posted on May 11, 2003 04:44:06 PM new
Hello baylor45,
In going into Post Sale and searching for combinable items. Only two items came up "3607137261" & "3607137263" did these two come up when you tried it?
posted on May 11, 2003 04:46:31 PM new
Hello baylor45,
The reason the third item did not come up was because it was over two weeks ago that that item was won. If you change the setting to 30 days. All three items show up as combinable items.
I did not want to combine them for you because I am not sure what you want to do regarding WBN and shipping for the item. The items are available for combine. Go to the Combine Items section in Post Sale. There is a drop down to the right where you can select up to 90 days -- choose that option and all three auctions will come up. You can then go ahead and combine them.