posted on September 11, 2003 06:31:24 PM new
GGGRRRR! My auctions are all ending RIGHT NOW and there's NO pictures! So much for those last minute bids : (
posted on September 11, 2003 06:34:17 PM new
yup, mine are missing from my listings too
Please fix this.
[ edited by ehansen on Sep 11, 2003 06:35 PM ]
posted on September 11, 2003 07:04:18 PM new
sunnyjo & yourfleamarket1,
I just checked both of your active listings, and all are showing the images in them. What are you seeing in place of the images, a notice saying they are not available, or?
Also, verify that you are talking about the images within the listing itself, and not that iPix eBay image that shows up in the upper left hand corner of the listing?
posted on September 11, 2003 07:05:27 PM new
Same question, all of your auctions are showing images currently. What are you seeing in place of the images, a notice saying they are not available, or?
Also, verify that you are talking about the images within the listing itself, and not that iPix eBay image that shows up in the upper left hand corner of the listing?