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posted on March 26, 2001 09:53:08 AM new
Hi All!

I know some of you believe in spirits and some of you do not. Either way, please read on .... (I have changed the names of the girls)

My niece Jill is 13 years old. She is a very sweet child, one of my favorite people in the world. She is very close with my 10 year old daughter. She tells me she loves staying at my house - she feels so comfortable and so safe.

She stayed over my house a few months ago. While there she told me she has a "friend" who tells her stories when she cannot sleep - and who visits her in the night. Unfortunately, her "friend" is not of this earth. Her name is Lucy, and she tells Jill she is 20 years old.

The night Jill was staying at my house after she told me about Lucy I went downstairs. My daughter Sue came running downstairs, crying that Lucy was there. She was very traumatized by it. When I went upstairs, I found my niece with her head under the pillow, crying and shaking. The room temperature had dropped considerably. Upon questioning my child, she said that she had heard the high pitched voice before, in Jill's bedroom. The voice then had said, "Hi, Sue, Jill has told me alot about you." Sue said she ran out of the room - but never told me.

I could feel the presence in the room but it did not attempt to communicate with me. I took the girls downstairs and put them on the living room floor so they could sleep side by side. As Jill was lying on the floor I sat beside her, trying to calm her down. Both girls were crying and shaking. I could feel a presence behind me. She said what scared her most was that Lucy had followed her. She did not know how she found her at my house - she had not told Lucy how to get there - and I live about 20 minutes away. When "Lucy" came to my house she said "Hi Sue. I came to say goodnight to Jill."

I saw Jill again this weekend and she wanted to sleep over. She couldn't do stay, however, as her mother had made plans. Anyway, Jill and Sue were in the bathroom doing makeup (you know how it goes at that age)... and she was telling my Sue that she is really afraid. She said "Lucy" will now even wake her up to talk to her.

Her parents do not believe her. I called my brother again this weekend to tell him to please look into this.

Quite frankly, I am very afraid to get involved here. I know that by attempting to make contact I am crossing that thin line. Sue has since refused to sleep in her room and has been terrorized by this.

Jill has told me she has seen indentions on the bed and in her closet where "Lucy" was. This is not an isolated incident. A relative of theirs who lived just a short way away had problems with a spirit attacking their child and leaving marks. Sue tells me a boy that is a friend of Jill's and lives a few streets over has seen a spirit in his home, too.

This is all in a trailer court. Jill's home is only a year old. I have not been in her home since she told me about Lucy. Knowing she will probably try to communicate with me, I am very scared.

Does anyone know who to turn to here? Maybe because this child is someone I love it is scarier for me. According to Jill Lucy has been around her for 3 years now.

Please don't send the men in the white coats ...

[ edited by mrssantaclaus on Mar 26, 2001 01:08 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2001 10:37:10 AM new
There are many many documented incidents of pre-teen and teenagers having 'friends' or 'poltergists'--that with further investigation with hidden cameras have proven to be the total fabrication of the child that the entity is 'focused' on. There are many reasons for the child to create the spirit---most being quite harmless, including the attention it brings to them and the power they have over the people the frighten.

You may want to look into that also.
posted on March 26, 2001 10:38:59 AM new
I have something similar that has been happening in my home for the last year. I do not believe in that kind of thing, but my 8 year old is going though the same thing. Our house is over 100 years old and things have not been right since we moved here. When it started she had never heard of such things as ghosties etc. I do not know where this is coming from, and certainly would not have believed it had I not seen some of it with my own eyes. Good luck to you and let me know if you come up with something.
I shudder about the people who don't shudder at all.
posted on March 26, 2001 10:39:04 AM new
I think I would start by making a trip to the library or ask questions around--there must be some information about how/where this girl died. That might give you some insight as to why she is still lingering and has chosen to follow Jill.

