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posted on October 9, 2001 09:47:23 AM new
I have been getting emails all day from [email protected]. Each of these would re-direct me to some other site. I thought that was strange but did not pay it any mind.

About 30 minutes ago I receive another email from [email protected] with the title: PayPal has launched a new service! I clicked on it and the email read as follows:

"Dear PayPal users,

X.com and PayPal.com is inviting you to visit our new web site www.paypalebay.com
and check the newest service that we have provided.

By logging with your PayPal.com e-mail address and password you can setup
your paypalebay.com account that will give you some new options for online
auctions at Ebay.com .

Do not lose your time click here www.paypalebay.com and login!

Have luck at the online auctions at Ebay.com with your paypalebay.com account


Best regards,
PayPal Support Team"

I clicked on the link and came to a PayPal/eBay page. I thought it was that new check out system. I thought man they actually gave PayPal a crack at their new cart system. Anyway, I entered my email ID and my password. The page became static. I realized, after staring at the screen for 7.25 sec. that I had been HAD!

They now have my email ID and Password. I had to change the password on 6 accounts. Please be very careful with any unscheduled emails coming from [email protected]

Hope this helps a couple of people.

posted on October 9, 2001 10:34:38 AM new

Thank you for posting this to warn other users.

Please do not enter any site that is not www.paypal.com and do not give the user id/password information. Please report such sites to us immediately.

posted on October 9, 2001 11:35:48 AM new
Keep in mind that new people are being introduced to computing all the time. It's possible the above poster is new. No one was born knowing how. You were once new too.

Not my name on ebay.
posted on October 9, 2001 12:30:10 PM new
". Anyway, I entered my email ID and my password. "

IMMEDIATELY change your paypal password.

posted on October 9, 2001 12:49:21 PM new

{quote}People who click on such links and supply personal info or logins/passwords from other sites essentially GET WHAT THEY DESERVE..{end quote}

If you were the one that made that mistake, you probably would be saying that you got what you deserved.

As Valleygirl said, new people are not always alert to these scams and should be warned about them. Saying they get what they deserve is cold !
[ edited by outoftheblue on Oct 9, 2001 04:27 PM ]
posted on October 9, 2001 01:32:14 PM new

Bad enough they set up a password harvestor, but with a virus also. No wait, I got it now. They wanted to disrupt your PC with the virus, to delay you being able to kill or change your 'given away' passwords. HOW #$%^@
Hope someone has turned in this SOB to their ISP and the Internet Fraud site.

Good Luck to you Ivy
posted on October 9, 2001 01:33:30 PM new

I guess you add a sort of spice to the board. I find these boards very useful I hope others are not inclined to stay away by your remarks.

Hope you find another venue, one that would suit your inner child. I know I have learned a lot of useful information from others that expect and are not deterred by your remarks.

[ edited by IvysPrettyGifts on Oct 9, 2001 01:35 PM ]
posted on October 9, 2001 01:39:29 PM new
IvysPrettyGifts -- I think you are confused. Outoftheblue did not say anything untoward -- he was quoting from mrlatenite's nasty post (the contents of which are now gone).

posted on October 9, 2001 01:50:58 PM new
sun818 -

Well this is a first. The name and address you tracked seems to be real, or at least in the telephone book. Although it is probable some using a 'friends' name and address.

ivy -

You may want to give McGuirk a call and thank him for his HTML skills, and well as discuss other world event with him. His telephone number can be found in the White Pages that are available on the MS.com page.

It's always nice to be able to reach out and touch someone, especially if you have a favor to return.................
posted on October 9, 2001 01:55:39 PM new
I would also notify the FBI. They can take action quickly too.


There are the links and forms at part of our site. I was just about to go to the site when I read the warning.

Good Job, folks!

posted on October 9, 2001 02:46:37 PM new

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I was able to remove the virus from my system it is the VBS/Haptime.A@mm. Please do not open the link I provided above. It will infect your computer.

If you have already opened the link run a virus software.

