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posted on October 26, 2001 08:28:07 AM new
Hi Blanche,

If you're still checking in here, I just wanted to say goodbye before the door's slammed in our faces.

You always helped me whenever I ran up against a computer conundrum. It was reassuring to know that I could come to eBay Outlook and cry "Blanche!" and you'd be here with your knowledge and experience to help me out. You've always been gracious about it too, and never made me feel like I was imposing on your time.

Thanks for being here for me. I hope we meet up on the OAI boards again someday soon.


posted on October 26, 2001 10:56:16 AM new
Hi spaz. Thank you for this post and your kind words. I thoroughly enjoyed trying to help out and am kind of sorry you haven't had any computer problems lately. I'm really going to miss many of the AW posters and this whole situation makes me feel sad. I've been posting a bit over at the other major online auction forum and hope to see you over there but if not I'm sure we'll meet again.

You're one of the good guys. Take care of yourself.


I decided to edit out the name of the other forum since AW DELETED one of my posts in the ANNOUNCEMENT thread that mentioned that forum in a NONPROMOTIONAL way. Not Good AW!!
[ edited by bhearsch on Oct 26, 2001 11:40 AM ]
posted on October 26, 2001 12:15:22 PM new
Hi Blanche & Spaz,

I too wanted to thank Blanche for always being ready & willing to help me with my puter SNAFU'S. Had it not been for Blanche I may have not survived my last major meltdown.

Thanks Blanche, and I hope to see both you & Spaz over at the OT*A board in the future.


posted on October 26, 2001 12:53:29 PM new
And Blanche and I have had any number of interesting discussions here at AW about eBay direct marketing tactics, privacy, and such issues.

It was interesting, and it's been fun here at AW in general, but since there is no more room here for those who aren't willing or able to give out CC information, I'll by flying on.

Take care.

What's being done in the name of direct marketing nowadays is crazy.
The above are all just my opinions, except where I cite facts as such.
Oh, I am not dc9a320 anywhere except AW. Any others are not me.
Is eBay is changing from a world bazaar into a bizarre world?
posted on October 26, 2001 12:53:45 PM new
Blanche, I would like to add my voice to those who thank you for your assistance and insight into several issues over the past couple of years. You have always provided thorough and able assistance and I thank you for that. Besides, you are a fellow Locknergnome!

I would also like to thank Meya – she has always been ready to assist anyone in her most capable way.

Hopefully we will cross paths in the future. All the best to you, and thanks for the post Spazmodous.

posted on October 26, 2001 01:10:57 PM new
I will add my thanks to Blanche for all her help. Thanks especially for all the links to other sites where I have learned HTML and FTP.

Also thanks to all that contributed to this thread last March:


I learned lots and best wishes to all!

posted on October 26, 2001 01:21:51 PM new
Blanche, I mostly lurked but wanted you to know that I learned a lot from reading your posts here. I also enjoyed our chats in the intimate atmosphere of Kevin's place last year. I wish I had a fraction of your knowledge.

posted on October 26, 2001 01:31:35 PM new
Blanche, I learned a lot from your posts. And thanks to you and another poster for AdAware.
You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on October 26, 2001 11:59:07 PM new
Blanche, You helped me many,many times as well. Thank you!

posted on October 27, 2001 10:16:01 AM new
I've been sitting here trying to think of something to say but no words are forthcoming. I honestly never thought anyone was interested or really read my posts until I saw the comments in this thread. I'm happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I now realize that some folks DID read my posts so I wasn't just wasting my time typing and SAD because after being a member for almost three years I won't be able to post here any more.

I will continue to stop by and read this forum as long as it continues to offer helpful information but I will not post here after the CC requirement takes effect.

THANK YOU for this thread and for your kind words. I'm going to miss you all but I'm sure we'll meet again elsewhere because the online auction community is really a small world. There are some serious issues we all have to try to deal with in our business and I know we'll find each other on other sites and forums.

