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posted on February 8, 2001 07:48:56 PM new
Just because I do not agree with you does not mean that I do not have a heart. I care very much what happens to this country and it disgusts me that so many people have so little moral fiber. A 12 year old rape victim is going to get all the counseling she needs, you give me one example of a 12 year old child who was raped who did not get what she needed. Lets see, I am hearltess because people should take responsibility for their owns actions, but you people who think it is okay to murder a child just because it is not born yet are the very soul of what I should strive to be? Where is all your compassion when it comes to the unborn? Most of you "liberals" don't believe in the death penalty because it is cruel to those poor "victims of circumstance", but yet it is okay to murder an innocent? That makes me sick, and as long as I live I will never understand it.

I don't agree of disagree with Bush's proposal, I have not had time to read enough on it to see what it entails. People deserve a leg up, not a handout. I want my money to go to education and children. Not the lazy welfare moms with no ambition besides popping out another kid to increase their check. I am done debating this with you, for this was a thread about an Assasination attempt on Bush, not abortion, welfare, or counseling. I believe there is another thread dedicated to just this topic. Go there and argue with someone else, I am finished.

posted on February 8, 2001 08:52:05 PM new
snowydays said:
" how many times does someone have to f**k up before we just let them deal with their own problems?"

...judging from your posts, the answer is "zero times".

Has it occurred to you that not everyone is physically able to work triple shifts? There seems to be little in your posts which indicate an awareness that not everyone has your skills, abilities, parents, and credit cards. Let alone belief system.

posted on February 8, 2001 09:32:17 PM new

You ask:

Where is all your compassion when it comes to the unborn?

I ask:

Where is yours? You certainly haven't done a thing for the unborn fetuses with any of your shrieking, and worse than that you advocate the continued slaughter of pregnant women by illegal and haphazard abortion procedures which have accounted for some 78,000 deaths in the last year alone, as I understand it, procedures deemed necessary by those women in their desparate situation. You would send them, and their unborn fetuses to their deaths with a stern but meaningless scolding all the while complaining about even one red cent of YOUR tax money going to activities which might save both, or at least one in each case.

In short, behind all of your personally protective rhetoric, is there an iota of charitable spirit in you at all?

Remember, talk is cheap.

exchanged 'think' for thing'

[ edited by krs on Feb 8, 2001 10:38 PM ]
posted on February 8, 2001 10:13:14 PM new
Abortion is here to stay, it is going nowhere. 78,000 deaths in the last year because of illegal unsafe abortions? Where did you get this information? Any woman can get an abortion for around $100 if it is done in the first month, around $200 in the second month. There are clinics everywhere to get them. I have said before that abortion is preferable to seeing a child grow up and be abused, or worse.

As for charitable spirit, I received an award last year from the Chamber of Commerce for my work with Feed the Children, Toys for Tots, the Thanksgiving Food Drive, the annual Thanksgiving Dinner. I organized a dinner for the father of two small children who was dying of cancer. When I have the time I deliver meals for Meals on Wheels, and visit everyone out at the Senior Center. I believe that if you have the means you should give something back. You don't know sh*t about me.

Yes, talk is cheap, as you should well know with your close to 10,000 posts.

posted on February 8, 2001 10:14:30 PM new
Not the lazy welfare moms
Uh oh, better tell J.K. Rowlings, the author of all of the Harry Potter books, what a stooge she is because she was on welfare.

What gall to lump ALL welfare moms together... unless you know the individual circumstances, who the h@ll are any one of us to judge?
Sure, there are those who abuse the system and I do not condone this but there are those who are truly in need. There are homeless children in this country scrounging through garbage cans for a meal. And I've personally met some women at the abused women's shelter, where my eBay clothing that doesn't sell goes once a month, that have had to leave their homes with only the clothes on their back, unemployed, with children to feed. Do I sneer and call them welfare rats? No, such callousness is not in my soul.

And here here krs!

posted on February 8, 2001 10:17:09 PM new
Oh, and just to get back on topic... remember the day Bush took office? There was a thread here in AW where I said 'wonder how long it'll be till someone takes a shot at him'... guess the answer is 'not long'.

Now the question is: 'Wonder how long it will be till someone ELSE takes a shot at him?'

posted on February 8, 2001 10:30:36 PM new
Oh, and snowydays:
I don't agree of disagree with Bush's proposal, I have not had time to read enough on it to see what it entails
Thank you for the honest answer. And I mean that.

There is another krs thread around here somewhere with a link to Bush's say on the matter.

posted on February 8, 2001 10:33:44 PM new

OK, just so long as we can know where you are coming from, thank you.

I take it then that by:

"I have said before that abortion is preferable to seeing a child grow up and be abused, or worse"

you feel that "it is okay to murder a child just because it is not born yet?

