posted on September 3, 2003 07:28:13 PM new
The new customizable templates are letting me generate such great new designs that I would like to delete some of the old ones from my "Saved Templates" file, to keep the numbers manageable -- including some of the original "template 01, template 02" listings of static templates that I never used because of their layouts. (I resaved them in the layouts I wanted.) Before the template workshop was put in, there WAS a way to delete unused "saved templates" but I never really cleaned my file, because when it wasn't growing so fast with new additions, it didn't seem necessary. Can someone tell me how to do that now? Thanks!
posted on September 3, 2003 07:41:18 PM new
To delete a custom template, go to My Account -> Template Preferences. Scroll down to the Saved Templates section. Highlight the template(s) you want to delete, and click the Delete button.