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posted on February 2, 2001 01:19:49 PM new
Got questions?
Ask 'em!
posted on February 2, 2001 01:30:13 PM new
Hiya SilkMoth - I do not think about the various patterns so much. "Bucket" and so forth I mean. Sorry. I also do not see a grand trine in your chart. A grand trine is three planets placed 120 degrees from each other forming a triangle, so a trine is 1 and a grand trine is 3, and further they have to be tied to each other. Make sense? 3 trines willy nilly in a chart also do not make a Grand trine.

On the Mars aspect I take hard aspects in a chart (opposition and square) from MARS to show that the person potentially ACTS (Mars) against themselves.

Mars with the Moon is going to make emotional volatility - but also a tendency to ACT against your own emotional nature.

The Venus Pluto is a potent combo, and POTENT is the exact word I want.
Before you get too far, get in the habit of reading the HOUSE when looking at a planet or an aspect.
In your case, Venus Pluto is in the 11th house - and so experimental, unconventional, rule breaking.. very NOT repressed - likes to shock.
Venus is art of course, and so it goes.

posted on February 2, 2001 01:44:19 PM new
Hi VM. Dont really have a question, just wanted to say HI

Oh...um...unless you wanna tell me when my smooth salin' is supposed to commence that you were talking about before. Take a peek at my chart again...maybe you read something wrong in there

posted on February 2, 2001 01:51:13 PM new
Nuts and bolts question.Settlment(s)when?
(Month that may be close)Im ready

posted on February 2, 2001 01:53:48 PM new
Okay, guess I was thinking the big Moon - Jupiter - Saturn triangle was an example of what they called a grand trine.

How do you know if they are tied to each other?

I'm still having trouble with the fact that the houses don't correspond entirely with the signs, and each house has a ruling planet which probably isn't in the sign it appears in the natal chart, so that affects things also. Yep, it fits!

It's kind of interesting that the Moon is over there in 5th house all by itself. Emotional nature detached? Or is that too simplistic?

not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on February 2, 2001 02:19:42 PM new
Maui - answer posted on Full Moon thread
junque - settlement as insurance?? Is this what you are asking?

SilkMoth - your Moon is not off all alone. Hell no - it is tied to Mars. Look at the numbers.
Moon 4 Pisces straight across from Mars 4 Virgo constantly hotting it up.

On the Grand trine, I see it now. I use tighter orbs and so it did not show up. Sorry about that! I have the orbs in my software set to about 7 degrees for a trine, and your planets the orb is more like 9 and so no line is drawn. The trine is there, it is just weak... Things that reeeeallly drive the life are found in closer aspect.

On the houses and signs and planets...
It is simple really and will gel before you know it.
Aries - 1st sign, 1st house, Mars
Taurus - 2nd sign, 2nd house Venus

and they do share qualities. The differences are subtle.
Example - Gemini/3rd house/siblings/Mercury/mind/communication

All of that is interchangeable.
Example -
Mars in what ever sign you have it...
When in the 3rd house has Gemini tone and this is also the area of life where it "acts".
See, there is really nothing tricky.
Were you here for the last thread?
Think like mixing paint.

Mars in Virgo in the 9th =
1 part Aries, 1 part Virgo, 1 part Sag
Aries = Mars
Virgo = Virgo
9th house = Sag

Mars in Aries in the 1st house =
3 parts Aries
Mars = Aries
Aries = Aries
1st house = Aries

These subtleties is why people are so cool.

posted on February 2, 2001 02:25:26 PM new

posted on February 2, 2001 02:30:46 PM new
Yes, I was here for the whole of the Chattiness thread, but I just read with interest, didn't study the math along the way as you talked with others. I am going back to that one and re-reading, making notes, but still have a long way to go.

Mixing paint is an excellent metaphor (but then, you knew it would be). I'm working on a table to help make some of the basic terms relate to each other more visually.

As for the chart, I am using the plain vanilla Astrodienst chart and didn't realize it used a looser orb. Knowing that is relatively weak is helpful too.
not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on February 2, 2001 02:34:59 PM new
Okay junque - I don't know what you are talking about but just look at your Scorpio.

T Uranus is transiting all that..
Venus / Money
Mercury/ contracts
and Uranus of course being expect the unexpected.

