posted on September 2, 2003 10:38:21 PM new
I had an auction end recently and the high bidder informed me today just prior to shipment of their item that they do not want the item. I have filed with ebay and refunded the buyer's payment thru PayPal. However in Vendio, the auction with the bidder's name, etc. is in my Post Sale group. Is there a way to delete their info and to relist this auction listing?
This is the first time I have had a buyer back out after going thru checkout, payment etc so I'm not sure how to go about the relist since I did have a winning bidder on this particular one.
Thanks for any help you can provide me!
posted on September 3, 2003 07:57:03 AM new
Just a follow up to my previous post and question...I answered my own question and found the answer through the "edit" buyer function in 'Post Sale' this morning.