That number came from here:

By the way, I'm sure that with "Yes, talk is cheap, as you should well know with your close to 10,000 posts" you were not intending to make a personal and insulting remark to me, but were speaking in general terms, right?

posted on February 8, 2001 10:42:01 PM new
Maybe I shouldn't mention this, but I believe that Feed the Children gives food to food pantries that exist simply to feed the hungry.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that neither Feed the Children nor these food pantries require an accounting of how many "welfare moms (or dads)" use these food pantries because they just don't want to see their kids go hungry.

Just didn't want anyone to inadvertenly support those people "who pop out babies just to increase their checks".

Yes, tongue is in cheek.

posted on February 8, 2001 10:59:33 PM new
Snowydays said "you give me an example of one 12-year old who was raped and did not get what she needed".

Ever heard of children being sexually abused by family members? Many small, rural communites have no mental health workers, no family counselors, no rape crisis center, nothing except general practitioners who certainly aren't trained to deal with this type of scenario.

What the 12-year old needed was to never have been raped in the first place, but once that happens, society owes that child a debt to give her as much help as possible, even if supported by our precious "tax dollars".

Clinics aren't "everywhere", and not everone has access to needed services. Having grown up in one of these areas (and I return often) I can personally attest to this fact.

Children, rape victims, pregnant teenagers and others don't get the services they need in all areas of the country and now Bush wants to make even more of these services unavailable.

When I was 14, a classmate of mine (also 14) jumped off a bridge into a dirty river and drowned herself. She was pregnant and had no one to turn to, so two lives that may have held a lot of promise were lost.

Perhaps some would see this child drowning herself and her baby as taking responsibility for herself, but I only see a tragedy for which I have and will continue to feel sorrow.

But, I guess Bush would say at least she didn't become a welfare mother and she and her baby weren't a drain on society, again wasting our precious "tax dollars".

Before anyone asks, no I am not making this up.

posted on February 8, 2001 11:01:34 PM new
No more of an insult to you than any of your comments were to me.

I have also said that it is hardly the childs fault that their parents do not work and subsist on welfare. I would do anything for a child that needed my help and intend to take in foster children as soon as I am certified.

When was the last time you were in the grocery store and were behind the lady using food stamps who used them all on wasteful junk that would not last a week or two? Then she has to go to the food banks to be able to make it for the rest of the month. I do not believe in foodstamps, I believe that parents should be given vouchers for good healthy food and supplies of everyday items like toilet paper and toothpaste. I am not against children, I am against those that keep repeating the same viscious cycle of welfare, abortions, drugs, alcohol.

No, I really don't believe in abortion except for in the case of a child, rape/incest, or the mothers life is in danger. Do you know how many people out there would do anything to have a baby? I can see no reason at all, other than those listed above, why a baby could not be given up for adoption. I do mean that though, since abortion is legal and it will never become illegal again it is preferable to see a baby aborted then to be abused or killed. It is not something I like or feel is "okay" just the way it is with the way things are now.

Say what you will about me, when it comes down to it, I do care, I have made a difference and I sleep very well at night knowing that I did something good for another person.

posted on February 8, 2001 11:32:00 PM new
Adoption -

According to this site:


"As of March 1999, The United States Department of Health and Human Services estimates that as many as 117,000 children currently in foster care need adoptive families".

With 117,000 children waiting for adoption, I would think those people who "would kill to have a baby" would have a lot of options open to them.

Edited to fix link

[ edited by jada on Feb 8, 2001 11:34 PM ]
posted on February 9, 2001 01:33:39 AM new

"it is preferable to see a baby aborted then to be abused or killed"

Fascinating. So you would abort a pregnancy because there is a potential (sorry Pat) for the resulting child to be abused or killed? Begs a question, don't you think--why then not kill them all?


"I would do anything for a child that needed my help and intend to take in foster children as soon as I am certified"

Well, not quite anything, as you've made no mention of your willingness to adopt any of the thousands of available for adoption children already in foster homes (see above), but you are quite willing to enter into the rather lucrative business of providing a foster home for some of them while they wait. I guess that would constitute a level of choice in how YOUR tax dollars are spent.


"When was the last time you were in the grocery store and were behind the lady using food stamps who used them all on wasteful junk that would not last a week or two? Then she has to go to the food banks to be able to make it for the rest of the month. I do not believe in foodstamps, I believe that parents should be given vouchers for good healthy food and supplies of everyday items like toilet paper and toothpaste".