N Uranus in the 6th -- all this tedious work and duty about it being disrupted.
The big thing I would suggest is to try not to twist up in a knot like a Virgo (6th) house which would harm the health!!!!
Take the chaos and try to channel into a positive Virgo pursuit.

The other thing to consider is that Mercury is going Rx soon and so whatever you are waiting on is likely to be better off concluded in 3 weeks or so.

I hope this is what you were asking
I understand you 1/2 the time.
Your Neptune is conjunct my Mercury. See what happens.

This is the beginner thread, so..
junque's Neptune, planet of NEBULOUS CONFUSION
is on top my Mercury, planet of the thinking mind and communication
and so the best I can do is take a stab into what I perceive as her fog!!!

posted on February 2, 2001 02:42:23 PM new
junque's Neptune, planet of NEBULOUS CONFUSION
Oh sure....Tell everybody!

posted on February 2, 2001 02:45:29 PM new

Many, many thanks for the beginner thread! And for the teacher who is willing to spell it out in words of one syllable!

not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on February 2, 2001 02:46:41 PM new

Well you know what Silk Moth?
Everyone wants to have a grand trine and they are nice because you can always escape there
Your real acute talents are found with the hard aspects along with your problems.
You can take a trine for granted, but you can make the hard aspects soar.

On the paint, I just have to do something to obscure the math.
I married not one but two engineers. Not only that, I dated at least 40 others.
It is so strange, they like me and I like them. Anyway, the reason I mention is I was taking an advanced (for me) math class and my first husband was sooo excited.
He got out some of his old math texts (I know, I know) and he was telling me "after you learn this, you can learn this and this.." and I was backing away and then moving faster and further and pretty soon, he was pretty much chasing me down the hall waving a math book.
It was surreal, and also nightmarish for me.
I would rather mix paint.

posted on February 2, 2001 02:49:25 PM new
Oh and for the record, the paint mixing was on an earlier thread, or perhaps it was in private mail I was writing to someone back then for all I know. I do not keep track of things like that very well - it is the job of my husband to know where things are

posted on February 2, 2001 03:00:10 PM new
What is Chiron? What does it do?

posted on February 2, 2001 03:24:00 PM new
Hi snowy - I am not fully up to speed on Chiron. Here is the bit I do know.

Chiron is new and not fully understood by astrologers. There is not a complete consensus as to what it signifies in a chart and the sign it rules if any. Very simply it has not been around long enough, but people are researching.

The largest group of astrologers at this time feel that Chiron signifies a "wounded healer" and perhaps will show itself to be the modern ruler of Virgo.

I personally do not understand it well enough to use it when interpreting charts, but I have read astrologers who expect Dubya to fall apart next year during a rough Chiron transit and I will be watching.

As for on the web - Chiron is this astrologers passion..

Click the door on the page and he gives a pretty straightfoward interpretation.

posted on February 2, 2001 03:28:30 PM new

This is a better link.. straight to the meat regarding Chiron.

posted on February 3, 2001 03:45:42 PM new
Hey VM (how is the kid?):

I've got a 'general' question....I used that link from the other thread (the online 'reading') and I've been checking my daily horoscope in the paper (stopped doing that years ago when I read the 'prediction' from the day before and it was WRONG).

Anyway, how accurate are these things? I must admit, I saw some things the 'hit' (on the online one) while others....well, I just couldn't relate.

Also, and kind of related.....it is my impression that what you are saying is that the 'stars' (for lack of a better term) show (dictate?) what will happen and what 'moods' people will be in (ie, how they will handle something). Is that correct? If so, what happens if people are taking (or doing) something that changes their natural mood?

Also, what if someone is 'hidding'....that is avoiding an issue (lesson?)....will that issue be 'skipped'? Delayed?

What if a person TRIES to change themselves? For example, the tendency for Gemini's to lie? What if I (as a Gemini) have a friend who just can NOT lie.....what if I try to adapt her style for dealing with things? Will it work?

I've been trying to get a handle on what all the terms mean (believe me, I'm not even close)!

posted on February 3, 2001 04:18:14 PM new
Hey VM (how is the kid?):
Don't ask!
She had her pal stay over night last night and was a perfect pain, the memory has not yet faded![worry]

The accuracy of a sun sign column is limited and I think I can explain why you might see a "hit" sometimes.

