posted on November 9, 2000 04:28:58 PM new
I am looking for help in inserting human click into my preference page. Is there anyone out there that would be familiar with this. I already have it downloaded. I have tried just about everything. We might have to do this by e-mail. I couldn't get it to go automaticly could be that I didn't understand what url to use. Trying to cut and paste. This isn't working. You can e-mail me if you want. I am getting frustrated and really want this.
[email protected]
posted on November 9, 2000 09:01:30 PM new
Ummmm...okay, I will probably sound really stupid, but what is "Human Link"?
I assume full responsibility for my actions, except
the ones that are someone else's fault.
posted on November 9, 2000 09:36:25 PM new
I'll join ya Keith.
What is "Human Link" ????
Cornfuzzled Grapey
posted on November 9, 2000 09:51:23 PM new
Human Clicks
I believe this is a button you can add to a web page or website click it to talk or chat live.
I believe this is what they are refering too.
not sure you can add this to all your auctions though.
posted on November 10, 2000 06:17:00 AM new
www.humanclick.com is a unique program that allows other people to have live chat with you. As long as you have the Human click program installed in your own Web Site you can then go and link auctions and emails to your ability for this feature. The other people can talk to you without installing the program themselves. I would suggest going to the Human Click Web Site and asking for help with the installation process. They helped me get it up and running.
[ edited by ph44 on Nov 10, 2000 06:18 AM ]
posted on November 10, 2000 07:01:56 AM new
For one thing I do not have a web page and I have written them repeatly and they say I don't need one. I have live chatted with them and was told I had to be let go as they had to help with technical problems. I realize I am only one person and starting to thing not to bright at that. What I need is a person to send me step by step or show me how to get to your site so I can live chat with you.
[email protected]
posted on November 10, 2000 07:14:49 AM new
I have been using Human Click for probably about a year and I found it simple to install. You can visit my site and chat with me. The latest version lets you put Human Click right in your email so someone can "chat" with you right from the email. Visit my site or email me and I will try to help you out.
[email protected]
posted on November 10, 2000 10:52:15 AM new
What you are attempting to do [add humanclick to your auctions] is exactly the philosophy behind SmoothSale http://www.smoothsale.com
It's already done for you there
posted on November 10, 2000 11:09:36 AM new
Thanks everyone, I'm still lost this can't be that hard. All I want to do is install humanclick into my preference page so that it will be put into my auction pages.
posted on November 10, 2000 11:15:54 AM new
Once again up comes the fact that Human clicks is provided Free of charge.
Smooth sales is not free. problem here is most want something for nothing cant blame then I like this to.
I mean its simple if you want live transaction comunication it just as easy and cheap to add a ICQ message link or your Uni number.
Watch and see now that Smoothsales is out there Ebay will add a link to all auction like yahoo messanger and webmail for free or charge and offer all sellers to use ebay services for buyer seller mail the chat program will allow you to chat with buyers live when your online alert you when you have email let you know when a auction gets bids when they close.
also will alert you that you are no longer high bider and if you use the watch feature remind you when a watched sale is ending.
Im not jumping on this live chat bandwangon yet I feel very soon Ebay will offer it and I think they will offer it for free not charge since there is so many ways to get linked to free mail and chat programs.
may even offer a relist button for unsold items with it.
posted on November 10, 2000 11:51:43 AM new
I just went to humanclick.com and read installation for this service you wont be able to use humanclicks in your AW perfernce or you ebay action it seem since the JPG buttons must be Embeded in to your web site JPGs and gif must be hosted to add the buttons on AW or ebay you cant add them directly.
also it says to install these manually two links are required one before before the <body> tag how would the program place this link above AW or Ebays body tag when you dont have the password or user name to change HTML on there server.
I dont think this is going to work with out a website then you would just add your website to your Auction for live chat.
posted on November 10, 2000 12:15:55 PM new
[quote]Smooth sales is not free. problem here is most want something for nothing cant blame then I like this to. [/quote]
Actually, SmoothSale *is* free, and will be for at least 90 days. Then, when there is a charge the FVF will be LESS (2%) than eBay's FVF.
It is an interesting concept, but you are right, much mentality exists that says it has to be free.... sad but true. The axiom that you get what you pay for comes to mind.
posted on November 10, 2000 12:32:39 PM new
You Got It !
I certinly love free offers and in RL life though they are far a few between and alway some catch to them.
Over the past year and some dealing with MLM and the far more sucessfull online Auctions that these Online company play hard ball with Free offers by connecting the free Offer to checking banking and credit cards.
Exsample Paypal X.com ExchangePath
I use all of these and Now im brunt by X.com when I open a online bank this time its with a brick and mortar bank with On line services thats been around Free or Not.
I still offer paypal for the die hard hold outs but I push BillPoint as my service of choose.
I use to have all kinds I free website for my Online business attempts no luck I tried free domain registration with netzero what a mess they make your site .
Now registered and paid for my Domain name big difference in the look and feel of my site no outside ad banners My own Email address not just free web based redirect.
problem with this is I waisted 6 years promoteing the free site to get the hit there now it will take year to build the new Domains hits and search directorys dont work as fast or as well with million more sites listed.
listen to your own sound reason to be in business it cost $$$ to make money you must spend money.
posted on November 10, 2000 11:59:41 PM new
damn3... you are not correct. I have a humanclick button embedded on every one of my ebay auctions. It has proven to be quite useful. I have received multiple quick questions from people wanting to know one thing or another. It has been directly responsible for securing bids because people got their questions answered quickly.
Humanclick works in two ways. When you are around your computer you can set it to be online and it will provide a one type of icon on the user side letting them know you are around to answer questions.
When you are not around take your software offline and it will provide a way for the user to click and write you a message which you receive in your email. The email also lists the IP address of the person if someone decides to screw around with it and be annoying. This status shows a different message on the user side so they know they are just writing you a message.
I find it particularly useful because I have a DSL connection and can leave the software on all the time when I'm around. When someone views an auction a doorbell noise rings to let you know there's someone on that page. If they want to talk to you a telephone ringing sound plays. My personal favorite things about the item is that you get an incredible amount of information about the user. The most useful is that you can see what search terms they used to locate your page. I like that because I want to know what combination of words people are trying and adjust my titles as necessary.
As for putting the button in an auction, simply cutting and pasting their manual insertion text works just fine. Since I have highly formatted auction pages, I use my page layout software function to insert javascript source. For the average person the cut and paste into the auction text window will work just fine.
posted on November 11, 2000 07:23:23 AM new
avaloncourt can you get back to me by e-mail so I can talk with you. I think so far you will be the most help for me.
[email protected]