I find this to be a very thoughtless rant, (even without that portion which seems to say that toilet paper is one of the food groups) because, in the first place it is my understanding that foodstamps ARE vouchers for food, and in the second I cannot see any indication that you have enough empathy to realize that those parents who use those stamps to buy what YOU term "wasteful junk" may only be trying to provide their children some small modicum of happiness and parity with more fortunate children by obtaining, perhaps only occasionally, a box or two of fruitloops or dinosaur crackers--things that they otherwise could not afford.

posted on February 9, 2001 07:00:45 AM new
The letter written by Mr. Pickett (the shooter) to the IRS Commissioner:


His problems, with the IRS, seem to have begun in 1985.

posted on February 9, 2001 07:26:39 AM new

Now, now, Linda K. You trying to stifle those happy chortles of glee???

posted on February 9, 2001 07:28:37 AM new
"lucrative business of providing a foster home for some of them while they wait"

Foster care is a lucrative business?

posted on February 9, 2001 07:57:19 AM new
Yes, inside, it certainly can be. I had personal relationships, through a previous marriage, with a couple who made foster care their sole source of earned income. The state and federal subsidy for enterprising people so engaged can br extraordinary. These people were payed approx. $800. a head per month and were able to take in ten children at a time, two to a room, in their home. That is some $8000. per month, or $96,000 per year. The husband in that household worked outside the home,unreported, and the wife and her eldest daughter provided for the cooking and cleaning. They liked the arrangement so much that they had added extra bedrooms in order to get more kids.

Unfortunately for them, the daughter had picked up a new source of income at the airport (the child of a woman who was in prison and gave birth there), and when she arrived home she heard the phone ringing and rushed inside to answer that, leaving the kid in their van. It was a hot day, and the kid died.

That put a stop to their great racket.

what is spelling

[ edited by krs on Feb 9, 2001 07:58 AM ]
posted on February 9, 2001 08:02:46 AM new
Morning Toke - Yes, I guess so.
It took a lot of tongue biting on my part (self moderation) not to say much more than I did.

While I didn't like a lot of things that happened under the Clinton administration, and I feel he brought a lot of shame and disgrace upon the office of the president, I NEVER would have wished for some to try and shoot him.

Guess I just have trouble understanding how people can be so hateful they'd wish that upon anyone. Disagreeing with anothers politics, sure....wanting someone to murder them and stating there's still another four years left to do so......boy.....

Glad you asked??? hehe

posted on February 9, 2001 08:46:13 AM new
$800. a head per month ? Must be some of that California economics.

Here, foster care providers are doing good to get $100 - $125 a month, which does not realistically cover the food and clothing and educational needs of a child. I know a few people who provide foster care and they do it because they love the kids. They don't adopt because they are older. Instead they provide temporary care for kids being shuffled about due to parents in jail, gaurdianship issues, child abuse issues...

Not everyone seeking to help children are out to rip off the system or make money.

posted on February 9, 2001 08:50:41 AM new
Morning, Linda K...I share your sentiments. I'm seldom shocked by anything, but I was on this thread...kinda nice to know it can still happen from time to time

I do admire your restraint.

posted on February 9, 2001 09:36:23 AM new
Frist of all, I don't see a particular glee in posts about Bush being assassinated. As I said way back in another post, the man needs more protection, because there is much hate towards him.
Sure we may joke about it, but I don't think any one here would actually want to see the man dead. However, in reality there are people "out there" that would think that way.
What about Sadam? How many times has it been said, "we should have finished him off the first time"? I never saw any one say, how terrible to say such a thing. I'm sure his followers think he's wonderful, and think people that want him dead are wrong.
I'm all for getting this idiot out of office, and will voice my opinion of that over and over. The way to do it is to make sure he only has a one term office, by voting him out.

posted on February 9, 2001 09:41:57 AM new
One particular post by one person did seem to express glee.
posted on February 9, 2001 09:51:22 AM new

I believe you're misunderestimating the general concernedness over the welfarity of Saddam the Great and Magnificent...

posted on February 9, 2001 10:35:52 AM new
When it was first reported that there was a confused, middle aged man in the bushes near the white house, Letterman noted that there was
one "in" the White House also.

About child care...

My daughter pays way over 800.00 per month.
We are in Maryland, near Washington.


posted on February 9, 2001 10:53:53 AM new
concernedness over the welfarity SOS! Toke now talks like bush!!!

Hi Toke
Gosh Shosh!

About Me
posted on February 9, 2001 11:08:40 AM new
Hi Shosh!

I have to give credit to jamesoblivion...I stole his "misunderestimated" Bushism and winged it from there. I love to make up words anyway...I was born silly...

posted on February 9, 2001 11:16:24 AM new
Let's see: does "misunderestimated" mean that one underestimated one's underestimate???? Waving at ya

Hey! May be we will all survive the next 4 years though the use of humour, non?
Gosh Shosh!

About Me

[ edited by Shoshanah on Feb 9, 2001 11:18 AM ]
posted on February 9, 2001 11:21:53 AM new
I hope so, Shosh I know that the things that made me angry, no longer do. I have to laugh at the extremists on both sides - can't help it. This is good! Prevents ulcers and an evil disposition...

posted on February 9, 2001 11:38:23 AM new

Good Advice!!!

Yesterday, I was accused of thinking like
Hitler. So, I'm trying my best to laugh at


posted on February 9, 2001 11:54:59 AM new
OT remark about bush: his winking is driving me bananas...I expect it will soon be accompanied by a tsktsk click of the tongue-sound...Now, THAT is class...

Ok folks, back to business as usual tsktsk
Gosh Shosh!

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