posted on May 13, 2003 10:55:45 AM new
I am very happy with Vendio, have been for a few years. The only problem I have is with choosing shipping options. My example: I use USPS. I like to offer Priority Mail which of course is calculated, and Parcel Post which is not calculated. When I am listing an auction a number has to be put in my Parcel Post slot. I was doing 0.00 but people were assuming that Parcel Post would be free. I now put a bunch of 9s in there. Is there any way I can adjust this better. Will Vendio be calculating Parcel post sometime. That would be such a huge help.
Thanks for listening,
I will log a suggestion with Product Development for calculated shipping for Parcel Post. I do not know if or when other calculated options will be available. It is best not to put zero in there for shipping as people will think you are offering that for free, so what you are doing seems to work well for you.
posted on May 27, 2003 11:34:03 AM new
I just had a lightbulb come on!! I also was faced with the problem of not being able to put the first class rate in because you don't know how much it's going to cost if you don't know where your shipping it to correct!?!?! I just went and checked my preferrences and clicked on the option to NOT automatically send the winning bid notification. That way I can go update it with the correct shipping amount and send them the checkout process. Best option I can think of so far but it would be great if Vendio would make that an option to it's customers! Beats having to send multiple emails out to people trying to explain to them that they have to go back and pay the first class mail shipping because you are NOT biting the costs. Hope this helps and happy eBaying!
[ edited by justmeplus3 on May 27, 2003 11:34 AM ]
[ edited by justmeplus3 on May 27, 2003 11:35 AM ]
[ edited by justmeplus3 on May 27, 2003 11:36 AM ]