posted on September 11, 2003 06:13:02 PM new
I have uploaded 5 images today. 4 of them show up, but the 5th isn't there. I have tried to upload it again, but the screen says that I have already uploaded it. The file is Thimblehorse.jpg. What is wrong here?
[ edited by sanmar on Sep 11, 2003 06:28 PM ]
posted on September 11, 2003 06:28:09 PM new
Now none of the images are available. They show up in Managing Images, but can't put them on the auction. What the HelX is going on??
posted on September 11, 2003 07:09:06 PM new
All of your images are still there, they just may not be where you are looking.
sanmar - your image titled 'Thimblehorse.jpg' is in your list, however because of the case/capitolization difference, it does not appear where you were expecting to see it.
As previously announced, we will soon be releasing several new image hosting features, including watermarking, zoom viewing functionality, and an undelete feature. We are in the process of making some changes that will help accommodate these new features.
Some users may notice a change in the image sort order in image hosting and on the create listing pulldown menu. Image sorting is now case-sensitive, and follows the format of numerical filenames first, followed by upper-case filenames, with lower-case filenames last in the list.
This new method will allow substantially more flexibility and control over managing your image list. We look forward to releasing the new image hosting functionality shortly.