Kiawok (hi Neil) knows how to get in touch with me if you ever need or wish to do so and I've also left my secondary email addy on page 5 in the NEW MESSAGE CENTER FORMAT thread which I check at least once a day. Please take care of yourselves.


posted on October 27, 2001 08:28:15 PM new
Blanche, I'll be "seeing" you, & you know where.
I too want to thank you for all your help & also want to thank Meya. Most of what I know has come directly from this message board. Have to thank Eventer too for teaching me how to eloquently & politely put a problem bidder in his place with great wording.
There was a little of everything here, no, make that a lot of everything. I thought this would go on forever, but on the internet forever is measured in just a few years.

I read your post on RT, it really hit home. I feel the same way & could not have said it better.

posted on October 27, 2001 11:22:47 PM new
Um Blanche, before you go ... LOL.

I recently upgraded to 5.0 and when I visit certain sites I now get messages telling me that in order to view the site properly, I must click and install "Microsoft Virtual Machine." Also one called "Flash"-something.

Another message I get, particularly when downloading the Sell sheet on eBay, is a message encouraging me to click and download "Rimfire Active-X" something-or-other.

From reading your posts, I've learned not to automatically download stuff just because a prompt tells me I need to. What is this Virtual Machine? What does it do? Does it have a downside I should be aware of? Does it incorporate spyware that tells Microsoft everything I'm doing? Ditto for that Rimfire and Flash thing?

I'm very wary of downloading plug-ins of this sort. Any enlightenment you can provide is appreciated.

(Neil, I forgot you were Kiawok. I was about to ask in Round Table the other day whether anyone had seen your original screen name lately. Glad you're still around.)

posted on October 28, 2001 09:58:34 AM new
Hiya Spaz. I'm glad to see you finally upgraded your browser.

You don't need Microsoft's Virtual Machine and I personally think it poses a security risk. Here's an article about that:


If you want to download the latest version do it from Microsoft's Windows Update site and then turn it off by going to TOOLS-INTERNET OPTIONS-ADVANCED and look for MICROSOFT VM and be sure all three functions are UNCHECKED.

The Rimfire Active-X control is for eBay's picture services and you don't want to use that if you don't use their photo services. There are a few ways to avoid it. One is to just leave the Active-X window open while you fill in the sell your item form and then submit it and close that window. Another way is to use the old Sell Your Item form located here:
http://cgi5.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ListItemForSaleShow You will have to sign in and accept a cookie to use any of the sell forms now and you may have to refresh the page in the above URL and then sign in again. (the cookie thing really sucks)

The other way to get around the Active-X window is to choose not to use Picture Services on the Sell Your Item form by going to the Picture Services FAQ page at
http://pages.ebay.com/help/basics/f-photoservices.html On this page, find the link in this sentence: "Note: If your browser is not compatible with Picture Service, you may consider bypassing Picture Services when listing your item on that page." That link is located towards the bottom of the FAQ page referenced above. Or go directly to the page at
http://cgi5.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ShowPhotoOption&page=167 You have to be signed in for this page to work. This last workaround came from Rosalinda's Tagnotes.

I NEVER allow Active X controls to be downloaded on my computer unless I absolutely trust the site. Since there are few sites I absolutely trust I never download Active X controls except with the Windows Update site. Active X can be dangerous and I would avoid letting anyone download those controls on your computer. Just say "NO" to the pop-up box.

The FLASH is referring to Macromedia's Flash or Shockwave. You don't need these either for listing on eBay but if you want them go to Microsoft's Windows Update site and download them there. I'm pretty sure you already have Shockwave on your computer and the pop-up box is asking if you want to RUN flash. Just click the "no" button. You may not have the most recent version so if you want to upgrade you can do so at the Windows Update site. Shockwave/Flash is a good thing to have in case you want to use the flash function for viewing a greeting card, etc. but it isn't necessary for basic computer browsing. I have Flash on my computer but I have my Security settings fixed so that Flash won't run without my permission.

