posted on January 13, 2001 12:38:07 PM new
featherwings: I saw your posting on the board about Paypal and ExchangePath. I came upon it quite by accident as I've never looked at the message boards before. You say that you got your problem with ExchangePath taken care of? I was wondering if you could help me out? Who can I contact? I've had some money tied up there for the past month and have sent numerous emails (with nothing but automated responses). Can you help?
posted on January 19, 2001 10:19:07 PM new
EP is done. There is a thread in here, someplace, where we learned about it. We predicted this (to ourselves) when they froze everyone's accounts. They needed to make as much on the float to cover their be-hinds and it didn't work. Ours was frozen, too, but we , somehow, got it taken care of after 2 phone calls. Others haven't been so lucky.