One of the ways that these are written is by looking at the condition of the ruler of the sign (For Virgo and Gemini - look to Mercury) in the sky, as far as the aspects go and then writes from that perspective.

Now if Mercury in the sky is getting decimated and it is acute - what is written may very well resonate with Gemini and Virgo Suns,
what if the aspects to Mercury are flaccid BUT Venus is in an acute condition in the sky...?
Well, if you are a Virgo with a Taurus (ruled by Venus) RISING and you happened to read the scope for TAURUS - then chances are excellent that you would have found it more relevant.

Also, and kind of related.....it is my impression that what you are saying is that the 'stars' (for lack of a better term) show (dictate?) what will happen and what 'moods' people will be in (ie, how they will handle something). Is that correct? If so, what happens if people are taking (or doing) something that changes their natural mood?

I think that the conditions in the sky color the mood of the collective - like from the other thread - I think that the collecting craze is over as the planets leave Taurus.
Now I am not sure if this is what you are asking, but people absolutely have command of themselves -it is the universe around them that is out of their control. IOW - you can be handed a depressing situation, but this does not mean you have to become depressed about it. Some people would have a tendency, others would have an easier time opting out..

Also, what if someone is 'hidding'....that is avoiding an issue (lesson?)....will that issue be 'skipped'? Delayed?

I don't think so.
Back to the example in the other thread about the drunken driver.
You get a clue and then a bigger clue and eventually you get knocked on your butt.
This is a song as old as time, we have all seen it play in our life and the lives being lived around us.

What if a person TRIES to change themselves? For example, the tendency for Gemini's to lie? What if I (as a Gemini) have a friend who just can NOT lie.....what if I try to adapt her style for dealing with things? Will it work?

Yes I think so. It is not that Gemini's MUST lie, it is just a very easy way to keep things interesting, which is the real thing they are trying to do. Most definitely a Gemini could adopt a personal policy to never tell a lie in a personal relationship or whatever, but very frankly I think they would find this egregiously difficult, and so the "shading of the truth" would begin.

To some Gemini -- (who do not have Scorpio needless to say) "kissing" someone is not cheating..
You can extrapolate from there I don't want to get moderated.

Anyway - after a day or two it would be like "oh bother" being honest is bore..
The other thing about Gemini specifically is that they are quite sophisticated thinkers and so they could intellectualize their way into seeing a lie as the truth. IE - "Surely there is more than one truth..."

posted on February 3, 2001 06:52:25 PM new
Hi VM, just signing in so I can get this thread e mailed to me..
Makes for relaxed reading while waiting for things to load on my snail modem.

posted on February 3, 2001 06:59:56 PM new
Makes for relaxed reading while waiting for things to load on my snail modem

I am amused at this Joan.
Like, you are on a beach with a tropical drink being leisurely entertained.
Next time someone tells me that I am too intense I am going to send them to you.

posted on February 3, 2001 07:27:35 PM new

This is my favorite Sun sign column on the web - updated on Wednesdays and written by Rob Brezsny.
Besides being a great astrologer and a terrific writer - he has the added distinction of being the only astrologer that I have ever read that is really good to Virgo.
If you are a Virgo - he is most definitely the guy to read, because he has an uncommon grip on the nuances of the sign.

Also, in general...
always read the scope of your rising sign as well as your Sun sign.

posted on February 5, 2001 05:54:11 AM new
My other life (teaching) has had a hold on me for several days and will for another couple, so I've had no time to find new questions. That will change by midweek; in the meantime, I'd hate for this thread to sink unnoticed.

Back on Wednesday.

not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on February 5, 2001 04:47:13 PM new
VeryModern - this is in reference to your comment in the other thread on the current pattern. How does one cast a current chart? Go to Astrodienst and use today's date, or is there a better way?

in passing (I should be printing out handouts)...
not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on February 5, 2001 04:54:37 PM new
VM: I don't know if this thread is only for general questions....but dang it, I need a word with my 'star lady'!