The MICROSOFT WINDOWS UPDATE site is an important place to frequent in order to get all of the patches for your browser version. It will download an Active X control which is necessary in order to be able to tell what you already have on your computer and what you need to install. This is the only site that I allow to download the Active X control and even though I don't like to do that, it's necessary. You need to allow ACTIVE SCRIPTING to run in order to use this site. Just be sure to turn it back off when you leave. TOOLS-INTERNET OPTIONS-SECURITY-INTERNET-highlight CUSTOM LEVEL-SCRIPTING-check the Active Scripting box ONLY.

This site is a good one for explaining the most secure settings to use for your browser. Just say "no" to the annoying Active x and Macromedia pop-ups. http://www.pcnineoneone.com/howto/secbrow1.html

I hope this helps. Post back here if you have any problems or you can reach me through the email addy I left on page 5 of the NEW MESSAGE CENTER FORMAT thread if the CC requirement is in effect since I won't be able to post here after that time. I check that addy at least once a day.


[ edited by bhearsch on Oct 28, 2001 10:23 AM ]
posted on October 28, 2001 11:03:58 AM new
Hi again, Blanche,

I was poking around in my Internet Tools and found something listed under Objects that I'm not sure of. It's called Java Runtime Environment 1.2 and is described as an ActiveX Control. Do I need this? Should I delete it?

posted on October 28, 2001 12:00:49 PM new
Spaz, I don't have that in my OBJECTS file. I'm not sure if you should delete that or not but you can disable it by removing the checks from all of the Microsoft VM options in the ADVANCED section as well as checking DISABLE under the JAVA VM located in the SECURITY INTERNET CUSTOM LEVEL tab of your browser. Here is a URL that describes the Microsoft Java Runtime Environment : http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/jre/ I never enable the Microsoft VM located in the ADVANCED section and I only enable the JAVA VM in the SECURITY section by setting the permission to HIGH if I wish to view the OAUA Board meetings which use a chat format. But as a rule, I simply don't like to enable JAVA at all!!.

BTW, what IE5 build to you have? You can check by going to the HELP tab located at the top of your browser and select ABOUT INTERNET EXPLORER. You should find a build number there. It's important to keep up with the security patches because IE has had some huge security holes and subsequent patches are important for you to download. That's the reason the Update site is necessary because they will list all of the important security patches for your browser version.


[ edited by bhearsch on Oct 28, 2001 12:04 PM ]
posted on October 28, 2001 12:37:20 PM new
I'm not sure how this Java Runtime Environment got into my the Objects portion of my Temporary Internet Files folder. Maybe it dates back to something that occurred about a month ago: AW pages stopped loading for me the day after I upgraded. Immediately prior to start of the problem I had OK'd a plug-in because I thought it might be integral to the proper functioning of the upgrade. But once the AW pages stopped loading I wondered (erroneously, as it turns out, since the problem proved to be of AW origin) if the plug-in might be causing the problem. Here's what I posted:

just before AW started having problems, I had OK'd an automatic download of something called "JavaApplet" or "JavaSoft." Everything had been working fine before I downloaded the new java file, but then my pages started freezing on AW, locking up after I downloaded it. I figured the cause of the problem was the Java thingie I had just downloaded -- not knowing it was really AW at fault -- so I went back and deleted it all. Now I'm not so sure I should have done that, or whether it's something I really need (it wasn't in the basic upgrade package, it was an add-on).

Maybe the Runtime Environment thing came from that original plug-in.

The only reason I okayed the plug-in in the first place was because I go to a site that lets me participate in an IRC chat without actually having to be on IRC, and that site utilizes Java applets. In fact, since I upgraded, I haven't been able to get access to that particular chat. Used to be I'd click on "Enter," and a screen came up that said "Initializing Java Applet" and then I'd be inside. Now, though, I just get a red X when I hit enter, no chat.

