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posted on January 24, 2006 12:50:02 PM new
Hello. I went to revise my ebay "ME" page and there was no logo--just a red x where it should have been. The only Vendio imagehosting folder I had images in was my logos folder, and all were set with the default to autorenew/never delete and doublechecked. About a month ago when I looked they were all still there and the defaults for autorenew were correctly set on all the images.

Today my Vendio imagehosting screen shows no images in that folder, none in any other folder, none anywhere in my imagehosting account, and none in the recycle bin. All my Vendio images are gone--that means all my logos and pics in my ebay and other non-auction pages have been absent for who knows how long. The images were all uploaded less than 3 months ago when customer service transferred some from my previous account--if you have a record of that service ticket it will give you the date of the first of 2 days I completed the original upload.

What happened to my images and how can I be guaranteed that if I upload images again your imagehosting service will be reliable? I can't host with a company that deletes all my images without warning and without notification. Thank goodness I wasn't running auctions so it is only my logos, icons and decorative graphics that are not available.

Apologies in advance if the images are tucked away somewhere I cannot find them, but if that is the case why are they also absent from their designated web pages if they are hidden from my imagehosting screen views but being adequately hosted? The hosting code wouldn't have changed--they should pull into the remote web pages if they are still being hosted even if I am having trouble finding them or seeing them with my browser.

I am not having trouble viewing Vendio images on the web otherwise nor problems with viewing seller imagese on ebay, but I do notice other Vendio sellers sporadically have missing images (no preview image or primary picture) in some of their listings but not others even though their ebay gallery image is showing for the listing correctly.
posted on January 24, 2006 05:03:12 PM new

First, note that the images missing from your 'ME' page aren't hosted at Vendio.

Your hosting the missing 'ME' images at auctionhawk.com.

Having said that:

Your image hosting preferences are setup with the auto-renew option disabled and the default duration to keep images not being used in active auctions at 45 days.

You can change your default image hosting preferences via the 'preferences' link along the left hand side of the Image Hosting page.

If the images in question weren't setup to automatically rewew and they were

If you had manually reset the 'autorenew' function for that specific group of images to automatically renew, and there are no images in your account or recycle bin, the only other option would be that someone with access to your account logged in and manually deleted them.

[ edited by ChristopherCS on Jan 25, 2006 04:18 PM ]
posted on January 25, 2006 03:19:23 PM new
I realize your reply complete with blue smiley was intended to be cute, but it wasn't. It could have been if your assumptions had been correct, but they weren't. So...I guess I now have two choices. I can get all outraged and cancel my account, or I can just try again to get some help. Vendio's imagehosting has been spectacularly reliable for me for years until now. This is my first bona fide big problem with Vendio imagehosting and I really do need help, so perhaps we could just start over, okay?


To announce to the world that I host images at Auctionhawk you had to assume two wrong things--not just that I host there, but that they are not a reliable hosting service (because my page images were missing). Neither are true. Eons ago when I was not with Vendio I did 1 1/2 weeks of the 2 week free trial AH offers and hosted 2 of my ME Page images to try out their service. I deleted those images off their site and left without subscribing (couldn't live with their templates). My apologies for accidently doing a recent ME page edit with the AH version of html boilerplate code that I thought had been deleted off my computer long ago. But maybe it is a good thing I made that mistake because I never would have discovered my Vendio images were missing otherwise.

The 45 day defaults you are seeing are not my setting choices. That is the Vendio default choice for baseline account defaults.

When my image hosting account was reactivated there were no images remaining in it or the recycle bin, and the account image time default was set at 45 days. I created several folders to play around with for SMIE inventory, but only uploaded images to one of them--the logos folder. For each image in that folder and for the folder as a whole I set the defaults for autorenew. I subsequently revisited that folder twice--once the next day (10/26/05 because 10/25 is the last edited date on my computer logo file that I revised and uploaded on the same day) and once about a month and a half ago to double check that my images were there and the defaults for autorenew were still set correctly. They were.
That is what you would have found if you had checked my account then, and the images on my Me page hosted at Vendio were fine. The other folders would have still had the 45 day Vendio designated default choice because they had no images in them. Since the default time was irrelevant I had not bothered to reset the overall account defaults to the maximum time Vendio allows. But I HAD set the autorenew for all the images I had uploaded. This is not a case where I set my defaults for 45 days back in October and my images ran out, went through the normal recycle bin time, and deleted.

Less than 2 months ago my logos with their autorenew settings were still there and displaying on my pages. If you see 45 day default settings on my logos folder when you check my account, I didn't do that. Your software has had a glitch that has cancelled my settings and perhaps also deleted my images without a normal trip through the recycle bin so that my account has reverted to what looks like a new empty account (except the folders are still there).

