posted on November 5, 2000 08:45:01 PM new
Hmmmmmmmm I have had very good luck with all the items I have bought so far. My hubby had me bid on an item for him the other night. An hour after the action, I receive an email. Great, I can pay. Only, something about the email bothers me.
"I changed my email address. Sorry for the confusion. Anyway, the total price for the XXXX is $45.I prefer to use paypal. My account name is so please send it as soon as you can. Thanks and please reply to let me know that you have recieved my message."
Now, he did sign with his first name. Using a free email account, the return name was the same as the user id one. Still, I wrote to the email address that was with the user ID, and finally wrote asking him to change the email address in Ebay, since he still has items for sale. It would be to his benifit, and would settle my mind at the same time. I haven't received a non-existant email for the one that is supposed to be changed, and no response from the one he had written from. His feedback is low, but all posititve. Any thoughts on this? I always include my address in my EOA letters, and other options. his only option was paypal. Do I dare try paying with Paypal, and using his last name to verify?
posted on November 5, 2000 09:17:24 PM new
You might try emailing the winning bidders on his past auctions, ask how their transactions went. I would also be sure to pay with a credit card, not a bank account or with existing paypal funds. You have some recourse with the C.C. if things go bad.
posted on November 5, 2000 09:38:23 PM new
Well, *L* it took a bit, but he understood my concerns and went and changed his Ebay email address. I feel better.