posted on September 3, 2003 09:12:59 PM new
Just tried listing an oriental brocade jacket to Ebay x'x 2 tonight. Keeps getting error out. Last message was ERROR 475. Please help me to get this item listed. This is getting very old with all this work to list items and then they are errored out. What is wrong with the catagory tree?? Ebay or VD??? The new listing page is terribly long with all the new additions.
posted on September 4, 2003 08:35:41 AM new
Hi Shadowwand,
The next time you get this error, can you leave it in Pending for us to look at? I see you have a bunch of items scheduled so if it happens to one of them, please leave it in pending.
posted on September 4, 2003 08:46:20 PM new
I had 3 auctions to error tonight due to invalid category specific selections. I listed them by not selecting any specifics and they launched. All my launching problems occur after 8pm PST. I really belief this problem is in VD not Ebay. With all the new changes and the Ebay stores something is not working properly or you have not updated the category tree to Ebay properly.