About someone else logging into my account and resetting the settings, there is no one else on my end that has either access or ability to do that. I did have a situation at Vendio recently (that occurred after my last check on my autorenew settings) where a person from Vendio in customer service logged into my account and forgot to log out. While still logged into my account, business for other Vendio customers was evidently transacted from within my account and I don't know how much, or what kind, or over how long a time frame. I discovered it when a post appeared on the community board under my ID that looked like a customer service reply to a question asked by one of the users in a thread where I was not participating (I was just reviewing new posts in new threads and stumbled across it).
I emailed customer service privately with the post link and asked if the respondent in the post was the person with the same name from customer service. If so, how did a customer service response on the community board end up with my name on it as the submittor? That's when I was told he was checking something within my account and forgot to log off so was operating from within my account when he posted. I wrote back out of curiosity to ask what he was doing in my account since I hadn't had any posts or other incomplete matters pending with customer service for a couple weeks. That was never answered so I don't have a reference point for the amount of time he was logged in to the time of posting--or after that until my email was received which could have totalled quite a bit of time he may have been doing things for others from within my account.

It is a big plus to host logos and feel they are safe without always worrying about accidental auto deletion. As of now I no longer can trust that function of your software. Can you investigate this and help me, or do you think I should find somewhere else to host my logos just to be safe? I have to have software I can trust to maintain the settings I set. In sympathy to your situation, I realize you will only see the settings you access, and you won't have seen the settings that are no longer there, so it will always be easy for you to assume that we merely set our defaults wrong. At that rate, discovering a glitch like this may take lots of complaints and lots of months or years before anyone even believes it, much less finds the reason or fixes it.

Perhaps you could also please ask Abe if he remembers doing any imagehosting tasks for other customers around the time he posted under my ID. All of my other settings seem intact. Tell him if I accidently ended up with my defaults reset for another customer's needs while he was still logged into my account I won't be angry. I'll just be relieved that's all it was and try your imagehosting with autorenew settings again. Otherwise if everyone continues to believe I just set my defaults wrong, I'm going to have to go somewhere else for logo imagehosting because I'm not willing to have those settings disappear again.

Thank you very much for your time.
posted on January 25, 2006 03:49:48 PM new
Passed, the same thing happened to me in November. A whole batch that I uploaded and attached to my listings online (I do not use SMPro) disappeared. I got the same line from customer service. They said someone HAD to have access to my account and deleted them. They were NOT in my recycle bin, although others deleted earlier were. Mine were pictures for auctions. This was a month before Christmas when sales should have been soaring but Vendio never admitted a problem. I understand your frustration.

posted on January 25, 2006 04:03:32 PM new

I will have to review all of the details above as I have time.

First note that I didn't just guess that maybe you store your 'ME' images for eBay at AuctionHawk.

After looking into your issue, I checked your 'me' page and found the following:

Your not talking about a different eBay 'me' page are you? (perhaps for an account other than your passedtothepresent one?

My apologies if you already mentioned that, ive only been looking at your 'passedtothepresent' account thus far.

[ edited by ChristopherCS on Jan 25, 2006 04:21 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2006 04:08:24 PM new
Hello. Sorry for the delay answering back. Right after posting I had a medical issue come up that has kept me off the computer for several weeks.
I guess you didn't read the content of my reply post very well. The reason you assumed I hosted at AuctionHawk was because you pulled up these links you have illustrated and made an assumption that Auctionhawk was where I host images. The truth is that I host no images at Auctionhawk and the error was because of a then recent code update to the Me page I uploaded that had old auction hawk image code boilerplate in it. I explained that in my reply and and you simply ignored it.

So far you have ignored everything in both my original complaint and in my response to your mistaken hosting assumptions. I set all my logos in my imagehosting account with Vendio with autorenew settings and they were fine for a few months, then just like pixiamom mentioned above all the images disappeared and were not in the recycle bin either. Since I had quit checking the autorenew defaults because I had come to trust them, I would not have discovered all my autorenew images were missing if I had not updated my Me page accidentally with the wrong code. If I had seen images in my Vendio account I would have reviewed my Me page code, found the code mistake, and with fixing it all would have been well. But whatever code mistakes are in my Me page are irrelevant because it doesn't do any good to correct the image code to Vendio hosting code--I don't have any images hosted anywhere now. I host exclusively with Vendio and all my Vendio images are still gone.

Forget my Me page code and please address my problem. I still have no images in my Vendio image hosting account, all the images there were on autorenew and I did not delete any or change the defaults. They all disappeared without going through the recycle bin.

You said someone else had to have accessed my account for my problem with images to occur. Please also address my information that around that time Abe was doing business and posting from within my account under my ID for other customers by mistake and find out if he reset my defaults in a way that would have deleted my images. If he didn't, you have a serious and very major reliability problem in your new autorenew software default functions.

