posted on October 8, 2001 10:35:18 PM new
Well I am steamed! Is it a ebay violation to have a bidder bid on couple of the same item from different sellers, only to buy the cheaper one?
There was this one bidder, who outbids others and raises prices on this DVD that isnt worth much. She emails me saying payment on the way. Then 2 day slate,r does a buy it now. I email her, no reponse. Then I check bid histroy and see that she bidded on over 50 items, many of them winnign the same things form different sellers. 3 weeks later, no payment. File NPB. Starts to get goods on the CHEAPEST wins of the identical items, while getting bad. Feedback now 1 (2 neg, 3 pos). I finally filed FVF, figuring out she would be Nau'ed and NOTHUNG! I am stunned! She stiffed about 20 sellers and NOT ONE OF THEM FILMED NBPA/FVF! I emailed some and they email me saying, "she didnt pay, this costed me"! So I told them to file, and they didnt even know what I was talking about! All 20 of them whom i contacted! No wonder why deadbeats are stil kicking!
Another bidder, a ZERO with shade, does a BIN, then emails me saying "I am new, how can I trust you?" I said I have over 200 pos., no neg, you can trust me".Then emails saying "You sure you wount rip me off", I said "I wount". Then 2 days later, emails saying "I dont want it no more". I cheked bid history, and this person bought the same item for ONE DOLLAR LESS!!!! Man, I feel I should file NPBA. Auction is a binding contract, isnt it? I mean These 2 deserve a negative!!! I never gave a negative before, but I have reached my breaking point!
By the way, is it a violation of ebay TOS if a bidder bids on several of the same item, only to buy one?
PS Sorry for typo, I am just steamed! All these submission fees I will never see again! ):
posted on October 9, 2001 01:05:29 AM new
Some people don't understand the process. If they constantly bid on several of the same item and then don't pay for them, about all you can do is file an alert, wait for the necessary time, apply for a refund of the final value fees and leave negative feedback (although I wouldn't recommend leaving negative feedback until you've calmed down).
Most of these people will eventually get enough negatives that they will become NARU as long as the sellers do their part and file the necessary information with eBay.
Bidding is (supposedly) a binding contract, but unless it's for a large amount of money it's certainly not worth trying to collect it from someone who isn't willing to pay...
posted on October 9, 2001 01:13:52 AM new
well that sux, but yes, you should definitely file a npba and then file for your fvf refund. you're out the time, but at least not out the fees.
as for your question - is it a violation of ebay's tos - yes, as in if 3 unique sellers file for fvf then the buyer gets naru.
posted on October 9, 2001 04:31:57 AM new
Leave a neg. it will make you feel better In my 3 years on ebay I have left one negative and one neutral. It was hard to leave the first negative but I bet my second one will be easy. Before I left the negative I emailed the buyer several times because my negative would get them removed. They never answered so I did it and they were removed.Good Luck
posted on October 9, 2001 07:49:35 AM new
I recently checksd the feedback of a bidder who had a 50% neg ratio in every case his response to the neg was that the item was to high priced and he could buy it elsewher for less....HUH??
Needless to say I canceled his bid and blocked him
Some peaple just don't seem to get it
neg or not but defeinaitly file the NPB alert as that is the only thing that will get her removed.
spock here......
Live long and Prosper
posted on October 9, 2001 11:39:36 AM new
Getting someone NARU'd for not paying is a two step process. Most people file the NonPaying bidder form, then stop, thinking that's all it takes. Then after 10 days they have to go back and file the FVF form. At that point and only at that point, does the mark go on their record. Three FVF's and the person is NARU'd. But Sellers must follow through and do both forms.