It does not sound like moving would be the answer if she has the ability & will to travel.
posted on March 26, 2001 10:42:19 AM new
You mention it happening in a fairly new trailer. The house is not neccesarily a factor like a haunting.
The niece is probably involved in an activity that is an approuch to such spirits. although it could be something to do with an object if they have inherited something or acquired something used. It could be activity introduced from a school mate. use of fortune telling objects such as Ouiji boards, tarot cards, runes tiles and books. Thinks having to do with Vodoo or Animism such as African figures and dolls. European things such as Powwow objects, icons and hex signs such as wheel of fortune. Oriental
objects to do with the martial arts and deep meditation that uses altered states. People involved in hypnosis and drugs that also alter their mental states also weaken their
approuchability. Any of those sort of things acquired or change at school or in her household since this has started? Maybe you have not asked the right questions yet of the niece. Have you directly asked her why her friend is there and what started it?

[ edited by gravid on Mar 26, 2001 11:00 AM ]
posted on March 26, 2001 10:50:55 AM new
---and for research tool for the skeptical part of your brain

posted on March 26, 2001 10:56:15 AM new

posted on March 26, 2001 11:23:08 AM new
Next time you see Jill tell her to ask "Lucy" what she wants. Maybe she will tell Jill and she'll just leave her alone.
What if you tried to get Jill, your daughter and yourself together somewhere like your livingroom and confront the spirit (when you knew she showed up) and ask her why she hangs around and maybe politely tell her that she is scaring you and the girls and if she would leave everyone alone.
Anyway good luck and keep us posted as this may be interesting!

posted on March 26, 2001 11:26:27 AM new
Your niece is at the right age (puberty) for poltergeist activity. Things I've read in the past have said that such activity is often unconscious on the part of the kid who may really believe that there is a ghost or some other agency causing all the problems. Whether conscious or unconscious, the activity stems from the child herself.

posted on March 26, 2001 11:26:43 AM new
The child has not been near a Ouija board - and is genuinely scared. She tells me, however, that Lucy would never harm her. She tells her stories whenever Jill cannot sleep. When I asked Jill which ones she tells me they are the usual children's stories: Little Red Riding Hood, etc. She found out her age by simply asking her. Lucy doesn not appear to be a spirit in an pain - she merely likes this world. I wonder if perhaps she died suddenly and just doesn't realize that she is dead.

The funny thing is sometimes Lucy will tell Jill she is going to the bathroom and leave the room. I asked Jill if she heard anything then and she said no.

I am wondering if perhaps this trailer court is built on some sort of burial ground. Lucy, however, appears to be fairly recent death - she seems modern in her ideas.

posted on March 26, 2001 11:33:28 AM new
e-mail me, and I will put you in touch with someone who is a well known expert on this type of thing.

He has written many, many books on the subject, and has worked extensively in the past with programs like "Unsolved Mysteries" and "Ripleys- Beleive it or Not"

edited to remove his name.

[ edited by Pocono on Mar 26, 2001 12:01 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2001 11:34:09 AM new
Sounds like a friendly ghost.


posted on March 26, 2001 11:37:53 AM new
Read this:


posted on March 26, 2001 11:43:25 AM new
The AW Round Table
A place to kick back, relax, and have fun! Share a story, discuss a poltergeist, tell a joke, learn about exorcisms, write a poem, make a friend...

posted on March 26, 2001 12:03:45 PM new
Remember that the salem witch trials were started because of girls around this age. It's a heightened sense of something that media has been trying to bottle and resell for generations!
I think, IMHO, that anything is possible.
My sister and I are hard core cynics. BUT in boarding school my sister in her darkened dorm room, was approached by a "sister" of the order who lived in the buildings around the 13th century.
We still get nervous when we talk about it.
It could be that she is in need of attention, it could be that there is something else in her life that is frightening her: a bully at school, a scary walk home, etc. Kids are so vulnerable and yet parents sometimes can't get a wedge under their ass to get off the sofa.
And never underestimate the attention that a precocious child is capible of stirring up. She may just need to get more excited about school, sports etc.
It may be hard, it may be a challenge, seeing as how the parents are really the ones who should be paying attention.
OTOH, maybe she knows they don't (to the degree she wants them to).
BTW I had an invisible friend as a child, I am mensa now (big whoop) and think that the kid is brilliant for pulling off a coup of sorts, she has totally gotten everyone to buy into it.
That kid is probably BORED solidly stiff at school. She should be a writer etc. Maybe she needs a program after school like that to focus that creative energy.

