven. The Bible does not teach this. There is a different way to salvation offered through scripture. To be awakened to the Biblical way of salvation, a person must first be confronted with the impossibility of living a Godly life by perfectly following certain rules or laws. In other words, being religious does not and never will save a person's soul.

My Boss Is A Jewish Carpenter!
posted on May 12, 2004 08:15:25 AM new
have only had a problem one time, and the buyer refused to purchase the item they won because of my “Go With God” closing.

You only know of one problem. There may be many others that have remained silient but will never do business with you again.

Interjecting religion and/or politics into business is poison.

Ever wonder why big businesses steer clear of these issues ? It is a no-win situation. For every customer you may pick up that agrees with your position, you'll scare one or more away.

posted on May 12, 2004 08:22:43 AM new
It's not religion that creates all those wars, Mr. Penguin, it's people who pervert religion.

Yeah right. And who decides who is perverting the religion and who is not ? Whose interpretation of the religion is correct out of the thousands of different interpretations ?

LOL !! The religions have wars to determine who is perverting the religion !!!

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