posted on October 9, 2001 10:56:00 AM new
There was a thread here a couple of weeks ago about shipping videos. Seems several sellers shipped new, sealed videos only to have them arrive at their destinations damaged (poor color, no sound, blank, etc.).
All were shipped right after 9/11/01. The question was raised at the time about whether or not the PO was somehow using scanning equipment for security reasons that was damaging the tapes.
Just wondering if anyone has been shipping videos lately and if there have been any problems?
If the PO is using scanning equipment that is damaging videos, anyone know where to get thin pieces of lead to protect those videos?
posted on October 9, 2001 11:06:44 AM new
If the a package went through a scanner and was discovered to have a thin layer of lead, might not the post office treat the package as possible dangerous, like a bomb and throw it in a bucket of water???
posted on October 9, 2001 11:29:04 AM new
I have shipped over 100 videos since 9-11 and have not had any problems. They have gone to places all over the US and Canada and also to England. All have been received in perfect working order.
posted on October 9, 2001 06:53:31 PM new
If any of the Sellers had bought Videos from US Video or Front Line Video I could guarantee you THAT was the problem.