Thanks again to everyone for your help.

posted on October 9, 2001 03:12:45 PM new

The apology is a good thing, an edit of a direct insult will keep you from getting a warning.

[email protected]
posted on October 9, 2001 03:51:26 PM new
Hi i got 2 of them the other day but they came as [email protected]. The email from them said they were investigating me for illegal activity and to clink on the link to verify my paypal account. When i clicked on the link it took me to a weird site. I immediately closed it and didn't verify anything.I think i still have the email from them. I was going to forward it to paypal but didn't know where to forward it to.

posted on October 9, 2001 03:53:40 PM new
Hi forgottenchild,

Please feel free to direct anything my way that looks suspicious.

posted on October 9, 2001 03:55:03 PM new
where do i forward it to?

posted on October 9, 2001 03:56:58 PM new

Sorry...I assume most users know my alias ([email protected]).

posted on October 9, 2001 04:00:01 PM new
This is what the email said and it was from [email protected]. I will still forward you the original if you want me to.

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
([email protected]) on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 at 02:14:44

: Dear current verified Paypal Account Member,

In our database, we came to an error in your Paypal Account. Our records show
that you have been violated our Policy. It was under Fraudalent review of our
Paypal Staff. Please verify your information by clicking <a
href="">here</a> to Log on to your account. By
entering the information, it would greatly help us solve common misused errors.
Failure to complete will result in Account termination. Sorry for any

Paypal Staff Team

posted on October 9, 2001 04:01:20 PM new

Thank you for the information. It has been forwarded off to our fraud team.

posted on October 9, 2001 04:02:00 PM new
Thanks Damon you are quick!!

posted on October 9, 2001 04:03:21 PM new

Do you have the full email? I would like to review the headers as well.


posted on October 9, 2001 04:05:14 PM new
Bad spelling and bad grammar is also a good indication of a scam, as is the case with both fake paypal messages posted above.

Then again, I've seen messages with poor English from legitimate businesses, too. But never that bad.

posted on October 9, 2001 04:05:46 PM new
Hi i will go to my email and forward it to you right now.

posted on October 9, 2001 04:08:22 PM new
Damon it's on the way to you right now.

I noticed the bad spelling also

posted on October 9, 2001 04:11:57 PM new
Thanks for the information. The other clue would be the address...

Notice the ip in the address, not a secure https: or name.

posted on October 9, 2001 04:14:00 PM new

Not a problem It happens a lot around here.

Am I reading this correctly? There are now viruses/worms that can infect your system by just visiting a web site?

If you disable scripting, Java, ActiveX, ect, would that keep your system from becoming infected?

[ edited by outoftheblue on Oct 9, 2001 04:23 PM ]
posted on October 9, 2001 08:10:10 PM new
a few months ago,i received an email which said click on this hyperlink to get your paypal bonus.
i clicked on the link and came to a site which asked for my id and password and i entered both ,then the screen went blank.
there must be a way to catch these crooks.

posted on October 9, 2001 08:14:08 PM new
Am I reading this correctly? There are now viruses/worms that can infect your system by just visiting a web site?

Yes. Some of the latest do just that.

edited to add: And there are also viruses out there which send hidden virus attachments. Good anti-virus software is critical today.
[ edited by Eventer on Oct 9, 2001 08:15 PM ]
posted on October 9, 2001 09:19:43 PM new
i wonder why they pick on paypal and not billpoint??
i still think paypal needs to watch what kind of contract programmers are they using for doing work on their system?/

posted on October 9, 2001 10:05:03 PM new
OH IF I ONLY WOULD HAVE payed attention to this post LOL . I started to read about this on this post and , JUST HAD TO TAKE A L@@K!! OH MAN if I only had a clue . I just spent the last 3 hours fixing my computer . That will teach me . I thought I would be SMART and put in some rude user name and password that were not mine . I guess the joke was on me!!

posted on October 10, 2001 12:03:57 AM new
Do you think maybe the virus is some sort of program that will harvest your paypal user info and password when you actually go to the real paypal site?

I was think maybe it would send the user info without you knowing it.

Maybe I am just paranoid.


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