Of course, the stars are there just to keep an image from showing in this message.
I'm assuming I need to change "auctionwatch" to "vendio"??
Aside from that, what am I doing wrong? I do have the pictures in an auction I've saved to work on later. Would that make a difference? I could delete the pictures from the saved auction?
posted on May 20, 2003 03:51:00 PM new
Christopher: Thank you. I did EXACTLY what you said to do, and adding the "img" stuff at beginning and end and it still doesn't work. Could you:
1. See my first posting in Ebay Outlook, titled "Help - need to post a picture" and tell me if I copied wrong?
2. Take a look at my pictures in image hosting and tell me if there's a glitch I'm not aware of?
I'm about to give up--very frustrated right now--and other users are trying to help and it's not working for them, either!
This would be the correct URL. Just click on any of your images in the image hosting section, then right-click on it, click on 'properties' and it should give you the direct link.
posted on May 20, 2003 04:09:10 PM new
Christopher: The big problem is that when I right click on the picture, nowhere is the word "properties" for me to click on! There is a drop-down box with all sorts of stuff, like "copy image location," "view info," etc. I don't know how to translate "properties" into what I need.
In desperation, I'm going to try what you used above, which is what I"ve been trying to use, and see if it works now:
Holy cow. All I changed this time was using the capital "W" for Washstand. Could that have made a difference?!!!
[ edited by Roadsmith on May 20, 2003 04:14 PM ]