My browser version is 5.00.2314.1003IS.

posted on October 28, 2001 12:57:33 PM new
OK, I think you can delete that Java Runtime thingy because I think that's where it came from. In order to use a chat program you have to download the java applet so you will need to change your settings in the SECURITY section. If you have JAVA PERMISSIONS disabled under Microsoft VM, which you should, then check either the HIGH or MEDIUM safety box in order to run the applet. After you finish with the chat program you can reset it to disable Java. Be sure you highlight the correct zone which is the INTERNET ZONE when you go to the SECURITY section before you click on CUSTOM LEVEL.

I do end up with a java control in my OBJECTS file after I use OAUA's chat program but I always delete it. I probably don't need to do that but I do it anyway. Also, I delete everything in my temp IE files and my Windows temp files at least once a day except for any cookies I might want to keep. For me that number is zero but you may have a few you want to keep in there.

Edited to add: The best browser build IMO is IE 5.00.3314.2101. I think you need to apply a few patches to get yours to that build number. I have to go offline for a few hours but will post back here later tonight to let you know how to upgrade your browser's build.

[ edited by bhearsch on Oct 28, 2001 01:03 PM ]
posted on October 28, 2001 04:08:51 PM new
Hi spaz. The version of IE you're currently using is IE5 and the one I'm using is IE5.1 SP2. I personally think (and I'm not the only one) IE5.1 SP2 is the most stable and secure version out there right now and I have not bothered to upgrade to IE6. Here is a list of the different versions of IE:
http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q164/5/39.ASP and here is the download page with instructions for IE5.1 Service Pack2 if you wish to upgrade. This version also upgrades Outlook Express to 128 bit encryption which is strongly advised. However, you can pick and choose the features you want to upgrade.

I think I remember you mentioning you were using AOL. If you are, there's an important security hole when using ICQ (AIM) which you may want to know about. AOL software automatically inserts "free.aol.com" into your TRUSTED ZONE WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION when you download or upgrade AIM. Check out this article from Fred Langa:

If you decide not to upgrade your current browser then I strongly suggest you use the Windows Update site to find out what security patches you need and download them. Also, if you're still having problems with the java applet you should delete that object from the OBJECT file and also delete all of your IE temp files as well as your Windows temp files because that object may be corrupted. You'll get a new one the next time you want to use a chat program. Let me know if you have any other problems.


posted on October 28, 2001 04:37:50 PM new
Blanche: I got your email regarding the other place

Thanks for such a quick reply! Will be seeing you there!

posted on October 29, 2001 08:15:10 AM new
Spaz, are you OK? I hope I didn't say anything to cause your computer to crash.

Thriftstorequeen, I'll see you over there.

posted on October 29, 2001 03:57:47 PM new
LOL, Blanche, I'm still here. Still taking it all in and trying to form coherent questions. Btw, I found the other board place you mentioned, so if we get cut off here, I'll just pick it up over there.

I have no intention of downloading AIM. Something about that gizmo has always given me a bad feeling.

posted on October 29, 2001 04:27:40 PM new
What a RELIEF!! I was afraid I'd really screwed up your computer. I'm glad you found the other board and I hope to see you over there. You can also email me if you need future help. Myrealbox.com doesn't ask for any personal info when you set up an account so it works well for those who wish to retain their privacy.

I have never been much of a sleeper and only average about 4 or 5 hours a night. I'm glad to know that you and Neil will keep me occupied with computer problems during those early hours of the morning when everyone else is in bed. LOL Please don't be a stranger.


posted on October 29, 2001 04:49:48 PM new

I use myrealbox.com too, and it's great. The best thing is, it will forward your mail to your regular account. In my case, that means I don't have to keep checking my "board" email. My regular email alerts me, so I don't miss anything. I've never gotten spam there, either...

The old Netscape acct. I had didn't do that, so sometimes I missed mail for days (because I'd forget to check the silly thing).

posted on October 29, 2001 05:37:18 PM new
Here's another vote for myrealbox. Great free e-mail account, and my inbox is still Spam-free!!!!!!

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