posted on July 14, 2004 02:43:54 PM new
I know there is alot of glitches going on right now because of all the changes.
I have just discovered that I cannot launch anything to my Ebay Store. Tried two as new listings and one from inventory...all three error out with the following message:
"Error 83: Invalid duration.
The auction duration entered is not in the list of allowed auction duration values. The duration of an Ad-Format listing cannot be changed."
All three were checked to launch to Ebay Stores and had the listing duration of GTC.
I deleted the three, clear my cache and tried to launch again, same message.
With several pending auctions scheduled to launch tonight...???? What do you think we can expect to happen?
posted on July 14, 2004 04:21:28 PM new
Hello gottaluve,
We're looking into this right now. I will post back when I have more information, as I don't see a problem with your listings that would cause the error.
posted on July 14, 2004 06:14:01 PM new
We have located the source of the problem, and we have engineers working to resolve it now. We will most likely be able to release the fix within a couple of hours, but due to the nature of the problem any listings created before the fix is released may still error. Unfortunately, this may mean re-creating the scheduled listing(s) from scratch once the fix is released. I am not absolutely sure on that point, but will post back once I have more information.