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posted on November 20, 2003 04:32:27 PM new
I have accidentally listed an item twice- I have all my auctions set to automatically relist when ended-

How do i get it to end without it relisting 5 times- like I have it set to do- and my being charged 5 times from e-bay for my mistaken listing-

Any ideas


posted on November 20, 2003 05:19:37 PM new
Hello Terry,

To disable the automatic relist function, take the following steps:

-Click the Active link in the left navigation bar in Sales Manager.
-Click the check-box next to the items you wish to disable, and select the 'Set Auto-Relist' button.
-Click the down-arrow key under the "Times to Relist" column. Select the blank line (top entry in the menu.)
-Click the "Submit" button. You will not see a confirmation, but the circular auto-relist icon will be removed from the Sales Manager list if you successfully disabled the function.

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