I need to know why the images disappeared and what to do to be sure that never happens again to either me or pixiamom. This happened before the recent outage during a time when there were no known outages. Please reply with some real responses to the real information and questions I have asked. I have given detailed information documenting the malfunction on my end. I am not willing to upload images to Vendio imagehosting if they are going to all disappear without notice and without going through the recycle bin.
posted on March 11, 2006 04:47:10 PM new

Our apologies for the miscommunication. We will be happy to pass along these details to the engineering team to check into further.

When more information becomes available we will pass that along to you directly.

posted on March 12, 2006 08:36:49 AM new
Thank you. I do appreciate that, but an open ended passage of it on to engineering to see if any details surface at some nondescript time in the future is not enough. I need an answer that is fairly definitive of what happened to my imagehosting account or I will have to hunt for a new image hosting service.

Does Abe recall either resetting another user's imagehosting defaults or cancelling another user's image hosting plan around the time he was accidentally doing business from within my account for other Vendio users? This is the third time I have asked about this without any mention of it being made in the replies. Have you asked him about this? What did he say?
posted on March 12, 2006 10:02:19 AM new

On 2/4/06 Abe posted a reply to a question of mine.

Here is the ID line: OhMsLucy posted on February 4, 2006 06:03:51 PM edit.

Notice it has my user ID.

Abe's post had to do with image hosting. If you want, I can provide a link.

posted on March 13, 2006 12:24:59 PM new

Abe isn't in today, so I will verify with him tomorrow that he didnt manually edit the 'auto-renew' settings for your folder of logo images.

I did find why he would have been in your account on that day by the way.

In this thread, Abe had logged into your account to verify your Vendio checkout preferences and simply forgot to log back out of your account prior to responding to your post. (easy to do, but we usually catch them and repost under our own ID's when we see it happen.)

posted on March 14, 2006 11:40:31 AM new
Hello passedtothepresent,

We resolved the "why were you in my account?" question via email on the 12/23/2005. I'm looking at our email thread right now. I was in your account investigating a checkout issue in your account.
I did not change your image hosting settings at that time.


posted on March 14, 2006 07:00:26 PM new
Hi Abe. Thanks. The question is not why you were in my account. The question is how much you did for other customers and what kind of things they were while you were still logged into my account (around the time you posted the customer service reply to someone else on the community board with my ID on it by mistake when it should have been your posting ID). There would have been no reason to reset my defaults--the question in my posts had nothing to do with image hosting. The question is did you reset anything for anyone else before I emailed you asking why you were posting under my ID.

If that is not the answer, maybe you can help me: I now have what I consider a very serious problem with Vendio. My most important images like logos and things I host and will be hosting on every page I run anywhere were entrusted to Vendio imagehosting and were set on autorenew default settings. The autorenew status of the default settings was double checked on more than one occasion several weeks apart. Then Poof!!! Everything was gone from my imagehosting account without a trip through the recycle bin during a time when there were no outages. I'm afraid to upload images until I know what happened. Can you tell me how I can be sure this won't happen again?
Thanks again.
posted on March 15, 2006 10:14:01 AM new
Just an addendum that scanning the board posts I am apparently not the only one reporting a similar problem. In addition to pixiamom who was kind to post earlier in this thread, I also found this one (offered in case it might help in figuring out the problem):
posted on March 15, 2006 11:32:46 AM new

Passedtothepresent, there would never be any reason for me to undo the autorenew setting for a customer. I did not accidentally undo your autorenew settings while trying to do it for someone esle.
Accidentally posting a messace center reply while being logged into another account is an easy mistake to make if you don't post the the message center a lot, which I don't.
I'm very sorry for your frustration, but I would never, in effect, set anyones images to delete in 45 days. Nothing would prompt me to do that.
I don't know why your images are not where you thought they were. It looks like Chris has escelated the issue to engineering and I will wait to see what we hear from them.

posted on March 15, 2006 12:30:44 PM new
Hi Abe. Thanks again. Since the 45 day defaults seem to be the defaults for a user arriving new to imagehosting, what it looked like was the imagehosting program deleted all my images and reset my defaults through some sort of glitch. The only reason the posting event came up was because the response I got was that someone else would have had to enter my account and reset them for me for that to happen.

It occurred to me that if you happened to handle a task for someone needing help to delete their images or to terminate their image hosting account while still logged into my account, perhaps I got my images instead of theirs cancelled by accident (and with no images there or in recycle the defaults perhaps reset themselves to 45 days). Didn't mean to imply you go around arbitrarily choosing day lengths and resetting peoples' defaults. Sorry about that.
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