Can you take a peek at my chart and see if something really ODD is going on right now? I don't know what it is....I feel good, have had some good things happen (like a call from the April Fool guy)....but I can just feel it in my bones....something is up! It's driving me batty!!

posted on February 5, 2001 05:21:54 PM new
Hi SilkMoth - I think at Astrodienst the default chart is "Now" so you just have to put in your location.

even faster - try here:
The chart that pops up is NOW and you can personalize to your location if you want. If you go now, you will see the tight t-square.

Lotsafuzz - that is a little vague to be able to answer, because feeling "weird" to you would be different that what I could consider weird and I don't know which weird you mean. Could be the full moon, Jupiter and Saturn going forward, the T square in sky causing frustration for the collective


Besides T Uranus through your 7th that I wrote about it - one thing going on for you now is T Neptune in Aquarius trine your Sun and applying to conjunct your Moon. This is going to be a most profound transit and it is possible that you are feeling the edge of it roll in.

In my head - this is the short and snappy section, for people who do not want to hear me blather, so if you want me to go into to it - full moon beckons!

Full Moon Feb 8th btw @ 19 Leo.

Edit to add link to Full Moon thread. Parent of Astro 101.

[ edited by VeryModern on Feb 5, 2001 05:37 PM ]
posted on February 5, 2001 09:33:40 PM new
This is going to be a most profound transit and it is possible that you are feeling the edge of it roll in.

I was trying to figure out how to describe what I'm feeling.....and the words 'on the edge' kept popping into my mind. Not so much 'ON' edge....but on THE edge. Excited....about to piddle in my pants....worried....thrilled......

So, what do you mean by profound? Should I start digging a bomb shelter? And how do I keep this 'thing' that is rolling in from rolling over me?

Why is it I can hear you saying, "Damn it, lotsa! I'm a star person not a shrink!!"

posted on February 6, 2001 05:29:27 AM new
Hiya lotsafuzz - the excitement / expectation is Uranus most likely. When you can't sleep - that is Uranus, when you don't want to get out of bed - that's Neptune..!

The main thing with your chart right now is your love life. It is not really this simple but every transit to your chart right now can be tied to your love life / Venus and Mars / Love and sex / What you love and how you get it / Money that you want.

T Jupiter is in Gemini heading to you conjunct your Sun which will bring Jupiter expansion and opportunity .. hot up your natal Jupiter which is in the 9th house ready to go! J
Jupiter T the sun, at the very least a Big (Jupiter) Ego (Sun).

In your case, N Jupiter in the 9th conjuncts your Mars and squares your Venus Saturn conjunction in the 12th.

This translates to a TON of raw male energy, Big Desire (Jupiter and Mars conjunct in Aries in the 9th). Where ever *it* is, you want to hunt it down and conquer it. There is no think - just do - this is very natural male urge and at it is best for that matter.


This energy runs up against Venus / Saturn in the 12th in Cancer which is a whole different story.
Venus in Cancer gives mother love, conjunct Saturn add the father is in there too. These are authority figures and so you see the clash with the animal in the wild above whose passions are inflamed. Result frustration - exasperated by the Saturn / Mars square in the sky (matches your natal situation).

Just to keep it all manic - toss Uranus in the mix (T your 7th house - Venus) that is cravvvvving excitement and change, and this my dear is what you are coping with

If you have a chance to travel, do it. Even a short trip - eat dinner on the other side of town will help. Get moving.

posted on February 6, 2001 05:57:02 AM new
I thought I could make this clearer lotsafuzz.

Mars Jupiter in Aries in the 9th is sure they will land on their feet,top of the heap.

Venus Saturn in Cancer in the 12th is afraid of a horribly rainy day that leaves them homeless and sacrificed for the needs of others*.

* note this is a FEAR not reality.

Right now Jupiter has the ball and is trotting with it, and starting to pick up speed.
Makes it bigger and bigger and bigger.
Venus Saturn response is also increased in proportion.

posted on February 8, 2001 04:50:21 PM new
Wow this is all so cool! How can THIS Leo get in on it??


posted on February 8, 2001 04:58:49 PM new
This is thread for quick Q&A about astrology.
"Full Moon = Increased Chattiness" is for more thorough interpretation.

If you want me to look at your chart email data (birthdate, time, city) to [email protected]

I cop to being highly interested in seeing your chart being as you exude so profoundly.
That is a compliment!

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