I say a cold draft is a cold draft. A clever kid is a rare gem.
good luck!

posted on March 26, 2001 01:04:33 PM new

Please email me

[email protected]



posted on March 26, 2001 01:21:53 PM new
Talk to Ed and Lorraine Warren. They're in Monroe, Connecticut. Pretty sure they're in the phone book. They specialize in exactly this sort of thing. They're very nice people. I've met them at a lecture. They run the New England Association for Psychic Research (I think it's called that).

(Didn't see Pocono's pre-edited post, but I'm pretty sure the person he mentioned was Ed. Had to be Ed, LOL. But I don't think they'd object to their names being posted, on account of they've been all over the media and have numerous books written about them.)

[Edited to add: According to what I've read in their books, Ed is one of only seven "demonologists" in the country, the other six being priests. I don't know who certifies demonologists, though ... ]

[ edited by spazmodeus on Mar 26, 2001 01:27 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2001 01:26:49 PM new
OK, here's a twist ....

What if I go to my niece's house, talk to her, find she is really neat ...

.... and make a new friend?

Edited to add:

Sorry -- I am just trying to inject a little bit of humor into a very real subject.

[ edited by mrssantaclaus on Mar 26, 2001 02:32 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2001 01:30:09 PM new
I'd say that you could use a friend, wherever you find one.

(hmmmmm, image wouldn't appear....)
Cheaper than a shrink.
[ edited by krs on Mar 26, 2001 01:35 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2001 01:33:22 PM new
OK, here's a twist ....

What if I go up there, talk to her, find she is really neat ...

.... and make a new friend?

I may be skeptical about the existence of ghosts, demons, UFOs, lake monsters, and so forth ... but when I read something like your last post, mrssantaclaus, I find my belief in trolls is reaffirmed.

posted on March 26, 2001 01:34:43 PM new
My fave quote from pocono's site:

Or you could just enjoy your ghost. "I know many people who say that their ghost is company for them, or it does helpful things. Most ghosts are just lost people, not hostile or violent spirits. If you were a good person before you died, you'll probably be a pretty mild-mannered ghost."

Becky, reread my post, before you start calling in the ghost patrol, look at the kids life.
All jokes aside, she's a brilliant kid taking you all for a ride. Which is not a bad thing, she's probably smarter than the average bear. It's hard to admit that sometimes.
[ edited by capriole on Mar 26, 2001 01:37 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2001 01:36:59 PM new
Spaz---silly!--Satan certifies them
posted on March 26, 2001 01:45:40 PM new
As a fan of the ill-fated Chris Carter (X-Files, The Lone Gunmen) show Millennium, I can't help but be reminded of the demon on that show known as "Lucy Butler" who had a habit of befriending little girls and boys.

[ edited by spazmodeus on Mar 26, 2001 01:58 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2001 01:49:01 PM new
posted on March 26, 2001 01:49:07 PM new
Oh spaz, I never watched those shows...
Damn! sucked into a troll thread!


posted on March 26, 2001 02:00:53 PM new

Millennium is shown every night at 1 am EST on the F/X Network. No time like the present to acquaint yourself, lol.

posted on March 26, 2001 02:07:35 PM new
Hey Spaz!!!----Millennium was taped right here in my home town.

posted on March 26, 2001 02:16:48 PM new
Zazzie, no kidding? Frank Black's big yellow house is there on Ezekiel Street? (although I imagine Ezekiel Street is fictional)

posted on March 26, 2001 02:19:17 PM new

Any behind-the-scenes stories to share?

posted on March 26, 2001 02:19:21 PM new
there is no Ezekiel Street but there is the Big Yellow House---I can't remember the real street name--but I could find out.
I think it might be something boring like 2nd Street
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