posted on January 30, 2001 12:47:37 AM new
When doing a search on ebay, and then clicking the link to completed auctions, there is no link on the completed auction page to click back to active auctions. There used to be a link there, now it's just blank. Or is this just me? This has been for the past many days.
posted on January 30, 2001 05:24:53 AM new
From the AB:
Date: 01/24/01
Time: 17:54:08 PST
**Enhancements to the Search Interface**
Dear eBay community,
You will soon notice improvements to our Search results interface that should make it easier for you to look for any item. These improvements include:
· A new control bar that will appear on the search result’s page just below the Search titles and descriptions box. The new bar will contain the following sort options: "Items ending first", "Newly-listed first", "Lowest prices first", "Highest prices first".
· A new "Search by Price Range" link that will appear on search result’s page just below the eBay official time link. By clicking on the link, you can find items within a specific price range. This filter is also currently available from the Smart Search page.
· A new triangle with searching tips will appear beneath the control bar if you have either fewer than 20 items or more than 200 items in your search results. If your search yields fewer than 20 items, we recommend that you search by title and descriptions. If your search yields more than 200 items, we recommend that you include words in your search. We are providing these recommendations in the hope that you will have enough, but not too many, items to view.
The improvements to the Search results interface are also being made to the eBay international sites, but will occur within the next several weeks. For a preview of the upcoming changes, please enter the following link into your browser:
We hope you enjoy the increased accessibility to our search tools.
Best regards,
I've noticed the same thing. I think they are probably working on the items above.
posted on January 31, 2001 07:00:12 PM new
I got a reply back from ebay about this problem, and they said that the link is no longer going to be provided ! Can you believe how lame that is? So now, when you click on "search completed items", you are now stuck in there with no simple way to get back to the active auctions. Unbelievable.
posted on February 1, 2001 02:29:33 AM new
ubeidaman --
Ummmmmmmm yes, of course I have a BACK button, but doing any kind of extensive searching in completed auctions would then require me to hit my back button a zillion times, using your computer savvy method. Doesn't make much sense to me.
posted on February 1, 2001 04:01:08 AM newyour search yields more than 200 items, we recommend that you include words in your search
Brilliant...I would have never thought of using words in a search.
I agree about the Completed Items search. Now you have to keep hitting the Back button to get back to where you started. It's confusing, especially if you went through a bunch of pages of Completed Items. Being able to sort them differently may help though, we'll have to wait and see.
posted on February 1, 2001 04:50:12 AM new
I noticed when I do a search for something using the "search for titles and description" that when the items come up, many say they don't have bids but when you click on them, they have many!
posted on February 1, 2001 05:17:23 AM new
Another thing to try: When you get ready to click on "Completed Items," right-click and got to Open in New Window instead.
This opens a second browser window with the Completed Items list, while leaving the Active list still open.
posted on February 1, 2001 05:19:25 AM new
When they get the new options completed, it will most likely be ok. If you are able to sort the Completed Items by Ending date, and have the most recent show up first, there won't be a need for going through so many pages anyway.
The new browser window is a good idea too. I'll have to give that a try.